KrbException "Message Stream Modified (41)" when connecting to SMB share using Kerberos - java

I'm having some issues with Kerberos authentication to perform file management with JCifs (Kerberos extension version 1.3.17)
This is my current configuration of krb5.conf:
default_realm = <REALM_NAME_UPPERCASE>
udp_preference_limit = 1
admin_server = <DOMAIN_NAME_UPPERCASE>
default_domain = <DOMAIN_NAME_UPPERCASE>
.<domain_name> = <REALM_NAME_UPPERCASE>
<domain_name> = <REALM_NAME_UPPERCASE>
kinit = {
renewable = true
forwardable = true
And this is code authenticating the user and then trying to find a file on a fileserver in the network:
public static void main (String[] args) throws Exception {
Subject subject = new Subject();
System.setProperty("", "C:/krb5.conf");
System.setProperty("", "true");
Map<String, Object> state = new HashMap<String, Object>();
state.put("", "USERNAME");
state.put("", "PASSWORD".toCharArray());
Map<String, Object> options = new HashMap<String, Object>();
options.put("debug", "true");
options.put("useFirstPass", "true");
Krb5LoginModule login = new Krb5LoginModule();
login.initialize(subject, null, state, options);
if (login.login()) {
String path = "file://HOST/242269/"; // existing file server folder
Kerb5Authenticator kerberosAuthenticator = new Kerb5Authenticator(subject);
SmbFile smbFile = new SmbFile(path, kerberosAuthenticator);
SmbFile[] files = smbFile.listFiles();
for (SmbFile file : files) {
Now, when I run this code, it says it can authenticate the user with those credentials (when I change the credentials, authentication fails) and it creates a ticket for this user.
When I later on try to retrieve the content of a file directory over CIFS, it gives me the following error:
GSSException: No valid credentials provided (Mechanism level: Message stream modified (41))
at Source)
at Source)
at Source)
at jcifs.smb.SpnegoContext.initSecContext(
at jcifs.smb.Kerb5Authenticator.setup(
at jcifs.smb.Kerb5Authenticator.access$000(
at jcifs.smb.Kerb5Authenticator$
at Method)
at Source)
at jcifs.smb.Kerb5Authenticator.sessionSetup(
at jcifs.smb.SmbSession.sessionSetup(
at jcifs.smb.SmbSession.send(
at jcifs.smb.SmbTree.treeConnect(
at jcifs.smb.SmbFile.doConnect(
at jcifs.smb.SmbFile.connect(
at jcifs.smb.SmbFile.connect0(
at jcifs.smb.SmbFile.resolveDfs(
at jcifs.smb.SmbFile.send(
at jcifs.smb.SmbFile.doFindFirstNext(
at jcifs.smb.SmbFile.doEnum(
at jcifs.smb.SmbFile.listFiles(
at jcifs.smb.SmbFile.listFiles(
You can find the complete error log here (some details are obfuscated)
Could someone please get me going in the right direction as to what I'm doing wrong here?

Uppercase of the realm is very important to avoid "Exception: krb_error 41 Message stream modified (41)".

Hate to necrobump but ran into the same problem when launching Spark and Zeppelin inside a Docker container, with the master being a remote Kerberos-enabled YARN cluster. However, in this case, the realm name uppercase/lowercase was not the problem.
After a few hours, I found this thread which suggests removing the following line from the krb5.conf file:
renew_lifetime = 7d
And that solved the issue. Hope this helps someone.

Alternative (and better) answer to removing the renew_lifetime = 7d line in the config, is by allowing the principal to do renewals. In CentOS 7, an example command would be the following:
kadmin -p admin/admin#EXAMPLE.COM
where I assume that admin/admin#EXAMPLE.COM is the Administrator principal, then:
modprinc -maxrenewlife 90day +allow_renewable your_service#EXAMPLE.COM
where I assume the principal for the service that causes the problems is your_service#EXAMPLE.COM; and the 90day renew life is arbitrary.
This solves the issue without removing the renew_lifetime=7d from the krb5.conf file!


