How can I log JDBC database queries using java.util.logging? - java

I want to debug a few of my application JDBC queries so I wanted to configure java.util.logging to dump the actual SELECT statements that were run against the database and the data bound to their parameters.
I already have java.util.logging configured to log other messages to file. The setup code is as folloing:
Handler fh = new FileHandler("file.log", true);
Logger logger = Logger.getLogger("");
fh.setFormatter(new GruposLogFormatter());
So, how can I configure java.util.logging to log JDBC queries to a file or sysout?
This answer barely touches the subject, but didn't help me.

If you are using Hibernate following configurations can be done to get the sql queries printed.
How to print a query string with parameter values when using Hibernate
You can use also and intercept all queries and log them to a file


How can I capture query sent from Java (tomcat) to an Oracle DB?

I have an application written by a 3rd party which uses Java/Tomcat talking to an Oracle 12c ( DB. In its logs it reports "Error inserting into table" but provides no details. In talking with the author's support staff they indicate it is old code and they have no way to give more detail. They say the application is better supported with MSSQL which we do not support in our shop.
I would like to see what the insert statement going to the Oracle DB looks like, but haven't been able to find it in v$sqltext. As an alternative, I was hoping to find a tool like fiddler to view the outbound traffic on port 1521.
Is there specific tool that would allow trapping this traffic which is not encrypted so I can see the "query" sent and the response coming back from the Oracle DB?
A general sniffer may work, but they generally get a lot of extraneous traffic and require a fair amount of mucking about to find what you want.
As I mentioned in the comments I am not a Tomcat/Java person. I think I found where the classpath is set. Given the windows batch file below, is the "driver" that needs to be replaced bcprov-jdk16-138.jar?
set PROJLIB=..\..
set libDIR=%PROJLIB%\appserver\webapps\receiver\WEB-INF\lib
set consoleDIR=%PROJLIB%\bin\lib
set endorsedLibDir=%PROJLIB%\appserver\endorsed
set CPATH= %consoleDIR%\console.jar;%libDIR%\ebxml.jar;%libDIR%\commons-io-1.1.jar;%libDIR%\bcprov-jdk16-138.jar;%libDIR%\xercesImpl.jar
set PATH=%JAVA_HOME%\bin;%SystemRoot%;%SystemRoot%\system32
Additional Notes:
The above file is called setenv.bat.
Regarding trying to capture the SQL from the database, the application is not a windows app, it is an app which accepts data from the network and writes it to the DB. This makes knowing precisely when to start and stop monitoring difficult. It seems to be connected for a very short period. It does seem to be able to read data, but not insert.
Assuming that you are using the Oracle JDBC driver and that you have the ability to replace the JDBC driver in some environment in order to debug the problem, Oracle provides versions of the JDBC driver that can be configured to log the SQL statements that are executed.
An alternative would be to create a servererror trigger in the database that logs the SQL statements that fail. I believe that would require that the SQL statement that is failing is well-formed which isn't guaranteed if the third party app is encountering an error dynamically assembling the statement. If the statement never lands in v$sql that may indicate that it isn't well-formed but it's worth a try.
If you're licensed to use the AWR/ ASH tables, you could also try querying dba_hist_active_sess_history. Oracle samples the active sessions every second. If the failing statement happens to be caught in the sampling, you'd see it there. If this is a typical OLTP application doing single-row inserts, you may need to run through a lot of samples in order to catch an active session with that statement but that may be reasonable.
The simples approach is, if you can localize your database session (using gv$session selecting your connection USERNAME).
Get the SID and SERIAL# of the connection and activate the 10046 trace using the following statement. (substutite SID for session_id and SERIAL# for serial_num)
EXEC DBMS_MONITOR.session_trace_enable(session_id =>271, serial_num=>46473, binds=>TRUE);
Note that you need permissions for both querying gv$session and executing DBMS_MONITOR so DBA access is required to grant them to your user.
Than check the trace file on the database server in folder trace, the trace file has a name such as xe_m005_1336.trc
Grep for the table name, you schould see someting like this I simulated for failed insert on the table my_table
PARSING IN CURSOR #854854488 len=38 dep=0 uid=104 oct=2 lid=104 tim=380974114197 hv=1259660490 ad='7ff08904d88' sqlid='1ttgvst5j9t6a'
insert into my_table(col1) values(:1 )
PARSE #854854488:c=0,e=495,p=0,cr=0,cu=0,mis=1,r=0,dep=0,og=1,plh=0,tim=380974114195
PARSE ERROR #854854488:len=39 dep=0 uid=104 oct=2 lid=104 tim=380974117361 err=904
insert into my_table(col1) values(:1 )
Note that this is example of an exception
java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: ORA-00904: "COL1": invalid identifier
so the statement fails with an PARSE ERROR
If the insert fails due to some constraint vialotation, you will see such sequence
PARSING IN CURSOR #715594288 len=37 dep=0 uid=104 oct=2 lid=104 tim=382407621534 hv=3290870806 ad='7ff0032e238' sqlid='17t3q0v22dd0q'
insert into my_table(col) values(:1 )
PARSE #715594288:c=0,e=245,p=0,cr=0,cu=0,mis=1,r=0,dep=0,og=1,plh=0,tim=382407621532
The cursor id is #715594288so check with this id further in the trace file
BINDS #715594288:
oacdty=02 mxl=22(22) mxlc=00 mal=00 scl=00 pre=00
oacflg=03 fl2=1000000 frm=01 csi=873 siz=24 off=0
kxsbbbfp=2aa71a00 bln=22 avl=02 flg=05
Here you see the bind variables passed in the insert, it was the value = 7 that caused the failure.
EXEC #715594288:c=0,e=4614,p=0,cr=7,cu=0,mis=1,r=0,dep=0,og=1,plh=0,tim=382407626259
ERROR #715594288:err=2290 tim=382407626283
The statement failed in the execution with exception such as
java.sql.SQLIntegrityConstraintViolationException: ORA-02290: check constraint (XXXX.SYS_C0012357) violated
Check the documentation for further details
If you have db access via sqldeveloper....
Go to reports tab, then drill down through data dictionary, database administration, sessions, and finally sessions.
In that view, look for your app's active module(s) and look at the Active SQL tab.
One of them should have your insert statement....
This might help as well...
The ultimate approach is to trace the JDBC connection on the client. Please find the full documentation here
In the first step you must get the logging JDBC driver on the CLASSPATH. The logging driver has a suggix _g in the name, e.g. ojdbc8_g.jar if you use ojdbc8.jar
The driver can be found in the Oracle installation in the folder jdbc/lib/
Further you must define a properties file say with following content
Finally when you run the Java application you must define two properties
java -Doracle.jdbc.Trace=true ...
This will produce a trace file om the error output where you can find the executed statements.
INFO: DRCP Enabled: false
Mar 23, 2021 10:40:31 PM oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleStatement logSQL
CONFIG: BAB2F1 SQL: insert into my_table(col1) values(?)
What I ended up doing was downloading WireShark, a sniffer, and monitored the TCP/IP packets.

