It appears that the contains() method in Rectangle is not inclusive to the bottom right corner.
For example the following code returns "false";
Rectangle r = new Rectangle(0,0,100,100);
System.out.println(r.contains(100, 100));
As quoted from the Rectangle API (Java 8):
public Rectangle(int x,
int y,
int width,
int height) Constructs a new Rectangle whose upper-left corner is specified as (x,y) and whose width and height are
specified by the arguments of the same name.
Using Width and Height with the starting Point of (0,0) means the Rectangle has points from (0,0) to (99,99) - 100 pixels of width and 100 pixels of height, based on the given starting pixel of (0,0) which is always included in the Rectangle.
This means that (100,100) will indeed not be included in the constructed Rectangle. Based on the logic above, (100,100) will be contained in the following (verified using an online java compiler):
Rectangle r = new Rectangle(1,1,100,100);
The Rectangle API
It seems that the API wrongly states that the "upper left corner" is (x,y) when according to the accepted answer and my own experience, (x,y) is the lower left corner.
I'm currently looking into the drawPolygon(int[] xPoints, int[] yPoints, int nPoints) method in Java.
If I am not mistaken, the first two parameters are arrays, indicating the x-coordinates and y-coordinates of the polygon.
My question is, how are the polygon's coordinates interpreted from the two arrays?
For instance, I want to draw a line between the points (100, 300) and (200, 400). That is, a line increasing from left to right.
However, if I put these values into their respective arrays:
xPoints = {100, 200}; //x-coordinates
yPoints = {300, 400}; //y-coordinates
I get a line decreasing from left to right. As if the points are interpreted (100, 400) and (200, 300).
Thus, my question is: how are the array elements evaluated to make up the points of the polygon?
The default coordinate system has the origin in the upper left hand side corner of the canvas, and the y values increase from the top of the screen downwards. You can use an affine transform if you aren't happy with this orientation.
This is an example (!) from some code I have lying around - you may have to adapt it according to your situation:
// Polygon -> PathIterator -> Path2D, and then:
Path2D path = ...;
at.scale( 1, -1 );
path.transform( at );
bbox = path.getBounds2D();
at = new AffineTransform();
at.translate( -bbox.getMinX(), -bbox.getMinY() );
path.transform( at );
The coordinate system has origo in the top-left corner, and the y-axis increasing downwards.
This is why you get a downward slope when you increase the y-coordinate.
Hi im new to programming and im trying to code an algorithm in java to determine if a circle is in a rectangular area
I have the radius of the circle and the point in the middle of it(the center)
| circle
the bottom left corner represent the coordinate (0,0)
this is what I have so far but I know I have an error somewhere which I can't find
if (mCenter.getmX() + mRadius > width ||
mCenter.getmY() + mRadius > height ||
mCenter.getmX() - mRadius < 0 ||
mCenter.getmY() - mRadius < 0) {
return false; //not inside area
else { return true; }
In this code mCenter is a Point with a x and y coordinate, mRadius is the circle radius and width and height are the width/height of the area
You didn't say what the symptom is, but your helpful diagram above uses the ordinary mathematical coordinate system while your posted code uses awt.image.BufferedImage. Swing and most 2D computer graphics systems use a different coordinate system that's more convenient for laying out content in reading order.
Per GraphicsConfiguration#getDefaultTransform():
Coordinates in the coordinate space defined by the default
AffineTransform for screen and printer devices have the origin in the
upper left-hand corner of the target region of the device, with X
coordinates increasing to the right and Y coordinates increasing
I think it's possible to set up a GraphicsConfiguration with a different transform. (I don't know how to do it.) Not so for awt.image.BufferedImage:
All BufferedImage objects have an upper left corner coordinate of (0, 0).
javax.swing.SwingUtilities has coordinate conversion methods.
P.S. Calling image.setRGB() for each pixel will be slow compared to passing the entire image into setRGB(int startX, int startY, int w, int h, int[] rgbArray, int offset, int scansize) or setData(Raster r). Usually a frame buffer is held in a 1-D array that's treated like a 2-D array, with scansize indicating the width of a scan line within this buffer.
What I'm trying to do is basically the thing you can do in the desktop when you click and drag te mouse making a square. The problem is I don't know how to make it draw "backwards" or how to clean the previous parameters when you start a new square. here is the entire code:
public void paint (Graphics j){
private void formMousePressed(java.awt.event.MouseEvent evt) {
private void formMouseDragged(java.awt.event.MouseEvent evt) {
The signature for drawRect is: drawRect(int x, int y, int width, int height). You need to calculate the top left corner of the square, and the width and height.
