How to increment integer Array values? - java

I am designing a problem in which I have to use an int array to add or subtract values. For example instead of changing 100 to 101 by adding 1, I want to do the same thing using the int array. It work like this:
int[] val = new int[3];
val[0] = 1;
val[1] = 0;
val[2] = 0;
val[2] += 1;
so, If I have to get a value of 101, I will add 1 to val[2].
The only problem I have is finding a way to make int array work like how adding and subtracting from an ordinary integer data set works.
Is this possible using a for loop or a while loop?
Any help will be appreciated!

Here's your homework:
public static int[] increment(int[] val) {
for (int i = val.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (++val[i] < 10)
return val;
val[i] = 0;
val = new int[val.length + 1];
val[0] = 1;
return val;
Make sure you understand how and why it works before submitting it as your own work.

Solution of this problem is designed by using String
You can refer to this method which will return sum of 2 nos having input in String format.
Input String should contain only digits.
class Demo {
public static String add(String a1, String b1) {
int[] a = String_to_int_Array(a1);
int[] b = String_to_int_Array(b1);
int l = a.length - 1;
int m = b.length - 1;
int sum = 0;
int carry = 0;
int rem = 0;
String temp = "";
if (a.length > b.length) {
while (m >= 0) {
sum = a[l] + b[m] + carry;
carry = sum / 10;
rem = sum % 10;
temp = rem + temp;
while (l >= 0) {
sum = a[l] + carry;
carry = sum / 10;
rem = sum % 10;
temp = rem + temp;
if (carry > 0) {
temp = carry + temp;
} else {
while (l >= 0) {
sum = a[l] + b[m] + carry;
carry = sum / 10;
rem = sum % 10;
temp = rem + temp;
while (m >= 0) {
sum = b[m] + carry;
carry = sum / 10;
rem = sum % 10;
temp = rem + temp;
if (carry > 0) {
temp = carry + temp;
return temp;
public static int[] String_to_int_Array(String s) {
int arr[] = new int[s.length()], i;
for (i = 0; i < s.length(); i++)
arr[i] = Character.digit(s.charAt(i), 10);
return arr;
public static void main(String a[]) {
System.out.println(add("222", "111"));

Quick & dirty:
static void increment(int[] array){
int i = array.length-1;
}while(array[i--]==0 && i>=0);
Note the overflow when incementing e.g. {9, 9}. Result is {0, 0} here.

public static void increment() {
int[] acc = {9,9,9,9};
String s="";
for (int i = 0; i < acc.length; i++)
s += (acc[i] + "");
int i = Integer.parseInt(s);
String temp = Integer.toString(i);
int[] newGuess = new int[temp.length()];
for (i = 0; i < temp.length(); i++)
newGuess[i] = temp.charAt(i) - '0';
public static void printNumbers(int[] input) {
for (int i = 0; i < input.length; i++) {
System.out.print(input[i] + ", ");

If someone is looking for this solution using JavaScript or if you can translate it to java, here's your optimum solution:
function incrementArr(arr) {
let toBeIncrementedFlag = 1, // carry over logic
i = arr.length - 1;
while (toBeIncrementedFlag) {
if (arr[i] === 9) {
arr[i] = 0; // setting the digit as 0 and using carry over
toBeIncrementedFlag = 1;
} else {
toBeIncrementedFlag = 0;
arr[i] += 1;
break; // Breaking loop once no carry over is left
if (i === 0) { // handling case of [9,9] [9,9,9] and so on
i--; // going left to right because of carry over
return arr;


