Here is a long question for you Log4j2 gurus.
I have a service that:
has very strict performance requirements
is instrumented with a lot of logging calls using log4j2.
A typical call is gated, like:
if ( LOG.isInfoEnabled() ) {"everything's fine");
Because of the number of log messages and the performance needs, the service will generally run with logging set to WARN (i.e., not many messages).
However, I have been asked to build in a parameter to the service call that, if given, will cause it to:
Temporarily increase the logging level to whatever was requested in the parameter (e.g., INFO or TRACE)
Add a WriterAppender to capture the logging in a PrintWriter.
Append the PrintWriter log data to the request response.
It seems clear, due to the gating I put around each logging call, that I need to actually increase the logging level temporarily, like this:
LoggerContext ctx = (LoggerContext) LogManager.getContext(false);
Configuration cfg = ctx.getConfiguration();
LoggerConfig loggerCfg = cfg.getLoggerConfig("com.mycompany.scm");
.. other code to add `WriterAppender` ...
But I have an immediate problem with that, in that it causes the logging to ALSO go the log file of the service. That might not be the end of the world, but I'd like to avoid that, if possible.
I did that by having the default logging go through appenders that filter by level, so that even if logging is turned on, it won't write any messages more detailed than are wanted in the default log file. (Like this, from my .properties file):
appenders=scm_warn, scm_info
appender.scm_warn.type = Console = SCM_WARN
appender.scm_warn.layout.type = PatternLayout
appender.scm_warn.layout.pattern = %d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss} %-5p %c{1}:%L - %m%n
appender.scm_warn.filter.threshold.type = ThresholdFilter
appender.scm_warn.filter.threshold.level = warn
appender.scm_info.type = Console = SCM_INFO
appender.scm_info.layout.type = PatternLayout
appender.scm_info.layout.pattern = %d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss} %-5p %c{1}:%L - %m%n
appender.scm_info.filter.threshold.type = ThresholdFilter
appender.scm_info.filter.threshold.level = info
loggers = coreConfigurator = com.mycompany.scm
logger.coreConfigurator.level = warn
logger.coreConfigurator.additivity = false # do not let configurator log messages get processed by client application's parent or root logger.
logger.coreConfigurator.appenderRefs = core
logger.coreConfigurator.appenderRef.core.ref = SCM_WARN
... that way, even if the logging level gets increased, the extra messages will not go to the main log file (I only want them to go to my PrintWriter).
And now, the question!
How can I temporarily increase the log level (like I try to do in the code above) for the current thread only?
If there are three (3) simultaneous calls to the service, I...
... want each added Appender to only write log messages generated by the thread that created the Appender.
... want each added Appender to be removed after the request that added it finishes.
... want the logging level to get reset back to what it was, as long as there are no other requests with this logging parameter turned on still in process.
Ideally, I think it sounds like I want each thread to have a completely separate logging context. Is that possible? Any thoughts on how to do all this?
You could potentially use a custom Context Selector to have a different context per thread, but that's probably cause issues when multiple threads want to write to the same log file, so likely not a viable option.
The alternative is to write a custom Appender, that uses a ThreadLocal to store the StringWriter. If a StringWriter has not been established for the thread, the appended will skip logging. This custom Appender should be added in the Log4J config file, so it's always there and receiving log entries.
That way you enable logging for a particular thread by creating and assigning a StringWriter to the ThreadLocal, run the code, then clear the ThreadLocal and get the logged information from the StringWriter. Since there initially is no StringWriter for any thread, the appender will do nothing, so shouldn't affect performance in any noticeable way.
You'd still have to do the level-escalation you're already doing, with filters on the other appenders.
You could:
access to class logger and change the log level (as you suggested):
use a different logger; just configure two different loggers.
In question Filter unwanted INFO-Messages from Logger it is proposed to disable unwanted SOAP INFO logging by raising the respective log level to WARNING like so:
// Disable SOAP-internal INFO logging
URL url = new URL("http://localhost:9999/ws/SoapControl?wsdl");
QName qname = new QName("", "SoapControlImplService");
Service service = Service.create(url, qname);
SoapControl soapControl = service.getPort(SoapControl.class); // Unwanted logging happens here
This usually works, but unfortunately not all the time, i.e. the behavior is not deterministic.
Any ideas? Thanks!
Looks like you might be running into garbage collection of loggers. Pin the soap logger with a static final reference or you can add an entry into your file to control the level on demand. Every time the logger is recreated the log level is read from the properties file.
I've some applications installed to my customers and I configured smtp appender to receive errors email.
Unfortunally I need a way to understand from which customer is arriving the email.
I'm trying to set a parameter in the map in order to show it as the subject of the email. I can set this parameter only after my app is started and the db is up:
String[] parametri = {username};
and my log4j2.xml is:
<SMTP name="Mailer" subject="${sys:logPath} - ${map:0}" to="${receipients}"
from="${from}" smtpHost="${smtpHost}" smtpPort="${smtpPort}"
smtpProtocol="${smtpProtocol}" smtpUsername="${smtpUser}"
smtpPassword="${smtpPassword}" smtpDebug="false" bufferSize="200"
the subject is the relevant part. Unfortunally the subject is not replaced from log4j and remains as it is.
