This question is quite a long shot. It could take quite long, so if you haven't the time I understand.
Let me start by explaining what I want to achieve:
Me and some friends play this math game where we get 6 random numbers out of a pool of possible numbers: 1 to 10, 25, 50, 75 and 100. 6 numbers are chosen out of these and no duplicates are allowed. Then a goal number will be chosen in the range of [100, 999]. With the 6 aforementioned numbers, we can use only basic operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division) to reach the goal. Only integers are allowed and not all 6 integers are required to reach the solution.
An example: We start with the numbers 4,8,6,9,25,100 and need to find 328.
A possible solution would be: ((4 x 100) - (9 x 8)) = 400 - 72 = 328. With this, I have only used 4 out of the 6 initial numbers and none of the numbers have been used twice. This is a valid solution.
We don't always find a solution on our own, that's why I figured a program would be useful. I have written a program (in Java) which has been tested a few times throughout and it had worked. It did not always give all the possible solutions, but it worked within its own limitations. Now I've tried to expand it so all the solutions would show.
On to the main problem:
The program that I am trying to execute is running incredibly long. As in, I would let it run for 15 minutes and it doesn't look like it's anywhere near completion. So I thought about it and the options are indeed quite endless. I start with 6 numbers, I compare the first with the other 5, then the second with the other 5 and so on until I've done this 6 times (and each comparison I compare with every operator, so 4 times again). Out of the original one single state of 6 numbers, I now have 5 times 6 times 4 = 120 states (with 5 numbers each). All of these have to undergo the same ritual, so it's no wonder it's taking so long.
The program is actually too big to list here, so I will upload it for those interested:
(Click on the MathGame3.jar title right next to download)
Here's the general rundown on what happens:
-6 integers + goal number are initialized
-I use the class StateNumbers that are acting as game states
-> in this class the remaining numbers (initially the 6 starting numbers)
are kept as well as the evaluated expressions, for printing purposes
This method is where the main operations happen:
StateNumbers stateInProcess = getStates().remove(0);
ArrayList<Integer> remainingNumbers = stateInProcess.getRemainingNumbers();
for(int j = 0; j < remainingNumbers.size(); j++){
for(int i = 0; i < remainingNumbers.size(); i++){
for(Operator op : Operator.values()){ // Looping over different operators
if(i == j) continue;
I evaluate for the first element all the possible operations with all the remaining numbers for that state. I then check with a self written equals to see if it's already in the arraylist of states (which acts as a queue, but the order is not of importance). If it's not there, then the state will be added to the list and then I do the same for the other elements. After that I discard the state and pick another out of the growing list.
The list grows in size to 80k states in 10 minutes and grows slower and slower. That's because there is an increasing amount of states to compare to when I want to add a new state. It's making me wonder if comparing with other states to prevent duplicates is such a good idea.
The completion of this program is not really that important, but I'd like to see it as a learning experience. I'm not asking anyone to write the code for me, but a friendly suggestion on what I could have handled better would be very much appreciated. This means if you have something you'd like to mention about another aspect of the program, please do. I'm unsure if this is too much to ask for on this forum as most topics handle a specific part of a program. While my question is specific as well, the causes could be many.
EDIT: I'm not trying to find the fastest single solution, but every solution. So if I find a solution, my program will not stop. It will however try to ignore doubles like:
((4+5)7) and (7(5+4)). Only one of the two is accepted because the equals method in addition and multiplication do not care about the positioning of the operands.
It would probably be easier to write this using recursion, i.e. a depth-first search, as this would simplify the bookkeeping for intermediary states.
If you want to keep a breath-first approach, make sure that the list of states supports efficient removal of the first element, i.e. use a java.util.Queue such as java.util.ArrayDeque. I mention this because the most frequently used List implementation (i.e. java.util.ArrayList) needs to copy its entire contents to remove the first element, which makes removing the first element very expensive if the list is large.
120 states (with 5 numbers each). All of these have to undergo the same ritual, so it's no wonder it's taking so long.
Actually, it is quite surprising that it would. After all, a 2GHz CPU performs 2 billion clock cycles per second. Even if checking a state were to take as many as 100 clock cycles, that would still mean 20 million states per second!
