I already tried to search for an answer on the "using the new keyword" but didn't found an answer on my specific question.
Why do some classes have to be created with the keyword new and some don't
For example :
import java.io.BufferedReader
If you want to use this you have to create a new instance
BufferedReader read = new BufferedReader (..............)
But for example with system.console which also needs an import java.io.console. when you want to use this you can just type Console c = system.console()
i'm a beginner in Java and OO programming and found a couple of this examples troughout my book.
Thx for the help
In java, fields(aka Attributes) are always associated to either instance or to class.
There could be many instances of a class and to create instance you have to use new operator. To access instance related attributes, you will need to create one and this will be accessed as
ClassName instanceName = new ClassName();
For class associated attribute aka Static attribute can be direcly accessed as ClassName.methorOrAttributeNameGoesHere
These are very basics of Java and probably you should first read some good book on Java and OOP like 'Head First Java'
The simple answer to this is that instantiation like new BufferedReader() always creates a different instance each time you call it; invoking a method like System.console() might or might not give you different instance.
Ultimately, all objects are instantiated via new; you just might not see it in your code.
Here are a couple of ways in which System.console() might be implemented (totally simplified, not actually like it is):
// (1) Returns new instance each time
class System {
static Console console() {
return new Console();
// (2) Returns same instance each time
class System {
private static final Console CONSOLE = new Console();
static Console console() {
return CONSOLE;
(There are infinitely more ways to implement it, these are just two examples. You can see the way it is implemented in OpenJDK by looking at the source code - it is similar to (2), in that the same instance is returned each time, just with a few more complications that I don't want to describe here)
In (1), if you invoke System.console() twice, you will get back two different instances of Console:
System.console() != System.console()
In (2), if you invoke System.console() twice, you will get back the same instance of Console:
System.console() == System.console()
The question I would ask here is do I need to care if I get back different instances or the same instance? The answer is probably not, if the API designer has done a reasonable job.
The decision as to whether expose the creation of a new Console was made by the person who wrote the classes. There are a number of reasons why he/she might not want you to create a different instance each time you invoke that method, e.g.:
The thing you are creating might be very expensive (slow, takes up lots of resources etc), so you don't want to create lots of them;
The thing you want has logically just one instance (it is a singleton).
There are a number of reasons why he/she might want you to create a separate instance each time you invoke that method, e.g.:
You don't want all of the places using that instance to share state. You have to worry about things like thread safety when instances of mutable classes are shared.
And there are a number of reasons why you might not want the user to invoke the constructor directly:
new Console() creates an instance of Console exactly; things like consoles are often platform-dependent, so you might actually want an instance of WindowsConsole, MacConsole etc to be returned when run on Windows, MacOS etc. If WindowsConsole and MacConsole extend Console, either of these can be returned from the System.console() method.
Prior to the introduction of the diamond operator <> in Java 7, it was necessary to include the full generic parameters in the new statement, e.g. ArrayList<HashMap<String, List<String>>> list = new ArrayList<HashMap<String, List<String>>>();; however, generic methods allowed this to be written as ArrayList<HashMap<String, List<String>>> list = newList():
<T> List<T> newList() { return new ArrayList<T>(); }
(Sometimes, you need a lot of parameters to pass to the constructor, and it is convenient to use the Builder Pattern. This isn't relevant to the cases in the question, but it is a reason for not invoking the constructor directly.)
The thing is that these are internal implementation details, and should be encapsulated: you, as a user of the Console class, shouldn't need to care about how expensive it is to create, or whether there is shared state: you just want a Console.
This encapsulation is effected by providing a method like System.console(): you don't need to know whether the method is implemented like (1) or (2) above (or any other method).
Additionally, if the class is originally written like (1), and that proves to be problematic, its implementation can be changed to (2) without you, as a user of the System class, needing to update your code.
This might be a bit too much detail for a beginner, and I can try to help you understand more; the long and short of it is that sometimes it is be better if you don't create instances directly.
System.console,console is static thats why we are calling it with class name directly,and to call the non static method we generally used the objectname.methodname .
The java.io.Console class is attached with system console internally.System class provides a static method console() that returns the unique instance of Console class.Thats why we used to do as Console c = system.console();
Please read about Static classes and non static classes method invocation/instance creation for more details.
