I need to take an input (a tweet), and tell the user how many mentions and hashtags there are, if the input is a valid length (max = 148 characters), and if the message was re-tweeted (by looking for "RT:").
I already worked out the cap-length, and re-tweets, but I can't seem to figure out how counting the hash and mentions would work. This is what I've come up with:
for (int i = 0; i < tweet.length(); i++) {
if ((tweet.charAt(i) == '#') && (tweet.charAt(i+1) != ' ')) {
The problem I face is that if there is a hashtag or mention at the end of the string the variable goes out of bounds and I get an Index range Exception. So I need help finding out how I can get the same effect without the exception while not counting the char at the end.
The mention "function" will work the exact same way as the hash "function".
Try i < tweet.length() - 1 in your for loop.
I'm trying the solve this hacker earth problem https://www.hackerearth.com/practice/basic-programming/input-output/basics-of-input-output/practice-problems/algorithm/anagrams-651/description/
I have tried searching through the internet but couldn't find the ideal solution to solve my problem
This is my code:
String a = new String();
String b = new String();
a = sc.nextLine();
b = sc.nextLine();
int t = sc.nextInt();
int check = 0;
int againCheck =0;
for (int k =0; k<t; k++)
for (int i =0; i<a.length(); i++)
char ch = a.charAt(i);
for (int j =0; j<b.length(); j++)
check =0;
if (ch != b.charAt(j))
againCheck += check;
I expect the output to be 4, but it is showing the "NZEC" error
Can anyone help me, please?
The requirements state1 that the input is a number (N) followed by 2 x N lines. Your code is reading two strings followed by a number. It is probably throwing an InputMismatchException when it attempts to parse the 3rd line of input as a number.
It pays to read the requirements carefully.
Read this article on CodeChef about how to debug a NZEC: https://discuss.codechef.com/t/tutorial-how-to-debug-an-nzec-error/11221. It explains techniques such as catching exceptions in your code and printing out a Java stacktrace so that you can see what is going wrong.
1 - Admittedly, the requirements are not crystal clear. But in the sample input the first line is a number.
As I've written in other answers as well, it is best to write your code like this when submitting on sites:
def myFunction():
except Exception as E:
print("ERROR Occurred : {}".format(E))
This will clearly show you what error you are facing in each test case. For a site like hacker earth, that has several input problems in various test cases, this is a must.
Coming to your question, NZEC stands for : NON ZERO EXIT CODE
This could mean any and everything from input error to server earthquake.
Regardless of hacker-whatsoever.com I am going to give two useful things:
An easier algorithm, so you can code it yourself, becuase your algorithm will not work as you expect;
A Java 8+ solution with totally a different algorithm, more complex but more efficient.
In you solution you have a tipical double for that you use to check for if every char in a is also in b. That part is good but the rest is discardable. Try to implement this:
For each character of a find the first occurence of that character in b
If there is a match, remove that character from a and b.
The number of remaining characters in both strings is the number of deletes you have to perform to them to transform them to strings that have the same characters, aka anagrams. So, return the sum of the lenght of a and b.
NOTE: It is important that you keep track of what you already encountered: with your approach you would have counted the same character several times!
As you can see it's just pseudo code, of a naive algorithm. It's just to give you a hint to help you with your studying. In fact this algorithm has a max complexity of O(n^2) (because of the nested loop), which is generally bad. Now, a better solution.
My algorithm is just O(n). It works this way:
I build a map. (If you don't know what is it, to put it simple it's a data structure to store couples "key-value".) In this case the keys are characters, and the values are integer counters binded to the respective character.
Everytime a character is found in a its counter increases by 1;
Everytime a character is found in b its counter decreases by 1;
Now every counter represents the diffences between number of times its character is present in a and b. So, the sum of the absolute values of the counters is the solution!
To implement it actually add an entry to map whenever I find a character for the first time, instead of pre-costructing a map with the whole alphabet. I also abused with lambda expressions, so to give you a very different sight.
Here's the code:
import java.util.HashMap;
public class HackerEarthProblemSolver {
private static final String a = //your input string
b = //your input string
static int sum = 0; //the result, must be static because lambda
public static void main (String[] args){
HashMap<Character,Integer> map = new HashMap<>(); //creating the map
for (char c: a.toCharArray()){ //for each character in a
map.computeIfPresent(c, (k,i) -> i+1); //+1 to its counter
map.computeIfAbsent(c , k -> 1); //initialize its counter to 1 (0+1)
for (char c: b.toCharArray()){ //for each character in b
map.computeIfPresent(c, (k,i) -> i-1); //-1 to its counter
map.computeIfAbsent(c , k -> -1); //initialize its counter to -1 (0-1)
map.forEach((k,i) -> sum += Math.abs(i) ); //summing the absolute values of the counters
Basically both solutions just counts how many letters the two strings have in common, but with different approach.