how to store logs in stringBuilder

I want to show the frontend user all the logs. How can I transport all the log statements to a frontend? For example:
void process(){
// currently this is shown in a file and in a console"process called..");
How can I transport this log message to the frontend in an efficient manner? Should I append the logs into a StringBuilder? How can I do this with Log4j2?
Currently, I have a no jdbc store. But I can store all my logs to a no sql database. I cannot use JDBCAppender (or CassandraAppender). Should I avoid a Logger and do it myself:
Instead of"process called..");
I could use
user.addLog("process called..");
Would it be better to get the string value of If so, how?
The best idea would would be to store your logs in a database with a JDBCAppender. When the user requests the logs, you can decide how many of the logs to load and return in your response.
If you would hold all your logs in memory e.g. in a StringBuffer, you could run out of memory and kill your application. Also on a server restart, all your logs would be lost. Both is prevented by storing the logs into a database and access it on demand.
If you really need a StringAppender for custom integration, you have to write it yourself extending on AbstractOutputStreamAppender.
Here is a blog post with code about it.

Temporarily increase log4j2 logger level in multi-threaded service

Here is a long question for you Log4j2 gurus.
I have a service that:
has very strict performance requirements
is instrumented with a lot of logging calls using log4j2.
A typical call is gated, like:
if ( LOG.isInfoEnabled() ) {"everything's fine");
Because of the number of log messages and the performance needs, the service will generally run with logging set to WARN (i.e., not many messages).
However, I have been asked to build in a parameter to the service call that, if given, will cause it to:
Temporarily increase the logging level to whatever was requested in the parameter (e.g., INFO or TRACE)
Add a WriterAppender to capture the logging in a PrintWriter.
Append the PrintWriter log data to the request response.
It seems clear, due to the gating I put around each logging call, that I need to actually increase the logging level temporarily, like this:
LoggerContext ctx = (LoggerContext) LogManager.getContext(false);
Configuration cfg = ctx.getConfiguration();
LoggerConfig loggerCfg = cfg.getLoggerConfig("com.mycompany.scm");
.. other code to add `WriterAppender` ...
But I have an immediate problem with that, in that it causes the logging to ALSO go the log file of the service. That might not be the end of the world, but I'd like to avoid that, if possible.
I did that by having the default logging go through appenders that filter by level, so that even if logging is turned on, it won't write any messages more detailed than are wanted in the default log file. (Like this, from my .properties file):
appenders=scm_warn, scm_info
appender.scm_warn.type = Console = SCM_WARN
appender.scm_warn.layout.type = PatternLayout
appender.scm_warn.layout.pattern = %d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss} %-5p %c{1}:%L - %m%n
appender.scm_warn.filter.threshold.type = ThresholdFilter
appender.scm_warn.filter.threshold.level = warn
appender.scm_info.type = Console = SCM_INFO
appender.scm_info.layout.type = PatternLayout
appender.scm_info.layout.pattern = %d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss} %-5p %c{1}:%L - %m%n
appender.scm_info.filter.threshold.type = ThresholdFilter
appender.scm_info.filter.threshold.level = info
loggers = coreConfigurator = com.mycompany.scm
logger.coreConfigurator.level = warn
logger.coreConfigurator.additivity = false # do not let configurator log messages get processed by client application's parent or root logger.
logger.coreConfigurator.appenderRefs = core
logger.coreConfigurator.appenderRef.core.ref = SCM_WARN
... that way, even if the logging level gets increased, the extra messages will not go to the main log file (I only want them to go to my PrintWriter).
And now, the question!
How can I temporarily increase the log level (like I try to do in the code above) for the current thread only?
If there are three (3) simultaneous calls to the service, I...
... want each added Appender to only write log messages generated by the thread that created the Appender.
... want each added Appender to be removed after the request that added it finishes.