On the other hand, if I understand the rules of the game correctly, the set of candidate solutions is given by all orderings of the 6 numbers (of which there are 6! = 720), with one of 4 operators in the 5 spaces in between, and a defined evaluation order of the operators. That is, we have a total of 6! * 4^5 * 5! = 88 473 600 candidate solutions, so processing should complete in a couple of seconds.
PS: A full solution would probably not be very time-consuming to write, so if you wish, I can also postcode - I just didn't want to spoil your learning experience.
Update: I have written the code. It was harder than I thought, as the requirement to find all solutions implies that we need to print a solution without unwinding the stack. I, therefore, kept the history for each state on the heap. After testing, I wasn't quite happy with the performance (about 10 seconds), so I added memoization, i.e. each set of numbers is only processed once. With that, the runtime dropped to about 3 seconds.
As Stackoverflow doesn't have a spoiler tag, I increased the indentation so you have to scroll right to see anything :-)
package katas.countdown;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Set;
enum Operator {
plus("+", true),
minus("-", false),
multiply("*", true),
divide("/", false);
final String sign;
final boolean commutes;
Operator(String sign, boolean commutes) {
this.sign = sign;
this.commutes = commutes;
int apply(int left, int right) {
switch (this) {
case plus:
return left + right;
case minus:
return left - right;
case multiply:
return left * right;
case divide:
int mod = left % right;
if (mod == 0) {
return left / right;
} else {
throw new ArithmeticException();
throw new AssertionError(this);
public String toString() {
return sign;
class Expression implements Comparable<Expression> {
final int value;
Expression(int value) {
this.value = value;
public int compareTo(Expression o) {
return value - o.value;
public int hashCode() {
return value;
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
return value == ((Expression) obj).value;
public String toString() {
return Integer.toString(value);
class OperationExpression extends Expression {
final Expression left;
final Operator operator;
final Expression right;
OperationExpression(Expression left, Operator operator, Expression right) {
super(operator.apply(left.value, right.value));
this.left = left;
this.operator = operator;
this.right = right;
public String toString() {
return "(" + left + " " + operator + " " + right + ")";
class State {
final Expression[] expressions;
State(int... numbers) {
expressions = new Expression[numbers.length];
for (int i = 0; i < numbers.length; i++) {
expressions[i] = new Expression(numbers[i]);
private State(Expression[] expressions) {
this.expressions = expressions;
* #return a new state constructed by removing indices i and j, and adding expr instead
State replace(int i, int j, Expression expr) {
Expression[] exprs = Arrays.copyOf(expressions, expressions.length - 1);
if (i < exprs.length) {
exprs[i] = expr;
if (j < exprs.length) {
exprs[j] = expressions[exprs.length];
} else {
exprs[j] = expr;
return new State(exprs);
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
return Arrays.equals(expressions, ((State) obj).expressions);
public int hashCode() {
return Arrays.hashCode(expressions);
public class Solver {
final int goal;
Set<State> visited = new HashSet<>();
public Solver(int goal) {
this.goal = goal;
public void solve(State s) {
if (s.expressions.length > 1 && !visited.contains(s)) {
for (int i = 0; i < s.expressions.length; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < s.expressions.length; j++) {
if (i != j) {
Expression left = s.expressions[i];
Expression right = s.expressions[j];
for (Operator op : Operator.values()) {
if (op.commutes && i > j) {
// no need to evaluate the same branch twice
try {
Expression expr = new OperationExpression(left, op, right);
if (expr.value == goal) {
} else {
solve(s.replace(i, j, expr));
} catch (ArithmeticException e) {
public static void main(String[] args) {
new Solver(812).solve(new State(75, 50, 2, 3, 8, 7));
As requested, each solution is reported only once (where two solutions are considered equal if their set of intermediary results is). Per Wikipedia description, not all numbers need to be used. However, there is a small bug left in that such solutions may be reported more than once.
What you're doing is basically a breadth-first search for a solution. This was also my initial idea when I saw the problem, but I would add a few things.
First, the main thing you're doing with your ArrayList is to remove elements from it and test if elements are already present. Since your range is small, I would use a separate HashSet, or BitSet for the second operation.
Second, and more to the point of your question, you could also add the final state to your initial points, and search backward as well. Since all your operations have inverses (addition and subtraction, multiplication and division), you can do this. With the Set idea above, you would effectively halve the number of states you need to visit (this trick is known as meet-in-the-middle).