Loop to add string of number

I try for an exercice to add
String nb = "135";
String nb2 = "135";
Result should be a String of "270"
I have no idea how to do that...I try to make a for loop and make an addition : nb.charAt(i) + nb2.charAt(i) but with no succes, I don't know what I have to do with the carry over.
EDIT : I try to don't use Integer or BigInteger, only String this is why I try to use a for loop.
Thanks for clue.
String str = "";
// Calculate length of both String
int n1 = nb.length(), n2 = nb2.length();
int diff = n2 - n1;
// Initially take carry zero
int carry = 0;
// Traverse from end of both Strings
for (int i = n1 - 1; i>=0; i--)
// Do school mathematics, compute sum of
// current digits and carry
int sum = ((int)(nb.charAt(i)-'0') +
(int) nb2.charAt(i+diff)-'0') + carry);
str += (char)(sum % 10 + '0');
carry = sum / 10;
// Add remaining digits of nb2[]
for (int i = n2 - n1 - 1; i >= 0; i--)
int sum = ((int) nb2.charAt(i) - '0') + carry);
str += (char)(sum % 10 + '0');
carry = sum / 10;
// Add remaining carry
if (carry > 0)
str += (char)(carry + '0');
// reverse resultant String
return new StringBuilder(str).reverse().toString();
try below snippet:
String s1 = "135";
String s2 = "135";
String result = Integer.toString (Integer.parseInt(s1)+Integer.parseInt(s2));
try converting char to int using Integer.parseInt(nb.charAt(i)) + Integer.parseInt(nb2.charAt(i))
you can use Character.numericValue to give you the integer value of a character, this will probably help you write the method. This method will also return -1 if there is no numeric value or -2 if it is fractional like the character for 1/2
You need to convert the strings to numbers to add them. Let's use BigInteger, just in case the numbers are really big:
String nb = "135";
String nb2 = "135";
BigInteger num1 = new BigInteger(nb);
BigInteger num2 = new BigInteger(nb2);
String result = num1.add(num2).toString();
Do it as follows:
public class Main {
public static void main(String args[]) {
System.out.println(getSum("270", "270"));
System.out.println(getSum("3270", "270"));
System.out.println(getSum("270", "3270"));
static String getSum(String n1, String n2) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
int i, n, cf = 0, nl1 = n1.length(), nl2 = n2.length(), max = nl1 > nl2 ? nl1 : nl2, diff = Math.abs(nl1 - nl2);
for (i = max - diff - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (nl1 > nl2) {
n = cf + Integer.parseInt(String.valueOf(n1.charAt(i + diff)))
+ Integer.parseInt(String.valueOf(n2.charAt(i)));
} else {
n = cf + Integer.parseInt(String.valueOf(n1.charAt(i)))
+ Integer.parseInt(String.valueOf(n2.charAt(i + diff)));
if (n > 9) {
sb.append(n % 10);
cf = n / 10;
} else {
cf = 0;
if (nl1 > nl2) {
for (int j = i + 1; j >= 0; j--) {
} else if (nl1 < nl2) {
for (int j = i + 1; j >= 0; j--) {
return sb.reverse().toString();
I would like to propose a much cleaner solution that adds 2 positive numbers and returns the result. Just maintain a carry while adding 2 digits and add carry in the end if carry is greater than 0.
public class Main{
public static void main(String[] args) {
private static String addTwoNumbers(String s1,String s2){
if(s1.length() < s2.length()) return addTwoNumbers(s2,s1);
StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder("");
int ptr2 = s2.length() - 1,carry = 0;
for(int i=s1.length()-1;i>=0;--i){
int res = s1.charAt(i) - '0' + (ptr2 < 0 ? 0 : s2.charAt(ptr2--) - '0') + carry;
result.append(res % 10);
carry = res / 10;
if(carry > 0) result.append(carry);
return trimLeadingZeroes(result.reverse().toString());
private static String trimLeadingZeroes(String str){
for(int i=0;i<str.length();++i){
if(str.charAt(i) != '0') return str.substring(i);
return "0";
Try this i hope it works for you
public static int convert_String_To_Number(String numStr,String numStr2) {
char ch[] = numStr.toCharArray();
char ch2[] = numStr2.toCharArray();
int sum1 = 0;
int sum=0;
//get ascii value for zero
int zeroAscii = (int)'0';
for (char c:ch) {
int tmpAscii = (int)c;
sum = (sum*10)+(tmpAscii-zeroAscii);
for (char d:ch2) {
int tmpAscii = (int)d;
sum1 = (sum*10)+(tmpAscii-zeroAscii);
return sum+sum1;
public static void main(String a[]) {
System.out.println("\"123 + 123\" == "+convert_String_To_Number("123" , "123"));