Java: Kafka AdminClient not establishing connection (or so it seems)

This is my first post here, so, please, pardon my finesse skill of writing stack overflow questions.
I am having trouble using AdminClient from org.apache.kafka.clients.admin.AdminClient.
The issue at hand is this:
I initiate a secure connection to our broker server (running kafka 1.0.0) using SASL SSL.
it works just fine when I am running a consumer against that same broker with the same security settings. However when I am doing AdminClient stuff, it seems to have worked, but I see no traffic coming out of my machine to the broker server whatsoever in wireshark, and what I am trying to do does not happen on the broker side.
here is my code:
public class AclProvisioner {
//set up variables
private static Properties props = new Properties();
private static ClassLoader classloader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
static String mid = null;
static String topic = null;
public static void main(String... args) {
props.put(AdminClientConfig.BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS_CONFIG, "");
props.put("ssl.truststore.location", "C:\\Temp\\mydomain.root.jks" );
AdminClient adminClient = AdminClient.create(props);
// generate ACLs
AclBinding newTopicReadAcl = new AclBinding( new Resource(ResourceType.TOPIC, "TestTopic"),
new AccessControlEntry("MY_TESTID", "*", AclOperation.READ, AclPermissionType.ALLOW) );
AclBinding newTopicDescribeAcl = new AclBinding( new Resource(ResourceType.TOPIC, "TestTopic"),
new AccessControlEntry("MY_TESTID", "*", AclOperation.DESCRIBE, AclPermissionType.ALLOW) );
AclBinding newGroupReadAcl = new AclBinding( new Resource(ResourceType.GROUP, "TestGroup"),
new AccessControlEntry("MY_TESTID", "*", AclOperation.READ, AclPermissionType.ALLOW) );
Collection<AclBinding> aclList = Arrays.asList(newTopicReadAcl, newTopicDescribeAcl, newGroupReadAcl);
// create topic
int numPartitions = 6;
short replicasFactor = 2;
NewTopic newTopic = new NewTopic("Demo.JavaAdminClientTest", numPartitions, replicasFactor);
Map<String, String> configMap = new HashMap<>();
configMap.put(TopicConfig.COMPRESSION_TYPE_CONFIG, "gzip");
List<NewTopic> topics = Arrays.asList(newTopic);
adminClient.createTopics( topics );
If I ssh to the server itself and export my keytab and kinit, I am able to generate ACLs just fine using CLI method. I am also able to run a consumer using the same exact properties (as far as security goes).
Another thing I have discovered, is that if I put a server that does not exist or can not be reached, the program does fail, telling me that it could not resolve the BOOTSTRAP_SERVER_NAME.
same exact behavior happens if instead of ACL I attempt to create Topics. Once again, that does work just fine out of CLI.
I appreciate any pointers!
All AdminClient methods are asynchronous and only return Future objects.
So if you don't explicitly wait on the futures to complete, your program just terminates before the AdminClient has time to send anything over the network.
You can use all() or values() on the CreateAclsResult [0] and CreateTopicsResults [1] to retrieve KafkaFuture [2] objects. Then use get() on them to wait for example.

