I am trying to get the name of my json key from my jsonarray but not able to take in java.
I just want to take name of key like i only want to take "ParamName" and need to check
if (ParamName == "ParamName") {
Then do this.
You can convert this to JSON object.
JSONArray json = (JSONArray)new JSONParser().parse("[{\"ParamName\":\"param1\",
JSONObject obj= (JSONObject) json.get(0);
I want to get only a specific value out of all the nested objects. In the application I just need the msg 3 which is inside another object messages.
I have tried it using JSONObject but it is not working for nested object. However It is working with just a single object means root object .
INPUT - {"name":"lola","messages":{"msg 1":"msg 2","msg 3":"msg 4"},"age":22}
String s = sc.nextLine();
JSONParser parser = new JSONParser();
JSONObject json = (JSONObject) parser.parse(s);
Object name = json.get("messages");
JSONObject messageObject = (JSONObject) json.get("messages");
//Get employee first name
String msg= (String) messageObject.get("msg3");
The Output:
{"msg 3":"msg 4","msg 1":"msg 2"}
{"msg 3":"msg 4","msg 1":"msg 2"}
The last nested object is not fetching in any way. Another thing is that the normal print of the string as a JSONObject gets changed. like the msg3 came before msg1.
In place of null - msg4 should be there.
Thanks in advance.
You are missing a space between "msg" and "3". By the way - you can do this easier, as such.
String s = sc.nextLine();
JSONParser parser = new JSONParser();
JSONObject json = (JSONObject) parser.parse(s);
System.out.println(json.get("message").get("msg 3"));
I have a String like this:
I can turn this string into an object:
JSONObject jobj = new JSONObject(response);
But I don't find how to get the token value, I tried creating JSONArrays but i get a not found exception.
You can do it like this ;
final JSONObject api_authentication = jobj.getJSONObject("api_authentication");
final JSONObject api_response = api_authentication.getJSONObject("api_response");
if JSON any value in curlybrackets { ... } , this is jsonObject . If values are in [ ... ], this is JsonArray. Also you can get which one is object or array, and get it relevant fields from this. So all of json elements are with curly bracket in your problem. Get it as JsonObject.
this might work by the look of what you have posted. The posted code snippet shows that it is a single JSON object and not a JSONArray.
Hence try the following:
JSONObject jobj = new JSONObject(response);
String newtoken = jobj.getJSONObject("api_authentication").getJSONObject("api_response").getString("token"); //declare the variable `newtoken` somhwere before of a desired type
You could try something like:
Object tokenValue = jobj.getJSONObject("api_authentication").getJSONObject("api_response").get("token");
After that you can cast the object to the desired type or use something like getString(.) straightaway.
I have the following json structure
"GroupName":"Womens Fashion*",
"UpdatedBy":"Data Migration",
and i want to remove the "Group" key and value from the json object using java
i tried few things but didn't work following is my code .
JSONObject jsonObjIncomingDatanew =new JSONObject(Result);
Try this:
JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject(Result);
Or if getJSONObject() doesn't work, replace it with getAsJsonObject().
I've got a JSON response that looks like this:
"patientInfo":"[{"id":"12334", "doctor":"Smith"}]",
I'm trying to create a java method so I can access the key value pairs of the nested JSONArray. For example I don't want the entire JSON array I just want to retrieve the doctor name from the patientInfo JSON array. Any ideas how I would do this in Java I'm completely stuck here.
This is sudo code but I imagine it would be something like:
String doctorInfo() {
JSONObject obj = new JSONObject(user)
JSONArray arr = obj.getJSONArray("patientInfo")
String doctor = arr.getValue("doctor")
And I'd like to be able to access it on the front end by doing
Code samples are greatly appreciated.
The code will be like this:
String doctorInfo(String jsonString) {
JSONObject obj = new JSONObject(jsonString)
JSONArray arr = obj.getJSONArray("patientInfo")
JSONObject patientJSONObject = arr.getJSONObject(0);
String doctor = patientJSONObject.getString("doctor");
return doctor;
The above code sample assumes you are passing the below string as the parameter.
{ "id":"145454", "name":"JJones",
"patientInfo":"[{"id":"12334", "doctor":"Smith"}]",
"insurance":true, "caregiverName":"Jones" }
im really new to java through Eclipse android, and im trying to decode this line of JSON
{"FullName":"bobby Bloggs"}
But when i try to put it into an array through
JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject(httpData);
JSONObject feedObject = jsonObject.getJSONObject("FullName");
I hit an exception of
org.json.JSONException: Value bobby Bloggs at FullName of type java.lang.String cannot be converted to JSONObject
You are trying to read a String, since {} within the JSON means it is an object. Everything between "" means it's a string. true/false a boolean (getBoolean) and numbers are an Integer (getInteger). Since you want the String you need to use.
String FullName = JSONObject.getString("FullName");
You are trying to get JSONObject out of JSON Object i.e jsonObject.getJSONObject("FullName"); and again assigning to JSONObject.
As suggested by Emanuel use getString to get the data of "FullName" as and assign to a String.
JSONObject jsonObj = new JSONObject(httpData);
String FullName = jsonObj.getString("FullName");
will work.