Other small things would be:
Don't divide unless your resulting number is an integer
Don't add a number outside the range (so >999) into your set/queue
The total number of states is 999 (the number of integers between 1 and 999 inclusive), so you shouldn't really run into performance issues here. I'm thinking your biggest drain is that you're testing inclusion in an ArrayList which is O(n).
Hope this helps!
EDIT: Just noticed this. You say you check whether a number is already in the list, but then remove it. If you remove it, there's a good chance you're going to add it back again. Use a separate data structure (a Set works perfectly here) to store your visited states, and you should be fine.
EDIT 2: As per other answers and comments (thanks #kutschkem and #meriton), a proper Queue is better for popping elements (constant versus linear for ArrayList). In this case, you have too few states for it to be noticeable, but use either a LinkedList or ArrayDeque when you do a BFS.
Updated answer to solve Countdown
Sorry for my misunderstandings before. To solve countdown, you can do something like this:
Suppose your 6 initial numbers are a1, a2, ..., a6, and your target number is T. You want to check whether there is a way to assign operators o1, o2, ..., o5 such that
a1 o1 a2 ... o5 a6 = T
There are 5 operators, each can take one of 4 values, so there are 4 ^ 5 = 2 ^ 10 possibilities. You can use less than the entire 6, but if you build your solution recursively, you will have checked all of them at the end (more on this later). The 6 initial numbers can also be permuted in 6! = 720 ways, which leads to a total number of solutions of 2 ^ 10 * 6! which is roughly 720,000.
Since this is small, what I would do is loop through every permutation of the initial 6 numbers, and try to assign the operators recursively. For that, define a function
void solve(int result, int index, List<Integer> permutation)
where result is the value of the computation so far, and index is the index in the permutation list. You then loop over every operator and call
solve(result op permutation.get(index), index + 1, permutation)
If at any point you find a solution, check to see if you haven't found it before, and add it if not.
Apologies for being so dense before. I hope this is more to the point.
Your problem is analogous to a Coin Change Problem. First do all of the combinations of subtractions so that you can have your 'unit denomination coins' which should be all of the subtractions and additions, as well as the normal numbers you are given. Then use a change making algorithm to get to the number you want. Since we did subtractions beforehand, the result may not be exactly what you want but it should be close and a lot faster than what you are doing.
Say we are given the 6 numbers as the set S = {1, 5, 10, 25, 50, 75, 100}. We then do all the combinations of subtractions and additions and add them to S i.e. {-99, -95, -90,..., 1, 5, 10,..., 101, 105,...}. Now we use a coin change algorithm with the elements of S as the denominations. If we do not get a solution then it is not solvable.
There are many ways to solve the coin change problem, a few are discussed here:
This is a problem I'm trying to solve on my own to be a bit better at recursion(not homework). I believe I found a solution, but I'm not sure about the time complexity (I'm aware that DP would give me better results).
Find all the ways you can go up an n step staircase if you can take k steps at a time such that k <= n
For example, if my step sizes are [1,2,3] and the size of the stair case is 10, I could take 10 steps of size 1 [1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1]=10 or I could take 3 steps of size 3 and 1 step of size 1 [3,3,3,1]=10
Here is my solution:
static List<List<Integer>> problem1Ans = new ArrayList<List<Integer>>();
public static void problem1(int numSteps){
int [] steps = {1,2,3};
problem1_rec(new ArrayList<Integer>(), numSteps, steps);
public static void problem1_rec(List<Integer> sequence, int numSteps, int [] steps){
if(problem1_sum_seq(sequence) > numSteps){
if(problem1_sum_seq(sequence) == numSteps){
problem1Ans.add(new ArrayList<Integer>(sequence));
for(int stepSize : steps){
problem1_rec(sequence, numSteps, steps);
public static int problem1_sum_seq(List<Integer> sequence){
int sum = 0;
for(int i : sequence){
sum += i;
return sum;
public static void main(String [] args){
My guess is that this runtime is k^n where k is the numbers of step sizes, and n is the number of steps (3 and 10 in this case).
I came to this answer because each step size has a loop that calls k number of step sizes. However, the depth of this is not the same for all step sizes. For instance, the sequence [1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1] has more recursive calls than [3,3,3,1] so this makes me doubt my answer.
What is the runtime? Is k^n correct?
