Testing main method by junit [duplicate] - java

This question already has answers here:
Using JUnit to test a main method that requires simulation of keyboard input with an input stream?
(2 answers)
JUnit test for System.out.println()
(14 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
I wrote a class which takes input from console and arguments in main method. The main method calls different methods for different console inputs and it calls different function for different arguments. So i want to test this main method with Junit by mimicking these inputs from a file. how can i do it? Is there any special provision in junit to test the main method of the class?

To provide the input from a file, make a FileInputStream and set that as the System.in stream. You'll probably want to set the original back after the main method has finished to make sure anything using it later still works (other tests, JUnit itself...)
Here's an example:
public void testMain() throws IOException {
String[] args = null;
final InputStream original = System.in;
final FileInputStream fips = new FileInputStream(new File("[path_to_file]"));
In your actual code you'll want to handle any IOExceptions and use something better than a full path to the file (get it via the classloader), but this gives you the general idea.
A couple years and some more wisdom later, I'd have to agree with Michael Lloyd Lee mlk's answer as the better approach and what should be preferred if possible. In the class containing your main method (or even a separate class) there ought to be a method that accepts an arbitrary InputStream and the arguments array. It could be a static method. The main method then simply calls it with the System.in stream as argument.
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
start(System.in, args);
public static void start(InputStream input, String[] args) {
// use input and args
Or alternatively you could have a class with a constructor accepting the arguments array to create a properly configured instance and then call an instance method on it that accepts an InputStream, like so:
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Bootstrapper bootstrapper = new Bootstrapper(args);
public class Bootstrapper { // just some name, could be anything else
// could have some instance fields here...
public Bootstrapper(String[] args) {
// use the args to configure this instance, set fields, get resources...
public void start(InputStream input) {
// use input
Whatever fits the requirements and program design best. In both cases you end up with something that can be unit-tested with an InputStream obtained from a file. A test doing a simple static method call to Main.start, or a test creating a Bootstrapper instance and then calling its start method. Now your testing is no longer dependent on the System.in stream. The main method does minimal work and is simple enough for you to just trust its correctness without a separate test. At some point a piece of code becomes so trivial that testing it is equivalent to distrusting the compiler. And an issue in these main methods would become apparent very soon as it's the one method you know will always be called. A main method that does too much or is complex usually points to a lack of modularization in the code.
I leave the original answer in because it does offer a solution in case you really can't get past the use of System.in and testing the main method. That's why I wrote it in the first place, because I couldn't be certain about the asker's constraints. Sometimes someone just wants a straight answer to their exact question because the better approach is not available; you're not allowed to change the code, or refactoring it is too much effort and there's no budget, or some library is used that is hardcoded to use the system streams etc. Note that the original answer is less robust anyway. If the tests are run in parallel instead of sequentially, swapping out a system stream could cause unexpected and inconsistent failures.

IMO the best way to test the main method is by having the main method do absolutely nothing but set up the world and kick it off. This way one simple integration test gives the answer "has the world been set up".
Then all the other questions become much easier to answer.
The main method calls different methods for different console inputs and it calls different function for different arguments.
It should not, it should call someService.somemethod(args). This service gets tested like any other.
So i want to test this main method with Junit by mimicking these inputs from a file. how can i do it?
Either some form of fakes injected in or the use of the TemporaryFolder JUnit rule.

You can call main method from junit test like this:
YourClass.main(new String[] {"arg1", "arg2", "arg3"});
But since main method is void and does not return anything, you should test object that changed after main invocation;
Here is Link How do I test a method that doesn't return anything?


Why use main() when you can use static{}?

