Implementing Deserialization of Objects - java

As usual, I'm sure there is a multitude of answers out there to this question, however, I have no idea what to search to find them.
Say you have a bunch of animals, Rat Cat Dog and Fish, and you want to serialize/deserialize these animals. Each has its own serialize() method. That all works fine and good, if you want to save your Cat to a file, you call Cat.serialize() and then you write it to a file.
But what about deserializing? Sure, you could save an extra bit of data that states the type of animal, then use reflection to get a static method (say, deserialize(String serialized)) and then invoke it. But that's not safe. What if someone creates a new animal 'Rabbit' and doesn't include a deserialize(String serialized) method? Sure, you could then just catch the error and ignore the issue, but that seems unclean and bad practice.
You could also create an enum. Each item in the enum must have a deserialize(String serialized) method, and the aforementioned piece of data that states the type references the name of its enum item. Very clean. Problem is, not very adaptable. Enums don't allow for other animals to be added at runtime.
The way I have been solving this issue is mapping the name of the objects against a deserializer object. Basically each animal would have to 'register' itself by entering it's name and deserializer (implements Deserializer interface) object into a HashMap. The deserializer object can then be retrieved via the name of the animal at a later time.
My question is, what is the best method to go about implementing deserialization? Also, is the method I have been using good/bad practice?
Finally, if you are wondering why animals would be added at runtime, the reason is because animals might be added by other non accessible parts of the program, or by things such as plugins.
Example of the method I have been using is below.
Animal Interface
public class Animal{
public String serialize();
Deserializer Interface
public interface Deserializer{
public Animal deserialize();
Deserializer Storer:
public class AnimalSpecies{
public static final String DELIMITER="|";
private static HashMap<String,GameModeType> species=new HashMap<String,GameModeType>();
public static addSpecies(String speciesName,Deserializer deserializer){
if (species.contains(speciesName)){
//Throw error
public static Deserializer getSpeciesDeserializer(String speciesName){
return species.get(speciesName);
Cat class
public class Cat implements Animal{
public static final String DELIMITER=AnimalSpecies.DELIMITER;
private String type;
private int age;
private String name;
public static register(){
AnimalSpecies.addSpecies("CAT",new deserializer());
public Cat(String name,String type,Int age){
public String serialize(){
private static class deserializer implements Deserializer{
public Cat deserialize(String serialized){
String[] split=serialized.split(DELIMITER);
return new Cat(split[3].split[1],Integer.parseInt(split[2]));
Then in you main method you would call:
And when you needed to deserialize:
Deserializer d=AnimalSpecies.getSpeciesDeserializer(serialized.split(AnimalSpecies.DELIMITER)[0]);
if (d!=null){
After writing all this out, I cant help but notice how much my method requires cooperation/understanding from other parties. It cant be guaranteed that the correct delimiter will be used. What I mean by this is that any serialized Animal must have a way of identifying which animal it is so that it's deserializer can be accessed. This can be worked around by implementing a wrapper that adds this information directly before it is written to a file, and removes it directly before deserialization.
Why not use built in serialization/deserialization?
I would like the serialized data to be readable and easily editable.


