I need to create a toolbar in my screen that will have multiple buttons, and each button must have multiple lines of Text. For example:
I looked over the internet and StackOverflow but I couldn't find anything showing how to do this in JavaFX. I'm using JavaFX 8.
Someone could help me, please?
Also you can use the wrapTextProperty. But you have to set toolbar height greater than expected button height.
Button btn = new Button();
// or btn.setWrapText(true);
btn.setText("Some looooooooooooong text");
Or if you want to determine exactly where the line should be wrapped, you can go this way:
Button btn = new Button();
btn.setText("Line1\n Line2\n Line3");
Last way will work without changing toolbar height.
I resolved this problem including a VBox inside my button, and then including several Labels inside the VBox. Like this:
The result is:
If there is a more elegant way to have the same result, please, let me know.
Thank you.
In the button text property select "switch to multi-line mode
From sobolev's response, you can do:
Button btn = new Button();
btn.setText("Line1\n Line2\n Line3");
This will create 3 lines of text and allign them in the center of your button.
My solution is pretty much the same as the one given by the OP, but instead of Label uses Text so it's more flexible to changes in the size of the button, as it will use as many lines as needed. If required, also one can set a wrapping width, to define a width constraint.
public void start(Stage primaryStage) {
Button btn = new Button();
ImageView imageView = new ImageView(new Image(getClass().getResource(<image>).toExternalForm()));
Text text=new Text("Some long text that may be line wrapped");
VBox vBox = new VBox(5, imageView,text);
Scene scene = new Scene(new StackPane(btn), 300, 250);
Label label= new Label("your long text here");
label.setStyle("-fx-max-width : 180px);
I've a problem with an exercise. There is an unexplained space between the first and the second buttons on the scene. I've change the location of the buttons but still the first one has a space from the second one. What cause this and how can I make this space shorter?
public void start(Stage myStage) {
GridPane myPane = new GridPane();
myPane.setPadding(new Insets(10, 10, 10, 10));
Button btn1 = new Button("Computer Scinence");
Button btn2 = new Button("Chemistry");
Button btn3 = new Button("Arts");
DrawText txt1 = new DrawText("Computer Scince","Times Roman",FontWeight.BOLD,FontPosture.ITALIC,20,Color.GREEN);
DrawText txt2 = new DrawText("Chemistry","Times Roman",FontWeight.BOLD,FontPosture.ITALIC,20,Color.BLUE);
DrawText txt3 = new DrawText("Arts","Times Roman",FontWeight.BOLD,FontPosture.ITALIC,20,Color.YELLOW);
Scene myScene = new Scene(myPane,350,190);
myStage.setTitle("Exercise 3_3");
You can often debug GridPane layout issues by turning on the grid lines:
After recreating your application (you did not include your DrawText class, so I'm just styling Labels instead) and turning on the grid lines reveals the issue:
You can see that the Computer Science Label at GridPane location 0, 1 has a greater width than the Computer Science Button. This causes the GridPane to expand the width of the first column to accommodate the Label.
You have a couple of options to resolve this, depending on how you want the layout to work.
1) Set Column Span:
If you want to keep the Computer Science Button the same size, but have the first column's width not expand to fit the Label, just have that Label span 2 columns:
GridPane.setColumnSpan(txt1, 2);
2) Increase Button Width:
If you'd like the Computer Science Button to expand to fill the rest of the column, you can set its MaxWidth property to use the maximum value:
I am having problems with positioning my images in my JavaFX program using setX and setY on the ImageView's for the images. I am not sure what is the problem? Appreciate any help given!
Here's my code:
Image rocket2 = new Image("img/Rocket.png");
ImageView iv1 = new ImageView(rocket2);
Image rocket1 = new Image("img/Rocket.png");
ImageView iv2 = new ImageView(rocket1);
Image background = new Image("img/space.png");
ImageView iv3 = new ImageView(background);
StackPane root = new StackPane();
root.getChildren().addAll(iv3, iv2, iv1);
Scene scene = new Scene(root, 300, 300);
primaryStage.setTitle("Space stuff");
I suspect that something goes wrong because I have set a background image.
img here on what's happening
Don't place your items in a StackPane if you want to explicitly define their layout positions (setX and setY). A StackPane is a managed layout pane. It will automatically set the location of items added to it (default is to center everything one on top of the other inside the StackPane).
Instead use a Pane or a Group, which are not managed layout panes and allow you to layout your content in the Pane however you wish.
To layout your content inside the Pane, you can use setLayoutX and setLayoutY rather than setX and setY, though I guess setX and setY should also work (I've never used them before on ImageView).