What makes public static void main(String args[]) {} be the convention to test code instead of simply static {}?
class Test {
public static void main(String args[]) {
It seemingly has the same capabilities, you can instantiate owner class, use its methods, another classes, even send output as well:
class Test {
static {
Is there a standard reason to not use the small static {} to run your average test? Can I take it just as my choice/preference safely?
In other words, I'd like to find a case where you put a code in one that you couldn't (or shouldn't) put in another, that it wouldn't run or give unexpected result, etc.
I'd say the most prominent reason not to use static {} for such things is that you have little control over when it runs. static {} blocks run "when the class is initialized", which means at least four (watch out for the Spanish inquisition) detrimental things for this purpose:
It does not necessarily happen just because the class is loaded.
It does, on the other hand, happen just because you want an instance of the class or reference a static field from some other class, which is the main reason why you don't really want to put code with wide-ranging side-effects in static {} blocks.
It is also not guaranteed to not happen for such simple reasons as the Jar file being on your classpath. JVMs are free to run static {} blocks whenever they feel like it, as long as it is before any static references from the class from other code is made. "Before" could mean "at VM startup".
No VM implementation has any invocation arguments to run such code for you on request.
The purpose of static {} blocks is to initialize static class data (in possibly quite complex ways, of course), and from the preceding points you may be able to see why it's not particularly useful for anything else.
In java every application requires a main method which will be the entry point of the application. The main method required has the signature as follows:
public static void main(String[] args)
The difference between this method and the other one you suggested (besides the fact that your application needs a main method with this signature as an entry point) is that this is a method and takes the "String[] args" parameter. This parameter is where your arguments would go when running a program from the console.
Every java application can be run from the console and therefore it makes sense for every application to have a standard entry point method which will be able to take any special arguments.
Your static {} block is not necessarily a method or a function that can be called and therefore it can not be used as a entry point into your application. It takes no parameters and you have no control over when its code block will be run.

Test that method was called

Very very simple class:
public class ConsoleHandler {
public void write(String message) {
How do I test that when I call write("hello"), System.out.println("hello") is called? And also, is this unit test even worth it?
As for whether it is worth testing, it depends on why your are outputting. I usually do test System.out calls when writing command line utilities because that is the user interface and the text output matters. It's not even hard to do - just regular Java code.
The below technique shows how you can capture the values of System.out. You don't even need a mock framework. Note that it stores the "real" System.out so it can put it back at the end. If you don't do this, your other tests/code can quickly become confusing.
import static org.junit.Assert.*;
import java.io.*;
import org.junit.*;
public class ConsoleHandlerTest {
private PrintStream originalSysOut;
private ByteArrayOutputStream mockOut;
public void setSysOut() {
originalSysOut = System.out;
mockOut = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
System.setOut(new PrintStream(mockOut));
public void restoreSysOut() {
public void outputIsCorrect() {
new ConsoleHandler().write("hello");
assertEquals("message output", "hello".trim(), mockOut.toString().trim());
No, this unit test is not worth the time or the disk space. Unit testing is to make sure you get logic right. If there's no logic, there is nothing to be gained from the test. Its cost-benefit ratio is infinite.
You should unit test a method if it has branching logic, loops, or exception handling. But if all it does is call another method, then forget it. The best way to find out whether method X calls method Y is to look at the code.
Having said that, if you do insist on testing this, you should use the System.setOut method, passing a ByteArrayOutputStream that you've wrapped in a PrintStream, and then verify the contents of the underlying byte[] at the end.
You can use libraries such as Mockito ( http://code.google.com/p/mockito/ ) to mock classes as well as interfaces.
That said, you shouldn't be using Sysout in the first place. Use a logger such as Log4J or a logging facade such as SLF4J ( http://www.slf4j.org/ ). SLF4J has a testing framework that will make testing easier ( http://projects.lidalia.org.uk/slf4j-test/ )
And of course, JUnit or TestNG to set your test cases up.
To your first question "How do I test that when I call write("hello"), System.out.println("hellow") is called?"
You can use Mockito and follow the instructions in this answer: Mockito : how to verify method was called on an object created within a method?
To your second question "is this unit test even worth it?" As the test is, no, it doesn't make sense. However you can use this as a template, checking in the future if any method was called.

