We are building a websocket webapp for a school project and would like to store the incoming information to MySQL. Currently we are using netbeans and the Server Endpoint is written in Java. The info sent from the client side is a JSON obj. We can decode it but dont't know how to insert it into the table
Problems we are facing
1.We are used to programming Java application and using mysql JDBC but this time we cannot find the library to add, like we use to do.
2.We have tried AJAX but since the PHP is on a different server we cant do it, and I can't find the option to add a PHP file to the current project in netbeans. -- Currently I'm trying to learn how to do AJAX with JSP
3.We think we need to spin a thread so that the reply doesn't have to wait for the insert to complete but when we try to spin a thread the Endpoint no longer works, so we commented it out
4.We are trying to keep third party Frame works to a minimum
Below is the code to our Server Endpoint
public void onMessage(String message, Session session) {
// Create JsonObject from message
JsonObject jsonObject = new Message(message).getJObject();
// Decode JsonObject
message = Decoder(jsonObject);
for (Session peer : peers) {
try {
if (!peer.equals(session)) {
} catch (IOException ex) {
Logger.getLogger(ServerEndpoint.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
This is our current decoder. We wanted to spin a thread from this function, I don't know if that is a good idea or not
public String Decoder(JsonObject jObject) {
String message;
message = jObject.getString("msg");
return message;
Since Netbeans use Glassfish, I downloaded the MySQL JDBC and put it in the lib folder as I would if I was running Tomcat. Then I go into the Admin console and added the JDBC Connector then added the JDBC Resource. Next restart the server then redeploy the app.
I'm working on a personal project for school where I have to user RMI to communicate between server and client.
Project info
The goal of my project is to retrieve stock info (from NYSE) for each day on the server at a specific time (after NYSE is closed). Each stock object is saved in a database. The information is retrieved over http and has nothing to do with RMI.
For the client it is also possible to fetch the stocks. When a user wants to fetch the stock object for the current day, it is directly fetched from the 3th party service. When a user, for example, wants to fetch Google's stock from last month, it is requested on the server over RMI. The server will the look for the stock object in the database and retrieve a Stock object and send it to the client.
When I start the client application, I have to login. The client will create a User object containing the username and password.
When I press the login button, it will take around 2 minutes before the main screen will be shown.
Below the source code where I setup the RMI connection.
Server (main.java)
public static void main(String[] args) throws UnknownHostException {
InetAddress IP= InetAddress.getLocalHost();
System.out.println("IP of my system is := "+IP.getHostAddress());
if(args.length == 1 && args[0].toLowerCase().equals("local")) {
System.out.println("Running on localhost");
System.setProperty("java.rmi.server.hostname", IP.getHostAddress());
} else {
System.out.println("rmi hostname is set to");
System.setProperty("java.rmi.server.hostname", "");
try {
Registry reg = LocateRegistry.createRegistry(1099);
StockAppServer server = StockAppServer.getInstance();
reg.rebind("StockApp", server);
System.out.println("StockApp bound for StockAppServer object.");
} catch (RemoteException e) {
Based on the arguments that are passed to the application when it starts, I set the RMI hostname to my current IP address, or to the remote server address. The remote server address is a static IP, so this won't change.
Server (StockAppServer.java)
This class implements the interfaces that is used by the client to call methods on the server. So this class extends UnicastRemoteObject. When I start the server, registerStockTask() will be called. This method will fetch the ticker symbols (What are ticker symbols?) and then schedule a task to fetch all stock objects at a specific time.