TL;DR: Your algorithm is O(2n), which is a tighter bound than O(kn), but because of some easily corrected inefficiencies the implementation runs in O(k2 × 2n).
In effect, your solution enumerates all of the step-sequences with sum n by successively enumerating all of the viable prefixes of those step-sequences. So the number of operations is proportional to the number of step sequences whose sum is less than or equal to n. [See Notes 1 and 2].
Now, let's consider how many possible prefix sequences there are for a given value of n. The precise computation will depend on the steps allowed in the vector of step sizes, but we can easily come up with a maximum, because any step sequence is a subset of the set of integers from 1 to n, and we know that there are precisely 2n such subsets.
Of course, not all subsets qualify. For example, if the set of step-sizes is [1, 2], then you are enumerating Fibonacci sequences, and there are O(φn) such sequences. As k increases, you will get closer and closer to O(2n). [Note 3]
Because of the inefficiencies in your coded, as noted, your algorithm is actually O(k2 αn) where α is some number between φ and 2, approaching 2 as k approaches infinity. (φ is 1.618..., or (1+sqrt(5))/2)).
There are a number of improvements that could be made to your implementation, particularly if your intent was to count rather than enumerate the step sizes. But that was not your question, as I understand it.
That's not quite exact, because you actually enumerate a few extra sequences which you then reject; the cost of these rejections is a multiplier by the size of the vector of possible step sizes. However, you could easily eliminate the rejections by terminating the for loop as soon as a rejection is noticed.
The cost of an enumeration is O(k) rather than O(1) because you compute the sum of the sequence arguments for each enumeration (often twice). That produces an additional factor of k. You could easily eliminate this cost by passing the current sum into the recursive call (which would also eliminate the multiple evaluations). It is trickier to avoid the O(k) cost of copying the sequence into the output list, but that can be done using a better (structure-sharing) data-structure.
The question in your title (as opposed to the problem solved by the code in the body of your question) does actually require enumerating all possible subsets of {1…n}, in which case the number of possible sequences would be exactly 2n.
If you want to solve this recursively, you should use a different pattern that allows caching of previous values, like the one used when calculating Fibonacci numbers. The code for Fibonacci function is basically about the same as what do you seek, it adds previous and pred-previous numbers by index and returns the output as current number. You can use the same technique in your recursive function , but add not f(k-1) and f(k-2), but gather sum of f(k-steps[i]). Something like this (I don't have a Java syntax checker, so bear with syntax errors please):
static List<Integer> cache = new ArrayList<Integer>;
static List<Integer> storedSteps=null; // if used with same value of steps, don't clear cache
public static Integer problem1(Integer numSteps, List<Integer> steps) {
if (!ArrayList::equal(steps, storedSteps)) { // check equality data wise, not link wise
storedSteps=steps; // or copy with whatever method there is
cache.clear(); // remove all data - now invalid
// TODO make cache+storedSteps a single structure
return problem1_rec(numSteps,steps);
private static Integer problem1_rec(Integer numSteps, List<Integer> steps) {
if (0>numSteps) { return 0; }
if (0==numSteps) { return 1; }
if (cache.length()>=numSteps+1) { return cache[numSteps] } // cache hit
Integer acc=0;
for (Integer i : steps) { acc+=problem1_rec(numSteps-i,steps); }
cache[numSteps]=acc; // cache miss. Make sure ArrayList supports inserting by index, otherwise use correct type
return acc;
I found this problem online:
You have N tonnes of food and K rooms to store them into. Every room has a capacity of M. In how many ways can you distribute the food in the rooms, so that every room has at least 1 ton of food.
My approach was to recursively find all possible variations that satisfy the conditions of the problem. I start with an array of size K, initialized to 1. Then I keep adding 1 to every element of the array and recursively check whether the new array satisfies the condition. However, the recursion tree gets too large too quickly and the program takes too long for slightly higher values of N, K and M.
What would be a more efficient algorithm to achieve this task? Are there any optimizations to be done to the existing algorithm implementation?