Composition over inheritance for RealmObjects with Gson serialization

I'm considering Realm as a database solution for various reasons, but the big one currently being the TransactionTooLargeException now being thrown in Nougat has made it so I have to rework my current database architecture, based on ActiveAndroid, which has its own annoying limitations. The difficulty is that Realm does not support inheritance ( and they don't seem in any particular hurry to get around to it. Instead, they recommend using composition over inheritance, but I can't figure out how to make that work with Gson/Json deserialization.
Superclass: Animal, with subclasses Dog and German Shepherd
public class Animal {
private int numLegs;
private boolean hasFur;
public class Dog extends Animal {
private String color;
private boolean canDoTricks;
public class GermanShepherd extends Dog {
public boolean isGuardDog;
public boolean isAtRiskOfHipDysplasia()
(Sorry, this is a super canned example, just to illustrate).
Now let's say the json for this looks like:
"numLegs" : 4,
"hasFur" : true,
"color" : "Black & Brown",
"canDoTricks" : true,
"isGuardDog" : true,
"isAtRiskofHipDysplasia" : false
Now, I cannot modify the Json because it's an API that's giving it to me.
Looking at this answer:, it appears it is possible in a very hacky way to make it sort of work, but the answer notes that there are limitations including that the serialization would be wrong. Since the server only talks in the json format that doesn't involve crazy composition, this presents a problem.
Can I write a custom Gson deserializer/serializer to make this work? If so, what would that look like? I basically need to be able to convert a json payload into up to N objects, where N - 1 objects are nested inside the base object.
So with composition (note this isn't necessarily "Realm" composition, just an example, since it looks like Realm has to use some weird form of interface-composition), I'd have a class like below:
public class GermanShepherd {
public Animal animal;
public Dog dog;
// Generate a bunch of delegate methods here
Am I barking up the wrong tree? It feels like Realm might not work for what I'm trying to do, and inheritance is built into the API I'm using in multiple places, and specifically in the objects I want to persist, so I have to either figure out a workaround or use another solution. ActiveAndroid (what I'm using now) is also a less than ideal solution and I'm sick to death of dealing with skirting around deadlocks, crashes, querying on background threads that now cause crashes if the data is too big to pass in an Intent, etc...all issues with SQLite. I'm open to solutions to my main question or to alternatives that would solve this problem. Thanks in advance for your help!
You should create a new RealmObject class for each flattened concrete class, and map your JSON representation to them.
To retain inheritance, you can simulate it by inheriting getters/setters from interfaces that inherit from one another.
public interface IAnimal extends RealmModel {
int getNumberOfLegs();
void setNumberOfLegs(int legs);
boolean getHasFur();
void setHasFur(boolean hasFur);
public interface IDog extends IAnimal {
String getColor();
void setColor(String color);
boolean getCanDoTricks();
void setCanDoTricks();
public interface IGermanShepherd extends IDog {
boolean getIsGuardDog();
void setIsGuardDog(boolean isGuardDog);
boolean getIsAtRiskOfHipDysplasia();
void setIsAtRiskOfHipDysplasia(boolean isAtRisk);
Because then you can do
public class GermanShepard
extends RealmObject
implements IGermanShepard {
private int numLegs;
private boolean hasFur;
private String color;
private boolean canDoTricks;
private boolean isGuardDog;
private boolean isAtRiskofHipDysplasia;
// inherited getters/setters
You can even make repository class out of it
public abstract class AnimalRepository<T extends IAnimal> {
protected Class<T> clazz;
public AnimalRepository(Class<T> clazz) {
this.clazz = clazz;
public RealmResults<T> findAll(Realm realm) {
return realm.where(clazz).findAll();
public class GermanShepardRepository extends AnimalRepository<GermanShepard> {
public GermanShepardRepository() {
And then
GermanShepardRepository germanShepardRepository;
RealmResults<GermanShepard> results = germanShepardRepository.findAll(realm);
But you can indeed merge them into one class and then give it a String type; parameter to know what type it originally was. That's probably even better than having all these GermanShepards.