SPNEGO / ActiveDirectory / AES256: Checksum failed

I am trying to use SPNEGO / Kerberos5 authentication with Active Directory 2008 and Java. I followed this guide: - "preflight" went well, but later I get the famous exception:
Exception in thread "main" GSSException: Failure unspecified at GSS-API level (Mechanism level: Checksum failed)
at de.meona.auth.spnego.TestSpnegoAes.main(
Caused by: KrbException: Checksum failed
I had a close look at this post, as the problem seems similar:
checksum failed: Kerberos / Spring / Active Directory (2008)
In order to make the problems reproducible, I wrote a small Java class. I was able to single-step to the line where the exception happens. I think it is because the secret service key used for decryption is different from the secret service key the Active Directory used to encrypt the service ticket. How can this be?
public class TestSpnegoAes {
private static Oid spnegoOid = null;
private static String negotiate = "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";
private static GSSManager manager;
public static void main(String[] args) throws GSSException, LoginException, PrivilegedActionException {
spnegoOid = new Oid("");
manager = GSSManager.getInstance();
LoginContext loginContext = new LoginContext("spnego-server");
Subject subject = loginContext.getSubject();
GSSCredential serviceCredentials = getServerCredential(subject);
GSSContext context = manager.createContext(serviceCredentials);
byte[] token = Base64.decode(negotiate);
context.acceptSecContext(token, 0, token.length);
static GSSCredential getServerCredential(final Subject subject) throws PrivilegedActionException {
final PrivilegedExceptionAction<GSSCredential> action = new PrivilegedExceptionAction<GSSCredential>() {
public GSSCredential run() throws GSSException {
return manager.createCredential(null, GSSCredential.INDEFINITE_LIFETIME, spnegoOid,
return Subject.doAs(subject, action);
This is my login.conf file:
spnego-server { required
I you would like to reproduce, I am happy to give the keytab file as well. It was produced on the PDC using "kpass /out keytab /princ meona-service#meona.intra /pass ... /crypto AES256-SHA1 /ptype KRB5_NT_PRINCIPAL".
As the LoginContext login succeeds, I think the key is recovered successfully.
This is the stdout:
Java config name: null
Native config name: C:\Windows\krb5.ini
Found KeyTab C:\Temp\krbtest\meona-service.keytab for meona-service#meona.intra
Found KeyTab C:\Temp\krbtest\meona-service.keytab for meona-service#meona.intra
Entered Krb5Context.acceptSecContext with state=STATE_NEW
>>> KeyTabInputStream, readName(): MEONA.INTRA
>>> KeyTabInputStream, readName(): meona-service
>>> KeyTab: load() entry length: 75; type: 18
Looking for keys for: meona-service#meona.intra
Added key: 18version: 1
>>> EType:
Exception in thread "main" GSSException: Failure unspecified at GSS-API level (Mechanism level: Checksum failed)
If I do not use a keytab, but use pre-authentication, I am able to recover the key, but get the same error later on.
Any ideas?
Here is the krb5.conf I used to generate the SPNEGO negotiate header.
default_tkt_enctypes = aes256-cts-hmac-sha1-96 aes128-cts rc4-hmac des3-cbc-sha1 des-cbc-md5 des-cbc-crc
default_tgs_enctypes = aes256-cts-hmac-sha1-96 aes128-cts rc4-hmac des3-cbc-sha1 des-cbc-md5 des-cbc-crc
permitted_enctypes = aes256-cts-hmac-sha1-96 aes128-cts rc4-hmac des3-cbc-sha1 des-cbc-md5 des-cbc-crc
default_realm = MEONA.INTRA
kdc = pdc.meona.intra
default_domain = MEONA.INTRA
I tried different variants (with/without ".intra", uppercase/lowercase), without success. But after changing the ticket encryption (using the settings of the AD service user) to ARC4/HMAC1, everything works as expected - what is the problem with AES256?
I seen this issue while using Java 17 and Spnego
My Keytab-file contained entries for AES128/256. We have enabled AES-token for the AD account through Support. Then I see a error "checksum failed" (KVN and password are not changed).
Support generates keytab via ktpass. I replace it on the server and after restarting the application the error was resolved.
I re-generated the keytab-file via ktab with the new kvn - keytab also worked.
After enabling AES, you need "refresh" the account in AD for change the KVN parameter. And then the integration will work.