Pavlo, already created an answer while I was typing this (so this answer is a duplicate), but I'll leave this as it adds a bit more explanation.
Replacing StackPane with Pane should solve the problem.
If you however want for whatever reason to position a item in a StackPane you can use setTranslateX and setTranslateY. Theese methods set the x and y values AFTER the StackPane has done its layouting, so you will have a different starting position depending on the Alignment your StackPane uses for its children.
I'm new to JavaFX. I'm trying to create a simple centred menu that contains text with buttons below.
I've created two elements, Text title and Button testButton. Then I created StackPane stackPane. I'm then trying to add the two elements to the stackPanes children and adding that to a new Scene. However, only the last element shows up.
How can I add multiple elements to the StackPane?
public void start(Stage primaryStage) throws Exception {
primaryStage.setTitle("Test Title");
Text title = new Text("hey!");
StackPane.setAlignment(title, Pos.TOP_CENTER);
Button testButton = new Button("Testing");
StackPane.setAlignment(testButton, Pos.TOP_CENTER);
StackPane stackPane = new StackPane();
stackPane.setPrefSize(300, 300);
stackPane.setPadding(new Insets(25, 0, 0, 0));
Scene scene = new Scene(stackPane);
I want to reference the official documentation here: https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/javafx/api/javafx/scene/layout/StackPane.html, especially:
StackPane lays out its children in a back-to-front stack.
The z-order of the children is defined by the order of the children list with the 0th child being the bottom and last child on top. If a border and/or padding have been set, the children will be layed out within those insets.
Now, to answer your question: You do it as you did, but you probably want an offset as both the children are at the same position, hence the one later added is overlaying all the previous ones.
You can check that by changing e.g.
Text title = new Text("Adding a very, very, very, very, very, very long text here... now that vile button should not overlap me anymore!");
or setting the alignment differently.
If you don't want to bother with the optimal layout by manually positioning, it's probably better to use another Pane that does that for you, e.g. one of the direct known subclasses here: https://docs.oracle.com/javafx/2/api/javafx/scene/layout/Pane.html
How do I set the position of a Button in JavaFX? My Code:
bZero = new Button();
bZero.setPrefSize(45, 20);
If you use a container that does not manage layout, such as a plain Pane, then you can use
or, equivalently,
However, as suggested in the comments, it is far preferable to use a pane that manages the layout for you.
You can use setX and setY properties of the button to position it in a Pane
bZero = new Button();
bZero.setPrefSize(45, 20);
bZero.setLayoutX(100); // Sets the X co-ordinate
bZero.setLayoutY(200); // Sets the Y co-ordinate
I have a stackpane. When I add a second item to my stack pane, both show up, but I can't click on my first item anymore. It becomes 'unclickable'.
what ever I defined in my .setonmouse does not work. It works for my second item. If I switch the order they are in the stack pane, the other one works, but not both.
is there a fix for this? This is what my program looks like:
I want my 'grid' centered ALWAYS. There are buttons to the left centered in a column, there will be buttons on the right later on, and there will be buttons/Text on top of the grid and buttom in the margins later on too.
I want everything to be clickable.
StackPane orders items in Z-order: latter above the former. So, your second item gots all mouse clicks and first one (being covered by second) doesn't get anything.
For layout you've described you can use BorderPane:
public void start(Stage stage) throws Exception {
BorderPane root = new BorderPane();
root.setCenter(new Rectangle(100,100, Color.RED));
root.setLeft(new Rectangle(10,10, Color.BLUE));
root.setRight(new Rectangle(10,10, Color.CYAN));
stage.setScene(new Scene(root,300,300));
You can make any Pane "mouse transparent", so that it doesn't consume any click events, and lets them pass through to the stack under it.
Here's some example code... this example sets up 4 panes in a stack, with just the mainPane accepting clicks to begin with.
StackPane rootPane = new StackPane();
VBox mainPane = new VBox(80);
BorderPane helpOverlayPane = new BorderPane();
Canvas fullScreenOverlayCanvas = new Canvas();
VBox debugPane = new VBox();
AnchorPane debugOverlay = new AnchorPane();
AnchorPane.setBottomAnchor(debugPane, 80.0);
AnchorPane.setRightAnchor(debugPane, 20.0);
rootPane.getChildren().addAll(mainPane, fullScreenOverlayCanvas, debugOverlay, helpOverlayPane);
Now, when you want to use your canvas to draw on top, make sure you change mouse transparent to false for just that stack, and keep all panes on top of it mouse transparent.
P.S. I did some editing of the code I had, so it may not run as-is. Also, see discussion of making only parts of panes transparent here:
JavaFX Pass MouseEvents through Transparent Node to Children