Hope I helped!
Disclaimer: This is a bit of a homework question. I'm attempting to write a contains(java.lang.String subString) method , that returns an int value representing the index of the comparison string within the primary string, for a custom-made String class.
Some of the rules:
No collection classes
Only charAt() and toCharArray() are allowed from the java String class (but methods from other classes are allowed)
Assume length() returns the length of the primary string (which is exactly what it does)
My Code:
public int contains(java.lang.String subString) {
this.subString = subString;
char[] arrSubStr = this.subString.toCharArray();
//Create initial fail
int index = -1;
//Make sure comparison subString is the same length or shorter than the primary string
if(arrSubStr.length > length()) {
return index;
//Steps to perform if initial conditions are met
else {
//Compare first character of subString to each character in primary string
for(int i = 0; i < length(); i++) {
//When a match is found...
if(arrSubStr[0] == this.content[i]) {
//...make sure that the subString is not longer than the remaining length of the primary string
if(arrSubStr.length > length() - i) {
return index;
//Proceed matching remainder of subString
else {
//Record the index of the beginning of the subString contained in primary string
index = i;
//Starting with second character of subString...
for(int j = 1; j < arrSubStr.length;) {
//...compare with subsequent chars of primary string,
//and if a failure of match is found, reset index to failure (-1)
if(arrSubStr[j] != this.content[j+i]) {
index = -1;
return index;
//If we get here, it means whole subString match found
//Return the index (=i) we set earlier
else {
return index;
return index;
Results from testing:
Primary string: asdfg
Comparison string: donkey
Result: -1 [PASS]
Primary string: asdfg
Comparison string: asdfg
Result: 0 [PASS]
Primary string: asdfg
Comparison string: g
Result: 4 [PASS]
Primary string: asasasf
Comparison string: asd
Result: 0 [FAIL] (should be -1)
Primary string: asasasf
Comparison string: asf
Result: 0 [FAIL] (should be 4)
The comments reflect how the code is intended to work. However its clear that when it reaches the second for loop, the logic is breaking down somehow to give the results above. But I can't see the problem. Could I get a second set of eyes on this?
//If we get here, it means whole subString match found
//Return the index (=i) we set earlier
else {
return index;
This assumption is not correct unfortunately. If you get there, it means that the second character of both substrings are identical since the if-else statement will only get executed once and both ends contains a return.
The way to solve this is probably easy now that I've diagnosed the problem but I want to go a bit further with this. The way we try to write code on a daily basis is a way in which the code we use can be maintainable, reusable and testable.
This means basically that the function we have here could be easily sliced up in different little functions invoked one after the other for which we could write unit tests and receive a quick feedback on whether a set of logical statements fit or not.
With suggestions from Jai and azurefrog in the comments, I was able to solve the issues by re-writing the logic to the following (somewhat abridged):
if(arrSubStr.length > length()) {
return index;
//Steps to perform if initial conditions are met
else {
//Compare first character of subString to each character in primary string
for(int i = 0; i < length(); i++) {
//When a match is found...
if(arrSubStr[0] == this.content[i]) {
//...make sure that the subString is not longer than the remaining length of the primary string
if(arrSubStr.length <= length() - i) {
//Record the index of the beginning of the subString contained in primary string
index = i;
//Starting with second character of subString...
for(int j = 1; j < arrSubStr.length; j++) {
//...compare with subsequent chars of primary string,
//and if a failure of match is found, reset index to failure (-1)
if(arrSubStr[j] != this.content[j+i]) {
index = -1;
return index;
Essentially, I removed all of the return statements from within the loops. Simply setting the index value appropriately and making use of the final (outside) return statement was, in hindsight, the correct way to approach the problem. I then also added a break; to the inner for loop to make sure that a failure to match would continue the loop ticking through. I'm sure there's still unnecessary code in there, but while its still passing the requisite tests, I'm encouraged to leave it the hell alone. :)
I'm still a novice at Java, so I hope this explanation made sense.
This method, moreVowels, is intended to be able to count the amount of vowels and consonants in the String entered, and return true if the amount of vowels is greater than the amount of consonants. Sadly this code always returns false, and I cannot understand why. Here is the method stated:
public Boolean moreVowels()
{ vowelCount = 0;
consonantCount = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < word.length(); i++)
if ("AEOIUY".contains(word.substring(i,i++)) || "aeoiuy".contains(word.substring(i,i++)))
if ("BCDFGHJKLMNPQRSTVWXZ".contains(word.substring(i,i++)) || "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz".contains(word.substring(i,i++)))
if (vowelCount > consonantCount)
return true;
return false;
I believe it is always returning false due to the loop not actually increasing the counts, but I'm not quite sure why not. Thank you for reading, I'm sure the answer is something silly that I failed to recognize.