private static StockAppServer _instance;
private List<User> loggedInUsers;
private List<Group> activeGroups;
private List<Notification> registeredNotifications;
private StockAppServer() throws IOException {
_instance = this;
this.loggedInUsers = new ArrayList<>();
this.activeGroups = new ArrayList<>();
this.registeredNotifications = new ArrayList<>();
// Start the restful framework to allow incoming connections from the NodeJS server to manage new notification
public static StockAppServer getInstance() {
return _instance == null ? new StockAppServer() : _instance;
} catch (IOException e) {
return null;
Client (main.java)
public static void main(String[] arguments) throws Exception {
args = arguments;
public void start(Stage primaryStage) throws Exception {
InetAddress IP= InetAddress.getLocalHost();
System.out.println("IP of my system is := "+IP.getHostAddress());
if(args.length == 1 && args[0].toLowerCase().equals("local")) {
// Program started with local command, expect that server is running on local host
reg = LocateRegistry.getRegistry(IP.getHostAddress(), 1099);
System.out.println("Attempting to connect to RMI server over");
} else {
// Program started without additional commands. Except that "the server" is available;
reg = LocateRegistry.getRegistry("", 1099);
System.out.println("Attempting to connect to RMI server over");
try {
StockApp.getInstance().setServerInterfaces((IStockSend) reg.lookup("StockApp"), (IUserHandling) reg.lookup("StockApp"));
} catch(RemoteException e) {
AlertMessage.showException("Unable to connect to server.", e);
} catch (NotBoundException e) {
AlertMessage.showException("No server has been found with the name \"StockApp\" on the remote host.\nPlease try again later", e);
//FileNotFoundException e = new FileNotFoundException("Couldn't find file blabla.txt");
//AlertMessage.showException("Something went wrong. Please try again later.", e);
How I tried to solve my problem
When I test my applications local, there is no problem. The login method will be finished within a few milliseconds and I will be represented the main screen.
I started by turning of my firewall on my macbook. No result, login method still takes around 2 seconds.
I turned off the firewall om my Ubuntu server. No result, both firewalls on server and macbook are turned off. Login method still takes around 2 seconds.
On the server runs (thanks to jenkins) another (unrelated) program. This program uses sockets instead of RMI. When this program is not running, the login method still takes around 2 minutes.
In StockAppServer.java, I called the following method:
This has the same outcome as the above steps I took.
I don't know what else I can try to solve my problem.
I tried to give as much code as possible for the RMI part. I you need any other source code, just ask and I can update this question. Also, the source code is available via github: https://github.com/juleskreutzer/GSO-Maatwerk. Make sure to run the program with -remote param.
Update 1 (9-1-2017)
As yanys requested in the comments, I should run the following command:
dscacheutil -q host -a name localhost
this returns the following output:
name: localhost
dscacheutil: command not found
Update 2 (9-1-2017)
I checked with the provider of my VPS where I run the java server on. On their side everything should be OK. According to them, it shouldn't be a dns problem. After some research, I found out that RMI uses both DNS and reverse DNS. It this case, reverse DNS was the issue. Please see my answer on how I solved my problem.
As EJP pointed out in the comments on the question, it was an DNS problem.
I contacted the support of my hosting provider to see if I had some wrong settings. They helped me a lot in solving this problem.
First we tested the speed of my VPS, this is around 1000mbit download and upload speed. After we checked this, they said there was nothing wrong on their side.
After doing some research, I found out that RMI uses both DNS and Reverse DNS. The problem was that I didn't setup the reverse DNS on my server. I already have a domain name to use for reverse DNS.
I than did the following:
Create a A-record on my website that points to the IP address of the server. I named it vps.mydomain.com
Add the reverse DNS in the control panel of my server
Change the hostname of my server to vps.mydomain.com*
*My server runs Ubuntu 16.04, on ubuntu machines with systemd, you can use the command
sudo hostnamectl set-hostname new-name
to change the hostname
I have a few problems with using websockets:
java.io.IOException: Broken Pipe
Client doesn't receive messages
Main things I want to know:
Please list all possible scenarios why the client side closes the connection (apart from refreshing or closing the tab).
Can a Broken Pipe Exception occur, apart from the server sending a message to the client over a broken connection? If yes, then how?
What are the possible scenarios why a server doesn't send a message, although the server does send heartbeats? (When this happens, I need to restart the application for it to work again. This is a terrible solution, because it already is in production.)
I have a SpringMVC project that uses websockets; SockJS client side and org.springframework.web.socket.handler.TextWebSocketHandler server side.
A JSON is generated server side and send to the client. Sometimes, I get a java.io.IOException: Broken Pipe. I googled/StackOverflowed a lot and found too many things I don't understand, but the reason is probably the connection is closed client side and the server still sends a message (for example, a heartbeat). Does this sound okay? What are other causes for this exception to arise? What are the reasons for the client side to close the connection (apart from refreshing or closing the tab)?
Also, sometimes the client side doesn't get any messages from the server, although the server should send them. I log before and after sending the message, and both log statements are printed. Does anyone has an idea why this can occur? I have no errors in the console log of Chrome. Refreshing the page doesn't work, I need to restart the spring project...