Code repetition vs readablility

I have multiple services (in Spring MVC) that are children of a global Service. So I need to know about the best practice (or your opinions) with multiple methods with this example:
//Domain classes
public class MyParentObject{}
public class MyObj extends MyParentObject{}
public class MyParentObjectServiceImpl implements MyParentObjectService{
public MyParentObject findObjectByProp(String prop, String objectType){
//myCode (not abstract class)
public class MyObjServiceImpl extends MyParentObjectServiceImpl implements MyObjectService{
private myObjType = "MyObj";
public MyObj findMyObjByProp(String prop){
return (MyObj) super.findObjectByProp(prop, this.myObjType);
And in this approach, I use calls like this:
MyObj foo = myObjService.findMyObjByProp(prop);
So I need to know if this approach is "better" or more apropiate that calling directly the parent method with the second parameter. E.g:
MyObj foo = (MyObj)myParentObjectService.findObjectByProp(prop, "MyObj");
..and avoiding the creation of second methods, more specific. It is important to know that the children services will be created anyway, because we have lot of code that is specific of a domain objects.
I have the idea that the first approach is better, because is more readable, but I need to support that decision with some documents, blog, or opinions to discuss this designs with my colleagues.
This looks like a tagged class hierarchy. It's difficult to comment on the value of this design in general without knowing the details. However, a slightly different approach that I would recommend is to generify your base class to gain a little bit of type safety.
In particular:
public /* abstract */ class MyParentObjectServiceImpl<T extends MyParentObject>
implements MyParentObjectService{
MyParentObjectServiceImpl(Class<T> type) { this.type = type; }
private final Class<T> type; // subclasses provide this
public T findObjectByProp(String prop){
//you can use type for object specific stuff
public class MyObjServiceImpl extends MyParentObjectServiceImpl<MyObj>
// You might not need this interface anymore
// if the only method defined is findMyObjByProp
/* implements MyObjectService */ {
MyObjServiceImpl() {
public /* final */ MyObj findMyObjByProp(String prop) {
return (MyObj) super.findObjectByProp(prop, this.myObjType);
You definitely gain in type safety (casting will only appear in the base class), you get rid of the "tags" (the strings that identify the different objects) and possibly reduce the number of classes/interfaces required to implement the whole hierarchy. I successfully used this approach several times. Note that this works best if the base class is abstract. Food for thoughts.

How to expose an enum to public API without the implementation?

I have a class which has a property whose type is an Enum. Example:
enum CarType {
public final String country;
private CarType(String country) { = country; }
class Car {
private CarType type;
public CarType getType() { return type; }
The class Car is part of a library, and I would like to expose its functionality, so I create an interface which will be part of the public API, and have the class Car implement it:
interface ICar {
CarType getType();
class Car implements ICar {
private CarType type;
#Override public CarType getType() { return type; }
The problem with this approach is that this would require the whole CarType enum to be published. The CarType enum might contain additional attributes and methods which I do not want to expose / publish (country in this example).
What can I do if I want to hide the implementation of CarType but I still want to expose the possible values (the declared enum values) in a way so that the API users can reference them in switch and if statements like this:
ICar car = ...; // Get an instance somehow.
if (car.getType() == CarType.TOYOTA) System.out.println("It's Toyota.");
Making the additional attributes and methods protected or private is not a good solution because then other parts of the library would also not be able to reference to them.
Are there any good alternatives to this problem if I want to keep using Enums?
Although a late one wanted to add my thoughts -
enums can also implement an interface where you can expose only the require details:
public enum CarType implements ICarType {
public String getTypeName(){
return name();
public interface ICarType {
public String getTypeName();
So that you plan to use it in if()/switch
ICarType carType; //Not referencing the enum
You can provide Enum for public API, and convert it to another Enum for private usage.
E.g. use a Map, where key is public Enum instance and value - private Enum instance.
The problem is that you have to convert data each time the API is called. May require change in many places.
protected, private and package-private are the main tools you are provided with for this. If you think about your class hierarchy enough you can probably do something using them.
You should consider composition. Have a TypeDetails class, and have each member of the CarType contain a TypeDetails member. You can then restrict access to the TypeDetails getter to only those people who are supposed to access it while having the TypeDetails itself visible to all the parts of your library.
If it is strictly necessary to hide the country attribute to user code, you can go for standard visibility (attributes declared without public, protected or private qualifier, those attributes would only be visible for classes in the same package). I hope this to be useful, but I am aware that is only a patch.
Anyway I cannot fully understand your design and necessities, so probably you have no other option, but maybe what you need is a redesign with encapsulation in mind if you want to protect your code from API misuse

