I've a problem with an exercise. There is an unexplained space between the first and the second buttons on the scene. I've change the location of the buttons but still the first one has a space from the second one. What cause this and how can I make this space shorter?
public void start(Stage myStage) {
GridPane myPane = new GridPane();
myPane.setPadding(new Insets(10, 10, 10, 10));
Button btn1 = new Button("Computer Scinence");
Button btn2 = new Button("Chemistry");
Button btn3 = new Button("Arts");
DrawText txt1 = new DrawText("Computer Scince","Times Roman",FontWeight.BOLD,FontPosture.ITALIC,20,Color.GREEN);
DrawText txt2 = new DrawText("Chemistry","Times Roman",FontWeight.BOLD,FontPosture.ITALIC,20,Color.BLUE);
DrawText txt3 = new DrawText("Arts","Times Roman",FontWeight.BOLD,FontPosture.ITALIC,20,Color.YELLOW);
Scene myScene = new Scene(myPane,350,190);
myStage.setTitle("Exercise 3_3");
You can often debug GridPane layout issues by turning on the grid lines:
After recreating your application (you did not include your DrawText class, so I'm just styling Labels instead) and turning on the grid lines reveals the issue:
You can see that the Computer Science Label at GridPane location 0, 1 has a greater width than the Computer Science Button. This causes the GridPane to expand the width of the first column to accommodate the Label.
You have a couple of options to resolve this, depending on how you want the layout to work.
1) Set Column Span:
If you want to keep the Computer Science Button the same size, but have the first column's width not expand to fit the Label, just have that Label span 2 columns:
GridPane.setColumnSpan(txt1, 2);
2) Increase Button Width:
If you'd like the Computer Science Button to expand to fill the rest of the column, you can set its MaxWidth property to use the maximum value:
My layout looks like that:
Panel is a VBox and Content is a HBox. Both are contained in an HBox.
I need to make panel fixed size, so right now I'm doing it like that:
VBox panel = new VBox();
double fixedWidth = Screen.getPrimary().getBounds().getWidth() / 10;
... but what if user's screen resolution change? That code doesn't handle that and I'm afraid the Screen class doesn't provide any type of callback.
Your title and most of your question indicate you want panel to use 10% of the screen’s width, and content to use 90% of the screen’s width. However, you also use the term “fixed width” which is something different; namely, that panel would have the same width at all times, regardless of screen size.
I shall assume you meant the first concept: that you want panel to use 10% of the width and content to use 90% of the width.
Instead of an HBox, use a GridPane. Set its column constraints to 10% and 90%.
ColumnConstraints panelWidth = new ColumnConstraints();
ColumnConstraints contentWidth = new ColumnConstraints();
RowConstraints rowConstraints = new RowConstraints();
GridPane pane = new GridPane();
pane.addRow(0, panel, content);
pane.getColumnConstraints().setAll(panelWidth, contentWidth);
Based on your current solution, you seem to be giving 10% size to your panel which means 90% is the content panel. You can directly bind screen size to your scene object and initialize your scene with screen size. It will make the whole application reactive to the screen resolution changes. Here is a sample from my code on how I do it:
final Scene scene = new Scene(root,width,height);
logger.debug("Scene Created");
final ChangeListener<Number> listener = new ChangeListener<Number>()
public void changed(ObservableValue<? extends Number> observable, Number oldValue, final Number newValue)
logger.debug("Scene Resize Started");
Scale scale = new Scale();
scale.setPivotX(0); scale.setPivotY(0);
logger.debug("Scene Resize Ended");
This takes care of resize as well as resolution changes. The width and height variable in the start are width and height captured from Screen of the user.
I am new to JavaFX (been working with swing for a long time) and am trying to work with BorderPane. One would assume BorderPane is similar to BorderLayout but the big difference is the center of BorderPane will expand to fit its contents while BorderLayout will shrink to fit the window.
I am using JFXPanel in a JFrame and have a 3 part interface: A panel on the left (some text), some buttons on the bottom (flow control), and in the center want to have a dynamic panel/pane, that for the most part will be just an imageview. I set it all up and it works fine, but I'm working with camera images here which are way bigger than my monitor. I've tried scaling the images down by binding the imageview width to different things (such as anchor pane, scene size (works, but not properly), etc. The issue I am having is that since borderpane's center panel expands to fit its content, it will expand and never have a proper value I can bind to. I need the image to be fully visible in the window at any size.
Here's the code I've been working with.
protected void setupFXWindow(JFXPanel mainPanel) {
butNext = new Button("Next Step");
butBack = new Button("PreviousStep Step");
butQuit = new Button("Cancel Signature Generation");
butNext.setTooltip(new Tooltip("Next step..."));
butBack.setTooltip(new Tooltip("Previous Step..."));
butQuit.setTooltip(new Tooltip("Quit generating a signature"));
Group root = new Group();
Scene scene = new Scene(root, javafx.scene.paint.Color.ALICEBLUE);
javafx.scene.image.Image fximage = new javafx.scene.image.Image(new File(image.getSourceFilePath()).toURI().toString());
ImageView iv1 = new ImageView();
VBox directionsPanel = new VBox();
HBox authorflowPanel = new HBox(); //bottom buttons for next, back, etc.
directionsStepLabel = new Text();
directionsLabel = new Text();
setDirectionsText("Directions will be placed here.");
exampleLabel = new Text("Example");
exampleIconLabel = new Text("An example image will be shown here.");
directionsPanel.setPadding(new javafx.geometry.Insets(5, 5, 5, 5));
directionsPanel.getChildren().addAll(directionsStepLabel, directionsLabel, exampleLabel);
authorflowPanel.getChildren().addAll(butBack, butQuit, butNext);
BorderPane bp = new BorderPane();
This code sample doesn't have iv1 (imageview) binded to anything, cause at this point I have no idea what I can bind to that will give me the remaining space in the scene. Since I cannot use the full width or height of the scene, I'm at a loss of what I am supposed to do here.
