How to draw a square with the mouse - java

What I'm trying to do is basically the thing you can do in the desktop when you click and drag te mouse making a square. The problem is I don't know how to make it draw "backwards" or how to clean the previous parameters when you start a new square. here is the entire code:
public void paint (Graphics j){
private void formMousePressed(java.awt.event.MouseEvent evt) {
private void formMouseDragged(java.awt.event.MouseEvent evt) {

The signature for drawRect is: drawRect(int x, int y, int width, int height). You need to calculate the top left corner of the square, and the width and height.
The top-left corner is (min(x, z), min(y, w)).
The width is abs(x-z) and the height is abs(y-w)
Putting this together we get
j.drawRect(Math.min(x, z), Math.min(y, w), Math.abs(x - z), Math.abs(y - w));
Why does this work? Well you're given 2 points. It's a well known fact that 2 points can determine a square(opposite corners). The first problem is that you have to translate the points you're given, into an input that java likes. In this case, you first need the upper left hand corner. You don't know which point you have is that corner, or actually it could be that neither of them are.
So what do we know about the upper left corner? We know that it's x value is the smallest x value that exists in the square. We also know that at least one of the 2 points given rest on that same edge. Using this information we can determine that the x coordinate of the top left corner is the smallest x value of our 2 points. Or min(x, z). We use the same procedure to find the y coordinate.
Now width and height are easy. The width is the right edge - the left edge. We don't know which point is the right side, and which is the left side, but it doesn't matter. If we take the absolute value of the difference will always give you the positive difference between the points. In this case abs(x-z). The process is the same for the height.
As for resetting the square try adding a formMouseReleased method and setting x, y, z, w to 0.

I think you might create a method that resets the parameters
something like: void modifyMouse() in your Mouse class
//your parameters=0
I might try to give you a better help if you clarify your question, for now try that.


How to optimize this solution to avoid exceeding the time limit?

This is my solution to this question:
Given a circle represented as (radius, x_center, y_center) and an
axis-aligned rectangle represented as (x1, y1, x2, y2), where (x1, y1)
are the coordinates of the bottom-left corner, and (x2, y2) are the
coordinates of the top-right corner of the rectangle.
Return True if the circle and rectangle are overlapped otherwise
return False.
In other words, check if there are any point (xi, yi) such that
belongs to the circle and the rectangle at the same time.
class Solution {
public boolean checkOverlap(int radius, int x_center, int y_center, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) {
for(int i=x1; i<=x2; ){
for(int j=y1; j<=y2; ){
System.out.println((Math.pow(i-x_center, 2) +" "+ Math.pow(j-y_center, 2))+" "+Math.pow(radius, 2));
System.out.println(i+" "+j);
if((Math.pow(i-x_center, 2)+Math.pow(j-y_center, 2))<=Math.pow(radius, 2)){
return true;
j += 1;
i += 1;
return false;
I am pretty confident that the logic is correct. Ranging from the bottom left corner of the rectangle to the top right point, for every point, I am checking if it lies inside the circle.
If I increase the increment step to anything beyond '1', I see that the code fails for the test cases where the rectangle and circle just 'touch' each other. But having it this way leads to exceeding the time limit in some cases. How do I optimize the code for this logic?
Thanks in advance.
This problem can be simplified. I've found a solution of time complexity O(1) and memory complexity O(1). Instead of checking for every single pixel from the rectangle, you can even only take into consideration the bounds themselves.
As I see it, there are 3 cases:
Circle is fully inside rectangle.
Rectangle is fully inside circle
Circle and rectangle outlines intersect in at least one point. This is the tougher one.
I'll call center of the circle coordinates x0 and y0.
You can simply check the bounding box for the circle, as in, which is the northern most point of the circle(x0,y0-radius), which is the southern-most point of the circle(x0,y0+radius), eastern-most(x0-radius,y0) and western-most(x0+radius,y0). If they all fall within the rectangle, then problem solved.
If a rectangle is fully within a circle, that definitely means that its corners are at a smaller distance from the center of the circle than the radius. Simply check this distance for each corner.
Now comes the hard part.
So, as you have figured out, being in a circle(or intersecting one) means that some point must be at a smaller or equal distance from the center than the radius.
However, we can do an optimization for the rectangle checking part, too. Intersection with a rectangle likely means intersection with at least one of the segments that make the outline of the rectangle. So, in the case of an intersection between a rectangle and a circle, you need to check if there is any segment that would be at a smaller or equal distance from the center of the circle than the radius.
Edit: Also, the reason that your code fails on tests where they barely touch is likely due to floating-point errors. Do not use == (or in this case <=, which is similar) for checking if two floating point(or even a floating-point and integer) values are the same. Math.pow() in Java returns double. Just use normal multiplication for squaring.
In fact, you might want to stay as far from floating-point as possible, unless you can't figure out how to get rid of them and the problem says "0.001 error is acceptable" or something around the lines. They are both slow and prone to errors.
Edit 2: Also, I've written the code to help you aid in understanding this explanation. I've tested it on the site, it works for every test with runtime 1ms and memory usage 37.7Mb.
class Solution {
public boolean checkOverlap(int radius, int x_center, int y_center, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) {
//case 1: circle is fully inside rectangle
//check the bounding box of the circle against the rectangle
return true;
//case 2: checking closest corner against circle bounds
int minX=(Math.abs(x_center-x1)>Math.abs(x_center-x2))?(x_center-x2):(x_center-x1);
int minY=(Math.abs(y_center-y1)>Math.abs(y_center-y2))?(y_center-y2):(y_center-y1);
return true;
//case 3: checking distances to segments against circle bounds
//Checking distance from a segment to a point is alike checking
//the distance from the line the segment is part of to a point,
//except you have to check if the closest point from the segment
//is actually on the segment. If it isn't, the distance from a
//segment to a point is the minimum distance from one of its
//corners to the point.
return true;
return true;
return false;
This code could be possibly shortened. However, time complexity-wise, it can't get better than O(1).

