How to use QAndroidJniObject to call a Intent from Java - java

I want to use the rtl_tcp Driver for my App in Android to read Raw data from a usb Tv tuner.
I found this source code and the guy has an App as driver at google play and anyone can call this App and can read raw data via tcp port.
This is the App
Now, i would like to call this drivers from my App, but i use QT. I found the classes QAndroidJNIObject to call java code.
I found also at an example in java.
try {
Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW);
intent.setData(Uri.parse("iqsrc://-a -p 1234 -n 1"));
startActivityForResult(intent, RTL2832U_RESULT_CODE);
catch (ActivityNotFoundException e)
Log.e(LOGTAG, "createSource: RTL2832U is not installed");
But i cannot find a way to write the right code in C++/Qt to make the equal call like the example in Java. I am not sure if this java code is correct or missing something.
Can someone help me ?
Also i want to ask if i can have a tcp connection with anet.h libs from Qt code?

You need to use QJniAndroidObject class to create JNI objects and manipulate them. It's not always obvious but it works in the end. Your 9-line of Java will most likely end up to be a 50-line C++ code. I recommend that you transcode each line one by one and always check objects are valid (QJniAndroidObject::isValid()).
Here is an example creating an Intent and starting an activity:
startActivity on Qt, nothing displays
Try to write some code and post another SO question if it fails (syntax to create and manipulate QJniAndroidObject is not always obvious for C++ developers not familiar with Java).


Calling the voice-input feature - CodenameOne app (iOS port)

My Android app features a text input box that has a button on the right of the EditText to call the voice-input feature.
I am porting the app with Codename One. At present time the iOS port is the goal.
The button has a suitable icon. This is the code:
voiceInputButton.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {
Intent voiceIntent = new Intent(RecognizerIntent.ACTION_RECOGNIZE_SPEECH);
voiceIntent.putExtra(RecognizerIntent.EXTRA_LANGUAGE_MODEL, RecognizerIntent.LANGUAGE_MODEL_WEB_SEARCH);
try {
activity.startActivityForResult(voiceIntent, RESULT_SPEECH_REQUEST_CODE);
} catch (ActivityNotFoundException ex) {
It works very well, the voice-input screen is called and then the result is passed back to the app as a string.
The string is what the user said (for example, a single word).
I need to have this functionality in the CodenameOne app for iOS.
What should be the equivalent? Is it necessary to call native iOS functions, through the native interface?
You can implement speech-to-text via Speech framework, to perform speech recognition on live or prerecorded audio. More info:
About Codename One, you can create a native interface using Objective-C code.
To use the Speech framework with Objective-C, see this answer:
The answer says so: «[...] To get this running and test it you just need a very basic UI, just create an UIButton and assign the microPhoneTapped action to it, when pressed the app should start listening and logging everything that it hears through the microphone to the console (in the sample code NSLog is the only thing receiving the text). It should stop the recording when pressed again. [...]». This seems very close to what you asked.
Obviously the creation of the native interface takes time. For further help, you can ask more specific questions, I hope I have given you a useful indication.
Lastly, there are also alternative solutions, again in Objective-C, such as:
You can search on the web for: objective-c speech-to-text

Sending image to Hangouts from local folder

I'm attempting to send an image to Hangouts from within an app I'm building.
I'm working in Xamarin for VS 2015 to do this so the code below is c# but it's not much different from the equivalent Java code so I think it's easy to follow.
What I've done is set up a button on my app which has code setting up an Intent to share an image to Hangouts. I've set the image up already in the Downloads folder on the device and hardcoded the name into the code.
Intent hangoutsShareIntent = new Intent(Intent.ActionSend);
string downloadsPath = Android.OS.Environment.GetExternalStoragePublicDirectory(Android.OS.Environment.DirectoryDownloads).AbsolutePath;
string filePath = Path.Combine(downloadsPath, "shared.jpg");
hangoutsShareIntent.PutExtra(Intent.ExtraStream, filePath);
StartActivity(Intent.CreateChooser(hangoutsShareIntent, "Share with"));
When I run this, I get the option to select a chat in Hangouts that I want to send the content to. Upon selecting the chat, I get a blank message box and no image.
I've swapped the above code over to use text/plain and pass the filePath variable to the message. When I copy the file path into Chrome to check it, the image loads so I have to figure that the image is where I've said it is... right?
I get no errors (probably because the issue is in Hangouts rather than my app so I have nothing to debug there). Logcat shows nothing except an error I can't find much about on Google: ExternalAccountType﹕ Unsupported attribute readOnly
The only information I could find on that error implied some issue with permissions but I've made sure my app has runtime permissions checked for Read/Write using this code (which wraps the above):
if ((CheckSelfPermission(Permission.ReadExternalStorage) == (int)Permission.Granted) &&
(CheckSelfPermission(Permission.WriteExternalStorage) == (int)Permission.Granted))
NOTE: I'm running this on a HTC One M8 - no SD card but does have external storage on device. I've also added the above permissions to the manifest for earlier Android versions.
The documentation for this (here) isn't overly helpful either so any advice AT ALL here is welcome :)
If you use the file provider instead of sending just the URI on its own. This should get around the permission issues you are seeing.
There is a guide available here which might be useful.
Intent shareIntent = new Intent(Intent.ActionSend);
Java.IO.File file = new Java.IO.File(Android.OS.Environment.ExternalStorageDirectory + "/myimage.gif");
Android.Net.Uri fileUri = Android.Support.V4.Content.FileProvider.GetUriForFile(this, "com.myfileprovider", file);
shareIntent.PutExtra(Intent.ExtraStream, fileUri);
StartActivity(Intent.CreateChooser(shareIntent, "Share with"));