This is my implementation:
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class Main {
// keeping track of valid variations, disregarding duplicates
public static HashSet<String> solutions = new HashSet<>();
// calculating sum of each variation
public static int sum(int[] array) {
int sum = 0;
for (int i : array) {
sum += i;
return sum;
public static void distributionsRecursive(int food, int rooms, int roomCapacity, int[] variation, int sum) {
// if all food has been allocated
if (sum == food) {
// add solution to solutions
// keep adding 1 to every index in current variation
for (int i = 0; i < rooms; i++) {
// create new array for every recursive call
int[] tempVariation = Arrays.copyOf(variation, variation.length);
// if element is equal to room capacity, can't add any more in it
if (tempVariation[i] == roomCapacity) {
} else {
sum = sum(tempVariation);
// recursively call function on new variation
distributionsRecursive(food, rooms, roomCapacity, tempVariation, sum);
public static int possibleDistributions(int food, int rooms, int roomCapacity) {
int[] variation = new int[rooms];
// start from all 1, keep going till all food is allocated
Arrays.fill(variation, 1);
distributionsRecursive(food, rooms, roomCapacity, variation, rooms);
return solutions.size();
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner in = new Scanner(;
int food = in.nextInt();
int rooms = in.nextInt();
int roomCapacity = in.nextInt();
int total = possibleDistributions(food, rooms, roomCapacity);
Yes, your recursion tree will become large if you do this in a naive manner. Let's say you have 10 tonnes and 3 rooms, and M=2. One valid arrangement is [2,3,5]. But you also have [2,5,3], [3,2,5], [3,5,2], [5,2,3], and [5,3,2]. So for every valid grouping of numbers, there are actually K! permutations.
A possibly better way to approach this problem would be to determine how many ways you can make K numbers (minimum M and maximum N) add up to N. Start by making the first number as large as possible, which would be N-(M*(K-1)). In my example, that would be:
10 - 2*(3-1) = 6
Giving the answer [6,2,2].
You can then build an algorithm to adjust the numbers to come up with valid combinations by "moving" values from left to right. In my example, you'd have:
You avoid the seemingly infinite recursion by ensuring that values are decreasing from left to right. For example, in the above you'd never have [3,4,3].
If you really want all valid arrangements, you can generate the permutations for each of the above combinations. I suspect that's not necessary, though.
I think that should be enough to get you started towards a good solution.
One solution would be to compute the result for k rooms from the result for k - 1 rooms.
I've simplified the problem a bit in allowing to store 0 tonnes in a room. If we have to store at least 1 we can just subtract this in advance and reduce the capacity of rooms by 1.
So we define a function calc: (Int,Int) => List[Int] that computes for a number of rooms and a capacity a list of numbers of combinations. The first entry contains the number of combinations we get for storing 0 , the next entry when storing 1 and so on.
We can easily compute this function for one room. So calc(1,m) gives us a list of ones up to the mth element and then it only contains zeros.
For a larger k we can define this function recursively. We just calculate calc(k - 1, m) and then build the new list by summing up prefixes of the old list. E.g. if we want to store 5 tons, we can store all 5 in the first room and 0 in the following rooms, or 4 in the first and 1 in the following and so on. So we have to sum up the combinations for 0 to 5 for the rest of the rooms.
As we have a maximal capacity we might have to leave out some of the combinations, i.e. if the room only has capacity 3 we must not count the combinations for storing 0 and 1 tons in the rest of the rooms.
I've implemented this approach in Scala. I've used streams (i.e. infinite Lists) but as you know the maximal amount of elements you need this is not necessary.
The time complexity of the approach should be O(k*n^2)
def calc(rooms: Int, capacity: Int): Stream[Long] =
if(rooms == 1) {
Stream.from(0).map(x => if(x <= capacity) 1L else 0L)
} else {
val rest = calc(rooms - 1, capacity)
Stream.from(0).map(x => rest.take(x+1).drop(Math.max(0,x - capacity)).sum)
You can try it here:
(I've replaced the Long by BigInt there to make it work for larger numbers)
First tip, remove distributionsRecursive and don't build up a list of solutions. The list of all solutions is a huge data set. Just produce a count.
That will let you turn possibleDistributions into a recursive function defined in terms of itself. The recursive step will be, possibleDistributions(food, rooms, roomCapacity) = sum from i = 1 to roomCapacity of possibleDistributions(food - i, rooms - 1, roomCapacity).
You will save a lot of memory, but still have your underlying performance problem. However with a pure recursive function you can now fix that with
I have just started my long path to becoming a better coder on CodeChef. People begin with the problems marked 'Easy' and I have done the same.