Static methods don't require an instance, but non-static methods do. System.console() is static, butnew BufferedReader(...).read(...) is not
Static methods are typically used when the outcome of the method will never change based on the context. For instance:
Math.abs(-3); //will always be 3, no matter what
However consider this class:
public class Person {
private String name;
public Person(String name){
this.name = name;
public String getName() {
return name;
* In this world, no special characters are allowed in a person's name
public static boolean isValidName(String name) {
if (name.contains("!#$%&(=?") {
return false;
return true;
Person mySister = new Person("Mary");
Person myBrother = new Person("David");
Calling Person.getName() doesn't make any sense; this is like asking "What is a person's name?" without specifying who the person is. Now if you ask me "What is your sister's name?", then I can call mySister.getName() and give you a sensible answer.
Re: your comment "how do you know when to not use new"
If you are trying to create a new Person object (imagine you just had a baby), but you are wondering whether or not that amazing name you found on the internet will be accepted by the authorities:
boolean validName1 = Person.isValidName("LordVoldeMort!!!!!"); //returns false
boolean validName2 = Person.isValidName("HarryPotter2016"); //returns true
Person myLittleBabySon = new Person("HarryPotter2016"); //Accepted by authorities
My assignment is to create a program that simulates a simple online shopping program.
we have to:
create a main menu with 3 options and then a submenu when selecting the 2nd option on the main menu.
I'm unsure how call a method from another class for example:
I have been given a method:
public void start() {
which is in the file "GroceryStore.java"
I am supposed to create a topMenu method which when the user inputs "1" calls to the method:
public void displayItems(){
^in file called "Stock.java"
which then prints out an array of items that online store has in stock. The array in the
Stock.java is
private SalesItem[] items;
Can anyone tell me how to do this? I have to do this for several things and I'm hoping I can apply the skeleton of this to the rest of the cases.
For now, I'm going to assume that Stock is an instance type(it sounds like an instance type), and It would make sense that your GroceryStore would have a reference to 1 or more Stock items.
Your Stocks will have to be instantiated with the new keyword. so
Stock myStock = new Stock(/*parameters for constructor*/);
after you do that, you can call the displayItems method of myStock like so
so start() is in the GroceryStore class.
So in a public static void main class you would go :
GroceryStore gs = new GroceryStore();
In your GroceryStore class you would have a new method which looks like (You may want to have the Stock stock = new Stock() line in the constructor of the GroceryStore object-- would make more sense:
Stock stock = new Stock();
public void topMenu(int parm){
And then finally in the Stock class you have the displayItems method which may look like :
public void displayItems(){
for(int i=0;i<items.length;i++){
SalesItem temp = items[i];
System.out.prinlnt(temp.toString());//or this may be temp.getName() or whatever returns a string from this SalesItem object - I dont know what it looks like - you never said!
It is however essential you actually understand what is going on here not just copy paste and run?! This wont actually do anything anyway until you have a call to the topMenu method passing it 1, so you will need to workout how you are going to interact with your gs object whether its by keyboard input, mouse click on a gui or something else :)
To call a method outside the current instance you have multiple options:
make the method static (so that it won't be attached to any particular instance) and call it through MyClass.method(), this has sense if it is a stateless object, mostly an utility method
create a static instance variable that can be accessed (so method is not static but the specific object is), then call it through SomeClass.stock.method(), this has sense when you want a single object of a specific type throughout the program
create a normal instance variable inside the class from which you want to call the method (this has sense just if the object contained is used in a HAS-A relationship). Then you call it simply doing this.stock.method() (you can omit this)
You need to tell the compiler where to get the methods from if the method is not in the same class. The best way of doing this would be to create an object that refers to the class you're trying to reach (using the New Java keyword and the appropriate syntax, i.e. ClassName objectName = new ClassName() - you may want to include any parameters you may have).
Have a look at this other StackOverflow answer - the user had a question very similar to yours, so it may help.
Also, there is a pretty good tutorial on objects and classes on TutorialsPoint. I suggest you have a look at it and give it a go. Try understanding the concept behind what you're trying to achieve first - I can guarantee you it will help later on as this is a very fundamental concept in OO programming.
Despite Java tutorials, Wikipedia searches, stackoverflow trolling, and hours of reading code samples, constructors still confuse the crap out of me. I've got three related questions that I've been trying to answer to help ME understand constructors a little better.