... want the logging level to get reset back to what it was, as long as there are no other requests with this logging parameter turned on still in process.
Ideally, I think it sounds like I want each thread to have a completely separate logging context. Is that possible? Any thoughts on how to do all this?
You could potentially use a custom Context Selector to have a different context per thread, but that's probably cause issues when multiple threads want to write to the same log file, so likely not a viable option.
The alternative is to write a custom Appender, that uses a ThreadLocal to store the StringWriter. If a StringWriter has not been established for the thread, the appended will skip logging. This custom Appender should be added in the Log4J config file, so it's always there and receiving log entries.
That way you enable logging for a particular thread by creating and assigning a StringWriter to the ThreadLocal, run the code, then clear the ThreadLocal and get the logged information from the StringWriter. Since there initially is no StringWriter for any thread, the appender will do nothing, so shouldn't affect performance in any noticeable way.
You'd still have to do the level-escalation you're already doing, with filters on the other appenders.
You could:
access to class logger and change the log level (as you suggested):
use a different logger; just configure two different loggers.

Cassandra query logging through spring configuration

is there any easy way to turn on query logging on cassandra through xml configuration? I'm using namespace:
but I can't find any suitable solution. I was trying to turn on trace through cqlsh, but it dosen't work for my app.
I was trying also to add line:
<logger name="com.datastax.driver.core.QueryLogger.NORMAL" level="TRACE" />
But also doesn't work.
My versions:
cassandra: 2.1.5
Add a QueryLogger #Bean and get the Cluster #Autowired in:
public QueryLogger queryLogger(Cluster cluster) {
QueryLogger queryLogger = QueryLogger.builder()
return queryLogger;
(+ obviously configure QueryLogger.Builder as required).
Don't forget to set log levels to DEBUG/TRACE in your application.yml: DEBUG TRACE
VoilĂ !
Please check out this link and check if you added the query logger to your cluster definition like stated:
Cluster cluster = ...
QueryLogger queryLogger = QueryLogger.builder(cluster)
Let me know if it helped.
If you are using Spring Data Cassandra 2.4+ QueryLogger is not available anymore, it was replaced with RequestTracker which can be configured in application.yml or overridden depending on your needs.
The Java driver provides a RequestTracker interface. You can specify an implementation of your own or use the provided RequestLogger implementation by configuring the properties in the datastax-java-driver.advanced.request-tracker namespace. The RequestLogger tracks every query your application executes and has options to enable logging for successful, failed, and slow queries. Use the slow query logger to identify queries that are not within your defined performance.
datastax-java-driver.advanced.request-tracker {
class = RequestLogger
logs {
# Whether to log successful requests.
success.enabled = true
slow {
# The threshold to classify a successful request as "slow". If this is unset, all
# successful requests will be considered as normal.
threshold = 1 second
# Whether to log slow requests.
enabled = true
# Whether to log failed requests.
error.enabled = true
# The maximum length of the query string in the log message. If it is longer than that, it
# will be truncated.
max-query-length = 500
# Whether to log bound values in addition to the query string.
show-values = true
# The maximum length for bound values in the log message. If the formatted representation of
# a value is longer than that, it will be truncated.
max-value-length = 50
# The maximum number of bound values to log. If a request has more values, the list of
# values will be truncated.
max-values = 50
# Whether to log stack traces for failed queries. If this is disabled, the log will just
# include the exception's string representation (generally the class name and message).
show-stack-traces = true
More details.
If you're using Spring Data for Apache Cassandra version 2.0 or higher, then you can use your logging configuration to activate CQL logging. Set the log level of to DEBUG, no need to mess with QueryLogger:
This can, of course, be permanently done in the

Which Appenders should be used in distributed system? How to configure them?