Android Studio - URL string

So I'm pretty new to the whole Android Studio thing and I've been using the internet to help me with a lot of the things I am doing and needed help on something.
I'm not sure if it's possible to connect this to either a string or an SQL database but I have a Main Layouts with a bunch of buttons that allow me to click on them and choose what external player I would like to use to watch the video. In my MainActivity java class, this is how it finds the button.
intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW);
intent.setDataAndType(Uri.parse("http://videoname.mp4"), "video/*");
startActivity(Intent.createChooser(intent, "Choose an External Player"));
I wanted to know if "http://videoname.mp4" url can be connected to like a string where I can always update or change the URL instead of manually going to find the URL in the MainActivity java and changing it. As of now I have to manually do it but a different way to do it would be helpful.
I'm sorry if it's all confusing, but if you know, please let me know as soon as.
Thank you.
you just need write your string URL :
open your directory folder /res/values/strings.xml -> write your string : <string name="yourStringName>yourStringURL</string>. to use your string do this
getContext().getString(R.string.yourStringName) in fragment
getString(R.string.yourStringName) in Activity
or you can write directly on your code, put your cursor on your string, then press key alt + enter choose extract string resource fill the resource name with your string name
wherever you need to use it, just do point 1 or 2. also in your Intent
hope this help you, never stop learning!
Add it to strings.xml in your project. That is the recommended way of using strings anyway.

Yelp API on Android Studio

Been a lurker on this site to help find answers to some of my problems before, but I am currently stuck on this and could not find a recent solution. The closest answers I found to my problem were Yelp API Android Integration and Yelp Integration in Android
I tried following the steps in the 2nd link but they are a bit outdated. I have registered for an API, downloaded the jar files from the github and synced them, and made the and files and removed the main method from YelpAPI. I am stuck on step 4 on the search part. I tried to call the queryAPI method from inside an onClick method I made for a button
public void getRandom(View view) {
Intent intent = new Intent(this, SecondActivity.class);
YelpAPI.YelpAPICLI yelpApiCli = new YelpAPI.YelpAPICLI();
new JCommander(yelpApiCli);
try {
YelpAPI.queryAPI(yelpApi, yelpApiCli);
} catch (JSONException e) {
Basically what I want this to do is, when the button is pressed, I want it to go to a second screen that will display what I query Yelp for. I haven't worked on that part yet, right now I just want to get a result back from Yelp. Keep in mind I am a complete noob at Android Studio and at most intermediate at Java.
Any help is greatly appreciated, it seems like its a really simple problem but its taking me forever to figure out on my own.
You can't do blocking task like downloading or image loading in android's Main thread (UI Thread). You can't block UI for more than 5 seconds. If you try it to block for more than 5 seconds than your app will stop working and display "Unfornutaley your app has stopped working" because of error too much work on main thread. So you need to make use of async task.

Open and maximise a browser window in OATS Java (not javascript)

I am a tester and just installed oracle application test suite to use testing eBus apps
Anyway the only language it supports for coding test scripts (I don't want to use the recorder for a number of reasons). The problem I am having is that everything I search or google is javascript not java (even googling with -script I still ended up looking at javascript. This just gets rejected by the oats editor
The only other examples I have seen, appear to be defining a variable then setting the value of that variable as the window they want to maximize. Aside from the fact that my java skills are not up to doing that - I do not need to do this for a newly opened browser window do I? (The assumption is that this will be the only browser window open (ie test is executed with browser closed)
Is there any easy way to do this?
Below is the very simple initiate of the browser which is generated from a recording plus part of the first step which loads the url the test starts at: (I realize the first step is not complete below -I didn't paste it all, just enough to hopefully allow someone to show me what I need to edit to force the browser to load maximized, or maximize it immediately after loading?
public void initialize() throws Exception {
* Add code to be executed each iteration for this virtual user.
public void run() throws Exception {
beginStep("[1] Login (/RF.jsp)", 0);
"/web:window[#index='0' or #title='about:blank']")
web.window(4, "/web:window[#index='0' or #title='Login']")
I am not sure whether you already got the answer for this.. if not this code should help you
DOMBrowser currentExecutionBrowser = web.window("/web:window[#index='0' or #index='1']");
Let me know if this helps!
There is a function in the Oracle Functional Tester API Reference which has a build in function called object.WindowState It says you can get or set using this function and it has values
0 - Normal, 1- minimized and 2-maximised.
Only issue is that these examples look more like VB than Javascript but presumably there is a similar function built into to the Oracle libraries for Java.
I did a quick search for Oracle Openscript API and came up with this link which asks for the same thing. They suggest using Help->Search from within the openscript application and then searching for "openscript API" which should provide a list of the functions available.
Hope that helps.
To Maximize browser in OATS, follow the below code
Open script ha in built methods which helps coding easy
web.window(12, "/web:window[#index='0' or #title='about:blank']").navigate("");
web.window(12, "/web:window[#index='0' or #title='about:blank']").maximize();
for more OATS Tips/Tricks follow here
If it is the only browser window open, you can use the below code. It must be used with caution since the code maximizes any window that is open above the browser window.
try {
Robot a = new Robot();
} catch (AWTException e) {