Next greatest number

I'm trying to find the next greatest number from the user input.If the user gives 23 it shows the output as 32.If there is number greater number then it has to print the same given number.But if the user gives 03 it shows 3 but it has to show 30.Because it takes 03 as octal number.How can i change the code to show the correct output as 30?
public class Main
static void swap(char ar[], int i, int j)
char temp = ar[i];
ar[i] = ar[j];
ar[j] = temp;
public static void main(String[] args)
Scanner in = new Scanner(;
int num = in .nextInt();
char[] chars = ("" + num).toCharArray();
int i;
int n = chars.length;
for (i = n - 1; i > 0; i--)
if (chars[i] > chars[i - 1])
if (i == 0)
else {
int x = chars[i - 1], min = i;
for (int j = i + 1; j<n; j++)
if (chars[j] > x && chars[j]<chars[min])
min = j;
swap(chars, i - 1, min);
Arrays.sort(chars, i, n);
for (i = 0; i<n; i++)
package com.demo;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class Demo {
static void swap(char ar[], int i, int j)
char temp = ar[i];
ar[i] = ar[j];
ar[j] = temp;
public static void main(String[] args)
Scanner in = new Scanner(;
//int num = in .nextInt();
char[] chars=null;
int num= Integer.valueOf(numStr);
if(numStr.startsWith("0")) {
chars= ("0" + num).toCharArray();
}else {
chars= ("" + num).toCharArray();
int i;
int n = chars.length;
for (i = n - 1; i > 0; i--)
if (chars[i] > chars[i - 1])
if (i == 0)
else {
int x = chars[i - 1], min = i;
for (int j = i + 1; j<n; j++)
if (chars[j] > x && chars[j]<chars[min])
min = j;
swap(chars, i - 1, min);
Arrays.sort(chars, i, n);
for (i = 0; i<n; i++)
public static int findNextGreatestNumber(int[] arr, int k) {
int delta = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
int res = 0;
for (int a : arr) {
if (a - k > 0 && a - k < delta) {
delta = a - k;
res = a;
return delta == Integer.MAX_VALUE ? k : res;
You are reading the numbers from standard input as integers. Try reading them as strings instead:
Scanner in = new Scanner(;
String num = in.nextLine();
char[] chars = num.toCharArray();
In your main(),take the input as String only, instead of taking it as integer.

How can I use values stored in an array to another method to do a calculation?