Gson add field during serialization

I can't find a simple way to add a custom field during serialization in Gson and I was hoping someone else may be able to help.
Here is a sample class to show my issue:
public class A {
String id;
String name;
When I serialize class A I would like to return something like:
{ "id":"123", "name":"John Doe", "url_to_user":"" }
where url_to_user is not stored in my instance of class A, but can be generated with data in the instance of class A.
Is there a simple way of doing this? I would prefer to avoid writing an entire serializer just to add one field.
Use Gson.toJsonTree to get a JsonElement, with which you can interact dynamically.
A a = getYourAInstanceHere();
Gson gson = new Gson();
JsonElement jsonElement = gson.toJsonTree(a);
jsonElement.getAsJsonObject().addProperty("url_to_user", url);
return gson.toJson(jsonElement);
Well, the top rated answer is quite a quick one and not essentially bad when you are lacking much time but here is the problem: There is no proper separation of concern
You are modifying the serialized JSON at the same place where you are writing your business logic. You should be doing all the serialization inside of a TypeAdapter or a JsonSerializer.
How can we maintain a proper separation of concern?
The answer wraps around a bit of additional complexity but the architecture demands it. Here we go(taken from my other answer):
First, we would be using a custom serializer for the type. Second, we would have to create a copy constructor inside the base class and a wrapper subclass as follows:
Note: The custom serializer might seem like an overkill but trust me, it pays off in long run for maintainability.
// Lets say the base class is named Cat
public class Cat {
public String name;
public Cat(String name) {
super(); = name;
public Cat(Cat cat) { =;
public String sound() {
return name + " : \"meaow\"";
// The wrapper subclass for serialization
public class CatWrapper extends Cat{
public CatWrapper(String name) {
public CatWrapper(Cat cat) {
And the serializer for the type Cat:
public class CatSerializer implements JsonSerializer<Cat> {
public JsonElement serialize(Cat src, Type typeOfSrc, JsonSerializationContext context) {
// Essentially the same as the type Cat
JsonElement catWrapped = context.serialize(new CatWrapper(src));
// Here, we can customize the generated JSON from the wrapper as we want.
// We can add a field, remove a field, etc.
// The main logic from the top rated answer now here instead of *spilling* around(Kindly ignore the cat having a url for the sake of example)
return catWrapped.getAsJsonObject().addProperty("url_to_user", url);
So, why a copy constructor?
Well, once you define the copy constructor, no matter how much the base class changes, your wrapper will continue with the same role. Secondly, if we don't define a copy constructor and simply subclass the base class then we would have to "talk" in terms of the extended class, i.e, CatWrapper. It is quite possible that your components talk in terms of the base class and not the wrapper type.