First, I've been under the impression that constructors need to be named the same as their classes. Consider:
public class Money {
public Money(long l) {
this.value = l;
public Money(String s) {
this.value = toLong(s);
public long getLong() {
return this.value;
public String getString() {
return toString(this.value);
I see this as four constructors...correct? So it appears that constructors not named the same as the class which contains them allowable. Can someone confirm that?
Second, I seem to have a block against understanding the set and get methods. Consider:
public class GetSetSample {
public int getFoo() {
return int Foo;
public void setFoo(int fooValue) {
int Foo = fooValue;
Why can't I just do this:
public class getFoo(int fooValue){
and use foo = getFoo(12) from some other class/method?
The third question is a little more esoteric, but will help me conceive of the bigger picture...which is my learning style, and conducive to my ability to trace program flow when debugging. The get and set methods suggest a "to" and "from" relationship to me. e.g., Passing a value "to" a constructor, receiving the result "from" the get method. It seems to me though that the "to" and "from" will change depending on your perspective. I think that any setMethod is setting parameters for an object, even though the variable comes FROM another class or method, and the GetMethod is getting the resulting object (say, this.foo) with the appropriately set parameter. No matter where the get or set is used, in a main method or a standalone class with a single constructor, 'set' is always associated with sending a parameter and get is always associated with receiving an object with that parameter. Is that a good understanding? or am I missing a vital part?
Question 1:
I see this as four constructors...correct?
No, that class has two constructors and two methods. (getLong and getString are the methods.)
Question 2:
Why can't I just do this:
public class getFoo(int fooValue){
Well, that's trying to declare a class with parameters, and also you're setting a value in a get method, which would be extremely weird. It's not clear what you're trying to achieve here, but that code is thoroughly invalid.
Question 3:
The get and set methods suggest a "to" and "from" relationship to me.
Well it's not really a relationship IMO. A relationship suggests something longer term than either of these methods. A setter typically changes the state of an object in some way, and a getter typically just returns some aspect of the state of an object. It's not really clear what the rest of your explanation meant, because you're playing somewhat fast and loose with terminology. For example: "get is always associated with receiving an object with that parameter" doesn't really make sense to me. Objects don't have parameters, methods/constructors do - and getters can fetch primitive values or references...
I suspect you would benefit from reading the "Classes" part of the Java tutorial, which talks about constructors and methods.
Regarding the first answer, there's only 2 constructors. The difference is on how they are going to be called (called using a string will use the construction having a string has a parameter and called using a long will use the other one). So to answer, yes a constructor has the same name as the class.
The two constructors :
public Money(long l) {
this.value = l;
public Money(String s) {
this.value = toLong(s);
Regarding the second answer, getters ans setters are not meant to be classes. They are supposed to be within the class itself.
Consider this example which uses getter and setters to get ans set value for the printer class :
public class Printer {
#Inject #Informal Greeting greeting;
private String name;
private String salutation;
public void createSalutation() {
this.salutation = greeting.greet(name);
public String getSalutation() {
return salutation;
public void setName(String name) {
this.name = name;
public String getName() {
return name;
A good read of this link could definitly help you out !
Java oriented-object principles
You've shown 2 constructors, which do need to have the same name as the class.
You've also shown two "getter" methods, which return the value of the class variable in the form requested by the user. You can also create "setter" methods, which are used to transfer values into class variables.
You use a constructor to create an object of a particular class, and optionally to set some or all of its internal state (that is, its member variables).
You use setters and getters to isolate the class variables from the outside world, so you don't need to allow other code to access them directly. Why? Because, before a setter updates a variable, it can verify that the new value is valid, and that the operation doesn't violate any or the rules (the "business logic") that are required for the class to work properly.
So you could add a setter and update the constructor to use it:
public Money(long l) {
public Money(String s) {
// Example setter that validates `l` by prohibiting negative values
public Money setValue(long l) {
if (l < 0) {
// Warn about negative values
this.value = l;
return this; // Return the current object to allow chaining; see below.