Java - When making objects, where should they be put in the code

Im still learning and have noticed many inconsistencies when it comes to coding.
I take it Java is pretty much like Photoshop in the way that a single task can be done many different ways and still have the job done.
One of my main questions is when it comes to Scanner and Random.
In one source they have Scanner in the scope of the whole class
public class test {
private static Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);
In another source they have it like this
public class test {
private static Scanner input;
public static void main(String[] args) {
input = new Scanner(System.in);
What is the difference with this? Is there a right way and a wrong way?
The two ways you've initialized the Scanner are similar, but not quite the same.
The first always works because you're initializing the static variable when it's being created.
The second only works when test is the startup class, because public static void main(String[] args) is always called in an application's startup class.
The problem arises if you try to use a method of the test class from another class, like this:
public class test {
private static Scanner input;
public static void main(String[] args) {
input = new Scanner(System.in);
public static void myMethod() {
and in a separate file
public class AnotherTest {
public static void main(String[] args) {
As soon as you run java AnotherTest, it will bomb with a NullPointerException on the input.hasNext() because test's main is never run and thus input is never initialized.
Edit: Side note, class names in Java are almost always capitalized.
There is a difference here!
If you want to access your scanner without invoking any method, then place it in field or static block.
Your example
private static Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);
is only equal to this
private static Scanner input;
static {
input = new Scanner(System.in);
Initialization time is different. Method main is special method in which this is not visible, because this method start your program ;)
You are right, there are for sure many ways to do things and all of them might solve the problem equally good for some use cases.
In your example code, the only difference is basically at what time in the class lifecycle the static variable gets a value declared to it, the scanner-object.
Think of statics to be a part of the class, the template, rather than the object that is constructed with the class as a template of how it should look and function.
I would believe that there are two good reasons for when you need to think of where and when you are initiating your variables.
One is when it comes to thread safety. " is it ok for several threads to be able to access the very same class-member, the scanner? ". A variable declared inside of a method is not accessible outside the method and it isn't accessible by any other threads either.
The other reason is design and structure. We all want to have code that like good and is easy to read and understand. Which is more clear for someone reading your code?
Of course, the thread safety-matter has to be considered before thinking of the design and structure. Just because it would be easier to read some code when all variables are declared at a class level, it doesn't necessarily have to be written like that if it makes the application to fail.
Ultimately, the code you're writing is not what the computer executes when you run the program. If it was an interpreted language like Python or Lua that would be the case, but with a compiled language (not getting involved in the ways Java is special) the language is actually completely converted by the compiler program into an entirely different program in machine code.
As a result, in many cases you can write things several different ways that the compiler will end up writing out as machine code the same way.
There is a distinction here with static variables, as they are initialized immediately, but otherwise the difference here is mostly one of style and appearance, don't worry about it too much. The compiler will understand both and produce largely the same code.
Un-initialized variables are set to defaults (null for objects) which are then set in the constructor, and it may be slightly more efficient to set them during the initialization.
Final values should be initialized, and static, but otherwise its mostly a matter of your preference.

How does the main method work?

I'm the product of some broken teaching and I need some help. I know that there is this thing called the "main method" in Java and I'm sure other programming languages. I know that you need one to make your code run, but how do you use it to make your run? What does it do and what do you need to have it put in it to make your code run?
I know it should look something like this.
But almost nothing more.
static void main(String[] args){
Breaking this down, point-by-point, for the general case:
All Java applications begin processing with a main() method;
Each statement in the main executes in order until the end of main is reached -- this is when your program terminates;
What does static mean? static means that you don't have to instantiate a class to call the method;
String[] args is an array of String objects. If you were to run your program on the command line, you could pass in parameters as arguments. These parameters can then be accessed as you would access elements in an array: args[0]...args[n];
public means that the method can be called by any object.
its the entry point for any java program, it does whatever you tell it to do. all you need to do is declare it in one of your source java files and the compiler will find it.
Firstly it should be public static void main(String[] args){...}.
It must be public
Take a look at The main method
The JVM will look for this method signature when it runs you class...
java helloWorld.HelloWorld
It represents the entry point for your application. You should put all the required initialization code here that is required to get your application running.
The following is a simple example (which can be executed with the command from above)
package helloWorld;
public class HelloWorldApp {
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println("Hello World!"); // Display the string.
void means the method returns no value. String[] args represents a string of arguments in an Array type that are passed to the program. main is the single point of entry in to most Java programs.
Glossing over why it should be public static void... (You wouldn't build a door without a doorknob), methods (equivalent of functions (or subs) in other languages) in Java have a return type. It just so happens that the main method in Java has to return void. In C or C++, the main method can return an int and usually this indicates the code status of the finished program. An int value of 0 is the standard for a successful completion.
To get the same effect in Java, we use System.exit(intValue)
String[] args is a string array of arguments, passed to the main function, usually for specific application use. Usually these are used to modify a default behavior or for flags used in short command line executable applications.
main just means to the JVM, start here! Same name in C and C++ (and probably more).
when you execute your class, anything in the main method runs.
You should have a main class and a main method. And if you want to find something in the console, you need have one output command at least in the method, like :
System.out.println("Hello World!");
This makes the code running lively.

