I have created a automation suite in java selenium using testng frame work.Basically in my suite the scenarios are placed in between before and after method.
I want to take the screen shot for each failed and passed test scenario.For that i have created a separate class and calling it in each script to capture the screenshot before the after Method.
The issue that i am facing here is if the scenario is getting failed the script stopped executing and it is not moving to the take screenshot line of code and so it is not capturing the screenshot for the failed ones.
So i want the take screenshot program to be only placed in after method so before the driver quit it will take the screenshot inspite of the scenario result of pass/fail.
I have written code for nearly 20 scenario using testng.
Can some one tel me the code in the after method only to take the screenshot without so much effecting the code which i have written.
The screenshot program should only be in the after method so it will capture teh screen before driver quit.
Make sure you catch exceptions so you won't exit the code prematurely.
For example, this is how I take screenshots after every test run (passed or failed). I use the exception value (if any) to dynamically name the screenshot files.
First, an example test method:
[DataSource("System.Data.SqlClient", "Data Source=DEV338\\X2B;Initial Catalog=SeleniumDb;Integrated Security=True",
"dbo.F_single_ErkenningAannemerKlasse1", DataAccessMethod.Sequential), TestMethod]
public void erkenningAannemerKlasse1()
catch (Exception e)
exception = e.Message + " " + e.StackTrace;
Then this method executes after every test. Default behaviour in Microsoft UnitTest framework, in this case.
public void Cleanup()
frontUser.takeScreenshot(data.get("testnaam"), data.get("datarow"), exception);
I have a method like the following one :
void enact(#NonNull final Request request) {
XInput input = this.xBuilder.buildInputPayload(request);
final Thread componentThread = new Thread(()->this.component.runJob(input));
void testVTService_Success() {
verify(component, times(1)). runJob(any(XInput.class)); //Verification
Upon verification that the component.runJob() method is being executed it is throwing an error stating that Wanted but not invoked: component.runJob() Actually, there were zero interactions with this mock.
How do I fix this? And verify if the thread is starting & executing the runJob method?
Your test is running on one thread, and your code under test runs a new thread.
This means that your test verification runs before the runJob method because of multithreading.
At that point the test saying "Wanted but not invoked" is correct (the test code ran, checked if the production method had ran, it had not ... aand then in the background the production code ran (too late)).
Ideally you should separate the control of threading from the logic in your app. Wrap the Thread in a ThreadFactory, for real code you can pass an actual Thread, for test code you can pass an object that runs the code instantly (on the same thread).
Or (not recommended) you hack your test (this will help you understand):
void testVTService_Success() {
try { Thread.sleep(TimeUnit.SECONDS.toMillis(10)); } catch (Exception e) { assertTrue(false); }
verify(component, times(1)). runJob(any(XInput.class));
Now your test will always take 10 seconds, but hopefully the production code doesn't take 10 seconds to complete execution?
This is not ideal, like I said originally you would want to pull the Thread out of that Method, pass in some type of Factory to the class and pass a Fake object in the test. (Thus avoiding trying to test multithreaded code.)
Is it not possible to have both SUCCCESS and FAILURE Outcome in the story?
Outcome: FAILURE
Given I capture page screenshot
Given I close browser
Outcome: SUCCESS
Given I close browser
Scenario: Sample one
Given I open browser
When I do something
Scenario: Sample two
Given I open browser
When I do another thing
For example, for failures I want to take a screenshot before closing the browser. If successful I just want to close the browser.
I know I can just close the browser at the end of all my scenarios and only have the failure outcome remain. I would like to know if there is a way to do this in the Lifecycle After.
Quoting OP:
For example, for failures I want to take a screenshot before closing the browser. If successful I just want to close the browser.
Now, the interesting question will be which framework are you using for your assertions?
I'll assume you use Junit which comes bundled with JBehave as JBehave relies on knowing there is an error by JUnit's thrown exception.
The idea is to:
a) throw an exception when an error occurs (so need to check on every step)
b) take a screenshot
c) continue with testing (i.e. closing the browser)
So in order to throw an exception, you really do no need to do much as this is done automatically when using JUnit's Assert statement.
so for example
If the above fails an exception will be thrown.