First, you should not use substring(i,i++), but substring(i,i+1). Otherwise, you'll increase i, making your code skip letters.
"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz".contains(word.substring(i,i+1)) looks like a mistake. It will cause consonantCount to increase in each loop for every lowercase letter.
If you're only dealing with words (no spaces etc.), then every word is either a consonant or a vowel, so you don't need the second if. You could get consonant count by subtracting vowelCount from length.
Furthermore, if you convert the i-th character to uppercase, you can omit the || "aeoiuy".contains(...) part.
The other answer and comment already show the problems with your code. I just want to add a possible stream based solution that can reduce the possibilty for errors by repacing the index based looping and local variables:
private static boolean moreVowels(String word)
return word.chars()
.mapToObj(c -> Character.toString((char) c).toUpperCase())
.mapToInt(c -> "AEIOUY".contains(c) ? 1 : "BCDFGHJKLMNPQRSTVWXZ".contains(c) ? -1 : 0)
.sum() > 0;
You can apply the use of toUpperCase() to your own implementation as well to make the if statements a bit shorter (again avoiding possible errors).
Given "abcabcbb", the answer is "abc", which the length is 3.
Given "bbbbb", the answer is "b", with the length of 1.
Given "pwwkew", the answer is "wke", with the length of 3. Note that the answer must be a substring, "pwke" is a subsequence and not a substring.
I have came up with a solution that worked, but failed for several test cases. I then found a better solution and I rewrote it to try and understand it. The solution below works flawlessly, but after about 2 hours of battling with this thing, I still can not understand why this particular line of code works.
import java.util.*;
import java.math.*;
public class Solution {
public int lengthOfLongestSubstring(String str) {
if(str.length() == 0)
return 0;
HashMap<Character,Integer> map = new HashMap<>();
int startingIndexOfLongestSubstring = 0;
int max = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < str.length(); i++){
char currentChar = str.charAt(i);
startingIndexOfLongestSubstring = Math.max(startingIndexOfLongestSubstring, map.get(currentChar) + 1);
map.put(currentChar, i);
max = Math.max(max, i - startingIndexOfLongestSubstring + 1);
}//End of loop
return max;
The line in question is max = Math.max(max, i - startingIndexOfLongestSubstring + 1);
I don't understand why this works. We're taking the max between our previous max, and the difference between our current index and the starting index of what is currently the longest substring and then adding 1. I know that the code is getting the difference between our current index, and the startingIndexOfSubstring, but I can't conceptualize WHY it works to give us the intended result; Can someone please explain this step to me, particularly WHY it works?
I'm usually bad at explaining, let me give it a shot by considering an example.
String is "wcabcdeghi".
Forget the code for a minute and assume we're trying to come up with a logic.
We start from w and keep going until we reach c -> a -> b -> c.
We need to stop at this point because "c" is repeating. So we need a map to store if a character is repeated. (In code : map.put(currentChar, i); )
Now that we know if a character is repeated, We need to know what is the max. length so far. (In code -) max
Now we know there is no point in keeping track of count of first 2 variables w->c. This is because including this, we already got the Max. value. So from next iteration onwards we need to check length only from a -> b -> soon.
Lets have a variable (In code -)startingIndexOfLongestSubstring to keep track of this. (This should've been named startingIndexOfNonRepetativeCharacter, then again I'm bad with naming as well).
Now we again keep continuing, but wait we still haven't finalized on how to keep track of sub-string that we're currently parsing. (i.e., from abcd...)
Coming to think of it, all I need is the position of where "a" was present (which is startingIndexOfNonRepetativeCharacter) so to know the length of current sub-string all I need to do is (In code -)i - startingIndexOfLongestSubstring + 1 (current character position - The non-repetative character length + (subtraction doesn't do inclusive of both sides so adding 1). Lets call this currentLength
But wait, what are we going to do with this count. Every time we find a new variable we need to check if this currentLength can break our max.
So (In code -) max = Math.max(max, i - startingIndexOfLongestSubstring + 1);
Now we've covered most of the statements that we need and according to our logic everytime we encounter a variable which was already present all we need is startingIndexOfLongestSubstring = map.get(currentChar). So why are we doing a Max?
Consider a scenario where String is "wcabcdewghi". when we start processing our new counter as a -> b -> c -> d -> e -> w At this point our logic checks if this character was present previously or not. Since its present, it starts the count from index "1". Which totally messes up the whole count. So We need to make sure, the next index we take from map is always greater than the starting point of our count(i.e., select a character from the map only if the character occurs before startingIndexOfLongestSubstring).
Hope I've answered all lines in the code and mainly If the explanation was understandable.
i - startingIndexOfLongestSubstring + 1
is amount of characters between i and startingIndexOfLongestSubstring indexes. For example how many characters between position 2 and 3? 3-2=1 but we have 2 characters: on position 2 and position 3.