Note that a setter usually doesn't need to return a value (that is, it can be type void), but it's often helpful to return the object itself. That allows you to write code like this:
Money earnings = new Money().setValue(4).setOtherField("foo");
This creates an object of type Money, sets various attributes, and stores it in the variable earnings. Clearly, this isn't terribly useful for a simple class like this, but it can be very helpful for more complex classes:
Paycheck check = new Paycheck("MyCompany")
I would like to try to answer your implied conceptual questions -- you've already got plenty of examples of this and that, so I'm just going to try to explain. I have no doubt you have heard most of this -- maybe all of this -- before, but am not sure and not sure which parts.
Object-oriented programming centers mostly around objects; an object is an amalgamation of code and data. You define objects by writing a class, and you create one or more copies of the object defined by that class with the class constructor (called instantiating the class).
A parallel in other languages: you can have a data structure of related items and a set of subroutines that operate on that data structure. Think of a class as a way of collecting the items in that data structure and the subroutines that operate on it into one unit.
After you have invoked a constructor, you have a copy of the data defined in that class and a way to refer to that copy. By referring to that instance when you invoke a class method, you operate on that copy of the data with the methods defined in that class.
If you were to do this in a non-OO language, you could have a routine that created a copy of the data structure in memory and then only use the methods prescribed for it on that data structure. You could have a pointer to the copy in memory and pass that pointer as a parameter to every subroutine that operated on it, and in fact that's the way some pre-OO systems were programmed.
A constructor is similar to a method call that returns a value; it involves (or can involve) the execution of statements, and it always returns an object of that class. There are also differences between a constructor and a method; until the constructor completes, for instance, the object is not fully created and shouldn't have some methods invoked on it.
So I hope that helped; if there are conceptual things you still have questions about, perhaps something in here will help you form a specific question so we can explain things further.
Many people have found that if they have spent years learning languages such as COBOL and FORTRAN then changing to OO programming involves unlearning the old languages. I certainly found this when I first tackled C++ 20 years ago. From your description you are clearly struggling with the concepts and I sympathize.
I don't think there is a simple recipe. Practice at the simple examples and don't be disheartened. Don't be afraid to ask on SO - if the questions are clearly asked you will get a useful answer.
Get a good IDE (Eclipse, Netbeans, etc.) which allows you to "look inside" objects with the debugger. Hopefully at some stage things will click!
Question 1 - Basic Java Classes:
There's pretty much only 3 things you're going to find in a Java class
Field/attribute (Depending on your language of origin)
Constructor (Which looks like a special kind of method)
Every class is going to have a class name that shares the name of the file it's located in. So to expand Money out a bit:
public class Money {
// This is a field/attribute
Long value;
// This is a constructor
public Money() {
this.value = Long(0L);
// This is a method
public Long getValue() {
return value;
// Another method
public void makeMoney(Long moreMoney) {
this.value = this.value + moreMoney;
} // Everything in here is part of the Money class
The only distinction between a constructor and a method is that a constructor has no specified return value, which is declared as a type right before the name of a potential method. Constructors do have to be named the same as the class they are contained in, but why is implied in how they are written.
Another way of looking at it is if you remove all of the non-type related Java keywords (public, private etc., but not things like float and int) from the front of the method you're looking at (A list of which you can find here), is there anything left in front of the method?
With the Money we have at the moment, it would look like this:
Long getValue()
void makeMoney()
The constructor is the one that has no type for the return value, because it is implied in the declaration.
Question 2/3 - Get/Set methods:
I'm going to say something potentially controversial, but don't worry about these yet. Get/Set are essentially patterns for Object Oriented development, and generally good Java style, but they aren't required (Last I checked, Android development actually discourages their use when possible for optimization reasons). Moreover, not all fields in your objects will be accessible or mutable so writing them isn't mandatory.
If you declare all of your fields as public (Like the 'value' field is implied to be right now), you simple can do this:
Money myMoney = new Money(new Long(40L));
System.out.println(myMoney.value) // 40
myMoney.value = new Long(20L);
System.out.println(myMoney.value) // 20
Aside from that, the notion of get() and set() are just methods. There is nothing special about them at all. The main reason they exist is because for general Object-Oriented programming, you shouldn't have to directly modify the internal workings of an object (This is the principle of Encapsulation). Everything you should need to affect state or get something out of it should be handled by a method.
In a pithy one-liner: If you need to know the fields of an object to use it, you designed it incorrectly.
Big Picture
So what get() and set() really are is a pair of commonly written methods that happen to affect a field in an object in an extremely simple way (get() is a simple access to a field, set() is assignment to that field). It's just that other methods you write will happen to do more complicated stuff than that.