You can capture it as such:
public class RunnerExtension implements AfterTestExecutionCallback {
public void afterTestExecution(ExtensionContext context) throws Exception {
Boolean testResult = context.getExecutionException().isPresent();
System.out.println(testResult); //false - SUCCESS, true - FAILED
public abstract class Tests {
Taken from this answer:
JUnit5 - How to get test result in AfterTestExecutionCallback
So basically you override the standard behaviour -after- each assertion has been executed. In the case above you can add (when an exception is thrown --> take screenshot).
Here is the take a screenshot code for Selenium-Java:
WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver();
File scrFile = ((TakesScreenshot)driver).getScreenshotAs(OutputType.FILE);
// Now you can do whatever you need to do with it, for example copy somewhere
FileUtils.copyFile(scrFile, new File("c:\\tmp\\screenshot.png"));
Hope the above helps!
Is there a way to quit the entire test suite if a condition is met in the #BeforeSuite annotation? Maybe a way to call the #AfterSuite and bypass the entire test?
I make a database call in the #BeforeSuite. If the query returns any results, I send an email and now am wanting to kill the entire test suite.
I have tried System.exit(1); and org.testng.Assert.fail("There are unpaid invoices");, but neither of those terminate the entire suite. My scripts are setup to run classes in parallel and when I run the test from the test.xml file, each class tries to start and opens a window and then immediately closes it.
FYI, the drivers do not get created until the #BeforeClass or #BeforeMethod (depending on the switch I created for parallel methods or classes). So in all reality, there should never even be an attempt to open a browser window.
try new SkipException("message"); this will skip the tests if the provided condition is not true.
Try the below code in beforesuite annotation method , check if the run mode of your suite is Y/N. if that's N Then throw an Exception
throw new skipException("desired Message")
Please keep it in mind don't catch the skip exception in try and catch block. otherwise it will go for the execution of testcases in that suite after throwing skip Exception
package com.qtpselenium.suiteA;
import org.testng.SkipException;
import org.testng.annotations.BeforeSuite;
import com.qtpselenium.base.TestBase;
import com.qtpselenium.util.TestUtil;
public class TestSuiteBase extends TestBase{
public void checksuiteskip(){
//Initialize method of Test BASE Class to Initialize the logs and all the excel files
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
App_Logs.debug("checking run mode of SuiteA");
if( !TestUtil.isSuiterunnable(suitexlsx, "suiteA")){
App_Logs.debug("Run mode for SuiteA is N");
throw new SkipException("Run mode for suiiteA is N");
App_Logs.debug("Run mode for SuiteA is Y");
I need to write a JUnit test case for a never ending main() method. This main() method after processing some files sleeps for a minute and then resumes its execution. This process goes on and on and on.
I used the below code to write JUnit for it:
#Test (timeout = 10000)
public void testMainMethod()
assertEquals(true, true);
And with no surprise, my test case failed with java.lang.Exception: test timed out after 10000 milliseconds message. Even when the main() method works as expected, this test case is going to be failed with the timeout exception. How could i override the behavior of this failing test case so that in case of timeout exception it should show the result as "Succeeded" for this test case.
The actual requirement is:
I need to search the files from a particular location and, if found any, then move them to different folder. This search should be done every 30 minutes. For this i have used below code:
public class FaxProcessor {
public static void main(String[] args) {
LOGGER.info("*** Starting Fax Server Processor ***");
int poll_time = 1800000;
LOGGER.info("Poll Time set to " + poll_time + " millisec");
FaxProcessor faxProcessor = new FaxProcessor();
while (true) {
try {
LOGGER.debug("Starting new pass of fax processor");
} catch (Exception e) {
LOGGER.error("Processing Error", e);
} finally {
try {
// Wait for next loop
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
LOGGER.error("Thread Exception", e);
// startProcessing and other private methods here
The biggest problem is, I have only one public method {main() method} and all others are private, so i cant write JUnit test case for them. Also, main() method is not returning anything, it only moves files from one folder to another, and in case it fails in moving files in one pass, it tries to do the same in next pass. So using JUnit test case, i only want to check whether an unexpected exception is coming during whole process or not.
If i will not specify timeout in JUnit, the test case is never gonna complete then. As soon as the timeout occurs, i want to check, whether the test case is completed due to Timeout exception or some other exception has come from inside main() method that haulted JUnit test case.
In case it's Timeout exception, this implies, everything inside my program, went in the right direction till the timeout occured, so the test case should SUCCEED. In all other case it should show FAILED as JUnit status.
