I am quite new with using maven options - so sorry for an easy question.
I have asked beforehand about how to run java code (call function) and get a clear answer.. but
it seems something is wrong in this config. Or is it because I am not using a correct parameters for startup?
I am running my POM with $: mvn exec:exec
And I get such error:
One or more required plugin parameters are invalid/missing for 'exec:exec'
[0] Inside the definition for plugin 'exec-maven-plugin' specify the following:
on the command line, specify: '-Dexec.executable=VALUE'
I have read something about this error and tried originally to move the configuration to executions
secondly - specify classpath but nothing happened((
My Main function in Separator.java class is like this:
static public void main(String[] arg) throws ParserConfigurationException, TransformerException, SAXException, IOException {
//and here I call for example
Some people use: package before goals (for previous versions) but it does not solve my issue.
I have rewrite my POM:
But now Class not found exception at org.package.Separator
I am using mvn package for compile
I am running my POM with $: mvn exec:exec And I get such error:
Actually you should run
$: mvn exec:java
See example described on exec-maven-plugin:java usage.
Finnaly your plugin description should be as follows:
<!--<phase>validate</phase>--> <!-- or any other phase you want. -->
Note! This plugin will work only on full name declaration in console or via phase execution:
$: mvn org.codehaus.mojo:exec-maven-plugin:1.3.2:java
$: mvn integration-test
First try renaming the classpath of your project org.package.Separator.Main
"package" is used in java namespace syntax, so don't use it in your packages classpath.
And maybe you should try adding phase to your goal like this :
and execute : mvn compile run
I had the same problem. My problem was my code was NOT in src/main/java. your class containing main method must be under src/main/java
I wrote a simple cli program to get input from the CLI when invoking. I was able to do this by adding the exec plugin in the pom.xml
But when I try to invoke the same thing via cli
mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass=“com.mavericks.App” -Dexec.args=“'names.txt' 'expense.txt'”
Unknown lifecycle phase "expense.txt”". You must specify a valid lifecycle phase or a goal. Help would be much appreciated.
As per slinlok's comment it worked with these above modification,
mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass=com.mavericks.App -Dexec.args="names.txt expense.txt"
My project can generate some additional help files automatically from the source code.
How do I have maven install these files into the generated JavaDoc package?
I couldn't fingure out how to have Maven:
run some class to generate the additional documentation, e.g. compile and launch src/main/java/mypackage/ListOptions.java aka mypackage.ListOptions to produce a list of all available options/modules/examples/etc. .
install the output files (I only could get Maven to install files from src/main/javadoc/resources into the site/apidocs/resources subfolder; but I want this documentation to live in the top level site/apidocs folder; more precisely I don't care about the site part at all, but about having a complete documetation in mypackage-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT-javadoc.jar; including non-Javadoc-generated auxillary information linked from javadoc).
Minimal example - Plugin configuration for maven:
Directory layout:
mvn package produces: javadoc in ./target/apidocs and ./target/foobar-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-javadoc.jar. The file target/apidocs/resources/insubfolder.png ends up in folder target/apidocs/resources (and the .jar), but the staticfile.js is not installed.
How to run GenerateNonstatic.java to have the output included in the javadoc .jar is unclear to me. I don't see a hook to have exec:exec it run after javadoc, and before ./target/foobar-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-javadoc.jar is built...
Long story, short answer. Both the javadoc:javadoc and javadoc:jar mojos have their drawbacks. The first is meant to build the javadoc for reporting; the latter will build the javadoc (into a different directory) and produce a jar package.
Some of the suggested answers did not work well because of this - they would execute javadoc twice.
But I noticed that javadoc does not care if the folder already exists or contains files.
So my solution is simple: generate the desired additional files in prepare-package, and the regular javadoc:jar task adds the regular javadoc and pacakges it nicely.
This will work as long as you don't intend to modify files generated by javadoc (which I, fortunately, don't - I only add additional documentation.