Wrong result from Rectangle.contains() in java

It appears that the contains() method in Rectangle is not inclusive to the bottom right corner.
For example the following code returns "false";
Rectangle r = new Rectangle(0,0,100,100);
System.out.println(r.contains(100, 100));
As quoted from the Rectangle API (Java 8):
public Rectangle(int x,
int y,
int width,
int height) Constructs a new Rectangle whose upper-left corner is specified as (x,y) and whose width and height are
specified by the arguments of the same name.
Using Width and Height with the starting Point of (0,0) means the Rectangle has points from (0,0) to (99,99) - 100 pixels of width and 100 pixels of height, based on the given starting pixel of (0,0) which is always included in the Rectangle.
This means that (100,100) will indeed not be included in the constructed Rectangle. Based on the logic above, (100,100) will be contained in the following (verified using an online java compiler):
Rectangle r = new Rectangle(1,1,100,100);
The Rectangle API
It seems that the API wrongly states that the "upper left corner" is (x,y) when according to the accepted answer and my own experience, (x,y) is the lower left corner.

Action listener on drawn line - Java [duplicate]

So I'm trying to figure out how to implement a method of selecting lines or edges in a drawing area but my math is a bit lacking. This is what I got so far:
A collection of lines, each line has two end points (one to start and one to end the line)
The lines are drawn correctly on a canvas
Mouse clicks events are received when clicking the canvas, so I can get the x and y coordinate of the mouse pointer
I know I can iterate through the list of lines, but I have no idea how to construct an algorithm to select a line by a given coordinate (i.e. the mouse click). Anyone got any ideas or point me to the right direction?
// import java.awt.Point
public Line selectLine(Point mousePoint) {
for (Line l : getLines()) {
Point start = l.getStart();
Point end = l.getEnd();
if (canSelect(start, end, mousePoint)) {
return l; // found line!
return null; // could not find line at mousePoint
public boolean canSelect(Point start, Point end, Point selectAt) {
// How do I do this?
return false;
Best way to do this is to use the intersects method of the line. Like another user mentioned, you need to have a buffer area around where they clicked. So create a rectangle centered around your mouse coordinate, then test that rectangle for intersection with your line. Here's some code that should work (don't have a compiler or anything, but should be easily modifiable)
// Width and height of rectangular region around mouse
// pointer to use for hit detection on lines
private static final int HIT_BOX_SIZE = 2;
public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) {
int x = e.getX();
int y = e.getY();
Line2D clickedLine = getClickedLine(x, y);
* Returns the first line in the collection of lines that
* is close enough to where the user clicked, or null if
* no such line exists
public Line2D getClickedLine(int x, int y) {
int boxX = x - HIT_BOX_SIZE / 2;
int boxY = y - HIT_BOX_SIZE / 2;
int width = HIT_BOX_SIZE;
int height = HIT_BOX_SIZE;
for (Line2D line : getLines()) {
if (line.intersects(boxX, boxY, width, height) {
return line;
return null;
Well, first off, since a mathematical line has no width it's going to be very difficult for a user to click exactly ON the line. As such, your best bet is to come up with some reasonable buffer (like 1 or 2 pixels or if your line graphically has a width use that) and calculate the distance from the point of the mouse click to the line. If the distance falls within your buffer then select the line. If you fall within that buffer for multiple lines, select the one that came closest.
Line maths here:
Shortest distance between a point and a line segment
If you use the 2D api then this is already taken care of.
