So what I'm trying to do is to add a navigation drawer within a navigation drawer in a material design app. For reference you can look at the Piktures gallery app. When you click on the hamburger menu, it opens, and right next to the menu will appear an arrow. If you click on the arrow, yet another navigation drawer panel opens from the left which has the social network follow buttons. I just need a way to make another navigation drawer open from the same area. Do I add another fragment? Perhaps a fragment within the fragment? Please either give me a concept to read up on or simply a link to a tutorial. If you're feeling particularly generous, maybe you could even leave me the step by step in the answer. I am using Eclipse, not Android Studio.
Mike Penz has developed an awesome library to include a Navigation Drawer into your app with all the Google Material Design guidelines. You can find it on Github, here.
You can check out this article and this one where it's explained how to implement a Material Design Nav Drawer.
So I'm a Note9 user. Lately, both Discord and slack updated their app to a new navigation system, where there is a toolbar at the bottom and you can swipe right and left from anywhere on your screen to see something like a hamburger layout. I guess this helped a lot after the new gesture system Android has implemented made it very hard to swipe to show the hamburger drawer.
My question is, can anyone point me in the right direction to implement something similar? I was thinking about a Pagerview, but I'm not sure that's what they're using.
I'm following Udacity's Developing Android Apps class, and in their video it shows an icon at the top of Android Studio for a shortcut to Android Device Monitor. My shortcut icon is not there so I had to search to find it.
I'm trying to add it to the toolbar by right clicking and going into "Customize Toolbars and Menus" but I can't find anything. I googled multiple different things and can't seem to find the answer. Not sure if this is a recent change from Android Studio updates.
Is there a way to add this to the top toolbar? Thanks!
fortunately it is :)
open the customize menu and toolbars by right clicking the toolbar.
Navigate to Main toolbar-Android.MainToolBarSdkGroup and then click Add after... (in fact you can choose whatever position you like most).
Then simply choose All actions-Main menu-Tools-Android-Android device monitor
Profit – robot is there :)
I have encountered a problem in the MenuDrawer library by SimonVT.
In this the main part does not refresh on click or anyother changes. The screen refreshes only when the menudrawer is drawn once again that too only with the last touched change
I have an expandable list view in the main view and this menu drawer. The list view does not expand when touched, but expands once i swipe for the menudrawer
Is there a way to refresh the screen without swiping the menudrawer
The library has been deprecated by the author. This means that it is no longer being updated in in effect no longer supported. I recommend using the
Navigation drawer which has been implemented in the android api.
Relevant api documentation:
Creating a navigation drawer
There is any tutorial or code how to make the navigation drawer listview will be show like
Google Play or Google Play Music Navigation Drawer?
I want my Nav Drawer look like this:
Can you help me with this?
EDIT:I know how to build navigation drawer, I want a style for the navigation drawer that my nav drawer will look like the google play navigation drawer(big listview tabs....).
If you can write the code.
EDIT2:I used this:
Yes you can use navigation drawer like facebook on one or both side,try this :
Android - Is Navigation Drawer from right hand side possible?
Easy implementation can be achieve with google buildin
navigation drawer
Use the SlidingMenu library.
android:targetSdkVersion="17" />
Works for APi-5+ and is widely used.
Take a look at my posts. Maybe you will get an idea on how to achieve that.
Here are the links:
Unable to use AndroidDrawer (sidebar like facebook)
From here you can navigate to my different posts.
Hope this helps.. :)
I am currently improving an android application of mine and was wondering how I would be able to enable the overflow button on the nexus virtual navigation bar. Does anyone know how I would accomplish that?
The three dots menu appears if your application does not have an ActionBar but declares a menu.
This kind of menu is made to support applications that do not use ActionBar menu on devices that have no hardware menu buttons.