The code above makes it look like this:
Wrap the ImageView in some kind of Pane (e.g. a StackPane). Then the pane will fill the center region of the border pane and you can bind to its width and height:
ImageView iv1 = new ImageView();
StackPane imageContainer = new StackPane(iv1);
// ...
I have a set of custom made "buttons" for the menu screen of my game. It's basically a StackPane with a Rectangle and a Text node stacked. Basically this is similar to how my buttons are structured.
Pane button1 = new StackPane(new Rectangle(100, 50), new Text("Play!"));
Pane button2 = [....];
Then I insert buttons into a VBox and into my menu along with a header text:
VBox buttons = new VBox(button1, button2, button3...);
Pane menuScreen = new BorderPane(buttons, new Text("The Game"), null, null, null);
However, for my custom detection for mouse position compared to the buttons I need to know the buttons' positions...
int x = button1.getLayoutX(); //returns 0
int x = button1.getTranslateX(); //returns 0
int x = button1.localToScene(0, 0).getX(); //returns 0
int x = button1.localToScene(buttons.get(0).getBoundsInLocal()).getMinX(); //returns 0
int x = button1.localToScene(buttons.get(0).getBoundsInLocal()).getMaxX(); //returns the width of the entire scene
int x = buttons.get(0).getTranslateX(); //returns 0
int y = button1.localToScene(buttons.get(0).getBoundsInLocal()).getMinY();
The last case returns 234.0 if I have the VBox set with .setAlignment(Pos.CENTER) and 64.0 if I don't. But for .getMinX() it stays at 0.0 in either case. I believe it's related to the BorderPane's left/right/bot regions being set to null while the top region has the title text.
I cannot find any way of getting the x coordinate when the buttons are in a layout pane other than the Pane class itself. I tried StackPane as well. My suspicion is that there is no fixed coordinate and that properties are involved, but I only get confused from reading about it when I don't know what I'm looking for.
I have tried solutions from this quesion and this seems to be the same but as I mentioned I'm afraid my minX() doesn't have a set value since the VBox is the only thing filling the center row of my BorderPane.
Edit: StackPane seems to give the right values for .getMinX() when I use .setAlignment(Pos.CENTER), but I am not allowed to do that with the text, only with the VBox, so then the text gets stuck on top of the buttons.
My issue was cause by the VBox and my StackPanes taking up all the possible space, not just the area of the visible Rectangle. Problem was solved by calling setMaxWidth(100) on the StackPane which contained the Rectangle and the Text.
Also, the only problem seems to be that you have a zero x-coordinate. Maybe this is "real". Set a background on button1 to see where it is in the layout. – James_D
Hello stackoverflow users! I have a question about gridpanes. I'm working on a program (picture below) and I'm mostly finished. However, I've run into a few small cosmetic issues.
I've created my title:
GridPane grid = new GridPane();
Text scenetitle = new Text("Welcome to the Pizza Palace");
scenetitle.setFont(Font.font("Tahoma", FontWeight.NORMAL, 20));
grid.add(scenetitle, 0, 0);
As you can see the title is Welcome to the Pizza Palace and I wanted the title to be centered so I entered
grid.add(scenetitle, 0, 0);
because I wanted the title to cover the scene (as displayed in the picture) and I wanted the title to be centered
Unfortunately, the title doesn't cover the entire scene in fact it cause the gridpane below it (0,1) where "Each Toppings" is located to expand as the title increases or decreases.
I've run into a similiar issue in the text area for "your orders"
// Create a new text area
TextArea orderscreen = new TextArea();
grid.add(orderscreen, 0, 4);
Once again I set the grid to 0 for the far left and 4 so it would be located under the button but unfortunately as the text area increases so does my toppings.
So how do I go about creating a title or textarea using a gridpane that will cover the entire scene from left to right (like the title in the picture does)?
I need to create a toolbar in my screen that will have multiple buttons, and each button must have multiple lines of Text. For example:
I looked over the internet and StackOverflow but I couldn't find anything showing how to do this in JavaFX. I'm using JavaFX 8.
Someone could help me, please?
Also you can use the wrapTextProperty. But you have to set toolbar height greater than expected button height.
Button btn = new Button();
// or btn.setWrapText(true);
btn.setText("Some looooooooooooong text");
Or if you want to determine exactly where the line should be wrapped, you can go this way:
Button btn = new Button();
btn.setText("Line1\n Line2\n Line3");
Last way will work without changing toolbar height.
I resolved this problem including a VBox inside my button, and then including several Labels inside the VBox. Like this:
The result is:
If there is a more elegant way to have the same result, please, let me know.
Thank you.
In the button text property select "switch to multi-line mode
From sobolev's response, you can do:
Button btn = new Button();
btn.setText("Line1\n Line2\n Line3");
This will create 3 lines of text and allign them in the center of your button.
My solution is pretty much the same as the one given by the OP, but instead of Label uses Text so it's more flexible to changes in the size of the button, as it will use as many lines as needed. If required, also one can set a wrapping width, to define a width constraint.
public void start(Stage primaryStage) {
Button btn = new Button();
ImageView imageView = new ImageView(new Image(getClass().getResource(<image>).toExternalForm()));
Text text=new Text("Some long text that may be line wrapped");
VBox vBox = new VBox(5, imageView,text);
Scene scene = new Scene(new StackPane(btn), 300, 250);
Label label= new Label("your long text here");
label.setStyle("-fx-max-width : 180px);