You can use Line2D.Double class to represent the lines. The Line2D.Double class has a contains() method that tells you if a Point is onthe line or not.
Sorry, mathematics are still required... This is from java.awt.geom.Line2D:
public boolean contains(double x,
double y)
Tests if a specified coordinate is inside the boundary of this Line2D.
This method is required to implement
the Shape interface, but in the case
of Line2D objects it always returns
false since a line contains no area.
Specified by:
contains in interface Shape
x - the X coordinate of the specified point to be tested
y - the Y coordinate of the specified point to be tested
false because a Line2D contains no area.
I recommend Tojis answer

Bounding box doesn't follow sprite correctly. (Java)

In a Java 2D game, I have a rectangular sprite of a tank. The sprite can rotate in any angle, and travel in the direction of that angle.
This sprite needs to have a bounding box, so I can detect collision to it.
This bounding box needs to:
Follow the sprite around the screen.
Rotate when the sprite rotates.
Obviously it should be invisible, but right now I'm drawing the box on the screen to see if it works. It doesn't.
My problem is this:
When the sprite travels parallel to the x axis or y axis, the box follows correctly and keeps 'wrapping' the sprite precisely.
But when the sprites travles diagonaly, the box doesn't follow the sprite correctly.
Sometimes it moves too much along the x axis and too little along the y axis. Sometimes the opposite. And maybe sometimes too much both or too little on both. Not sure.
Could you look at my code and tell me if you see anything wrong?
(Please note: The bounding box most of the time is actually just two arrays of coordinates, each one containing 4 values. The coordinates are used to form a Polygon when collision is checked, or when the box is drawn to the screen).
Relevant code from the Entity class, the superclass of Tank:
int[] xcoo = new int[4]; // coordinates of 4 vertices of the bounding box.
int[] ycoo = new int[4];
double x,y; // current position of the sprite.
double dx,dy; // how much to move the sprite, and the vertices of the bounding box.
double angle; // current angle of movement and rotation of sprite and bounding-box.
// Returns a Polygon object, that's the bounding box.
public Polygon getPolyBounds(){ return new Polygon(xcoo,ycoo,xcoo.length) ; }
public void move(){
// Move sprite
x += dx;
y += dy;
// Move vertices of bounding box.
for(int i=0;i<4;i++){
xcoo[i] += dx;
ycoo[i] += dy;
// Code to rotate the bounding box according to the angle, will be added later.
// ....
Relevant code from the Board class, the class that runs most of the game.
This is from the game-loop.
// keysPressed1 is an array of flags to tell which key is currently pressed.
// if left arrow is pressed
// if right arrow is pressed
// if up arrow is pressed (sets the direction to move, based on angle).
tank1.setDX(2 * Math.cos(Math.toRadians(tank1.getAngle())));
tank1.setDY(2 * Math.sin(Math.toRadians(tank1.getAngle())));
tank1.move(); // should move both the sprite, and it's bounding box.
Thanks a lot for your help. If you need me to explain something about the code so you can help me, please say so.
Your sprite is using doubles and your bounding box is using ints, see these declarations:
int[] xcoo = new int[4];
double x, y
And the following updates:
(double dx, dy, showing it is a double)
x += dx
xcoo[i] += dx
In the latter (the bounding box) you are adding an int to a double which causes it to drop it's decimal places as it is being cast to an integer.
Hence why they do not follow the sprite exactly, as an int can never follow a double.
To solve this you need xcoo, ycoo and corresponding methods to work with double instead of int.
Update: So Polygon only takes Integers appereantly, to solve that take a look at the following question: Polygons with Double Coordinates
You should be using Path2D.Double