Inherited enum redefinition

It is more complex than it sounds, but I think I am obliged to try something like it. I want to make an abstract parent class with a prototyping of an enum (I want to declare the enum with only one value probably that will be the default unitialized one and also declaring a couple of methods that I will be using from the subclass), then I want to class that will extend the abstract parent to actually intialize the very same enum (I know that this practically hides the parent enum) so that the kid class will define a set of items inside the enum, but keep the methods probably.
I do not know much about this level of abstraction so I will now describe the nature of my problem, in case there is a more practical solution:
I have a bunch of files that contain classes that implement a lot of commands based on enums. (e.g. class1 implements Observer has an update method that uses an enum-based switch to decide what command was picked, same applies for the other classes) I now want to abstract this whole thing in a way that I have an enum variable with the exact same name in all classes (e.g. CommandSet) so that I can have a generic method inside the parent that will be able to print a help list to my system using the inside methods of the enum. Now I know I can rewrite the exact same method in every class, but I want to abstract it so that others can keep on extending the library I am making!
Hopefully I am not too confusing or too confused and somone can help me! :)
Edit: Here is an idea of the code (Probably not right):
public abstract class Commands{
enum CommandSet{
// empty command, placeholder
null_command ("command name", "command description");
// the Strings used for name and description
private final String name;
private final String description;
// constructor
CommandSet(String name, String description){;
// get parameters
public String getName(){
return name;
public String getDescription(){
return description;
public void showHelp(){
for (CommandSet i : CommandSet.values()) {
public class StandardCommads extends Commands implements Observer{
// I want to change the enum here, just changing the values so that null_command ("command name", "command description") will get removed and I will add a dozen other values, but keep the methods that the parent had
// update inherited from Observer
public void update(Observable observable, Object object) {
// I want the commands inside the switch cases defined inside this class's enum
case command1: doStuff1();break;
case command2: doStuff2();break;
case commandN: doStuffN();break;
// other methods
void doStuff1(){
void doStuffN(){
public class NonStandardCommads extends Commands implements Observer{
// Another set of commands here for the enum keeping the same methods it had in the parent
// update inherited from Observer
public void update(Observable observable, Object object) {
// Other set of commands inside this class used in the switch statement
case Zcommand1: doStuffz1();break;
case Zcommand2: doStuffz2();break;
case ZcommandN: doStuffzN();break;
// other methods
void doStuffz1(){
void doStuffzN(){
Impossible: Java enums can neither extend another class nor be extended themselves.
They can however implement interfaces. Perhaps you can use that to your advantage.
There is something else about enums that may help you: enums are not immutable. You could change field values of the enums, however that would change them for the whole JVM.
Another approach maybe to pass your subclass instances into a method of the enum and have the enum use your subclass as a call back to get different functionality out of an enum for a different user of the enum.
Nope, you can't do that.
Java Enums run out of gas very quickly & definitely, when you want to add/extend more definitions or instantiate the enum instances, at a later time. (eg load them from database, configure them in an instance method, not just statically.)
Behaviour/ or logic in Java enums is kinda limited too -- you can define & set properties, but only what's statically initializable, and logic seems basic (you end up mainly just comparing references or ordinals, with the other defined enum constants).
What you can do:
You can implement an ancestor Command or AbstractCommand class, with a integer Code, and then subclass it to define concrete values/ additional codes/ load or configure instances, etc.
For further benefit, you get efficient switch & despatch (by Code) plus the ability to define further details/properties, instantiate commands as-needed, etc.
Essentially, this is how you used to define an Enum before Java supported them. Though you may be using them as value objects, rather than strictly static.
My expertise:
I've done extensive compiler & type-system work, tried enums for file-types and associated data/behaviour.. explored the outer limits, and reached the definite boundaries.
I also like being able to instantiate & return a new UnknownFileType("") as an answer, too. Enums can't do that.
(We'll despatch by String, not int -- since your code appears to be using Java 7. This makes command resolution easier, than requiring both a syntactical "name" and an internal integer "code".)
public static class Command {
protected String code;
protected String desc;
public String getCode() {return code;}
public String getDesc() {return desc;}
public Command (String code, String desc) {
this.code = code;
this.desc = desc;
public String toString() {return code;}
public class StandardCommands {
public static Command READ = new Command("READ", "read a record");
public static Command CREATE = new Command("WRITE", "create a record");
public static Command EDIT = new Command("WRITE", "modify a record");
public class FurtherCommands extends StandardCommands {
public static Command LIST = new Command("LIST", "list all records");
public class QueryCommands extends FurtherCommands {
public static class QueryCmd extends Command {
protected String search;
public String getSearch() {return search;}
// constructor..
public static QueryCmd QUERY_EXAMPLE = new QueryCmd("QUERY", "example", "query for specified string");
public static QueryCmd createQuery (String search) {
return new QueryCmd( "QUERY", search, "query for specified string");