So I'm learning java. I'm one month in and I just learned about constructors. But I don't see the whole purpose of creating one. Why and when would I ever want to use one? I get the whole idea that it does not have a main method and you can call a constructor from your main class. Anyone can enlighten me on this topic, it would help me a great deal.
Constructors are what you use to initialize/set up the instances of your classes.
If you have an object that needs some processing before it is usable (initializing members for instance), you should do that in the constructor.
Ideally, you should never have "partially built" objects (i.e. objects that are "live", that you hold a reference to, but that are not yet usable). Without constructors, you'd be permanently creating partially built objects, and that is very error-prone. (Theory and practice don't always match, but keep that idea in mind.)
You use a constructor to create new objects. Yes, you can write Java just using static methods - but then you're really not writing object-oriented code, and you'll have a hard time using much of the standard library, either.
Most of your time you should be working with and thinking in terms of objects - and they need to be constructed before they can be used... and that's where constructors come in. They create an object, often with parameters specifying the initial state or other important information about the object.
To be honest, it's probably not worth worrying about them just yet, if you don't see the point yet. It's likely that as you learn more, you'll naturally start using objects more (maybe collections to start with, for example) and you'll get the hang of it. Rest assured, it is important to have constructors in Java, but I'm sure you'll understand why in the course of time. (Of course, if this answer has helped you to appreciate their value already, I'm glad - but if not, don't worry :)
It might seem as if you're having trouble understanding the basic concepts of objects and object-oriented programming. An explanation by example; This class represents a type of thing, namely a car:
public class Car{
// Licence plate number. This is private, so it can
// not be accessed directly from outside the class.
private String hiddenRegNr = "";
private static String description = "This is a car".
// The constructor, which sets the value of hiddenRegNr
public Car(String regNr){
hiddenRegNr = regNr;
// Method for reading hiddenRegNr, the only
// way to access it after instantiation.
public String getRegNr(){
return hiddenRegNr;
// A static method. Can be used withouth instantiation.
public static String getDesc(){
return description;
From some other class, you could call this class, and make instances of it; actual representations of different cars. They represent different cars, but are based on the same "model", i.e., the class Car.
Car myFirstCar = new Car("SR12345");
Car myOtherCar = new Car("XZ54321");
Now you have two different cars, with two different registration numbers. These are independent instances of the type car. They exist in memory, and may contain different values (in this case, different registration numbers).
myFirstCar.getRegNr(); // Will return SR12345
mySecondCar.getRegNr(); // will return xz54321
The first thing to notice here, is that you can only specify the registration number once per car, namely upon creation. That is the point of the constructor: It sets values, and does other stuff that needs to be done when objects (instances) are created.
Now, note the difference between getRegNr() and getDesc(): The keyword "Static" means that the second method is related directly to the class, and not to each instance. This means that:
Calls to getDesc() is made on the class, not an instance:
Calls to getDesc() will return the same value for all instances of the class car
The variable description (which is also static) will be the same for all instances of Car
The static method getDesc() CAN NOT access the variable hiddenRegNr, since that variable is related to a specific instance. Trying to refer to a variable in an instance from a static context (such as getDesc()) will cause an exception to be thrown. You might say that hiddenRegNr will not have been set when you call
because the constructor was never called, so it was never given any value.
Constructors are used to initialize a class and give parameters to a class. What is important is that they let you set the class state on creation. This allows you to use specific instances of a class with different data field values instead of relying on purely static information. Take the following example:
class Obj {
private int state = 0;
public Obj(int state) {
this.state = state;
public Obj() {
state = 1;
Now in main (or wherever) you can have:
Obj obj1 = new Obj();
Obj obj2 = new Obj(2);
The two objects have different states (one is at state 1, the other is at state 2). If you were relying on static methods and members, the objects would share one state and would not be independent of each other.
It is also important to note that constructors (specifically the new keyword) allocate memory for a given object internally so you don't have to worry about using malloc and other memory management. So they are important in that sense as well.
It is used to create objects. Objects are the main concept in OOP, so creating them is an important step. The main class method is just an entry point to your program. If you don't create objects your program will be procedural rather than object-oriented. This is why to use a constructor.
And why to create a constructor - sometimes you need to construct an object with some required parameters. There is also a default no-argument constructor, but if you want to initialize your object with additional arguments - you create a constructor taking those arguments.