The Problem
The problem statement defines the following -:
n, where 1 <= n <= 10^9. This is the integer which Johnny is keeping secret.
k, where 1 <= k <= 10^5. For each test case or instance of the game, Johnny provides exactly k hints to Alice.
A hint is of the form op num Yes/No, where -
op is an operator from <, >, =.
num is an integer, again satisfying 1 <= num <= 10^9.
Yes or No are answers to the question: Does the relation n op num hold?
If the answer to the question is correct, Johnny has uttered a truth. Otherwise, he is lying.
Each hint is fed to the program and the program determines whether it is the truth or possibly a lie. My job is to find the minimum possible number of lies.
Now CodeChef's Editorial answer uses the concept of segment trees, which I cannot wrap my head around at all. I was wondering if there is an alternative data structure or method to solve this question, maybe a simpler one, considering it is in the 'Easy' category.
This is what I tried -:
class Solution //Represents a test case.
HashSet<SolutionObj> set = new HashSet<SolutionObj>(); //To prevent duplicates.
BigInteger max = new BigInteger("100000000"); //Max range.
BigInteger min = new BigInteger("1"); //Min range.
int lies = 0; //Lies counter.
void addHint(String s)
String[] vals = s.split(" ");
set.add(new SolutionObj(vals[0], vals[1], vals[2]));
void testHints()
for(SolutionObj obj : set)
//Given number is not in range. Lie.
if( == -1 || == 1)
max = new BigInteger(; //Change max value
else if(obj.operator.equals(">"))
min = new BigInteger(; //Change min value
//Still to think of this portion.
class SolutionObj //Represents a single hint.
String operator;
BigInteger bg;
boolean yesno;
SolutionObj(String op, String integer, String yesno)
operator = op;
bg = new BigInteger(integer);
this.yesno = true;
this.yesno = false;
public boolean equals(Object o)
if(o instanceof SolutionObj)
SolutionObj s = (SolutionObj) o; //Make the cast
if(this.yesno == s.yesno &&
&& this.operator.equals(s.operator))
return true;
return false;
public int hashCode()
Obviously this partial solution is incorrect, save for the range check that I have done before entering the if(obj.yesno) portion. I was thinking of updating the range according to the hints provided, but that approach has not borne fruit. How should I be approaching this problem, apart from using segment trees?
Consider the following approach, which may be easier to understand. Picture the 1d axis of integers, and place on it the k hints. Every hint can be regarded as '(' or ')' or '=' (greater than, less than or equal, respectively).
Now, the true value is somewhere on one of the 40 values of this axis, but actually only 8 segments are interesting to check, since anywhere inside a segment the number of true/false hints remains the same.
That means you can scan the hints according to their ordering on the axis, and maintain a counter of the true hints at that point.
In the example above it goes like this:
segment counter
-----( 3
--- 4
)-------( 3
-- 4
= 5 <---maximum
----- 4
)----------- 3
) 2
This algorithm only requires to sort the k hints and then scan them. It's near linear in k (O(k*log k), with no dependance on n), therefore it should have a reasonable running time.
1) In practice the hints may have non-distinct positions, so you'll have to handle all hints of the same type on the same position together.
2) If you need to return the minimum set of lies, then you should maintain a set rather than a counter. That shouldn't have an effect on the time complexity if you use a hash set.
Calculate the number of lies if the target number = 1 (store this in a variable lies).
Let target = 1.
Sort and group the statements by their respective values.
Iterate through the statements.
Update target to the current statement group's value. Update lies according to how many of those statements would become either true or false.
Then update target to that value + 1 (Why do this? Consider when you have > 5 and < 7 - 6 may be the best value) and update lies appropriately (skip this step if the next statement group's value is this value).
Return the minimum value for lies.
Running time:
O(k) for the initial calculation.
O(k log k) for the sort.
O(k) for the iteration.
O(k log k) total.
My idea for this problem is similar to how Eyal Schneider view it. Denoting '>' as greater, '<' as less than and '=' as equals, we can sort all the 'hints' by their num and scan through all the interesting points one by one.