What I'm doing wrong?
Currently, the SmtpAppender class (actually its helper SmtpManager) creates a MimeMessage object once and reuses it for all messages to be sent. The message subject is initialized only once. The lookup is done only once when your configuration is read.
I suggest you raise a feature request on the Log4j2 Jira issue tracker for your use case.
Note: log4j 2.6+ supports this natively; you need Java7+ for this.
I created a free useable solution for log4j2 and also Java6 with an ExtendedSmtpAppender supporting PatternLayout in subject.
If you still use log4j 1.x (original question), simply replace your log4j-1.x.jar with log4j-1.2-api-2.x.jar - and log4j-core-2.x.jar + log4j-api-2.x.jar of course.
You get it from Maven Central as (This requires Java 7+ and log4j 2.8+).
If you are restricted to Java 6 (and thus log4j 2.3) then use
See also the GitLab project: (or
Additionally, it supports burst summarizing, so you will not get 1000 error emails within a few seconds or minutes. Use case: Send all ERROR-logs via Email to support/developer. On a broken network or database this can cause hundreds of the same error email.
This appender does the following:
the first occurrence is emailed immediately
all following similar ERROR logs are buffered for a certain time (similarity and time is configurable)
after the time passed, a summary email with summary info (number of events, time) and the first and last event is send
Example configuration (inside <Appenders>):
<SMTPx name="ErrorMail" smtpHost="" smtpPort="25"
from="your name <>" to="${errorEmailAddresses}"
subject="[PROJECT-ID, ${hostName}, ${web:contextPath}] %p: %c{1} - %m%notEmpty{ =>%ex{short})}"
subjectWithLayout="true" bufferSize="5"
burstSummarizingSeconds="300" bsCountInSubject="S" bsMessageMaskDigits="true"
bsExceptionOrigin="true" >
<PatternLayout pattern="-- %d %p %c [%.20t,%x] %m%n" charset="UTF-8" /> <!-- SMTP uses fixed charset for message -->
<Async name="AsyncErrorMail" blocking="false" errorRef="Console">
<AppenderRef ref="ErrorMail"/>
See also
In many service applications where log4j is used in combination with a mail appender as such ..
log4j.rootLogger=ERROR, MAIL
log4j.appender.MAIL.layout.ConversionPattern=%d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss,SSS} %5r %-5p [%t] %c{2} - %m%n
.. the probability for several exceptions of the same type to occur, and possibly continuing until an issue is resolved is very high.
Is there a way of buffering output so that mails are only sent within given time intervals?
A nice solution would be to group exceptions on type and class it occurred in, but simply appending to a local log and sending a rolled log over timed intervals would suffice. The idea is to not receive hundreds or thousands of error reports from a stressed system, but rather receive vital information in time, and then not be bothered about the subsequent actions.
Is there a solution without implementing a TriggeringEventEvaluator?
You could try this one:
Simple, but works fine for buffering.
I am trying to add logging component to distributed system. It is written in AspectJ to avoid chaining current source-code. I use socket appender to send logs, but I'd like to try something more effective.
I've heard I should use JMSAppender and AsyncAppender, but I failed to configure it. Should I create Receiver which gathers logs and pass them to database and to GUI (I use ChainSaw)?
I tried to follow turorial1 and tutorial2 , but they aren't clear enough.
In a small demo I've prepared I sent 6 logs for a request (simulation of 3 components)
[2012-08-08 15:40:28,957] [request1344433228957] [Component_A] [start]
[2012-08-08 15:40:32,050] [request1344433228957] [Component_B] [start]
[2012-08-08 15:40:32,113] [request1344433228957] [Component_C] [start]
[2012-08-08 15:40:32,113] [request1344433228957] [Component_C] [end - throwing]
[2012-08-08 15:40:32,144] [request1344433228957] [Component_B] [end]
[2012-08-08 15:40:32,175] [request1344433228957] [Component_A] [end]
Using socket Appender. So my is:
log4j.rootLogger=DEBUG, server
so I run
>java -classpath log4j-1.2.17.jar 4712
with configuration
log4j.rootLogger=DEBUG, CA, FA
log4j.appender.CA.layout.ConversionPattern=[%d] [%t] [%c] [%m]%n
log4j.appender.FA.layout.ConversionPattern=[%d] [%t] [%c] [%m]%n
Then I send my logs from file to Chainsaw:
It is absolutely basic, but I want to learn how to do it better. First of all, I'd like to send logs asynchronously. Then create very simple Receiver, which e.g. can pass logs to a file.
I tried to follow tutorials I listed above, but I failed. So question is: could you provide some example configuration? Example of and files?
I would use NFS or CDFS and mount a drive on all the machines. Have each application instance write to a different file. You will be able to find all the logs in one directory (or drive) no matter how many machines you use.