If you need more info, please leave a comment.
Client side
function connect() {
var socket = new SockJS('/ws/foo');
socket.onopen = function () {
socket.send(fooId); // ask server for Foo with id fooId.
socket.onmessage = function (e) {
var foo = JSON.parse(e.data);
// Do something with foo.
Server side
public class FooService implements InitializingBean {
public void updateFoo(...) {
// Update some fields of Foo.
// Send foo to clients.
public class FooUpdatesHandler extends ConcurrentTextWebSocketHandler {
// ConcurrentTextWebSocketHandler taken from https://github.com/RWTH-i5-IDSG/BikeMan (Apache License version 2.0)
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(FooUpdatesHandler.class);
private static final ConcurrentHashMap<String, ConcurrentHashMap<String, WebSocketSession>> fooSubscriptions =
new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
public static void sendFooToSubscribers(Foo foo) {
Map<String, WebSocketSession> sessionMap = fooSubscriptions.get(foo.getId());
if (sessionMap != null) {
String fooJson = null;
try {
fooJson = new ObjectMapper().writeValueAsString(foo);
} catch (JsonProcessingException ignored) {
for (WebSocketSession subscription : sessionMap.values()) {
try {
logger.info("[fooId={} sessionId={}] Sending foo...", foo.getId(), subscription.getId());
subscription.sendMessage(new TextMessage(fooJson));
logger.info("[fooId={} sessionId={}] Foo send.", foo.getId(), subscription.getId());
} catch (IOException e) {
logger.error("Socket sendFooToSubscribers [fooId={}], exception: ", foo.getId(), e);
Just an educated guess: Check your networking gear. Maybe there is a misconfigured firewall terminating these connections; or even worse, broken networking gear causing the connections to terminate. If your server has multiple NICs (which is likely the case), it's also possible that there is some misconfiguration using these NICs, or in connecting to the server via different NICs.
If this problem occurs accidently than it is possible that you have some problem with any cache - please check if spring or SocksJS has own caches for socket interaction.
Is this happens on your devices (or on devices that you control)?
Additionally I can suggest you to use some network packet analyzer like wireshark. With such tool you'll see current network activity 'online'
Some external reasons that can desctroy connection without correct stopping it (and you cannot manage it without connection checkups):
device suspend/poweroff
network failure
browser closing on some error
I think that is a small part of full list of possible reasons to destroy connection.
I'm developing a RESTful web-service using Jersey. I am using maven to manage my dependencies and eclipse export method to create the jar.
When running the jar on my Ubuntu pc, everything is working fine, but when I'm executing the same jar on a remote Openshift server I'm experiencing this weird thing:
The server start and running, executing a GET request returns the expected answer.
Executing a POST method return a 500 server error, when on my local machine it returns the expected result.
Diving into this problem I have realised the following facts:
The last line the program is printing is validate.fullmessage: ... and the correct String message representation of the JSONObject. The "1" line is not printed to the log. No exception is thrown or written to the log as well!
public static boolean validate(String fullMessage) {
try {
System.out.println("validate.fullmessage: " + fullMessage);
JSONObject jsonMessage = new JSONObject(fullMessage);
} catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("validation exception");
Moreover, whenever I return 200 ok or server error I'm writing it to the log, but no error is written to the log. It seems like the server return 500 server error with no reason and not from my code...
public Response createUser(String strPlayer) {
System.out.println("createPlayer. strPlayer: " + strPlayer);
Response r;
if (!ValidateHandler.validate(strPlayer)) {
System.out.println("validation failed!");
r = Response.serverError().build();
return r;
The "finished" is also not written to the log.
Can anyone help me figure out this weird behaviour?
Ok. So after temporarily changing the Exception handling to catch all Throwables (this way catching RuntimeErrors also, not only Exceptions), the problem turned out to be java versioning issue.
On the remote machine you are using a different version of java, probably older than the one which was used to compile one of your libraries.
The easy solution (if this is available) is upgrading your remote server java version to the one that is used on your computer locally.
If that is not an option, then you need to analyze the error and find and downgrade the library which is incompatible with your outdated server java version.
I'm trying to access online .Net Webservice through Java Webservice client.
