I am currently trying to make a selector box for an RTS game. For this I need to be able to drag the mouse in order to create the selection box, however this can lead to a negative length/width.
In Libgdx is there a way to make rectangle from just using 2 sets of coordinates?
this is a simple idea, if I understand what you want to do:
to create a rectangle you can use this, Rectangle(float x, float y, float width, float height) for more inforamacion you can read it here http://libgdx.badlogicgames.com/nightlies/docs/api/com/badlogic/gdx/math/Rectangle.html
this a psuedo code more or less:
create a listener that captures keystrokes, mouse or them as appropriate,
in touchdown catches x, y, and assign a:
yourVariableTouchDown.x = x;
yourVariableTouchDown.y = y;
then when the touchup captures the x is executed, and the point where it makes up touch and assign a:
yourVariableTouchUp.x = x;
yourVariableTouchUp.y = y;
after create the rectagle:
private Rectangle yourRectangle = new Rectangle();
yourRectangle(yourVariableTouchDown.x, yourVariableTouchDown.y,
(yourVariableTouchDown.x - yourVariableTouchUp.x),
(yourVariableTouchDown.y - yourVariableTouchUp.y));
if you want to see it you can use ShapeRenderer:
look this http://libgdx.badlogicgames.com/nightlies/docs/api/com/badlogic/gdx/graphics/glutils/ShapeRenderer.html
add for test in variable class
private ShapeRenderer sRDebugRectangel = new ShapeRenderer();
add for test in update or draw
you can look on that listener use:
P.S: what you say negative, will be a matter of check when touchup is less than touchdown change where the rectangle is created that was just what I happened to you have test it and adjust the variables to create the rectangle now because you can not be created desirably when negative, now I have time to get with it, in fact eh not tested this why I said it was pseudo code, hope you serve, idea
P.S: You can also look at this https://stackoverflow.com/tour
I want to add motion to two sprite objects in single game screen. I mean two sprite object should move(or follow some predefined path) independently in single page or game screen of app using Libgdx. How can I achieve that.
Please help me. If possible please provide some reference code also. Thank you.
you can use scene2d for this purpose.where you can easily move object through actions.
you can follow these links to learn scene2d.
i hope these links will help you.
You can do this:
take two 2DVector objects:
private Vector2 positiononesprite,positiontwosprite;
Sprite sprite_one,sprite_two;
then in your create method do this
positiononesprite = new Vector2(0,0);
positiontwosprite = new Vector2(0,0);
//set your sprite position
sprite_one.setPosition(x,y);//your x and y coordinates
sprite_two.setPosition(x1,y1);//your second sprite postions
positiononesprite.x = sprite_one.getX();
positiononesprite.y = sprite_one.getY();
positiontwosprite.x = sprite_two.getX();
positiontwosprite.y = sprite_two.getY();
then to make them move in a custom direction you can use either
setPosition method or translate method*/
//apply your algorithm on vectors and set or translate your sprites
// in render method define there speed, direction and move them
//for example i did this to move it in a particular direction
pointerposition.x += directionpointer.x * speed;
pointerposition.y += directionpointer.y * speed;
// pointer.setPosition(pointerposition.x, pointerposition.y);
ball.setPosition(pointerposition.x, pointerposition.y);
this is moving my ball in a particular direction
here directionpointer is a direction vector and speed is a float variable and pointerposition is a vector2 object as i declared positiononesprite
What I'm trying to do is basically the thing you can do in the desktop when you click and drag te mouse making a square. The problem is I don't know how to make it draw "backwards" or how to clean the previous parameters when you start a new square. here is the entire code:
public void paint (Graphics j){
private void formMousePressed(java.awt.event.MouseEvent evt) {
private void formMouseDragged(java.awt.event.MouseEvent evt) {
The signature for drawRect is: drawRect(int x, int y, int width, int height). You need to calculate the top left corner of the square, and the width and height.
The top-left corner is (min(x, z), min(y, w)).
The width is abs(x-z) and the height is abs(y-w)
Putting this together we get
j.drawRect(Math.min(x, z), Math.min(y, w), Math.abs(x - z), Math.abs(y - w));
Why does this work? Well you're given 2 points. It's a well known fact that 2 points can determine a square(opposite corners). The first problem is that you have to translate the points you're given, into an input that java likes. In this case, you first need the upper left hand corner. You don't know which point you have is that corner, or actually it could be that neither of them are.
So what do we know about the upper left corner? We know that it's x value is the smallest x value that exists in the square. We also know that at least one of the 2 points given rest on that same edge. Using this information we can determine that the x coordinate of the top left corner is the smallest x value of our 2 points. Or min(x, z). We use the same procedure to find the y coordinate.
