Selenium getDriver() is empty for #AfterScenario (after AssertionError) - java

I have a PageObject startPage where I have a login and a logout method. The login method works fine and is executed in the #BeforeScenario:
public void login() {
// {..} Declaration of baseUrl,user,password...
homeVM.login(user, password);
and login(user,password) in class homeVM is like:
typeInto(find(, user);
typeInto(find(, password);
so nothing special, this works all fine.
Then I switch through several PageObjects in different test steps without a problem. When code reaches the #AfterScenario which looks like:
public void logout() {
and class homeVM with method logoff() looks like:
WebElement btnLogout = getDriver().findElement(By.xpath("//a [contains(#class,'lnkLogout')]"));;
But this isn't working (nothing happens, no exception, no click.. just nothing). Then I tried to log some information about getDriver() with:
System.out.println("Title: "+getDriver().getTitle());
and both values are just empty (""). So it seems that getDriver() is just empty (not even null, so I don't get a NullPointerException). Why is it so? I tried to check getDriver() for the last PageObject I used in my test but there I get all the information I need, just getDriver() in the #AfterScenario is empty. Any idea or solution what to do next or why this is happening? I'm using chromeDriver.
Okay, I recognized something unexpected:
I have an assertThat(<something>) method in my last step and this step is actually producing an assignment failure (because the behaviour is not implemented yet)... and if I comment this assertThat() out, the #AfterScenario and its logout is executed correctly. So the webDriver gets "emptied" if the test fails? Is this on purpose?
If I catch the AssertionErrorException Exception the test runs fine again but of course the test will be marked as "Test Passed". So it really has something to do that if the exception is thrown the current webDriver gets emptied. But this seems to be wrong...

Once Serenity (or Thucydides in this case) spots a test failure (e.g. from an assertion error), the test is switched to "dry-run" mode, as it considers that subsequent steps are compromised and may result in unnecessary (and slow) web driver calls.

As I found out from John Smart that once Serenity spots a test failure the test is switched to "dry-run" mode, so no web driver calls are possible anymore I had to find another way to perform a logout.
As my chromedriver runs by default all scenarios in the same session and browser I had to perform a manual logout after every scenario. But by setting
System.setProperty("restart.browser.each.scenario", "true");
it was possible to restart the browser and clean the session after every scenario. This worked for me so I don't need the #AfterScenario with logoff(); anymore.

overcoming the issue in cucumber watir framework
filename ="%Y-%m-%d--%Hh_%Mm_%Ss")
#browser.driver.save_screenshot ("#{filename}.png")
filename is the name of the screenshot file
you can pass the location of the screenshot file as well like this
#browser.driver.save_screenshot ("/Screenshots/#{filename}.png")


How to Add a <script> into Head Using Selenium's JavascriptExecutor

I want to figure out a way to add a <script> tag into the head of DOM using Selenium's JavascriptExecutor, or any other way of doing this would be nice.
I have tried many ways and also found a few similar topics and none of them solved my problem which is why I felt the need to ask it on here.
For example :
Suggested solutions in this question did not solve my problem. Some people say it worked for them but nope, it didn't for me.
What I've been trying to execute?
Here is the small snippet of the code that I want to execute:
WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver();
JavascriptExecutor jse = (JavascriptExecutor) driver;
jse.executeScript("var s = document.createElement('script');");
jse.executeScript("s.type = 'text/javascript';");
jse.executeScript("s.text = 'function foo() {console.log('foo')}';");
I just skipped the code above where you navigate to a webpage using driver.get() etc. and then try to execute the scripts.
Also, s.text would contain the actual script that I want to use so I just put there a foo() function just to give the idea.
The above code throws this error when you run it:
Exception in thread "main" org.openqa.selenium.JavascriptException: ReferenceError: s is not defined
So far I've tried every possible solution I could find on the Internet but none of them seems to work.
OP came up with the following solution:
jse.executeScript("var s=window.document.createElement('script');" +
"s.type = 'text/javascript';" + "s.text = function foo() {console.log('foo')};" +
For one, this line is invalid.
jse.executeScript("s.text = 'function foo() {console.log('foo')}';");
Note how you wrap single-quote text in single quotes. Use one set as "\""
I would personally do this by doing (edited to make it a global function):
using OpenQA.Selenium.Support.Extensions;
driver.ExecuteJavascript(" = function foo() {console.log('foo')}");
It's as simple as that. You are registering foo as a method by doing this. After you execute this javascript, you can manually go in to the browser developer tools and call "foo()" to check. Additionally, you can check this by registering it directly in the console. Just enter "function foo() {console.log('foo')}" into your browser console, and then call "foo()".
No need to add this as a script tag.
EDIT #2: I fixed my above code suggestion so that the method is assigned to the window, and thus accessible globally, and outside of the anonymous script that javascript executor runs the code in. The original issues with this not working are resolved by this, at least in my testing of it.