Actually constructor is needed IF you need to assign unique initial state to an instance of a class. In Java i only just realized (by a friend) that we can do this:
public class MyClass1 {
private class MyClass2 {}
private MyClass2 myobj2 = new MyClass2();
So no need for implicit constructor.
But if something like follows, you need constructor.
public class MyClass1 {
private class MyClass2 {
private int id_ = 0;
public MyClass2(int id) { id_ = id; } // how to reach this?
private MyClass2 myobj2 = new MyClass2(1); // (this doesn't work. Not unique)
public MyClass1(int id) { myobj2 = new MyClass2(id); } // by this!
MyClass1 obj1 = new MyClass1(100);
MyClass1 obj2 = new MyClass1(200);
I will give you an example, imagine you have a car class.. when you call the constructor of the car class you have an car object. on this car object is possible to use diffent methods. And you could create as many as car objects as you want.
First of all please forgive me if its a really dumb question, I am just trying to learn this language to its core. I am reading Effective Java and the very first chapter talks about Static factory methods vs. Constructors. Their pros and cons. Few things that are confusing to me are:
class of an object returned by static factory method is nonpublic - what exactly does it mean?
unlike constructors static factory methods are not required to create a new object each time they are invoked - How does this happen? I am invoking factory method only to obtain a new object and do we put a check in factory method for checking if object already exists?
class of an object returned by static factory method is nonpublic -
what exactly does it mean?
It means that the actual class of the objects returned by a static factory method can be a subclass of the declared type, and this subclass does not have to be public. It's just another implementation detail that client code should not care about.
unlike constructors static factory methods are not required to create a new object each > time they are invoked - How does this happen? I am invoking factory method only to obtain a new object and do we put a check in factory method for checking if object already exists?
Yes, that's one way this could be done. But really, anything is possible.
First off, kudos to you for your choice in Java-lit: Bloch's book is an excellent primer.
To answer your 2nd question ('unlike constructors static factory methods are not required to create a new object each time they are invoked'), it's important to realize that what Bloch is saying here is that with a static factory you have the option of either: returning a new object or returning a pre-existing one. It all depends on what you want to do.
For example, let's suppose you have a really simple value class of type Money. Your static factory method probably should return a new instance -- that is, a new object with a specific value for Money. So, like this:
public class Money {
private Money(String amount) { ... } /* Note the 'private'-constructor */
public static Money newInstance(String amount) {
return new Money(amount);
But let's say you have some object that manages some resource and you want to synchronize access to that resource through some ResourceManager class. In that case you probably want your static factory method to return the same instance of itself to everyone -- forcing everyone to go through that same instance, so that that 1 instance can control the process. This follows the singleton-pattern. Something like this:
public ResourceManager {
private final static ResourceManager me = new ResourceManager();
private ResourceManager() { ... } /* Note the 'private'-constructor */
public static ResourceManager getSingleton() {
return ResourceManager.me;
The above method forces your user to only ever be able to use a single instance, allowing you to precisely control who(and when) has access to whatever it is you are managing.
To answer your first question, consider this (admittedly not the best example, it's pretty ad-hoc):
public class Money {
private Money(String amount) { ... }
public static Money getLocalizedMoney( MoneyType localizedMoneyType, String amount ) {
switch( localizedMoneyType ) {
case MoneyType.US:
return new Money_US( amount );
case MoneyType.BR:
return new Money_BR( amount );
return new Money_US( amount );
public class Money_US extends Money { ... }
public class Money_BR extends Money { ... }
Note how I can now do this:
Money money = Money.getLocalizedMoney( user_selected_money_type );
saveLocalizedMoney( money );
Again, a really contrived-example but hopefully it helps you see more or less what Bloch was getting at with that point.
The other answers were good -- I just think that, as a beginner, sometimes it helps to see some actual code.
When you use the new keyword then you as the developer know that the JDK will create a new instace of that object. What the author is saying, when you use a static method, the developer no longer knows if the method is creating a new instance or possibly doing something else. Something else can be, reusing cached data, object pooling, creating a private implementation and returning a subclass of the class.
class of an object returned by static factory method is nonpublic
Frequently a static factory method will return either an an object typed as an interface (most common), or sometimes some base class (less common). In either case, you don't know the exact class of the returned object.
