How to edit word document template using Java [closed] - java

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I want to edit a word(.docx) template using Java, I am making an android application that uses this feature, please help as i am new to java?

Have a look at this:
How can you edit a word document with Java
Of course when you choose a framework here you have see that you are using a pure java version which run not only on ms windows operating system.
E.g. you could give the openOffice Java API a try.

I recommend you to use Apache POI library for parsing office documents
and here is good tutorial to start with Apache POI Word


Is it possible to build android application other than java and c/cpp? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I am new to android and I have covered the basics in java for backend and xml for frontend. What I would like to know is: is it possible to develop an android application completely using react and node? Also, how would it be implemented? If there are some tutorials available for this that anyone could recommend, that would be helpful. I want to know if android backend can be built in any language other than java, c/cpp.
If you read you will know a bit more of how it works, but to build a native app, you need to use a framework that generates native code, or write in a language that the device can compile, like the ones you sad before. React Native generates native code.

modify an existing file of powerpoint with java programming [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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am have problème with manipulation of powerpoint format using java , i want to read a slid from an existing file(.pptx) witch containe one slid after that , generat a new file powerpoint containe a lot of copy of the first slid of the first file but we must add to it a paragraphe in middile ,
Thank you.
Apache POI has support for both PPT file formats (97/HSLF and 2007 OOXML/XSLF). Examples can be found for the former and the latter in the projects repository. In addition, they provide an XSLF Cookbook with several usecases.

Sign pdf with pkcs#11 using a java application [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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How to sign pdf file with pkcs#11 using a java application? Is it possible or not.
It's certainly possible. Since Java 5, the JDK has been shipping with a PKCS#11 Provider. Please bear in mind that PKCS#11 only specifies the API to perform such operations. You still need to plug in an implementation to do the actual signing.
This guide will give you a pretty good description on how it works:

How can I export a query result from MySQL to PowerPoint through my Java aplication? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I have built a GUI in Java so that the users from my office can search through our database, and the users need to be able to print reports in PowerPoint slides (one slide per register of the database), is there a good library I can use to make the slides with my java resultset SQL rows? Crystal Reports doesn't seem to support PowerPoint.
have a look at
Generate PowerPoint 2007/2010 file using Java
here they have focused on docx4j and which have jar to support your development, but it has support for office 2007, please update your jar version incase you are using some other office version.

boilerpipe web API [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I would like to host my own version of the boilerpipe web API ( The appspot site is
I would like to self host it. Can someone give me directions on how to use the Boilerpipe JAR to create a webpage ?
I am the author of boilerpipe.
Boilerpipe's demo web application boilerpipe-web is not part of the boilerpipe-core jar.
To imitate its functionality you will need to write some Java Servlet around boilerpipe-core.
I'll probably release the source of boilerpipe-web at some point, so you don't have to bother with.