I've described every action in the code:
public class Solution {
public int lengthOfLongestSubstring(String str) {
if(str.length() == 0)
return 0;
HashMap<Character,Integer> map = new HashMap<>();
int startingIndexOfLongestSubstring = 0;
int max = 0;
// loop over all characters in the string
for(int i = 0; i < str.length(); i++){
// get character at position i
char currentChar = str.charAt(i);
// if we already met this character
// then get maximum of previous 'startingIndexOfLongestSubstring' and
// map.get(currentChar) + 1 (it is last occurrence of the current character in our word before plus 1)
// "plus 1" - it is because we should start count from the next character because our current character
// is the same
startingIndexOfLongestSubstring = Math.max(startingIndexOfLongestSubstring, map.get(currentChar) + 1);
// save position of the current character in the map. If map already has some value for current character
// then it will override (we don't want to know previous positions of the character)
map.put(currentChar, i);
// get maximum between 'max' (candidate for return value) and such value for current character
max = Math.max(max, i - startingIndexOfLongestSubstring + 1);
}//End of loop
return max;
Problem solved, I ended up need a seperate counter for the array position. Thanks for the help!
I'm writing a small app that takes a string, processes each string into 7-bits of binary code and then fills in a musical scale based on the string. For instance, if I had the binary 1000100, in the key of C Major that would give me the notes C and G(C 0 0 0 G 0 0).
I'm having an issue with a specific piece of code that takes an input of String[] (in which each element is a single character worth of binary, 7-bits) and processes each individual character in the strings themselves and stores the index number of where 1's occur in the string. For example, the string 1000100 would output 1 and 5.
Here's the method that does that:
public static String[][] convertToScale(String[] e){
String[][] notes = new String[e.length][]; //create array to hold arrays of Strings that represent notes
for(int i = 0; i < e.length; i++){
notes[i] = new String[findOccurancesOf(e[i])]; //create arrays to hold array of strings
for(int x = 0; x < e[i].length(); x++){
if((e[i].charAt(x)) != 48){ //checks to see if the char being evaluated is 0(Ascii code 48)
notes[i][x] = Integer.toString(x + 1); // if the value isn't 0, it fills in the array for that position.the value at x+1 represents the position of the scale the note is at
return notes;
Here is the code that is uses to get the occurrences of 1 in e[1]:
public static int findOccurancesOf(String s){
int counter = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++ ) {
if( s.charAt(i) == 1 ) {
return counter;
The issue I'm having is with the convertToScale method. When using "Hello world" as my input(the input gets converted into 7-bit binary before it gets processed by either of these methods) it passes through the 2nd for-each loop just fine the first time around, but after it tries to fill another spot in the array, it throws
java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 3
EDIT:It occurs in the line notes[i][x] = Integer.toString(x + 1); of the convertToScale method. I've run the debugger multiple times through after trying the proposes changes below and I still get the same error at the same line. The findOccurancesOf method returns the right value(When evaluating H(1001000) it returns 2.) So the thing that confuses me is that the out of bounds exception comes up right when it fills the 2nd spot in the array.
Also, feel free to tell me if anything else is crazy or my syntax is bad. Thanks!
In findOccurancesOf():
if( s.charAt(i) == 1 ) { should be if( s.charAt(i) == '1' ) { to check for the character '1'.
Otherwise it's looking for the character with ASCII value 1.
There is an out of bounds exception because if findOccuranceOf() returns the wrong value, then notes[i] is not constructed with the correct length in the following line of convertToScale():
notes[i] = new String[findOccurancesOf(e[i])];
In addition, you probably want to use something like:
notes[i][c++] = Integer.toString(x + 1);
with some counter c initialized to 0, if I understand your intentions correctly.
The reason for AIOOBE lies in this line:
notes[i] = new String[findOccurancesOf(e[i])]; //create arrays to hold array of strings
Where you call findOccurancesOf method to find occurance of 1 in your String say Hello which you dont find and return 0 and then you call notes[i][x] = Integer.toString(x + 1); with x as 0. Now since you never allocated space, you get array index out of bound exception.
I would suggest the folowing:
Validate your string before assigning the index say to be greater than 0 or something.
Initialize you notes[i] as notes[i] = new String[e[i].length];
Checking character with single quotes like a == '1' rather than a == 1
The exception is caused by what almas mentioned, note however, that your logical error is most likely inside findOccurencesOf method, if the idea was to find all the '1' chars inside a string you must change to what I outlined below, note the apostrohes. Otherwise a char is getting converted to a byte ascii code, and unless matched with a code of ascii code one, the method will return 0, causing your exception
if( s.charAt(i) == '1' ) {