The advantage of this is getting an object whose behaviour you know without worrying about the messy details of what class it instantiates.
unlike constructors static factory methods are not required to create a new object each time they are invoked
To understand this, consider the case of working with a singleton. You may call .getInstance() on some factory classes to get the singleton instance of an certain object. Typically, what this does is create an instance of the object if it doesn't already exist, or give you the existing instance if it already does. In either case, you get back a copy of the object. But you don't (and won't) know if this singleton had to be created, or if one had already been constructed previously.
The advantage of this is that the lifecycle of the object and when it is created is managed for you.
Both of your questions can be answered by looking at some code that makes use of both of these properties of static factory methods. I suggest looking at Guava's ImmutableList.
Note how the no-arg factory method of() always returns the same instance (it doesn't create a new instance each time). If you look carefully, you'll also notice that its copyOf(Iterable) factory method actually returns the object that is passed to it if that object is itself an ImmutableList. Both of these are taking advantage of the fact that an ImmutableList is guaranteed to never change.
Notice also how various factory methods in it return different subclasses, such as EmptyImmutableList, SingletonImmutableList and RegularImmutableList, without exposing the types of those objects. The method signatures just show that they return ImmutableList, and all subclasses of ImmutableList have package-private (default) visibility, making them invisible to library users. This gives all the advantages of multiple implementation classes without adding any complexity from the user's perspective, since they are only allowed to view ImmutableList as a single type.
In addition to ImmutableList, most instantiable classes in Guava utilize static factory methods. Guava also exemplifies a lot of the principles set forth in Effective Java (not surprising, given that it was designed by those principles and with guidance from Josh Bloch himself), so you may find it useful to take a look at it more as you're working through the book.
I have the code of a simple game, where an AgentInterface must be implemented in order to create an agent controller for one of the characters in the game. GameState is a class the implements GameStateInterface, and an object that implements this interface can be passed to the agent, so the agent can read and analyze the data from game state, and the agent must return the appropriate action (returned as an int) that the character should take.
This is the AgentInterface that agents must implement:
public interface AgentInterface {
// the return value specifies the direction of the joystick
public int action(GameStateInterface gs);
Running the game with an agent called MyAgent:
GameState gs = new GameState();
AgentInterface agent = new MyAgent();
while (true) {
// more code here
int bestAction = agent.action(gs)
// more code here
But, there is some information in GameState that the agent should NOT be able to access, since that would be cheating for the controller. But, doing a cast conversion from GameStateInterface to GameState would allow the agent to access information that is not defined in the GameStateInterface, like this:
public MyAgent implements AgentInterface {
public int action(GameStateInterface gs) {
int nLives = ((GameState) gs).nLivesRemaining; // IS IT POSSIBLE TO DENY/PREVENT THIS CAST??
// Do more stuff here
return BestAction;
My question would be, is it possible to block a cast conversion? I know polymorphism is one of the main features of Java and Object-Oriented Programming Languages, but in cases like this I would like to avoid cast conversions.
I know this can be solved in many other ways, but I was curious to know if it is possible to do this.
Thanks in advance.
As far as I know, it's not possible to intercept a typecast and deny it (say, by throwing a ClassCastException).
But instead of trying to deny the typecase, you can simply use the Proxy pattern to control access to the actual GameState object. Just implement a proxy class, which only implements the GameStateInterface and let it forward all method calls to the GameState object. Now, instead of passing the actual GameState object reference to the action method, you pass it wrapped by an instance of your proxy class.
In general, you can't prevent an object from being cast in Java. The code that receives a reference to your GameState will be able to call any non-private, non-protected method on that object. Even if you could prevent casting, it could still use reflection.
If the Agent code is under your control, just keep things simple and don't cast. If others write Agent classes, you could create a proxy class which takes a GameState object and only implements the methods of GameStateInterface.
class GameStateProxy implements GameStateInterface {
private GameStateInterface state;
public GameStateProxy(GameState state) {
this.state = state;
public int someMethodInGameStateInterface(int x) {
return state.someMethodInGameStateInterface(x);
// other methods ...
Then you could create a proxy and pass it like this:
GameStateInterface proxy = new GameStateProxy(gameState);
int bestAction = agent.action(proxy);
The code that receives a GameStateProxy would only have access to the methods in GameStateInterface.