The resulting pom.xml is like this:
<!-- copy additional javadoc resources -->
<!-- overview.html is integrated by javadoc -->
<!-- Generate additional files for javadoc -->
<!-- java is okay, but you only can have one -->
<!-- Build JavaDoc -->
If you are uncomfortable modifying the javadoc executable, another option is to break apart your javadoc call into 2 separate steps (javadoc and jar) and make your call between them by manipulating the Maven build lifecycle via <phase> tag:
phase: generate-sources => maven-javadoc-plugin:javadoc
phase: compile => exec-maven-plugin:java
phase: package => maven-javadoc-plugin:jar
note: use exec:java, not exec:exec to run java classes
To answer your first question: Run a commandline command with the Exec-Maven-Plugin or use the Maven-Ant-Plugin and embed custom tasks.
Your example is indeed helpful. Please do try to always include concrete examples as much as possible when asking the question.
The simplest approach would be to write your own Alternate Javadoc tool and pass that into Maven via the <javadocExecutable> tag. This example comes from the link above:
<reporting> (or <build>)
</reporting> (or </build>)
Hope that helps.
I am using a library (RootBeer), which requires an additional build step: after creating my JAR, I have to run the RootBeer JAR with my JAR as its parameter to create the final RootBeer-enabled JAR.
E.g., if my jar is myjar.jar, this is how I have to create the final artefact myjar-final.jar with RootBeer:
java -jar rootbeer.jar myjar.jar myjar-final.jar
I would like to know if there is a mechanism in Maven which would enable me to build an artifact in this way.
Right now I'm using the gmaven-plugin with a Groovy script, but this just feels too hacky, and I'm pretty sure I couldn't use the resulting artefact as a Maven dependency in other projects:
println """java -jar target/rootbeer-1.2.0.jar target/myjar.jar target/myjar-final.jar"""
.execute().in.eachLine {
line -> println line
Any suggestions?
You can use the exec-maven-plugin to execute the final step what you have implemented into Groovy furthermore you need to added build-helper-maven-plugin to add the supplemental artifact to Maven to get it deployed with the rest of your artifacts.
<!-- The main class of rootbeer.jar -->
<!-- by setting equal source and target jar names, the main artefact is
replaced with the one built in the final step, which is exactly what I need. -->
I am trying to attach an exec process to a maven build. I want to build a secondary dependency (that is actually a Clojure project build with maven) every time I build the maven project.
Currently, I have the pom.xml below, but the exec process is just not running. The maven documentation is not that much help.
I'd like to use the Maven Enforcer plugin to check to see if I have duplicate classes on my path.
I've tried the example from here.
But when I run it like this:
mvn enforcer:enforce
I get this error:
Failed to execute goal
(default-cli) on project datapopulator: The parameters 'rules' for
goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-enforcer-plugin:1.0.1:enforce are
missing or invalid
Is there a way to use this correctly?
If changing my config to this:
<AlwaysPass />
Produces the same error.
The reason why your first version did not work is because there is a difference between a plug-in configuration inside the execution tag and a plug-in configuration outside the execution tag. The execution is only used when your plug-in is triggered by a special phase of the complete Maven build.
The Maven guide to configuration explains it better:
Configurations inside the tag differ from those that are outside in that they cannot be used from a direct command line invocation. Instead they are only applied when the lifecycle phase they are bound to are invoked. Alternatively, if you move a configuration section outside of the executions section, it will apply globally to all invocations of the plugin.
Try this, moving the configuration outside executions, so it isn't bound to the life cycle phase.
<AlwaysPass />
Now when you do mvn enforcer:enforce, it picks the rules from your pom.xml.
See these answers
You can use the special default command line execution id, default-cli to invoke it (see Maven Docs), see my example below. This works at least with 3.1.1 and the article cited says it should work with 2.2.0+
mvn enforcer:enforce
However if you are using above Maven 3.1.1 (I can confirm it works in 3.3.3 with enforcer v 1.4.1) you can specify the execution id you wish using the new # syntax (see Maven JIRA and the answers above);
e.g. for the example below use
mvn enforcer:enforce#dependency-convergence
Here's a snippet from my pom;
<DependencyConvergence />
I don't know why it won't work with the config being in an execution, but this worked for me: