I have encountered a problem in the MenuDrawer library by SimonVT.
In this the main part does not refresh on click or anyother changes. The screen refreshes only when the menudrawer is drawn once again that too only with the last touched change
I have an expandable list view in the main view and this menu drawer. The list view does not expand when touched, but expands once i swipe for the menudrawer
Is there a way to refresh the screen without swiping the menudrawer
The library has been deprecated by the author. This means that it is no longer being updated in in effect no longer supported. I recommend using the
Navigation drawer which has been implemented in the android api.
Relevant api documentation:
Creating a navigation drawer
I am trying to reveal the navbar only when touched at a specific area on the screen.
Is that possible. I was able to hide it. The problem is it could be revealed by touching either the top or the bottom.
If you want to get the navigation interface out of the way as much as possible, Sticky Immersive Mode is what you're looking for. The user can always swipe on an edge to bring up navigation, but it's transparent and your app will still receive the swipe gesture as if nothing had happened. Access to navigation is always there for the user so they can't be trapped in an app with no way out.
You can add buttons or other controls in your app to show or hide the navigation interface if that's still something you want to do. The Advanced Immersive Mode sample provided with Android Studio shows how.
In my application I want to prevent the display of the navigation bar. In Android 4.4 it's easy to implement (see here: How to hide navigation bar permanently in android activity?), but lower versions can't do this.
I saw a similar mechanism in some players which hide navigation bar in fullscreen without any possibility to display it when the screen is touched.
I would be grateful for tips or code samples as it can be done.
Thank you.
SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_HIDE_NAVIGATION is available since API level 16.
So it works since Android 4.1+. You have to remember to reset this flag every time the user makes the NavigationBar show up again.
Only the immersive mode is only available since 4.4
So what I'm trying to do is to add a navigation drawer within a navigation drawer in a material design app. For reference you can look at the Piktures gallery app. When you click on the hamburger menu, it opens, and right next to the menu will appear an arrow. If you click on the arrow, yet another navigation drawer panel opens from the left which has the social network follow buttons. I just need a way to make another navigation drawer open from the same area. Do I add another fragment? Perhaps a fragment within the fragment? Please either give me a concept to read up on or simply a link to a tutorial. If you're feeling particularly generous, maybe you could even leave me the step by step in the answer. I am using Eclipse, not Android Studio.
Mike Penz has developed an awesome library to include a Navigation Drawer into your app with all the Google Material Design guidelines. You can find it on Github, here.
You can check out this article and this one where it's explained how to implement a Material Design Nav Drawer.
how can i let user swipe between pages by touch in android
i am using android 2.1
i found this Link but i am not sure ViewPager works with 2.1
so i found Viewflipper and ViewSwitcher.is it doing the same thing as Viewpager?
Thanks in advance
I think you will get an idea from these links.For swiping a page left and right the best way will be using a customized view.
Horizondalpager is the best option.Hope this will help you to get there :-)
Viewpager is the one you want to use and does work with 2.1 (It is part of the backwards compatible support library)
Viewflipper does not allow you to swipe. It simply switches one view with another on demand.
I know that Android's Youtube app is not open source, but I pulled apart the apk with apktool and found that they have a class, YoutubeListView used frequently in their app. Is there already an open source implementation of the Youtube Player Activity's title/ fling view/ layout? I know of similar views like Joao Machete's FlingAndScrollViewer, but I need it to be rigge to a title menu and work as smoothly as that on the Youtube app. If there is no open source implementation, either how hard would it be to convince Google to release just that component's source, or to implement it myself?
Btw, the footer in this layout is what I am talking about. It has titles like Info & Related videos that can be clicked and it scrolls to them, and it can be scrolled left and right.
I've come to the conclusion that there is no such view. It would be best to make my own custom layout.