For each point, we keep in all the number of '<' and '=' from 0 to that point (in one array called int[]lessAndEqual), number of '>' and '=' from that point onward (in one array called int[]greaterAndEqual). We can easily see that the number of lies in a particular point i is equal to
lessAndEqual[i] + greaterAndEqual[i + 1]
We can easily fill the lessAndEqual and greaterAndEqual arrays by two scan in O(n) and sort all the hints in O(nlogn), which result the time complexity is O(nlogn)
Note: special treatment should be taken for the case when the num in hint is equals. Also notice that the range for num is 10^9, which require us to have some forms of point compression to fit the array into the memory
Suppose I have a method to calculate combinations of r items from n items:
public static long combi(int n, int r) {
if ( r == n) return 1;
long numr = 1;
for(int i=n; i > (n-r); i--) {
numr *=i;
return numr/fact(r);
public static long fact(int n) {
long rs = 1;
if(n <2) return 1;
for (int i=2; i<=n; i++) {
rs *=i;
return rs;
As you can see it involves factorial which can easily overflow the result. For example if I have fact(200) for the foctorial method I get zero. The question is why do I get zero?
Secondly how do I deal with overflow in above context? The method should return largest possible number to fit in long if the result is too big instead of returning wrong answer.
One approach (but this could be wrong) is that if the result exceed some large number for example 1,400,000,000 then return remainder of result modulo
1,400,000,001. Can you explain what this means and how can I do that in Java?
Note that I do not guarantee that above methods are accurate for calculating factorial and combinations. Extra bonus if you can find errors and correct them.
Note that I can only use int or long and if it is unavoidable, can also use double. Other data types are not allowed.
I am not sure who marked this question as homework. This is NOT homework. I wish it was homework and i was back to future, young student at university. But I am old with more than 10 years working as programmer. I just want to practice developing highly optimized solutions in Java. In our times at university, Internet did not even exist. Today's students are lucky that they can even post their homework on site like SO.
Use the multiplicative formula, instead of the factorial formula.
Since its homework, I won't want to just give you a solution. However a hint I will give is that instead of calculating two large numbers and dividing the result, try calculating both together. e.g. calculate the numerator until its about to over flow, then calculate the denominator. In this last step you can chose the divide the numerator instead of multiplying the denominator. This stops both values from getting really large when the ratio of the two is relatively small.
I got this result before an overflow was detected.
combi(61,30) = 232714176627630544 which is 2.52% of Long.MAX_VALUE
The only "bug" I found in your code is not having any overflow detection, since you know its likely to be a problem. ;)
To answer your first question (why did you get zero), the values of fact() as computed by modular arithmetic were such that you hit a result with all 64 bits zero! Change your fact code to this:
public static long fact(int n) {
long rs = 1;
if( n <2) return 1;
for (int i=2; i<=n; i++) {
rs *=i;
return rs;
Take a look at the outputs! They are very interesting.
Now onto the second question....
It looks like you want to give exact integer (er, long) answers for values of n and r that fit, and throw an exception if they do not. This is a fair exercise.
To do this properly you should not use factorial at all. The trick is to recognize that C(n,r) can be computed incrementally by adding terms. This can be done using recursion with memoization, or by the multiplicative formula mentioned by Stefan Kendall.
As you accumulate the results into a long variable that you will use for your answer, check the value after each addition to see if it goes negative. When it does, throw an exception. If it stays positive, you can safely return your accumulated result as your answer.
To see why this works consider Pascal's triangle
1 1
1 2 1
1 3 3 1
1 4 6 4 1
1 5 10 10 5 1
1 6 15 20 15 6 1
which is generated like so:
C(0,0) = 1 (base case)
C(1,0) = 1 (base case)
C(1,1) = 1 (base case)
C(2,0) = 1 (base case)
C(2,1) = C(1,0) + C(1,1) = 2
C(2,2) = 1 (base case)
C(3,0) = 1 (base case)
C(3,1) = C(2,0) + C(2,1) = 3
C(3,2) = C(2,1) + C(2,2) = 3
When computing the value of C(n,r) using memoization, store the results of recursive invocations as you encounter them in a suitable structure such as an array or hashmap. Each value is the sum of two smaller numbers. The numbers start small and are always positive. Whenever you compute a new value (let's call it a subterm) you are adding smaller positive numbers. Recall from your computer organization class that whenever you add two modular positive numbers, there is an overflow if and only if the sum is negative. It only takes one overflow in the whole process for you to know that the C(n,r) you are looking for is too large.
This line of argument could be turned into a nice inductive proof, but that might be for another assignment, and perhaps another StackExchange site.
Here is a complete application you can run. (I haven't figured out how to get Java to run on codepad and ideone).