I wouldn't use NFS or CDFS over a global WAN with a high latency e.g. > 50 ms round trip. In this cause I have used JMS (but I didn't use log4j)
My two cents.. Whatever you do, make sure that you use asynchronous mechanism to deliver your logs to the receiver, otherwise it will eventually stall your apps. Another point, to deliver logs reliably you should consider a fail over mechanism built into the appender itself - receivers may go offline for short or long time, if you care for the logs, the fail over is definitely required. We have built similar system you describe (sorry for the add), but if you like you can use our appender (look in downloads), it's free and has the sources. There is also a video tutorial. It has fail over and flexible asynchronous mechanism plus a backup fall back.
How many appenders should you use? One appender per jvm will do all right. Config files should probably be per jvm, not sure how you intend to implement the receiver, in any case the appenders need to find your receiver which is usually host port pair at least. Regarding the database, my experience is very sour with RDBMS (we are moving to nosql) but if you don't go above couple of hundred million records, most commercial databases will do with some effort. Not a simple task I must say, took us couple of years to build commercial quality system you just drawn with few skinny rectangles :)
Finally I've found how to configure it. I put 2 files into src folder.
log4j.rootLogger=INFO, stdout, jms
## Be sure that ActiveMQ messages are not logged to 'jms' appender, stdout
## Configure 'jms' appender. You'll also need file in order to make it work
Then I run my program with VM argument
and receive logs in class
public class Receiver implements MessageListener {
PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter("result.log");
Connection conn;
Session sess;
MessageConsumer consumer;
public Receiver() throws Exception {
ActiveMQConnectionFactory factory = new ActiveMQConnectionFactory("tcp://localhost:61616");
Connection conn = factory.createConnection();
Session sess = conn.createSession(false, Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);
MessageConsumer consumer = sess.createConsumer(sess.createTopic("logTopic"));
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
new Receiver();
public void onMessage(Message message) {
try {
LoggingEvent event = (LoggingEvent) ((ActiveMQObjectMessage) message).getObject();
DateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss,SSS");
String nowAsString = df.format(new Date(event.getTimeStamp()));
pw.println("["+ nowAsString + "]" +
" [" + event.getThreadName()+"]" +
" ["+ event.getLoggerName() + "]" +
" ["+ event.getMessage()+"]");
} catch (Exception e) {
I'd recommend syslog and the built in syslog appender. Use TCP for reliable logging (+Asyc appender maybe) or UDP for fire-and-forget logging.
I have a rsyslog config if you need.
i have an issue, i want to change the logging level of log4j at runtime, i have tried many things with file, i have also tried to written a code which after particular time again reads the properties file and again configure the logger.
but the problem is, i want to change the logging level to DEBUG for one API call, and then when that call is completed, the logger should again change to the previous value..
please help..
Calling the Logger.setLevel method with the desired Level can alter a Logger's output level at runtime.
The following is an example which demonstrates its usage:
Logger logger = Logger.getLogger("myLogger");
logger.addAppender(new ConsoleAppender(new SimpleLayout()));
System.out.println("*** The current level will be INFO");
logger.warn("Only INFO and higher will appear");"Only INFO and higher will appear");
logger.debug("Only INFO and higher will appear");
System.out.println("*** Changing level to DEBUG");
// remember the previous level
Level previousLevel = logger.getLevel();
logger.warn("DEBUG and higher will appear");"DEBUG and higher will appear");
logger.debug("DEBUG and higher will appear");
System.out.println("*** Changing level back to previous level");
// revert to previous level
logger.warn("Only INFO and higher will appear");"Only INFO and higher will appear");
logger.debug("Only INFO and higher will appear");
The above outputs:
*** The current level will be INFO
WARN - Only INFO and higher will appear
INFO - Only INFO and higher will appear
*** Changing level to DEBUG
WARN - DEBUG and higher will appear
INFO - DEBUG and higher will appear
DEBUG - DEBUG and higher will appear
*** Changing level back to previous level
WARN - Only INFO and higher will appear
INFO - Only INFO and higher will appear
The above demonstrates how to change the level of one Logger named myLogger, but if the levels of all the loggers in the current repository should be changed, then the setLevel method on the root logger obtained by Logger.getRootLogger should be called to change the levels on all the child loggers.
The log level of a logger can be changed by calling setLevel as described by #coobird. However, there is a catch!
When you call getLogger(name), the logging library will return you an existing Logger object if possible. If two or more threads request a logger with the same name, they will get the same object. If one of the threads calls setLevel, this will change the logger level for all of the others. That can lead to unexpected behavior.
If you really need to do this kind of thing, a better approach would be to create a logger with a different name for the case where you want to logging at a different level.
However, I'm not convinced of the wisdom of the application calling setLevel at all. The setLevel method is about filtering the log messages, and you should not be wresting control of logging filtering away from the user / deployer.
I think it makes sense to call setLevel if a server has a "Controller" thread. That way, you can dynamically change logging level at runtime to debug an issue, and change it back when you are done.
But I don't know what happens when it is called from a separate thread.
setLevel method is there only for java.util.logging.Logger and not for org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger
This is how we set log level in apache log4j
ctx = (LoggerContext) LogManager.getContext(false);
conf = ctx.getConfiguration();
If you are using Spring Boot (1.5+), you can use logger endpoint to POST desired logging level.