static void diceRoll(int[] val) {
for (int i=0;i<6;i++) {
int roll1 = (int) ((Math.random() * 1000 % 6 + 1));
int roll2 = (int) ((Math.random() * 1000 % 6 + 1));
int roll3 = (int) ((Math.random() * 1000 % 6 + 1));
int roll4 = (int) ((Math.random() * 1000 % 6 + 1));
int total =0;
if ((roll1 < roll2) && (roll1 < roll3) && (roll1 < roll4)) {
total= roll2 + roll3 + roll4;
} else if ((roll2 < roll1) && (roll2 < roll3) && (roll2 < roll4)) {
total= roll1 + roll3 + roll4;
} else if ((roll3 < roll1) && (roll3 < roll2) && (roll3 < roll4)) {
total = roll1 + roll2 + roll4;
} else if ((roll4 < roll1) && (roll4 < roll2) && (roll4 < roll3)) {
total = roll1 + roll2 + roll3;
static void calculateBonus(int[] bonusVal){
int bonus=0;
int[] val= new int[6];
for (int i=0;i<6;i++)
for(int j=0;j<6;j++)
if (val[i] > 10 && val[i] != 11) {
bonusVal[j] = (val[i] - 10) / 2;
} else if (val[i] < 10) {
bonusVal[j] = ((val[i] / 2) - 5);
} else if (val[i] == 10 || val[i] == 11) {
bonusVal[j] = 0;
public static void main(String[]args){
Scanner sc = new Scanner(;
//Declaring variables
int level;
String choice = null;
//Getting the Level value
System.out.println("Enter the Level value :");
level = sc.nextInt();
while ((level<=0)||(level>20)){
System.out.println("Invalid input.Please enter a number between 1-20.");
System.out.println("Enter the Level value : ");
level = sc.nextInt();
int[] val= new int[6];
int _str= val[0];
int con= val[1];
int dex= val[2];
int _int= val[3];
int wis= val[4];
int _cha= val[5];
int [] bonusVal=new int[6];
int bonus1= bonusVal[0];
int bonus2= bonusVal[1];
int bonus3= bonusVal[2];
int bonus4= bonusVal[3];
int bonus5= bonusVal[4];
int bonus6= bonusVal[5];
//Printing the Level
System.out.println("\n\n\n\n\nLevel : [ "+level+" ]");
//Displaying out put
System.out.println("_Str : ["+_str+" ]"+"["+bonus1+"]");
System.out.println("Dex : ["+dex+" ]"+"["+bonus2+"]");
System.out.println("Con : ["+con+" ]"+"["+bonus3+"]");
System.out.println("Int : ["+_int+" ]"+"["+bonus4+"]");
System.out.println("Wis : ["+wis+" ]"+"["+bonus5+"]");
System.out.println("_Cha : ["+_cha+" ]"+"["+bonus6+"]");
//Calculating the Hit points
double hp = (((Math.random()*1000 %6+1)+bonus3)*level);
//Print the Hit points
System.out.println("HP : ["+hp+"]");
//Give the chance to re-roll or continue
System.out.println("Type r if you want to re-roll or any other character if you want to continue :");
choice =;
while (choice.equals("r"));;
I think i had made mistakes in the second method .I want to figure out how can i use above stored values in the array to calcuate bonus and store the values for bonus in another array.This is the program i have so far.I still didnt got the output i neede.I need to get 6 values from dice roll method and store them in an array.and then i want to call the values to calculate bonus and store those bonus values in another array.
I think you want to do something like below. I haven't compiled the code, let me know if you face any issues in compiling.
static int[] calculateBonus(int[] val) {
int[] bonusVal = new int[val.length];
for(int j=0; j < val.length; j++) {
if (val[j] > 10 && val[j] != 11) {
bonus[j] = (val[j] - 10) / 2;
} else if (val[j] < 10) {
bonus[j] = ((val[j] / 2) - 5);
} else if (val[j] == 10 || val[j] == 11) {
bonus[j] = 0;
return bonusVal;
You need to return an array from the first method to start with, right now it doesn't work with an array at all.
Change it to the below to return an array and have a new array variable
static int[] diceRoll() {
final int rolls = 6;
int[] result = new int[rolls];
//the for loop...
at the end of the for loop you store the value in the array and then at the end return the array so the end of the method will look like
result[i] = total;
return result;
The calculateBonus will use this returned array as input and it will also work internally with an array and not an int as you have now. I also added that it will return an array.
static int[] calculateBonus(int[] val){
int count = val.length;
int[] bonus = new int[count];
for(int j=0;j<count;j++) {
if (val[j] > 10 && val[j] != 11) {
bonus[j] = (val[j] - 10) / 2;
} else if (val[j] < 10) {
bonus[j] = ((val[j] / 2) - 5);
} else if (val[j] == 10 || val[j] == 11) {
bonus[j] = 0;
return bonus;
A simple run
public static void main(String[] args) {
int[] values = diceRoll();
int[] bonus = calculateBonus(values);
for(int i=0; i<bonus.length; i++) {
Below is a new version of the two methods that addresses the questions I asked in the comment and also clean up the code some.
Main difference is that I use a ArrayList in the diceRole method and that calculateBonus now uses double.
static int[] diceRoll() {
int[] result = new int[6];
for (int i=0;i<6;i++) {
List<Integer> list = new ArrayList<>();
for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
list.add(new Integer((int) ((Math.random() * 1000 % 6 + 1))));
Collections.sort(list); //list is now in ascending order
int total =0;
for (int j = 1; j < list.size(); j++) {
total += list.get(j).intValue();
result[i] = total;
return result;
static double[] calculateBonus(int[] val) {
int count = val.length;
double[] bonus = new double[count];
for(int j=0;j<count;j++) {
double value = 0.0;
if (val[j] > 11) {
value = (val[j] - 10.0) / 2.0;
} else if (val[j] < 10.0) {
value = ((val[j] / 2.0) - 5.0);
bonus[j] = value;
return bonus;