* A demo showing how to do combinations using recursion and memoization, while detecting
* results that cannot fit in 64 bits.
public class CombinationExample {
* Returns the number of combinatios of r things out of n total.
public static long combi(int n, int r) {
long[][] cache = new long[n + 1][n + 1];
if (n < 0 || r > n) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Nonsense args");
return c(n, r, cache);
* Recursive helper for combi.
private static long c(int n, int r, long[][] cache) {
if (r == 0 || r == n) {
return cache[n][r] = 1;
} else if (cache[n][r] != 0) {
return cache[n][r];
} else {
cache[n][r] = c(n-1, r-1, cache) + c(n-1, r, cache);
if (cache[n][r] < 0) {
throw new RuntimeException("Woops too big");
return cache[n][r];
* Prints out a few example invocations.
public static void main(String[] args) {
String[] data = ("0,0,3,1,4,4,5,2,10,0,10,10,10,4,9,7,70,8,295,100," +
for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i += 2) {
int n = Integer.valueOf(data[i]);
int r = Integer.valueOf(data[i + 1]);
System.out.printf("C(%d,%d) = ", n, r);
try {
System.out.println(combi(n, r));
} catch (Exception e) {
Hope it is useful. It's just a quick hack so you might want to clean it up a little.... Also note that a good solution would use proper unit testing, although this code does give nice output.
You can use the java.math.BigInteger class to deal with arbitrarily large numbers.
If you make the return type double, it can handle up to fact(170), but you'll lose some precision because of the nature of double (I don't know why you'd need exact precision for such huge numbers).
For input over 170, the result is infinity
Note that java.lang.Long includes constants for the min and max values for a long.
When you add together two signed 2s-complement positive values of a given size, and the result overflows, the result will be negative. Bit-wise, it will be the same bits you would have gotten with a larger representation, only the high-order bit will be truncated away.
Multiplying is a bit more complicated, unfortunately, since you can overflow by more than one bit.
But you can multiply in parts. Basically you break the to multipliers into low and high halves (or more than that, if you already have an "overflowed" value), perform the four possible multiplications between the four halves, then recombine the results. (It's really just like doing decimal multiplication by hand, but each "digit" is, say, 32 bits.)
You can copy the code from java.math.BigInteger to deal with arbitrarily large numbers. Go ahead and plagiarize.
I'm practicing recursion using Java and I've hit a problem. I'm trying to make a method which I'm calling "groups" which takes a number of people and how many groups there are and returns the number of different combinations there are of people and groups. Also, the ordering of people in the groups does not matter, nor does the ordering of the groups.
The code I have so far is:
public long groups(int n, int k) {
if(k==1) return 1;
if(k==n) return 1;
else return groups(n-1, k) + groups(n-1, k-1);
However it returns the wrong values. The first two lines are the base cases, which say if there is 1 group, then there is only one way to split the people up, makes sense. The other is when there are just as many people as there are groups, in which case theres only one way to split them up, one person into each group. The last statement is where I think I'm having problems, I would think that each time it does a recursive call, one person has to be taken out (n is the number of people, so n-1) and that person can ether join a group (k) or make their own group (k-1).
I'm just having a little trouble figuring out how recursion works and could use a little help.
These are the values I'm expecting:
groups(2,1) = 1
groups(2,2) = 1
groups(3,2) = 3
groups(4,2) = 7
groups(4,3) = 6
groups(5,3) = 25
There is something missing in the implementation of that part
... and that person can ether join a group (k) ...
I think the person can join 'k' groups, so the code must be
public long groups(int n, int k) {
if(k==1) return 1;
if(k==n) return 1;
else return k * groups(n-1, k) + groups(n-1, k-1);
(was missing multiplication by k)
There's a much easier (faster) way to compute combinations -- that's the binomial coefficient. While I can understand that your teacher may want you write a recursive function this way to become familiar with recursion, you can use this formula as a check.
In your case, you're reporting the wrong expected values here. What you want is
groups(2,1) = 2
groups(2,2) = 1
groups(3,2) = 3
groups(4,2) = 6
groups(4,3) = 4
groups(5,3) = 10
and the code you've posted is correct if the values above are what it's supposed to return.
(If not, perhaps you can better clarify the problem by explaining more clearly how the problem you're solving differs from the binomial coefficient.)