Java Pong - assign various reflection points to different parts of a paddle

I'm making pong in Java and wanted to make the game more fun by assigning different reflection logic to each part of the paddle, like so:
(ball hittins outter edges of paddle will have a different effect than it hitting the middle of the paddle)
The paddle extends Rectangle2D so I could use Rectangle2D's intersects() method to determine if the ball has touched any part of it...
Is it possible to determine where exactly the ball has hit on the paddle?
What I'm planning to do is,
calculate angle of incidence and reflective angle based on that...
If the ball hits at a point x on the paddle... I will change the reflection angle accordingly
Is it possible to determine where exactly the ball has hit on the paddle?
If it were me, I would grab the current co-ordinates of both the ball and the paddle. For the paddle, you can get two sets of y co-ordinates, to describe the line facing the ball. Ie:
int paddleY1 = paddle.y;
int paddleY2 = paddle.y + paddle.width;
// assuming the paddle can only go up and down, y is the only co-ordinate that matters.
Then, you can compute the mid point of the paddle as:
int paddleYMid = (paddleY1 + paddleY2) / 2;
You can find out if the ball hit the left or right side of the paddle by comparing the y co-ordinates. Ie:
if(ball.y > paddleYMid)
// Right side of the paddle.
// Left side of the paddle.
Then it's up to you to develop further refinement.
Since the paddle is always vertical (parallel to Y axis), the point of collision of the ball and the paddle will happen at the same y-coordinate as the center of the ball. That is:
if (ball.centerX - ball.radius <= paddle.rightX && ball.velocityX < 0)
// collision point, if any, is at (ball.centerX - ball.radius, ball.centerY)
if (ball.centerY >= paddle.bottomY && ball.centerY <= paddle.topY)
// handle collision
As for the handling of the collision itself, you may not have to deal with angle of reflection, etc, but work solely with the raw values of x and y velocity. For example, to simulate a perfectly elastic collision, simply do:
ball.velocityX = -ball.velocityX;
And to account for ball reflecting at a higher or lower angle, you can scale the y velocity based on the position of the collision from the center of the paddle, eg.
ball.velocityY += SCALE_CONSTANT * (ball.centerY - ((paddle.topY + paddle.bottomY) / 2));
To find the exact spot where the ball hits the paddle, you can formulate the problem as a line intersection problem.
The paddle can be represented as a vertical line at the x-coordinate (+thickness if needed, and corrected for the balls diameter) of the paddle. The ball can then be represented as a line along its movement vector (this line could be simply defined by its current position and its next position if it were to move unimpended).
The problem can now be solved using a line intersection algorythm.
Since the paddle is a vertical line, the equations can be simplified to just answer the question at which Y will the ball pass the paddle's X. Thats also a common problem encountered and solved by line clipping: (the intersection points can also be computed directly, but I can't find the formula atm).