I am trying to add logging component to distributed system. It is written in AspectJ to avoid chaining current source-code. I use socket appender to send logs, but I'd like to try something more effective.
I've heard I should use JMSAppender and AsyncAppender, but I failed to configure it. Should I create Receiver which gathers logs and pass them to database and to GUI (I use ChainSaw)?
I tried to follow turorial1 and tutorial2 , but they aren't clear enough.
In a small demo I've prepared I sent 6 logs for a request (simulation of 3 components)
[2012-08-08 15:40:28,957] [request1344433228957] [Component_A] [start]
[2012-08-08 15:40:32,050] [request1344433228957] [Component_B] [start]
[2012-08-08 15:40:32,113] [request1344433228957] [Component_C] [start]
[2012-08-08 15:40:32,113] [request1344433228957] [Component_C] [end - throwing]
[2012-08-08 15:40:32,144] [request1344433228957] [Component_B] [end]
[2012-08-08 15:40:32,175] [request1344433228957] [Component_A] [end]
Using socket Appender. So my is:
log4j.rootLogger=DEBUG, server
so I run
>java -classpath log4j-1.2.17.jar 4712
with configuration
log4j.rootLogger=DEBUG, CA, FA
log4j.appender.CA.layout.ConversionPattern=[%d] [%t] [%c] [%m]%n
log4j.appender.FA.layout.ConversionPattern=[%d] [%t] [%c] [%m]%n
Then I send my logs from file to Chainsaw:
It is absolutely basic, but I want to learn how to do it better. First of all, I'd like to send logs asynchronously. Then create very simple Receiver, which e.g. can pass logs to a file.
I tried to follow tutorials I listed above, but I failed. So question is: could you provide some example configuration? Example of and files?
I would use NFS or CDFS and mount a drive on all the machines. Have each application instance write to a different file. You will be able to find all the logs in one directory (or drive) no matter how many machines you use.
I wouldn't use NFS or CDFS over a global WAN with a high latency e.g. > 50 ms round trip. In this cause I have used JMS (but I didn't use log4j)
My two cents.. Whatever you do, make sure that you use asynchronous mechanism to deliver your logs to the receiver, otherwise it will eventually stall your apps. Another point, to deliver logs reliably you should consider a fail over mechanism built into the appender itself - receivers may go offline for short or long time, if you care for the logs, the fail over is definitely required. We have built similar system you describe (sorry for the add), but if you like you can use our appender (look in downloads), it's free and has the sources. There is also a video tutorial. It has fail over and flexible asynchronous mechanism plus a backup fall back.
How many appenders should you use? One appender per jvm will do all right. Config files should probably be per jvm, not sure how you intend to implement the receiver, in any case the appenders need to find your receiver which is usually host port pair at least. Regarding the database, my experience is very sour with RDBMS (we are moving to nosql) but if you don't go above couple of hundred million records, most commercial databases will do with some effort. Not a simple task I must say, took us couple of years to build commercial quality system you just drawn with few skinny rectangles :)
Finally I've found how to configure it. I put 2 files into src folder.
log4j.rootLogger=INFO, stdout, jms
## Be sure that ActiveMQ messages are not logged to 'jms' appender, stdout
## Configure 'jms' appender. You'll also need file in order to make it work
Then I run my program with VM argument
and receive logs in class
public class Receiver implements MessageListener {
PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter("result.log");
Connection conn;
Session sess;
MessageConsumer consumer;
public Receiver() throws Exception {
ActiveMQConnectionFactory factory = new ActiveMQConnectionFactory("tcp://localhost:61616");
Connection conn = factory.createConnection();
Session sess = conn.createSession(false, Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);
MessageConsumer consumer = sess.createConsumer(sess.createTopic("logTopic"));
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
new Receiver();
public void onMessage(Message message) {
try {
LoggingEvent event = (LoggingEvent) ((ActiveMQObjectMessage) message).getObject();
DateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss,SSS");
String nowAsString = df.format(new Date(event.getTimeStamp()));
pw.println("["+ nowAsString + "]" +
" [" + event.getThreadName()+"]" +
" ["+ event.getLoggerName() + "]" +
" ["+ event.getMessage()+"]");
} catch (Exception e) {
I'd recommend syslog and the built in syslog appender. Use TCP for reliable logging (+Asyc appender maybe) or UDP for fire-and-forget logging.
I have a rsyslog config if you need.