Class method vs main methods

I'm rather confused by the concept of making a class with methods, and having a main method with methods underneath.
What exactly are the differences here? How it one way better than the other way? What situations call for a method under the main rather than a class?
It would help me to understand a project - a basic Craps game which will contain a Shooter class, Die class, and a Craps class (which apparently contains the main).
You do not have "main" methods. All methods are a class method, the only difference is that 'static' methods (v.g., main) do not need that you instantiate a new object (via the 'new' statement) to use them.
In other words:
public class MyClass {
public static void myStaticMethod() {
public void myInstanceMethod() {
You can do
but in order to use myInstanceMethod you must create an object
(new MyClass).myInstanceMethod;
Usually you do the last thing as
MyClass myObject = new MyClass();
Note that you can also do
but it is exactly the same than doing
and the first way is considered poor style and usually causes a compiler warning.
#Miranda because with only static methods you lose all of the Object Oriented part, and you just end using Java as you would use plain C.
In the object, you have both the state and the methods. In the class you store both the object state and the methods. For instance, typically you can create a "Card" class, create a card "new Card('K', "Leaf")" and have methods to manipulate it ("uncoverCard()").
Once you have the reference to the object that you want, you use its methods and you know that you are only affecting this object, and that you are using the right version of the method (because you are using the method defined for this very class).
Switching to OO programming from procedural programming may seem difficult at the beginning. Keep trying, looking at tutorial code and asking for advice when needed and you'll soon get to understand it.
Basically it's a matter of separation. You create classes for reusability. If everything was in the main class then your code would not be maintainable. The main class is used as a starting point for your application. If you did everything in the main class you wouldn't be able to take advantage of all that object oriented programming affords you. You'll learn more about it as you get into the course. But basically each of the classes you will create will have single responsibility. Even the main class, whose responsibility is to run the program.
Good luck with your class by the way. Maybe it will give you an advantage in the casinos.
The entrance-point for a Java-Application is it's main-method:
public static void main(String[] args){
// Do stuff here
This method differs from others in the way that it's:
The entrance-point of your application, so it will be the first
called method and basic initialization things should be done here.
It's a static-method which makes it accessible without creating an
instance of the class holding it.
This static-thing is best illustrated as follows:
public class Test{
public int addOne(int number){
return number++;
public static int drawOne(int number){
return number--;
// Create our Int:
int value = 12;
// This will work because the method
// is a static one:
System.out.println( Test.drawOne(value) ); // Outputs 11
// This won't work because it's a non-
// static method:
System.out.println( Test.addOne(value) ); // Error
// But this will work:
Test ourTest = new Test();
System.out.println( ourTest.addOne(value) ); // Outputs 13
An Application written in Java will normally only have one main-Method, which declares the point where the Application first starts off.
If you want to do stuff with variables, objects, etc you'll want to create your own methods/classes but they won't be main-Methods.
First of all, method can't have another method inside it. Every method has to be part of a Class. The difference between a main method (actually the main method which you are talking about) and any other method is that execution of the program starts at the main method.
A method represents a functionality or a set of instructions that have been grouped together. And a class is a set of methods and variables that define an entity (like Shooter, Die).
So you'll have a Die class which will contain methods that will only contain die specific methods, a Shooter class with methods specific to Shooter and a Craps class, from where the game will begin, that utilizes the methods of the Die and Shooter classes to complete the game.
I'm sure some of the other guys here will be able to explain this much better than I can, but I'll give it a shot.
So, as you know, your main method is the sort of entry point to your program. It is the first thing executed. You can add other methods in the same class, but these methods are static methods as you can't instantiate a class that has your main in it (at least I don't think you can; I've never actually tried).