JBehave - not possible to have multiple Outcome in a Story?

Is it not possible to have both SUCCCESS and FAILURE Outcome in the story?
Outcome: FAILURE
Given I capture page screenshot
Given I close browser
Outcome: SUCCESS
Given I close browser
Scenario: Sample one
Given I open browser
When I do something
Scenario: Sample two
Given I open browser
When I do another thing
For example, for failures I want to take a screenshot before closing the browser. If successful I just want to close the browser.
I know I can just close the browser at the end of all my scenarios and only have the failure outcome remain. I would like to know if there is a way to do this in the Lifecycle After.
Quoting OP:
For example, for failures I want to take a screenshot before closing the browser. If successful I just want to close the browser.
Now, the interesting question will be which framework are you using for your assertions?
I'll assume you use Junit which comes bundled with JBehave as JBehave relies on knowing there is an error by JUnit's thrown exception.
The idea is to:
a) throw an exception when an error occurs (so need to check on every step)
b) take a screenshot
c) continue with testing (i.e. closing the browser)
So in order to throw an exception, you really do no need to do much as this is done automatically when using JUnit's Assert statement.
so for example
If the above fails an exception will be thrown.
You can capture it as such:
public class RunnerExtension implements AfterTestExecutionCallback {
public void afterTestExecution(ExtensionContext context) throws Exception {
Boolean testResult = context.getExecutionException().isPresent();
System.out.println(testResult); //false - SUCCESS, true - FAILED
public abstract class Tests {
Taken from this answer:
JUnit5 - How to get test result in AfterTestExecutionCallback
So basically you override the standard behaviour -after- each assertion has been executed. In the case above you can add (when an exception is thrown --> take screenshot).
Here is the take a screenshot code for Selenium-Java:
WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver();
File scrFile = ((TakesScreenshot)driver).getScreenshotAs(OutputType.FILE);
// Now you can do whatever you need to do with it, for example copy somewhere
FileUtils.copyFile(scrFile, new File("c:\\tmp\\screenshot.png"));
Hope the above helps!

TestNg email reports are not current

I have recently converted my project from JUnit5 to TestNG, solely for the purpose of getting decent reports.
I have added a listener that generates the report at the end of each run:
public void onFinish(ITestContext context) {
System.out.println("FINISH. Sending email report.");
utils.EmailHandler.sendEmail("Finished test", context.toString());
My problem is that the reports being sent by email are not from the current run, as desired, but the previous run.
Yet if I open the report in /test-output/custom-report.html using Eclipse IDE it is the correct one!
How do I ensure the emails sent out are current?
I have looked at a couple of similar questions here, but neither are appropriate to me:
Similar questions:
TestNg emailable-report is not updating?
ReportNG HTML report not updating
It finally worked when I moved the call to sendEmail to the end of the GenerateReport method of the listener. That removes all confusion and ensures that that output file is complete before attempting to send it out.
Unless, you 're somehow attaching the old version; from your description, I would say that most likely the file is created AFTER the email is being sent (hence previous version every-time). However, if this theory is correct, it must have emailed an empty file the first time :) Did it?
Idea: insert a couple of minutes delay in your code where the email is being sent. Go check the file as soon as the email leaves the ground, I think it will be the old version (as it hasn't been created yet!)
Have you tried using the #AfterTest annotation? Not sure, but onFinish(ITestContext context) could be lingering somewhere between #AfterMethod and AfterTestcausing your email to leave slightly earlier; before fully attached! Not sure though, why you send an email after each test and not after the whole suite has finished [so to use onFinish(ISuite suite)].
public void afterTest(ITestContext context) {
//improving answer after initial comments
System.out.println("FINISH. Sending email report.");
utils.EmailHandler.sendEmail("Finished test", context.toString());
Best of luck!
PS. Nevertheless, I would highly recommend to have a look at extentReports. Definitely better reporting than the built-in that comes with TestNG!

How to test a web page using selenium through a desktop application?