You have artificially constrained your testing environment, with this statement: "I have only one public method {main() method} and all others are private" -- who says? If this is a requirement imposed by your teacher, then you should seriously consider getting out of the class.
1) Proper testing means testing a) that candidate files are recognized, b) that candidate files are moved, and c) the operation occurs periodically.
2) Factor your main routine into the infinite-loop control part and the worker part. Even better, make the wait interval be a computed value.
3) Use protected methods instead of private methods. Since they are protected, you can now use a sub-class to get access to methods as you need, without violating necessary encapsulation.
You should think of separating long running unit tests. How to achieve that is for example shown here or here.
I don't understand what you want to do.
If you got Timeout Exception, that means the test case ran too long.
If you want to test the main method, and it contains an infinite loop, how can you determine that the method works as expected?
For your problem, use
#Test (timeout = 10000, expected=Exception.class)
I need to test a webpage via desktop application, I'm trying to use
the selenium IDE, I had sucess to create the test cases, but I'm not
able to execute them on java.
I've been looking for something helpful, but I can't find any help at all.
Thank you
A framework that has been created for just this cause, (it's in Java) can be downloaded here or you can check the project out from github here.
This project was designed to be very simple, yet very effective. This type of framework is a "free version" of my interpretation of a framework that I use every day in production-type environments.
There is a sample test that is enclosed in the project named SampleFunctionalTest.java. Assuming you follow the ReadMe to the T, you should have no problem getting started.
Here is what a test would look like in this framework.
#Config(url = "http://ddavison.github.io/tests/getting-started-with-selenium.htm", browser = Browser.FIREFOX) // You are able to specify a "base url" for your test, from which you will test. You may leave `browser` blank.
public class SampleFunctionalTest extends AutomationTest {
* You are able to fire this test right up and see it in action. Right click the test() method, and click "Run As... jUnit test".
* The purpose of this is to show you how you can continue testing, just by taking the semi colon out, and continuing with your test.
public void test() {
// click / validateAttribute
.validateAttribute(props.get("click"), "class", "success") // validate that the class indeed added.
// setText / validateText
.setText(By.id("setTextField"), "woot!")
.validateText(By.id("setTextField"), "woot!") // validates that it indeed set.
// check / uncheck
.validateChecked(By.id("checkbox")) // validate that it checked
.check(props.get("radio.2")) // remember that props come from <class name>.properties, and are always CSS selectors. (why use anything else, honestly.)
.validateUnchecked(props.get("radio.1")) // since radio 1 was selected by default, check the second one, then validate that the first radio is no longer checked.
// select from dropdowns.
.selectOptionByText(By.xpath("//select[#id='select']"), "Second") // just as a proof of concept that you can select on anything. But don't use xpath!!
.validateText(By.id("select"), "2") // validateText() will actually return the value="" attr of a dropdown, so that's why 2 works but "Second" will not.
.selectOptionByValue(By.cssSelector("select#select"), "3")
.validateText(props.get("select"), "3")
// frames
.switchToFrame("frame") // the id="frame"
// windows
.switchToWindow("Getting Started with Selenium") // switch back to the test window.
.click(By.linkText("Open a new tab / window"))
.waitForWindow("Google") // waits for the url. Can also be the you are expecting. :) (regex enabled too)
.setText(By.name("q"), "google!")
.closeWindow(); // we've closed google, and back on the getting started with selenium page.
You should create an instance of a WebDriver and call methods on the instance of that object.
An easy example is shown here: http://www.seleniumhq.org/docs/03_webdriver.jsp#introducing-the-selenium-webdriver-api-by-example
I hope you have created the script in webdriver.
Now in the script recorded by the selenium ide you have three methods called
setup, testSomeName and tearDown.
From the very basic: to run this script all you need to do is create a main method in the same class and in that you need to call these methods in the same order as specified above.
After that you just need to run that program.
Here is an example to make it more clear:
public class p_adjcb {
public void setUp() throws Exception {
public void testP_adjcb() throws Exception {
public void tearDown() throws Exception {
public static void main(String[] args) {
p_adjcb obj = new p_adjcb();
try {
} catch (Exception ex) {
If you get any compiler error make sure you have downloaded the selenium-standalone-server.jar file and added it to your class path.
This is a very basic start. Later on you may need to use som framework like junit.
Hope it helps.