Sign pdf with pkcs#11 using a java application [closed] - java

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Closed 7 years ago.
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How to sign pdf file with pkcs#11 using a java application? Is it possible or not.

It's certainly possible. Since Java 5, the JDK has been shipping with a PKCS#11 Provider. Please bear in mind that PKCS#11 only specifies the API to perform such operations. You still need to plug in an implementation to do the actual signing.
This guide will give you a pretty good description on how it works:


Generate and maintain documentation from java code [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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Any idea?
How can I generate documentation using already present code in java class / classes. As the java class changes, I would want it to reflect in documentation automatically.
Monica Soni
There are some tools available on the market that scan your code and generate a documentation for it. A known tool which does it, and my favourite, is Javadoc. It also allows you to add annotations to the code which later be reflected in the documentation.

Web services vs Socket programming [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I need to design for searching for a file application in Java. I have planned to design it with
Web services with javaws
Which is faster in application which searches for file from a distributed system?
I'd go with option 2.
Primary Reasons
Less coupling between client and server
Ability to scale
Ability to incrementally add new apis
Pre-built libraries that will help you get this done fast.

How do I import data from Activie directories through LDAP URL [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I have got a requirement to connect Active directory systems through LDAP URL. I need to start this development very easiest way and looking to deliver this ASAP. Kindly share your thoughts.
I will be using Oracle JDeveloper for this development.
pure java example:
If you can use Spring, go with spring-ldap:
Spring is really good library to handle ActiveDirectory connectivity. Just read the manual thats all.

Co- browsing implementation in java [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Co-Browsing in the context of web browsing, is the joint navigation through the Internet by two or more people accessing the same web pages at the same time.
for more information please have a look at
here are some paid alternatives which does this
any help regarding what technology is being used to implement this or technical specifications ?
i am trying to implement co-browsing using java, has any one have prior experience with that if its possible or any existing java library doing the same?
if there is not any solution what approach should i use to implement this.

boilerpipe web API [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I would like to host my own version of the boilerpipe web API ( The appspot site is
I would like to self host it. Can someone give me directions on how to use the Boilerpipe JAR to create a webpage ?
I am the author of boilerpipe.
Boilerpipe's demo web application boilerpipe-web is not part of the boilerpipe-core jar.
To imitate its functionality you will need to write some Java Servlet around boilerpipe-core.
I'll probably release the source of boilerpipe-web at some point, so you don't have to bother with.