Now width and height are easy. The width is the right edge - the left edge. We don't know which point is the right side, and which is the left side, but it doesn't matter. If we take the absolute value of the difference will always give you the positive difference between the points. In this case abs(x-z). The process is the same for the height.
As for resetting the square try adding a formMouseReleased method and setting x, y, z, w to 0.
I think you might create a method that resets the parameters
something like: void modifyMouse() in your Mouse class
//your parameters=0
I might try to give you a better help if you clarify your question, for now try that.
In a Java 2D game, I have a rectangular sprite of a tank. The sprite can rotate in any angle, and travel in the direction of that angle.
This sprite needs to have a bounding box, so I can detect collision to it.
This bounding box needs to:
Follow the sprite around the screen.
Rotate when the sprite rotates.
Obviously it should be invisible, but right now I'm drawing the box on the screen to see if it works. It doesn't.
My problem is this:
When the sprite travels parallel to the x axis or y axis, the box follows correctly and keeps 'wrapping' the sprite precisely.
But when the sprites travles diagonaly, the box doesn't follow the sprite correctly.
Sometimes it moves too much along the x axis and too little along the y axis. Sometimes the opposite. And maybe sometimes too much both or too little on both. Not sure.
Could you look at my code and tell me if you see anything wrong?
(Please note: The bounding box most of the time is actually just two arrays of coordinates, each one containing 4 values. The coordinates are used to form a Polygon when collision is checked, or when the box is drawn to the screen).
Relevant code from the Entity class, the superclass of Tank:
int[] xcoo = new int[4]; // coordinates of 4 vertices of the bounding box.
int[] ycoo = new int[4];
double x,y; // current position of the sprite.
double dx,dy; // how much to move the sprite, and the vertices of the bounding box.
double angle; // current angle of movement and rotation of sprite and bounding-box.
// Returns a Polygon object, that's the bounding box.
public Polygon getPolyBounds(){ return new Polygon(xcoo,ycoo,xcoo.length) ; }
public void move(){
// Move sprite
x += dx;
y += dy;
// Move vertices of bounding box.
for(int i=0;i<4;i++){
xcoo[i] += dx;
ycoo[i] += dy;
// Code to rotate the bounding box according to the angle, will be added later.
// ....
Relevant code from the Board class, the class that runs most of the game.
This is from the game-loop.
// keysPressed1 is an array of flags to tell which key is currently pressed.
// if left arrow is pressed
// if right arrow is pressed
// if up arrow is pressed (sets the direction to move, based on angle).
tank1.setDX(2 * Math.cos(Math.toRadians(tank1.getAngle())));
tank1.setDY(2 * Math.sin(Math.toRadians(tank1.getAngle())));
tank1.move(); // should move both the sprite, and it's bounding box.
Thanks a lot for your help. If you need me to explain something about the code so you can help me, please say so.
Your sprite is using doubles and your bounding box is using ints, see these declarations:
int[] xcoo = new int[4];
double x, y
And the following updates:
(double dx, dy, showing it is a double)
x += dx
xcoo[i] += dx
In the latter (the bounding box) you are adding an int to a double which causes it to drop it's decimal places as it is being cast to an integer.
Hence why they do not follow the sprite exactly, as an int can never follow a double.
To solve this you need xcoo, ycoo and corresponding methods to work with double instead of int.
Update: So Polygon only takes Integers appereantly, to solve that take a look at the following question: Polygons with Double Coordinates
You should be using Path2D.Double
I have a screen (BaseScreen implements the Screen interface) that renders a PNG image. On click of the screen, it moves the character to the position touched (for testing purposes).
public class DrawingSpriteScreen extends BaseScreen {
private Texture _sourceTexture = null;
float x = 0, y = 0;
public void create() {
_sourceTexture = new Texture(Gdx.files.internal("data/character.png"));
During rendering of the screen, if the user touched the screen, I grab the coordinates of the touch, and then use these to render the character image.
public void render(float delta) {
if (Gdx.input.justTouched()) {
x = Gdx.input.getX();
y = Gdx.input.getY();
super.getGame().batch.draw(_sourceTexture, x, y);
The issue is the coordinates for drawing the image start from the bottom left position (as noted in the LibGDX Wiki) and the coordinates for the touch input starts from the upper left corner. So the issue I'm having is that I click on the bottom right, it moves the image to the top right. My coordinates may be X 675 Y 13, which on touch would be near the top of the screen. But the character shows at the bottom, since the coordinates start from the bottom left.
