I have the following json structure
"GroupName":"Womens Fashion*",
"UpdatedBy":"Data Migration",
and i want to remove the "Group" key and value from the json object using java
i tried few things but didn't work following is my code .
JSONObject jsonObjIncomingDatanew =new JSONObject(Result);
Try this:
JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject(Result);
Or if getJSONObject() doesn't work, replace it with getAsJsonObject().
I'm trying to read a JSONObject from within another JSONObject. The first output works, the second, i.e. the JSONObject within, does not. Here I get the following error
org.json.JSONException: JSONObject["Values"] not found.
This is the output of the first object / array
ergebnis: {"Description":"","Objects":[{"RefStr":"76-1044-0","ClassName":"Application","Values":{"providerorg-refstr":"262-462-0",...}]}
This is how I try to get the data:
JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject(ergebnis);
JSONObject inside = jsonObject.getJSONObject("Values");
Values object is present in Objects. This objects is an array. You can try like below,
JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject(json);
JSONObject jsonObject1= jsonObject.getJSONObject("ergebnis");
JSONArray objects = jsonObject1.getJSONArray("Objects");
JSONObject inside = objects.getJSONObject(0).getJSONObject("Values");
I have a String like this:
I can turn this string into an object:
JSONObject jobj = new JSONObject(response);
But I don't find how to get the token value, I tried creating JSONArrays but i get a not found exception.
You can do it like this ;
final JSONObject api_authentication = jobj.getJSONObject("api_authentication");
final JSONObject api_response = api_authentication.getJSONObject("api_response");
if JSON any value in curlybrackets { ... } , this is jsonObject . If values are in [ ... ], this is JsonArray. Also you can get which one is object or array, and get it relevant fields from this. So all of json elements are with curly bracket in your problem. Get it as JsonObject.
this might work by the look of what you have posted. The posted code snippet shows that it is a single JSON object and not a JSONArray.
Hence try the following:
JSONObject jobj = new JSONObject(response);
String newtoken = jobj.getJSONObject("api_authentication").getJSONObject("api_response").getString("token"); //declare the variable `newtoken` somhwere before of a desired type
You could try something like:
Object tokenValue = jobj.getJSONObject("api_authentication").getJSONObject("api_response").get("token");
After that you can cast the object to the desired type or use something like getString(.) straightaway.
i m trying to get values from JSONArray inside array, i m able to retrieve whole JSON values into JSONArray successfully but not able to retrieve values inside JSONArray. When i convert JSONArray to JSONObject to get values stored inside JSONArray. It gives error: org.json.JSONException: No value for "banner"
Here is JSON code, i verified JSON code with jsonlint.com and it showed JSON is Validate,
I m trying to get this from 3 hour but no luck. i m new in JSON and do not know how JSON Actually work, and also read abut GSON Library to get JSON values. here is My Java code.
JSONArray jsonObj = null;
String image_url = "";
String banner_code ="";
try {
jsonObj =new JSONArray(lib_function.getJSONUrl( jsontags.Top_Banner_JOSN_URLs));
Log.d("value retrun :","" +jsonObj);
//---vlaue is coming and print in Log ----//
} catch (JSONException e) {
Log.v("Error in Parser :", " " + e);
Log.d("no value retrun :", "failed to convert");
JSONObject jo = new JSONObject();
JSONArray ja = new JSONArray();
// populate the array
jo.put("arrayName", jsonObj);
JSONArray subArray = jo.getJSONArray("banner");
image_url= subArray.getString(Integer.parseInt("image"));
Log.d("banner code",""+subArray);
}catch(Exception e)
Log.d("not working",""+e);
I folllow this question but luck:
How to parse JSON Array inside another JSON Array in Android
If anyone suggest, what i m doing wrong will be appreciate. or let me know, where i can get more information about json
UPDATE thanks too all to give their precious time for answering my stupid question. All answers are correct , but i can accept only one answer. A Big thanks to all
JSONObject jo = new JSONObject();
JSONArray ja = new JSONArray();
// populate the array
jo.put("arrayName", jsonObj);
Because parsing jsonObj JSONArray so no need to create new JSONArray and JSONObject to extract it from jsonObj. remove all above three lines.
banner JSONArray is inside JSONObject which is contained by jsonObj JSONArray, get it as:
JSONObject jsonObject=jsonObj.optJSONObject(0);
JSONArray subArray = jsonObject.getJSONArray("banner");
// get code key from `jsonObject`
String strCode=jsonObject.optString("code");
// get all images urls from `subArray`
for(int index=0;index<subArray.length();index++){
JSONObject imgJSONObject=subArray.optJSONObject(index);
// get image urls
String strImgURL=imgJSONObject.optString("image");
Also, if jsonObj JSONArray contains multiple JSONObject's then use for-loop to iterate it.
I am assuming you have the rest of the values accessible to you, so posting just this snippet.
jsonObj =new JSONArray(lib_function.getJSONUrl( jsontags.Top_Banner_JOSN_URLs);
From above line you will get JSONArray. So now loop it and get you banner JSONArray.Again loop bannerArray and you will get image Urls
If You want value of "image" which is in json arrray than
String response = "your response";
JsonArray jAry = new JsonArray(response);
JsonObject jObj = jAry.getJsonObject(0);
JsonArray jsonBanner = jObj.getJsonArray("banner");
JsonObject temp;
for(int i=0;i<jsonBanner.length;i++){
temp = jsonBanner.getJsonObject(i);
String image = temp.optString("image");
I am trying to get the name of my json key from my jsonarray but not able to take in java.
I just want to take name of key like i only want to take "ParamName" and need to check
if (ParamName == "ParamName") {
Then do this.
You can convert this to JSON object.
JSONArray json = (JSONArray)new JSONParser().parse("[{\"ParamName\":\"param1\",
JSONObject obj= (JSONObject) json.get(0);
Hello i call a service if it contains multiple objects it make list but when it contain only one object it return a single object not a list [] are missing , actually i want to convert them into java class using gson but in case of single exception it throw exception but when it contain list it work fine i actually need to convert my single gSON string to array ,please help me ..here is the string
"sProject":"Project Default",
i want it to be like same as
"sProject":"project 2",
"sProject":"Project Default",
With reference to https://stackoverflow.com/a/7284813/1105291
Please try below code before you pass json to Gson for object conversion, and please let me know if you get any error. Only posibility that I can see is exception at if.
JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject(responseString);
JSONObject projectsJsonObject = jsonObject.getJSONObject("response").getJSONObject("projects");
if(projectsJsonObject.getJSONArray("project") == null)
JSONArray jsonArray = new JSONArray();
projectsJsonObject.put("project", jsonArray);
//Pass jsonObject to Gson
Use Google Gson
JsonParser parser = new JsonParser();
JsonObject o = (JsonObject)parser.parse("{\"a\": \"A\"}");