I need to test a webpage via desktop application, I'm trying to use
the selenium IDE, I had sucess to create the test cases, but I'm not
able to execute them on java.
I've been looking for something helpful, but I can't find any help at all.
Thank you
A framework that has been created for just this cause, (it's in Java) can be downloaded here or you can check the project out from github here.
This project was designed to be very simple, yet very effective. This type of framework is a "free version" of my interpretation of a framework that I use every day in production-type environments.
There is a sample test that is enclosed in the project named Assuming you follow the ReadMe to the T, you should have no problem getting started.
Here is what a test would look like in this framework.
#Config(url = "", browser = Browser.FIREFOX) // You are able to specify a "base url" for your test, from which you will test. You may leave `browser` blank.
public class SampleFunctionalTest extends AutomationTest {
* You are able to fire this test right up and see it in action. Right click the test() method, and click "Run As... jUnit test".
* The purpose of this is to show you how you can continue testing, just by taking the semi colon out, and continuing with your test.
public void test() {
// click / validateAttribute
.validateAttribute(props.get("click"), "class", "success") // validate that the class indeed added.
// setText / validateText
.setText("setTextField"), "woot!")
.validateText("setTextField"), "woot!") // validates that it indeed set.
// check / uncheck
.validateChecked("checkbox")) // validate that it checked
.check(props.get("radio.2")) // remember that props come from <class name>.properties, and are always CSS selectors. (why use anything else, honestly.)
.validateUnchecked(props.get("radio.1")) // since radio 1 was selected by default, check the second one, then validate that the first radio is no longer checked.
// select from dropdowns.
.selectOptionByText(By.xpath("//select[#id='select']"), "Second") // just as a proof of concept that you can select on anything. But don't use xpath!!
.validateText("select"), "2") // validateText() will actually return the value="" attr of a dropdown, so that's why 2 works but "Second" will not.
.selectOptionByValue(By.cssSelector("select#select"), "3")
.validateText(props.get("select"), "3")
// frames
.switchToFrame("frame") // the id="frame"
// windows
.switchToWindow("Getting Started with Selenium") // switch back to the test window.
.click(By.linkText("Open a new tab / window"))
.waitForWindow("Google") // waits for the url. Can also be the you are expecting. :) (regex enabled too)
.setText("q"), "google!")
.closeWindow(); // we've closed google, and back on the getting started with selenium page.
You should create an instance of a WebDriver and call methods on the instance of that object.
An easy example is shown here:
I hope you have created the script in webdriver.
Now in the script recorded by the selenium ide you have three methods called
setup, testSomeName and tearDown.
From the very basic: to run this script all you need to do is create a main method in the same class and in that you need to call these methods in the same order as specified above.
After that you just need to run that program.
Here is an example to make it more clear:
public class p_adjcb {
public void setUp() throws Exception {
public void testP_adjcb() throws Exception {
public void tearDown() throws Exception {
public static void main(String[] args) {
p_adjcb obj = new p_adjcb();
try {
} catch (Exception ex) {
If you get any compiler error make sure you have downloaded the selenium-standalone-server.jar file and added it to your class path.
This is a very basic start. Later on you may need to use som framework like junit.
Hope it helps.

WebDriver + TestNG - How to handle test results

I'm quite new to WebDriver and TestNG framework. I've started with a project that does a regression test of an e-commerce website. I'm done with the login and registration and so on. But there is something that I don't quite understand.
Example, I have this easy code that searches for a product.
driver.get(url + "/k/k.aspx");
driver.findElement("q")).sendKeys("xxxx"); //TODO: Make this dynamic
Now I want to check if xxxx is represented on the page. This can be done with
I store this in a Boolean and check if its true or false.
Now to the question, based on this Boolean value I want to say that the test result is success or fail. How can I do that? What triggers a testNG test to fail?
TestNG or any other testing tool decides success or failure of a test based on assertion.
Assert.assertEquals(actualVal, expectedVal);
So if actualVal and expectedVal are same then test will pass else it will fail.
Similarly you will find other assertion options if you using any IDE like Eclipse.
If you want to stop your test execution based on the verification of that text value, then you can use Asserts. However, if you want to log the outcome of the test as a failure and carry on, you should try using soft assertions, which log the verification as passed or failed and continue with the test. Latest Testng comes equipped to handle this - info at Cedric's blog
write this code where your if condition fails
throw new RuntimeException("XXXX not found: ");
u can use throw exception, and each method which will cal this meth should also throw Excetion after method name or you can use try catch. sample:
protected Boolean AssertIsCorrectURL(String exedctedURL) throws Exception {
String errMsg = String.format("Actual URL page: '%s'. Expected URL page: '%s'",
this.driver.getCurrentUrl(), exedctedURL);
throw new Exception(errMsg);
You can do this.
boolean result = webdriver.findElement(By.cssSelector("BODY")).getText().matches("^[\s\S]xxxxxx[\s\S]$")