It's not possible to block a cast. However, you could define your game state in such a way that it can only be built from a specific place. One thing that comes to mind would be a private inner class implementing the interface, or a factory returning a private inner class instance
The answer is simply "don't cast to GameState in your Agent code".
Alternatively, you can declare the GameState stuff as private. Or if you need to access it from a select few other classes, declare it as package-protected.
If you are concerned about the game state being changed by an agent, then create a bean copy of the state and pass that to the agent, rather than the real GameState object.
Prohibiting a cast doesn't sound possible (it is probably a unblockable JVM language spec feature), or I have never heard of it.
I was implementing a secured read only object. If you create a read only interface (no setters) you still can typecast and access methods of pure object. Eg Interface have only a get and the child of this Interface have the set. If you cast the object to the interface, you only have the get. BUT you still can typecast this object and access everything :(
To avoid that, you can create a composite that will be owned ONLY by the creator of the class. Here is an example :
public class ItemReadOnly {
private String m_name;
private ItemReadOnly(String name){
m_name = name;
public String getName(){
return m_name;
private void setName(String name){
m_name = name;
public static Item createItem(String name){
return new Item(new ItemReadOnly(name));
private static class Item {
private ItemReadOnly m_readOnlyInstance;
public Item(ItemReadOnly readOnlyInstance){
m_readOnlyInstance = readOnlyInstance;
public void setName(String name){
public String getName(){
return m_readOnlyInstance.getName();
public ItemReadOnly getReadOnlyInstance(){
return m_readOnlyInstance;
This way, you type :
Item item = ItemReadOnly.createItem(name);
So he have the access of Item object (inner class can access private methods :)) Then if you want to give read only access to this item :
ItemReadOnly readOnly = item.getReadOnlyInstance();
Now, it's absolutely NOT possible to typecast because they are not of the same type at all!
Hope this can help someone!
(I'll like if you mention source :P)
What we do is give out a jar with "Stubs" that you can compile against but it contains no implementation. When the actual product runs, we replace the stubs with a real jar.
But then in our case, we control where it runs.
In our case, also, we do exactly what you are asking. Any class has to request access to other classes (at runtime). I believe that's all custom implementation though and I'm not sure it will run on any JVM.
You can try to find/request/whatever the source code for the stuff I'm working on. There is a reference implementation available if you say you are interested in developing for cable boxes you might be able to get it. It's called the "tru2way" or "OCAP" reference stack implementation and I think the project is available on the java site somewhere. Might take a bit of googling--and I'm fairly sure you'll find it's all done in a special class loader or SecurityManager.
EDIT: I think I may be wrong. What we do is create "permissions" with the security manager based on the name of the class being accessed. When a thread tries to call a method on the class, we test it's permissions first (we write the code inside the "protected" class) and if the current thread does not have the permission identified by the name of the class, it throws an exception.
Same effect as you are after, but slower and more verbose. But then we have to prevent kids from watching pr0n.
Edit 2: (Sorry!!)
Looking at permission descriptions like this makes me believe it must be at least partially possible:
This grants code permission to query a class for its public, protected, default (package) access, and private fields and/or methods. Although the code would have access to the private and protected field and method names, it would not have access to the private/protected field data and would not be able to invoke any private methods. Nevertheless, malicious code may use this information to better aim an attack. Additionally, it may invoke any public methods and/or access public fields in the class. This could be dangerous if the code would normally not be able to invoke those methods and/or access the fields because it can't cast the object to the class/interface with those methods and fields.
Otherwise how could applets be prevented from instantiating and accessing arbitrary JVM classes? It's possible that the "Dangerous" paths are all blocked the same way we block our stuff--by reading checking permissions every time they are called--but that quote above makes it seem like there is more available and most classes are completely blocked by default.
This has interested me for a while but I never really looked into it.
One can only cast to an accessible type. By making GameState private, package-protected, or protected, you can restrict who can cast to it.
If you are running untrusted code, be sure to install a security manager, as reflection may be used to circumvent access modifiers in its absensce (c.f. Field.setAccessible)
Nope, there is no way of doing this.
Best wishes,
I don't know if what you're describing is possible in Java. In other languages you can overload typecast operators and have them throw an exception or something, but this is not possible in Java. Your best bet is probably to do it in one of the "many other ways" you talked about.