But unfortunately, am getting an error "Connection timed out: connect"
Below is my code:
import org.apache.axis.client.Call;
import org.apache.axis.client.Service;
import javax.xml.namespace.QName;
public class WebServiceMain {
public static void main(String[] args) {
try {
String endpoint = "http://wsf.cdyne.com/SpellChecker/check.asmx";
Service service = new Service();
Call call = (Call)service.createCall();
call.setProperty(Call.SOAPACTION_USE_PROPERTY, new Boolean(true));
call.setProperty(Call.SOAPACTION_URI_PROPERTY, "http://ws.cdyne.com/CheckTextBodyV2");
call.setTargetEndpointAddress( new java.net.URL(endpoint) );
call.setPortName(new QName("http://ws.cdyne.com/", "check"));
call.setOperationName(new QName("http://ws.cdyne.com/", "CheckTextBodyV2"));
System.out.println(call.invoke(new Object[] {"helo is my name"}));
} catch (Exception e) {
Connection timeout comes because of network issues.try to acess URL in browser.also try to append ?wsdl at the end of URL,you should see the wsdl.if this doesn't work troubleshoot network settings.
Connection timed out: connect
This means that your client application cannot even talk to the Web Service. This is not a programmatic issue.
Check and see whether you can access the end-point through your web browser. If not, then that service is not available. So it doesn't work.
If your browser can access it, and if you are connecting to Internet through a proxy, then you need to specify the proxy details to Java Client. To do that, you can use -Dhttp.proxyHost= and -Dhttp.proxyPort=8080 (replace with your values) system properties when you start up your client application.
Download the soapui software and get installed it.
then load the wsdl file and create the project.
Then test your web service via soap ui.
you can edit the connection timeout value of the soap ui. chane it for big vlue and test.still your getiong time out ping to the ip addres of the service
I've created a Java application that is split in different subcomponents, each of those runs on a separate Tomcat instance. Also, some components use a MySQL db through Hibernate.
I'm now creating an administration console where it's reported the status of all my Tomcat instances and of MySQL. I don't need detailed information, but knowing if they are running or not it's enough.
What could be the best solution to do that?
Most straightforward way would be to just connect the server and see if it succeeds.
Connection connection = null;
try {
connection = DriverManager.getConnection(url, username, password);
// Succes!
} catch (SQLException e) {
// Fail!
} finally {
if (connection != null) try { connection.close(); } catch (SQLException ignore) {}
try {
new URL(url).openConnection().connect();
// Succes!
} catch (IOException e) {
// Fail!
If you want a bit more specific status, e.g. checking if a certain DB table is available or a specific webapp resource is available, then you have to fire a more specific SELECT statement or HTTP request respectively.
I assume that you know the ports of which are running in advance (or from configuration files). The easiest way to check is to make socket connections to those ports like a telnet program does. Something like:
public boolean isServerUp(int port) {
boolean isUp = false;
try {
Socket socket = new Socket("", port);
// Server is up
isUp = true;
catch (IOException e)
// Server is down
return isUp;
isTomcatUp = isServerUp(8080);
isMysqlUp = isServerUp(3306);
However, I would say that is a false-negative check.. Sometimes it says server UP but the server is stuck or not responding...
I would make sure that what ever monitoring you setup is actually exercising some code. Monitoring the JVM via jmx can also be helpful after the fact. Check out http://www.cacti.net/ .
Firing a simple fixed query through MySQL
SELECT 'a-ok';
and have the .jsp return that a-ok text. If it times out and/or doesn't respond with a-ok, then something's hinky. If you need something more detailed, you can add extra checks, like requesting now() or something bigger, like SHOW INNODB STATUS.
The easiest thing is to look for the MySQL and Tomcat PID files. You need to look at your start scripts to make sure of the exact location, but once you find it, you simply test for existence of the pid file.
Create a servlet as a status page. In the servlet perform a cheap query, if the query succeeds let the servlet print OK otherwise Error. Put the servlet into a war and deploy it to all instances.
This could be used for checks in yor admin console by doing a loop over all instances.
I'd create a simple REST webservice that runs on each Tomcat instance and does a no-op query against the database. That makes it easy to drive from anywhere (command line, web app, GUI app, etc.)
If these are publicly available servers you can use a service like binarycanary.com to poll a page or service in your app.