is there any version of GWt Designer, that i can use in Eclipse 4.6 ?
I have 4.6 in the gwt plugin, but i cant use the designer to edit the webpages by wysiwyg.
GWt Designer not has support by google, so the newest gwt version are not compatible with Designer. So, the answer is no.
I installed plugin for eclipse - gwt eclipse plugin 3.0.0 when I right-click on the corresponding class or on ui.xml there I do not see designer.
From Release Notes for 2.7.0:
GWT Designer doesn’t work with 2.7 and is no longer supported.
I have issues installing Developer tools, Google plugin for eclipse[req], GWT Designer for GPE and SDK from I have installed Kepler SR2.
I have tried updating the software within Eclipse and also through downloading locally.
How can I get GWT installation? Are GWT under Window-builder and Google Web toolkit same? Actually, I want a GUI editor for web application.
What should I do?
Download and install a fresh copy of Eclipse IDE Java EE Developers and then install the plugin as you did in Eclipse (Help > Install new software) and you wouldn't have a problem.
The GWT plugin includes the GWT Designer for the graphic editing.
In order to see if you have GWT Designer installed try:
1) Create a GWT project.
2) Right click on the src package and create a UiBinder file. That
will create two files : a Java file et an XML file.
3) Right click on the XML file : Open With > WindowsBuilder Editor.
Before installing, you have to install in the fresh eclipse ide.
Help -> Eclipse Marketplace then search for 'Google Plugin for Eclipse 4.3' and click install button
Don't check any GWT Designer. Should check all above them.
Help -> Install New Software... by input url at work with:
Check all GWT Designer and don't check any WindowBuilder because eclipse will select the lastest modules of windowbuilder from Google Plugin for Eclipse 4.3. (In [3] its version is 1.6.0 but within google plugin is 1.6.1)
When you found the problem on GWT Designer, you have to change gwt sdk to version 2.5.1
Q: Why don't I recommend you to choose gwt designer in google plugin?
A: It's not perfect designer if you would like to develop in the same past way (GWT 1.0). It's similar ASP.NET Web Form.
This is the GWT 2.0 development way:
I am porting a GWT application from GWT-Ext to SmartGWT. Previously, it used java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent and java.beans.PropertyChangeListener. We recently upgraded to GWT2.4. Am I missing a library? In Netbeans, it is underlined yellow and the hint says
Class java.beans.PropertyChangeListener not supported by the GWT
GWTx svn indicates that it was last changed in 2009.
Your best bet is to try recompiling GWTx source code with GWT 2.4 or 2.5 by taking a checkout of the source code from
( This would help validate whether that jar is compatible latest GWT architecture).
I downloaded the Eclipse Galileo and Juno Eclipse (Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers) but I can not run my JSF2 project. I've tried changing the Project Facets/JavaServer Faces for 2.0 but doesn´t allow the change. What Eclipse IDE support JSF 2.0?
I am using Eclipse indigo. Its working fine for me.
For JSF 2.0, upgrade your Eclipse to version Helios (v3.6) onward, it has full support of Java EE 6 support, including JSF 2.0.
See: Does the Eclipse IDE support JSF 2.0?
You can Google this answer relatively quickly.
I need url link to download SOA plugin for netbeans 6.9. Because I don't load the catalogue.xml from the netbeans site.
Any suggestion?
In case it may be of help, the plugin is still available for versions greater than 6.7 from this update center: Then check the "XML Tools" plugin in the Available Plugins tab.
I am not sure if they support SOA Feature with the NetBeans after 6.7.
You may want to use the older version