How to use JCo connection without creating *.JcoDestination file

I'm trying to connect to SAP ECC 6.0 using JCo. I'm following this tutorial. However, there is a Note saying:
For this example the destination configuration is stored in a file that is called by the program. In practice you should avoid this for security reasons.
And that is reasonable and understood. But, there is no explenation how to set up secure destination provider.
I found solution in this thread that created custom implementation of DestinationDataProvider and that works on my local machine. But when I deploy it on Portal I get an error saying that there is already registered DestinationDataProvider.
So my question is:
How to store destination data in SAP Java EE application?
Here is my code to further clarify what I'm trying to do.
public static void main(String... args) throws JCoException {
CustomDestinationProviderMap provider = new CustomDestinationProviderMap();;
Properties connectProperties = new Properties();
connectProperties.setProperty(DestinationDataProvider.JCO_ASHOST, "");
connectProperties.setProperty(DestinationDataProvider.JCO_SYSNR, "00");
connectProperties.setProperty(DestinationDataProvider.JCO_CLIENT, "100");
connectProperties.setProperty(DestinationDataProvider.JCO_USER, "user");
connectProperties.setProperty(DestinationDataProvider.JCO_PASSWD, "password");
connectProperties.setProperty(DestinationDataProvider.JCO_LANG, "en");
provider.addDestination(DESTINATION_NAME1, connectProperties);
public static void connect() throws JCoException {
JCoDestination destination = JCoDestinationManager.getDestination(DESTINATION_NAME1);
JCoFunction function = destination.getRepository().getFunction(FUNCTION_NAME);
if (function == null) {
throw new RuntimeException(FUNCTION_NAME + " not found in SAP.");
//function.getImportParameterList().setValue("EMPLOYEE_ID", "48");
function.getImportParameterList().setValue("FSTNAME_M", "ANAKIN");
function.getImportParameterList().setValue("LASTNAME_M", "SKYWALKER");
try {
} catch (AbapException e) {
JCoTable table = function.getTableParameterList().getTable("PERSONAL_DATA");
for (int i = 0; i < table.getNumRows(); i++) {
System.out.println(table.getString("PERNO") + '\t' + table.getString("FIRSTNAME") + '\t' + table.getString("LAST_NAME")
+'\t' + table.getString("BIRTHDATE")+'\t' + table.getString("GENDER"));
Ok, so I got this up and going and thought I'd share my research.
You need to add your own destination in Portal. To achieve that you need to go to NetWeaver Administrator, located at: host:port/nwa. So it'll be something like
Then you go to Configuration-> Infrastructure-> Destinations and add your destination there. You can leave empty most of the fields like Message Server. The important part is Destination name as it is how you will retrieve it and destination type which should be set to RFC Destination in my case. Try pinging your newly created destination to check if its up and going.
Finally you should be able to get destination by simply calling: JCoDestination destination = JCoDestinationManager.getDestination(DESTINATION_NAME); as it is added to your Portal environment and managed from there.
Take a look at the CustomDestinationDataProvider in the JCo examples of the Jco connector download. The important parts are:
static class MyDestinationDataProvider implements DestinationDataProvider
... MyDestinationDataProvider());
Then you can simply do:
instance = JCoDestinationManager.getDestination(DESTINATION_NAME);
Btw. you may also want to check out as they provide nice ways to store the config as well.