The top-left corner is (min(x, z), min(y, w)).
The width is abs(x-z) and the height is abs(y-w)
Putting this together we get
j.drawRect(Math.min(x, z), Math.min(y, w), Math.abs(x - z), Math.abs(y - w));
Why does this work? Well you're given 2 points. It's a well known fact that 2 points can determine a square(opposite corners). The first problem is that you have to translate the points you're given, into an input that java likes. In this case, you first need the upper left hand corner. You don't know which point you have is that corner, or actually it could be that neither of them are.
So what do we know about the upper left corner? We know that it's x value is the smallest x value that exists in the square. We also know that at least one of the 2 points given rest on that same edge. Using this information we can determine that the x coordinate of the top left corner is the smallest x value of our 2 points. Or min(x, z). We use the same procedure to find the y coordinate.
Now width and height are easy. The width is the right edge - the left edge. We don't know which point is the right side, and which is the left side, but it doesn't matter. If we take the absolute value of the difference will always give you the positive difference between the points. In this case abs(x-z). The process is the same for the height.
As for resetting the square try adding a formMouseReleased method and setting x, y, z, w to 0.
I think you might create a method that resets the parameters
something like: void modifyMouse() in your Mouse class
//your parameters=0
I might try to give you a better help if you clarify your question, for now try that.
I try to find a solution for drawing ellipses based on the center point, not the upper left corner as it is specified in the constructor of Ellipse2D.Double. As seen in the picture the ellipses should have the same center point and scale, is that somehow possible?
Thanks in advance for your help.
If (x,y) is the center you want to use and you can only specify the upper left corner, then use the following:
private Ellipse2D getEllipseFromCenter(double x, double y, double width, double height)
double newX = x - width / 2.0;
double newY = y - height / 2.0;
Ellipse2D ellipse = new Ellipse2D.Double(newX, newY, width, height);
return ellipse;
If called with the center point and the width and height, this will "transform" your center point to the upper left corner and create an Ellipse2D which is located just as you want it to be.
The 'Upper' coordinate is misleading , it only works assuming y >=0 ( which works fine for a screen referential , bur not if you use the primitive with y <0 , for instance calculating object collisions )
With the usual math referential , where y<0 is possible , up is at the bottom
so it lacks a general definition not to get confused
The exact definition is that x and y are the min coordinates of the bounding rectangle.
It can be 'up' or 'down' ( relatively to your screen i suppose ) depending on the y axis orientation and y coordinate sign
In core Java book it says
The width of the rectangle that the getStringBounds method returns is the horizontal
extent of the string. The height of the rectangle is the sum of ascent, descent, and
leading. The rectangle has its origin at the baseline of the string. The top y -coordinate of the rectangle is negative. Thus, you can obtain string width, height, and
ascent as follows:
double stringWidth = bounds.getWidth();
double stringHeight = bounds.getHeight();
double ascent = -bounds.getY();
What does the author mean when saying that the rectangle has its origin at the baseline of the string, while top y-coordinate is the ascent?
Where does the bounding rectangle of the string start?
with a test string i got the following:
w: 291.0
h: 91.265625
descent: 15.8203125
leading: 3.0585938
That mean the rectangle origin is at the leading not the baseline, am i correct on this?
It means that the bounds' coordinates are in a space where zero Y coordinate is at string's baseline and positive Y coordinates go downwards. In the following image the black dot corresponds to zero Y:
Therefore negative bounds.getY() (ascent) corresponds to the topmost coordinate. And positive bounds.getHeight() + bounds.getY() (descent + leading) will correspond to the botmommost coordinate in this coordinate space.
The math works out:
72.38671875 ascent + 15.8203125 descent + 3.0585938 leading = 91.265625 total height
This tutorial on 2D Text has an image illustrating leading, descent, and ascent.
In your specific case, 72.38671875 is the height of the ascent. That's measured from the baseline to the top of the tallest glyph. The leading is the space between the bottom of the descender to the top of the next line.
The bounding rectangle is relative to the baseline. The API for FontMetrics.getStringBounds states "The returned bounds is in baseline-relative coordinates", which explains your results. x will always be 0, and the height of the bounding box will be the ascent plus the descent plus the leading.
The Java graphics coordinate system has its origin in the top right of the canvas, with the Y coordinate increasing from top to bottom. This means that a rectangle's top edge (the return value of getY()) will have a smaller Y coordinate than its bottom edge (the baseline of a text string).
The result value of getStringBounds() is only somewhat consistent with this. While the coordinate system is respected, the origin of the bounding rectangle is relative to the baseline, not at the top left. This means that the top left of the rectangle will have a negative Y coordinate.