I have detected a area (rectangle) in my image with openCv and i have stored the 4 points of rectangle with their coordinates.
I would to crop the original image in this area.
I have:
Mat image_original;
Point p1,p2,p3,p4;
Mat image_output;
How i do this?
Mat image_original;
Point p1,p2,p3,p4;
Rect rectCrop = new Rect(p1.x, p1.y , (p4.x-p1.x+1), (p4.y-p1.y+1));
Mat image_output= image_original.submat(rectCrop);
This is the code for croping image as per your requirement.I assumed that Point p1 is the top-left corner of the crop rectangle and Point p4 is the bottom-right corner of the crop rectangle as you have not mentioned anything about their positions.
i want to crop the circles i detected using hough transform, i succeded to detect the circles but i didnt understand how to crop them.
here is the code i used for hough transform:
for( int i=0;i<circles.cols();i++){
Point center = new Point( Math.round(circles.get(0,i)[0]),
Math.round(circles.get(0, i)[1]));
int radius = (int) Math.round(circles.get(0, i)[2]);
Imgproc.circle( image, center, radius, new Scalar(0,0,255),3);//radius, color) `
You can crop an image like this:
Mat initialImage = ...
Rect crop = new Rect(new Point(column,row),new Size(width,height)); // crop area begins at Point(column,row) with Size(width,height)
Mat croppedImage = new Mat(initialImage,crop);
I'm trying to draw an image within a certain area. Right now I have code that fills an area with a RadialGradientPaint.
Area lightArea = ...
// fill the polygon with the gradient paint
I would like to draw a BufferedImage in that area instead of drawing a RadialGradientPaint. Is there a way I can do that?
You could use BufferdImage#getSubimage
Rectangle bounds = area.getBounds();
BufferedImage img = master.getSubImage(0, 0, Math.min(bounds.width, master.getWidth()), Math.min(bounds.height, master.getHeight());
This assumes that the area is rectangular. If it's not, you cold create a mask image, based on the shape of the Area and use it to generate masked image (cookie cutting the image out of the shape)
As demonstrated here. The benefit of which is it allows for antialiasing
Use Graphics.setClip:
g.drawImage(yourImage, x, y, null);
See http://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/2d/advanced/clipping.html for more details.
I want to get all the outer contours with RETR_EXTERNAL but for some weird reason openCV thinks that the image border is a contour too and therefore discards all inner contours. What exactly am I doing wrong here?
List<MatOfPoint> contours = new ArrayList<MatOfPoint>();
Mat hierarchy = new Mat();
Imgproc.findContours(imageA, contours, hierarchy, Imgproc.RETR_EXTERNAL,
for (int i = 0; i < contours.size(); i++) {
double[] c = hierarchy.get(0, i);
Rect rect = Imgproc.boundingRect(contours.get(i));
Core.rectangle(image, new Point(rect.x, rect.y),
new Point(rect.x + rect.width, rect.y + rect.height),
new Scalar(0, 255, 0), 3);
Input (imageA was processed to this before contour-finding):
Problem partially solved
Inverting the pixels so that black is the background and white the foreground helped with the image above image. However I still get inner contours on some images. Like this one:
Your input image isnt good enought o extract the contours you want to have.
Your input contours are these (part of your image):
each color is a single contour (and some of the white ones)
For the red contour I've drawn the bounding rectangle which is the same method that you used to display the contours. All the other colored contours aren't inside of the red contour, but just inside of the bounding rectangle, that's why they are found even though you selected to only find the outer contours.
What you really want is something like this:
but to get that result, your input image must have that lines of the ellipse connected, too!!
For your input image it will be very hard to extract those lines, without getting lines of the ground too, but an easy approach could be to use a couple of dilation operations followed by the same number of erosion operations on your input image, before extracting contours. This won't be stable for all setting though ;)
how to rotate a rectangle in canvas?
for example.
Rectangle Box = new Rectangle(100,100,100,100);
and i want to rotate this by (for example)38 degres.
Someone know how i can do it?
Ok when a user draws a Rectangle on top of an image, I want to find all the rotated Rectangles ahead of time for all image rotation angles (90,180,270,360).
According to Java API I can just keep calling the Graphics2D rotate() method. I can then use this Graphics2D transformer to get the rotated Rectangle.
This works for the very first rotation(1.5708) call. I get the correct Rectangle Point. All other calls after that return the wrong Rectangle Point after using Transformer.
I think my problem is the Graphics2D translate(x,y). I don't understand how to use it.
Anyone knows how to fix my code so that it will return the correct Rectangle after every rotation?
Thank you.
public void rotateRectangles(BufferedImage bim,int width,int height,Rectangle rect){
BufferedImage bim = new BufferedImage(height, width,BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB);
Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D) (bufferedImage.createGraphics());
//Get Rectangle for 90 degree image rotation. This always good.
Shape shape = g2d.getTransform().createTransformedShape(rect);
Rectangle rotatedRect = shape.getBounds();
System.out.println("rotated rectangle at 90 degrees. Point x="+rotatedRect.x+" y="+rotatedRect.y);
//Get Rectangle for 180 degree image rotation. Getting wrong rotatedRect.
shape = g2d.getTransform().createTransformedShape(rect);
rotatedRect = shape.getBounds();
System.out.println("rotated rectangle at 180 degrees. Point x="+rotatedRect.x+" y="+rotatedRect.y);
//Get Rectangle for 270 degree image rotation. Getting wrong rotatedRect.
shape = g2d.getTransform().createTransformedShape(rect);
rotatedRect = shape.getBounds();
System.out.println("rotated rectangle at 270 degrees. Point x="+rotatedRect.x+" y="+rotatedRect.y);
//Get Rectangle for 360 degree image rotation.Getting wrong rotatedRect.
shape = g2d.getTransform().createTransformedShape(rect);
rotatedRect = shape.getBounds();
System.out.println("rotated rectangle at 360 degrees. Point x="+rotatedRect.x+" y="+rotatedRect.y);
Thank you.
Instead of rotating the graphics context's affine transform via g2d.rotate(), consider using createTransformedShape() as suggested in this example.
Addendum: Note in particular that the baseline of the example Polygon is initially centered on the origin. As a result, the initial transformation is rotation around the origin. In your case, you can use the rotate() method that includes an anchor point, which would be the center of your rectangle.