Gradle P4Java Read timed out

I am using P4Java library in my build.gradle file to sync a large zip file (>200MB) residing at a remote Perforce repository but I am encountering a " Read timed out" error either during the sync process or (mostly) during deleting the temporary client created for the sync operation. I am referring for working with temporary clients using P4Java API.
I tried increasing the socket read timeout from default 30 sec as suggested in and also by introducing sleep but both approaches didn't solved the problem. Probing the server to verify the connection using getServerInfo() right before performing sync or delete operations results in a successful connection check. Can someone please point me as to where I should look for answers?
Thank you.
Providing the code snippet:
void perforceSync(String srcPath, String destPath, String server) {
// Generating the file(s) to sync-up
String[] pathUnderDepot = [
srcPath + "*"
// Increasing timeout from default 30 sec to 60 sec
Properties defaultProps = new Properties()
defaultProps.put(PropertyDefs.PROG_NAME_KEY, "CustomBuildApp")
defaultProps.put(PropertyDefs.PROG_VERSION_KEY, "tv_1.0")
defaultProps.put(RpcPropertyDefs.RPC_SOCKET_SO_TIMEOUT_NICK, "60000")
// Instantiating the server
IOptionsServer p4Server = ServerFactory.getOptionsServer("p4java://" + server, defaultProps)
// Authorizing
// Just check if connected successfully
IServerInfo serverInfo = p4Server.getServerInfo()
println 'Server info: ' + serverInfo.getServerLicense()
// Creating new client
IClient tempClient = new Client()
// Setting up the name and the root folder
tempClient.setName("tempClient" + UUID.randomUUID().toString().replace("-", ""))
// Setting the client as the current one for the server
// Creating Client View entry
ClientViewMapping tempMappingEntry = new ClientViewMapping()
// Setting up the mapping properties
tempMappingEntry.setLeft(srcPath + "...")
tempMappingEntry.setRight("//" + tempClient.getName() + "/...")
// Creating Client view
ClientView tempClientView = new ClientView()
// Attaching client view entry to client view
// Registering the new client on the server
println p4Server.createClient(tempClient)
// Surrounding the underlying block with try as we want some action
// (namely client removing) to be performed in any way
try {
// Forming the FileSpec collection to be synced-up
List<IFileSpec> fileSpecsSet = FileSpecBuilder.makeFileSpecList(pathUnderDepot)
// Syncing up the client
println "Syncing..."
tempClient.sync(FileSpecBuilder.getValidFileSpecs(fileSpecsSet), true, false, false, false)
catch (Exception e) {
println "Sync failed. Trying again..."
sleep(60 * 1000)
tempClient.sync(FileSpecBuilder.getValidFileSpecs(fileSpecsSet), true, false, false, false)
finally {
println "Done syncing."
try {
IServerInfo serverInfo2 = p4Server.getServerInfo()
println '\nServer info: ' + serverInfo2.getServerLicense()
// Removing the temporary client from the server
println p4Server.deleteClient(tempClient.getName(), false)
catch(Exception e) {
println 'Ignoring exception caught while deleting tempClient!'
/*sleep(60 * 1000)
IServerInfo serverInfo3 = p4Server.getServerInfo()
println '\nServer info: ' + serverInfo3.getServerLicense()
sleep(60 * 1000)
println p4Server.deleteClient(tempClient.getName(), false)*/
One unusual thing which I observed while deleting tempClient was it was actually deleting the client but still throwing " Read timed out" which is why I ended up commenting the second delete attempt in the second catch block.
Which version of P4Java are you using? Have you tried this out with the newest P4Java? There are notable fixes dealing with RPC sockets since the 2013.2 version forward as can be seen in the release notes:
Here are some variations that you can try where you have your code to increase timeout and instantiating the server:
a] Have you tried to passing props in its own argument,? For example:
Properties prop = new Properties();
prop.setProperty(RpcPropertyDefs.RPC_SOCKET_SO_TIMEOUT_NICK, "300000");
UsageOptions uop = new UsageOptions(prop);
server = ServerFactory.getOptionsServer(ServerFactory.DEFAULT_PROTOCOL_NAME + "://" + serverPort, prop, uop);
Or something like the following:
IOptionsServer p4Server = ServerFactory.getOptionsServer("p4java://" + server, defaultProps)
You can also set the timeout to "0" to give it no timeout.
props.put(RpcPropertyDefs.RPC_SOCKET_SO_TIMEOUT_NICK, "60000");
props.put(RpcPropertyDefs.RPC_SOCKET_POOL_SIZE_NICK, "5");
Properties props = System.getProperties();
props.put(RpcPropertyDefs.RPC_SOCKET_SO_TIMEOUT_NICK, "60000");
IOptionsServer server =
ServerFactory.getOptionsServer("p4java://perforce:1666", props, null);
d] In case you have Eclipse users using our P4Eclipse plugin, the property can be set in the plugin preferences (Team->Perforce->Advanced) under the Custom P4Java Properties.
"sockSoTimeout" : "3000000"
Class RpcPropertyDefs
P4Eclipse or P4Java: SocketTimeoutException: Read timed out

Java - Unknown attribute MS-CHAP-Challenge

I am following this little example in java, to test JRadius client.
But I keep getting this error:
Exception in thread "main" net.sf.jradius.exception.UnknownAttributeException: Unknown attribute MS-CHAP-Challenge
at net.sf.jradius.packet.attribute.AttributeFactory.newAttribute(Unknown Source)
at net.sf.jradius.client.auth.MSCHAPv2Authenticator.processRequest(Unknown Source)
at net.sf.jradius.client.RadiusClient.authenticate(Unknown Source)
at lu.restena.zimbra.RestenaAuthenticator.main(
I have added all jars already and imports too.
My code:
InetAddress remoteInetAddress = InetAddress.getByName(RADIUSname);
RadiusClient radiusClient;
radiusClient = new RadiusClient(
remoteInetAddress, // InetAddress - Address of remote RADIUS Server
sharedSecret); // String - Shared Secret for remote RADIUS Server
AttributeList attributeList;
attributeList = new AttributeList();
attributeList.add(new Attr_UserName(username));
RadiusAuthenticator auth = RadiusClient.getAuthProtocol("mschapv2");
RadiusPacket request;
request = new AccessRequest(radiusClient, attributeList);
request.addAttribute(new Attr_UserPassword(password));
RadiusPacket reply = radiusClient.authenticate((AccessRequest) request, auth, 5);
The error is on:
RadiusPacket reply = radiusClient.authenticate((AccessRequest) request, auth, 5);
Anyone has any idea why? (I am a newbie in JRadius) (
Before using the JRadius library, a JRadius dictionary should be loaded as below.
Also, ensure you have added JRadius Dictionary (jradius-dictionary-.jar) to you class path.
