Attaching maven-exec-plugin to initialize - java

I am trying to attach an exec process to a maven build. I want to build a secondary dependency (that is actually a Clojure project build with maven) every time I build the maven project.
Currently, I have the pom.xml below, but the exec process is just not running. The maven documentation is not that much help.


why do I not find generated source files for grpc and protobuf when using maven and java in vscode

I have a pom file that correctly generates the grpc and protobuf source files I need in target/generated-sources when run from the command line. But when I build in vscode those directories are empty and references to the protobufs are undefined. Here's the section of my pom file that builds the grpc source.
I added the following based on what I read in other posts to prevent vscode/eclipse from removing the generated source directories
When vs-code builds, the target generated-source directories are there, but there is no source in them. We had a similar problem with intellij but were able to work around it by running the maven command line build before opening intellij but that does not seem to work for vscode.
Use protoc-jar-maven-plugin instead.
Sample usage please view protoc-jar-maven-plugin.

Can I make an executable jar with "build-info" by "Spring Boot Maven Plugin"?

I am trying to make an executable jar file with "Spring Boot Maven Plugin".
Usually, I can do this by setting "repackage". goal in my pom.xml file was set like this.
And my build command is like this:
mvn clean package spring-boot:repackage
This works, but I want to have META-INF/ in the jar file.
By having this file, I can check build info in my springboot application, so I want to have it.
To generate "META-INF/" file, I need to set "build-info" goal.
Well now I am in a dilemma because
Setting "repackage" goal -> an executable jar without "META-INF/"
Setting "build-info" goal -> an inexecutable jar with "META-INF/"
I want to have an executable jar with "META-INF/".
I am pretty new to this maven process. Is there anyone who can help me?
I solved this issue. The problem was spring-boot-maven-plugin was in the wrong place. It was inside <pluginManagement>. I moved this plugin to <plugins>
Like #Mark Bramnik answered, I can set both goal settings in pom.xml, and mvn clean package command is enough!
You can run multiple goals of the same plugin.
So you can probably do something like this:

How to have specific maven goal appear on Life-cycle or plugins without run configuration

I have a maven project, in my pom.xml file, I'm using org.codehaus.mojo
I have generated an option to run the main class with a synonym name:
mvn exec:java#genSql
mvn exec:java#runSql
I would like these goals to appear under Maven LifeCycle/Plugins just like Clean, instal, etc.
I don't want to use Maven run configuration since it's not on git
How do make it shown on the Lifecycle or Plugins?

Run Maven plugin just before deploy to remote repo

In my maven project I use the pgp plugin to sign my jars. I need to do this only when deploying to remote repo, but not when installing to local repo. So I tried to set the phase to deploy.
With that configuration maven first deploys to remote repo and theh signs my jars...
I read that plugins are executed in the order they are defined in POM file, so I tried to configure deploy-plugin after sign plugin, but that didnt have any effect
How can I achieve that sign plugin is not executed on install, but on deploy before artifacts are uploaded? I'm using maven3.
First i would suggest to update maven-gpg-plugin to an more up-to-date version cause this version 1.1 is of 2010..Apart from that i would suggest to keep the defaults of the plugins which means the binding of maven-deploy-plugin as the deploy life cycle and for the maven-gpg-plugin the verify life cycle phase which is not ideal if you have integration tests. In such cases it makes sense to define a profile which is activated only in release cases to prevent confusions with integration test.
I have seen project putting the gpg-plugin in verify phase.
May I know what version of Maven you are using? I believe the plugin in same phase should run in order it is defined, after Maven 2.0.10 (or probably earlier). However as maven-deploy-plugin is default binding for deploy phase, I am not clear if the ordering will be in effect

Maven custom packaging

I am using a library (RootBeer), which requires an additional build step: after creating my JAR, I have to run the RootBeer JAR with my JAR as its parameter to create the final RootBeer-enabled JAR.
E.g., if my jar is myjar.jar, this is how I have to create the final artefact myjar-final.jar with RootBeer:
java -jar rootbeer.jar myjar.jar myjar-final.jar
I would like to know if there is a mechanism in Maven which would enable me to build an artifact in this way.
Right now I'm using the gmaven-plugin with a Groovy script, but this just feels too hacky, and I'm pretty sure I couldn't use the resulting artefact as a Maven dependency in other projects:
println """java -jar target/rootbeer-1.2.0.jar target/myjar.jar target/myjar-final.jar"""
.execute().in.eachLine {
line -> println line
Any suggestions?
You can use the exec-maven-plugin to execute the final step what you have implemented into Groovy furthermore you need to added build-helper-maven-plugin to add the supplemental artifact to Maven to get it deployed with the rest of your artifacts.
<!-- The main class of rootbeer.jar -->
<!-- by setting equal source and target jar names, the main artefact is
replaced with the one built in the final step, which is exactly what I need. -->