Java: How to sum the elements of two arrays with different lengths

I am trying to add the elements of two arrays with different lengths together.
The code below is only for the same length and here is all I have so far.
//for the same lengths
int[]num1 = {1,9,9,9};
int[]num2 = {7,9,9,9};// {9,9,9}
int total = 0, carry = 1;
int capacity = Math.max(num1.length,num2.length);
int []arraySum = new int [capacity];
for (int i = capacity - 1 ; i >= 0; i--)
arraySum[i] = num1[i]+ num2[i];
if (arraySum[i] > 9)
arraySum[i] = arraySum[i] % 10;
num2[i-1] = num2[i-1] + carry;
for(int i = 0; i < arraySum.length; i++)
What should I do if I change the elements in num2 and length to like {9,9,9}?
I know I probably need to put another for-loop as an inside for-loop and control the indices of the array with smaller length but how....?? One more thing... what should I do for those for-loops conditions because num1 and num2 will be eventually INPUTED by the user.
Well, you can tell that the inputs are limited because if num1[0] + num2[0] > 9 the carry has no index to be placed, then it can't be compiled. So, I need to shift the whole array to the right and place the carry from num1[0] + num2[0]. Here is the problem!! Where should I put the shifting code? I am kinda confused.......
Actually, you declare an int[] array with the capacity as Math.max(num1.length, num2.length).
It is not encough. You should set the capacity as Math.max(num1.length, num2.length) +1.
See if num1 is {1,9,9,9} and num2 is {9,9,9,9}, how can the arraySum to represent the sum {1,1,9,9,8}?
So we need to declare it as below to consider if carry is needed.
int[] arraySum = new int[capacity + 1];
Then when print the sum, check if arraySum[0] is 0 or 1, if it euqals to 0, do not print it in Console.
Modified code for reference is as follows:
package question;
public class Example {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// for the same lengths
int[] num1 = { 1,9,9,9 };
int[] num2 = { 9,9,9,9};// {9,9,9}
// 1999+9999 = 11998, its length is greater than the max
int capacity = Math.max(num1.length, num2.length);
int[] arraySum = new int[capacity + 1];
int len2 = num2.length;
int len1 = num1.length;
if (len1 < len2) {
int lengthDiff = len2 - len1;
* Flag for checking if carry is needed.
boolean needCarry = false;
for (int i = len1 - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
* Start with the biggest index
int sumPerPosition =0;
if (needCarry) {
sumPerPosition = num1[i] + num2[i + lengthDiff] +1;
needCarry = false;
sumPerPosition = num1[i] + num2[i + lengthDiff];
if (sumPerPosition > 9) {
arraySum[i + lengthDiff + 1] = sumPerPosition % 10;
needCarry = true;
arraySum[i + lengthDiff + 1] = sumPerPosition % 10;
* Handle the remaining part in nun2 Array
for (int i = lengthDiff - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
* Do not need to care num1 Array Here now
arraySum[i + 1] = num2[i]+1;
arraySum[i + 1] = num1[i] ;
if (arraySum[i + 1] > 9) {
arraySum[i + 1] = arraySum[i + 1] % 10;
needCarry = true;
} else {
needCarry = false;
* Handle the last number, if carry is needed. set it to 1, else set
* it to 0
if (needCarry) {
arraySum[0] = 1;
} else {
arraySum[0] = 0;
} else {
int lengthDiff = len1 - len2;
* Flag for checking if carry is needed.
boolean needCarry = false;
for (int i = len2 - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
* Start with the biggest index
int sumPerPosition = 0;
if (needCarry) {