The purpose of making a class and defining methods is so that you can create objects out of that class. For instance, in your case, you create a Die class. You can then create Die objects from that class. Think of a class as a sort of model or mold that you create objects out of. Once you create these objects they each have their own data members (variables defined in the class). Lets say in your Die class you defined two variables, die1 and die2, each Die object you create will have a die1 and die2 variable, but each Die object can hold different values for these variables.
Now, lets say you create a method in the die class that modifies these variables (a setter method) and lets call it public void setDie1(int value) then you can modify the value of the die1 variable by calling that method on the Die object with something like myDieObject.setDie1(3).
To put this altogether, if you just put methods in the same class as your main method then you wouldn't be able to have multiple objects created from the same class.
This can be a tricky concept to figure out at first, but it will all clear up quickly as you learn more. I hope this helps!
The main method
This is the only method REQUIRED to run a Java application. The method MUST have a very specific signature public static void main(String[] args). The reason why it needs this specific signature is because the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) needs to find it in order to execute your program. The JVM is that Java runtime "thingy" you install on your computer to run programs. More correctly, the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) contains the JVM. The String[] args is 0 or more arguments the method accepts from the command prompt when executing a program. Simple programs often don't require any arguments being passed from the command prompt.
What might confuse beginner Java programmers, is that it seems that many projects out there have main methods in every .java file. This is not required. This is done so that each class could be run in isolation from its dependencies. In a project (application) only one class is required to have a main method.
Other methods
Methods other than the main method are optional. If you want, you could place 100% of your program logic inside of main. But, you can understand the problem with that. If you do that, your code will only be able to do a very specific sequence of steps. Back in the days prior to modular programming, this was the way it was done. So, if you needed to write a program that did something slightly different, you needed to write a new program. It is not very efficient, but it still works. Fast forward a few years after "modular programming" became a thing and now you have to write programs that have to react to events. For example, a user hovers the mouse over a button. The problem with events is that events are unpredictable. Not only you don't know WHEN events will occur, but also you cannot predict the ORDER in which they will occur. Therefore, having all the logic inside a single function (i.e. main) won't work and compiling a "different" sequence of steps inside main might not work also because you cannot predict the WHEN and HOW.
Methods allow you to encapsulate very small units of execution in a prescribed order. The assumptions is that, whenever a situation calls for it, the same sequence of steps must be executed. So, you modularize your code and extract those small sequences you know will always execute in that order and put it in some "method" so that you could call that sequence of steps when I needed.
Simple program with no command-line arguments
public class MyProgram {
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println("Hello World!");
When you execute the compiled unit from the command prompt, you will type java MyProgram and in the console you will see "Hello World!"
public class MyProgram {
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println("Hello " + args[0]);
However, in the above program, if you don't provide an argument, it will throw an exception when executing. But, if you pass at least one argument, it will display the very first argument and ignore the rest. For example, java MyProgram Hector Fontanez will display "Hello Hector"
On both examples, the JVM called the main method for execution.
public class MyProgram {
public static void main(String[] args) {
showGreeting("Hello " + args[0]);
public static void showGreeting(String greeting) {
In this last example, I created a function called showGreeting. Contrary to the main method, I as a programmer decided when and where to call this function, not the JVM. In the function, I extracted functionality I thought the method needs to execute in order to "show a greeting". I know my example has only one line. But you get the idea. As my program grows, I can call showGreeting from other parts of the program as many times I think, as a programmer, is necessary for my application to do the job it is required. Not only that, from the main method, the argument being passed will not necessarily the same as the argument that could be passed from another part of the program.
Lastly, you need to understand what are static and non-static methods, and also understand what public, protected, private, and default (no keyword) access modifiers do.