Why is what? Why are the coordinate systems reversed? Am I using the wrong objects to determine this?
To detect collision I use camera.unproject(vector3). I set vector3 as:
x = Gdx.input.getX();
y = Gdx.input.getY();
Now I pass this vector in camera.unproject(vector3). Use x and y of this vector to draw your character.
You're doing it right. Libgdx generally provides coordinate systems in their "native" format (in this case the native touch screen coordinates, and the default OpenGL coordinates). This doesn't create any consistency but it does mean the library doesn't have to get in between you and everything else. Most OpenGL games use a camera that maps relatively arbitrary "world" coordinates onto the screen, so the world/game coordinates are often very different from screen coordinates (so consistency is impossible). See Changing the Coordinate System in LibGDX (Java)
There are two ways you can work around this. One is transform your touch coordinates. The other is to use a different camera (a different projection).
To fix the touch coordinates, just subtract the y from the screen height. That's a bit of a hack. More generally you want to "unproject" from the screen into the world (see the
Camera.unproject() variations). This is probably the easiest.
Alternatively, to fix the camera see "Changing the Coordinate System in LibGDX (Java)", or this post on the libgdx forum. Basically you define a custom camera, and then set the SpriteBatch to use that instead of the default.:
// Create a full-screen camera:
camera = new OrthographicCamera(Gdx.graphics.getWidth(), Gdx.graphics.getHeight());
// Set it to an orthographic projection with "y down" (the first boolean parameter)
camera.setToOrtho(true, Gdx.graphics.getWidth(), Gdx.graphics.getHeight());
// Create a full screen sprite renderer and use the above camera
batch = new SpriteBatch(Gdx.graphics.getWidth(), Gdx.graphics.getHeight());
While fixing the camera works, it is "swimming upstream" a bit. You'll run into other renderers (ShapeRenderer, the font renderers, etc) that will also default to the "wrong" camera and need to be fixed up.
I had same problem , i simply did this.
public boolean touchDown(int screenX, int screenY, int pointer, int button) {
screenY = (int) (gheight - screenY);
return true;
and every time you want to take input from user dont use Gdx.input.getY();
instead use (Gdx.graphics.getHeight()-Gdx.input.getY())
that worked for me.
The link below discusses this problem.
Projects the given coords in world space to screen coordinates.
You need to use the method project(Vector3 worldCoords) in class com.badlogic.gdx.graphics.Camera.
private Camera camera;
public boolean touchDown(int screenX, int screenY, int pointer, int button) {
Create an instance of the vector and initialize it with the coordinates of the input event handler.
Vector3 worldCoors = new Vector3(screenX, screenY, 0);
Projects the worldCoors given in world space to screen coordinates.
Use projected coordinates.
world.hitPoint((int) worldCoors.x, (int) worldCoors.y);
return true;
in libgdx game
I want to touchDown and then drag somewhere and then on the release (touchUp) apply a directional force based on the distance and direction from the target body. When you touchdown the target body stays still and then on touchup the force is applied along the desired trajectory.
(very similar to Angry birds - where you get to see the trajectory in dotted lines for the target body when you hold hack the slingshot - I want to do the same)
So I guess that this might not be the hardest thing to do but given a few options Im leaning towards using a MouseJointDef but its an immediate force applied (i.e. the target moves immediately - I want it to stay still and then once the touchup event happens then apply the force)
Whats the easiest way to draw the trajectory also? Im using Box2D also.
Create a class that inherits InputAdapter class, then create an instance of it and register it to listen the touch inputs.
There are 3 methods to handle the touch events touch_down, touch_dragged and touch_up that you have to override.
In touch_down, check the touching position to whether is in the birds area or not. If it is, make a boolean flag true.
In touch_dragged, check the flag above and if it was true, calculate the distance of the touch position relative to the bird shooting center and the shooting angle.
In touch_up, you can order to shoot with the calculated amounts by calling
body2shoot.applyLinearImpulse(impulse, body2shoot.getWorldCenter());
There is no need to MouseJointDef to move the body2shoot. Just set the transform of body2shoot in touching position to be dragged in each cycle of render.
For calculating the trajectory I wrote a class like this:
public class ProjectileEquation
public float gravity;
public Vector2 startVelocity = new Vector2();
public Vector2 startPoint = new Vector2();
public ProjectileEquation()
{ }
public float getX(float t)
return startVelocity.x*t + startPoint.x;
public float getY(float t)
return 0.5f*gravity*t*t + startVelocity.y*t + startPoint.y;
and for drawing it just I set the startPoint and startVelocity and then in a loop I give a t (time) incrementally and call getX(t) and getY(t).