sumPerPosition = num2[i] + num1[i + lengthDiff] +1;
needCarry = false;
sumPerPosition = num2[i] + num1[i + lengthDiff];
if (sumPerPosition > 9) {
arraySum[i + lengthDiff + 1] = sumPerPosition % 10;
needCarry = true;
arraySum[i + lengthDiff + 1] = sumPerPosition % 10;
* Handle the remaining part in nun2 Array
for (int i = lengthDiff - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
* Do not need to care num1 Array Here now
arraySum[i + 1] = num1[i]+1;
arraySum[i + 1] = num1[i] ;
if (arraySum[i + 1] > 9) {
arraySum[i + 1] = arraySum[i + 1] % 10;
needCarry = true;
} else {
needCarry = false;
* Handle the last number, if carry is needed. set it to 1, else set
* it to 0
if (needCarry) {
arraySum[0] = 1;
} else {
arraySum[0] = 0;
* Print sum
* if arraySum[0] ==1, print 1
* Do not print 0 when arraySum[0] ==0
if(arraySum[0] == 1)
for (int i = 1; i < arraySum.length; i++) {
An example that num1 is {1,9,9,9} and num2 is {9,9,9,9}, the sum result is as follows:
output in Console:
It's quite simpe actually. Inside your loop, check that the current index is valid for both array, and replace the value to add by 0 in case of an invalid index:
int value1 = (i < num1.length) ? num1[i] : 0;
int value2 = (i < num2.length) ? num2[i] : 0;
arraySum[i] = value1 + value2;
EDIT: I didn't understand that you wanted to right-align the arrays and not left-align them. The simplest solution is probably to write and read everything in the arrays in reverse order. So if the numbers are 456 and 7658, the first array would contain 6, 5, 4 and the second one would contain 8, 5, 6, 7.
Here is more performance centric solution:
public class SumArrays {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int[] num1 = {1, 9, 9, 9};
int[] num2 = {7, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9};
int[] biggerArray = num1.length > num2.length ? num1 : num2;
int[] smallerArray = num1.length <= num2.length ? num1 : num2;
int[] summedArray = new int[biggerArray.length];
System.arraycopy(biggerArray, 0, summedArray, 0, biggerArray.length);
for (int i = 0; i < smallerArray.length; i++) {
summedArray[i] += smallerArray[i];
for (int i = 0; i < summedArray.length; i++) {
You can use an ArrayList instead of an array and implement a normal addition method to it:
public static ArrayList<Integer> sum(int[] arr, int[] arr2) {
ArrayList<Integer> al = new ArrayList<>();
int i = arr.length - 1;
int j = arr2.length - 1;
int c = 0;
while (i >= 0 && j >= 0) {
int temp = arr[i] + arr2[j] + c;
if (temp >= 10) {
int r = temp % 10;
al.add(0, r);
c = temp / 10;
} else {
al.add(0, temp);
c = 0;
if (i < 0 && j >= 0) {
while (j >= 0) {
al.add(0, arr2[j] + c);
c = 0;
} else if (j < 0 && i >= 0) {
while (i >= 0) {
al.add(0, arr[i] + c);
c = 0;
} else
al.add(0, c);
return al;
for kicks, here is an alternative:
int[] num1 =
{ 1, 9, 9, 9 };
int[] num2 =
{ 7, 9, 9, 9 };
//convert the int array to a string
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(num1.length);
for (int i : num1)
String sNum1 = sb.toString();
StringBuilder sb2 = new StringBuilder(num2.length);
for (int i : num2)
String sNum2 = sb2.toString();
//parse the string to an int
int iNum1 = Integer.parseInt(sNum1);
int iNum2 = Integer.parseInt(sNum2);
//add them together
int sum = iNum1 + iNum2;
String sSum = Integer.toString(sum);
// convert num back to array
int[] sumArray = new int[sSum.length()];
for (int i = 0; i < sSum.length(); i++)
sumArray[i] = sSum.charAt(i) - '0';
catch (Exception e)
// couldnt parse ints

how to factor a number java

I need to factorize a number like 24 to 1,2,2,2,3. My method for that:
static int[] factorsOf (int val) {
int index = 0;
int []numArray = new int[index];
System.out.println("\nThe factors of " + val + " are:");
for(int i=1; i <= val/2; i++)
if(val % i == 0)
numArray1 [index] = i;
return numArray;
however, it is not working. Can anyone help me for that?
You have a few errors, you cannot create int array without size. I used array list instead.
static Integer[] factorsOf(int val) {
List<Integer> numArray = new ArrayList<Integer>();
System.out.println("\nThe factors of " + val + " are:");
for (int i = 2; i <= Math.ceil(Math.sqrt(val)); i++) {
if (val % i == 0) {
val /= i;
System.out.print(i + ", ");
return numArray.toArray(new Integer[numArray.size()]);
Full program using int[] according to your request.
public class Test2 {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int val = 5;
int [] result = factorsOf(val);
System.out.println("\nThe factors of " + val + " are:");
for(int i = 0; i < result.length && result[i] != 0; i ++){
System.out.println(result[i] + " ");
static int[] factorsOf(int val) {
int limit = (int) Math.ceil(Math.sqrt(val));
int [] numArray = new int[limit];
int index = 0;
for (int i = 1; i <= limit; i++) {
if (val % i == 0) {
numArray[index++] = i;
val /= i;
numArray[index] = val;
return numArray;
public int[] primeFactors(int num)
ArrayList<Integer> factors = new ArrayList<Integer>();
for (int a = 2; num>1; )
if (num%a==0)
int[] out = new int[factors.size()];
for (int a = 0; a < out.length; a++)
out[a] = factors.get(a);
return out;
Are you looking a more faster way?:
static int[] getFactors(int value) {
int[] a = new int[31]; // 2^31
int i = 0, j;
int num = value;
while (num % 2 == 0) {
a[i++] = 2;
num /= 2;
j = 3;
while (j <= Math.sqrt(num) + 1) {
if (num % j == 0) {
a[i++] = j;
num /= j;
} else {
j += 2;
if (num > 1) {
a[i++] = num;
int[] b = Arrays.copyOf(a, i);
return b;
Most of the approaches suggested here have 0(n) time complexity. This can be easily resolved using binary search approach with 0(log n) time complexity.
What do you basically are looking for is called Prime Factors (although 1 is not considered among prime factors).
//finding any occurrence of the no by binary search
static int[] primeFactors(int number) {
List<Integer> al = new ArrayList<Integer>();
//since you wanted 1 in the res adn every no will be divided by 1;
for(int i = 2; i< number; i++) {
while(number%i == 0) {
number = number/i;
if(number >2)
int[] res = new int[al.size()];
for(int i=0; i<al.size(); i++)
res[i] = al.get(i);
return res;
Say input is 24, we keep dividing the input by 2 till all multiples of 2 are gone, the increase i to 3
Here is a link to the working code:
A Working example
public class Main
public static void main(String[] args)
static List<Integer> factorsOf (int val) {
List<Integer> factors = new ArrayList<Integer>();
for(int i=1; i <= val/2; i++)
if(val % i == 0)
return factors;
Rework an algorithm for working with big numbers using BigInteger class. Try this:
import java.math.BigInteger;
class NumbersFactorization {
public void printPrimeNumbers(String bigNumber) {
BigInteger number = new BigInteger(bigNumber);
for (BigInteger i = BigInteger.TWO; i.compareTo(number) <= 0; i = i.add(BigInteger.ONE)) {
while(number.remainder(i) == BigInteger.ZERO) {
System.out.print(i + " ");
number = number.divide(i);
if (number.compareTo(BigInteger.TWO) > 0) System.out.println(number);
You just missed one step in if. Following code would be correct:
System.out.println("\nThe factors of " + val + " are:");
You can take a square root of val for comparison and start iterator by value 2
if(val % i == 0)
numArray1 [index] = i;
val=val/i; //add this
but here you need to check if index is 2,it is prime.
