I need url link to download SOA plugin for netbeans 6.9. Because I don't load the catalogue.xml from the netbeans site.
Any suggestion?
In case it may be of help, the plugin is still available for versions greater than 6.7 from this update center: http://deadlock.netbeans.org/hudson/job/xml/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/build/updates/updates.xml. Then check the "XML Tools" plugin in the Available Plugins tab.
I am not sure if they support SOA Feature with the NetBeans after 6.7.
You may want to use the older version http://wiki.netbeans.org/NetBeansArchivedFeatures
In Apache NetBeans 12.0 LTS
When I'm trying to install Hibernate plugin it says :
Some plugins require plugin Freemarker Integration to be installed
The plugin Freemarker Integration is requested in implementation version 238.
The following plugin is affected:
But there's on Apache NetBeans Plugin Portal Freemarker plugin is not available.
I tried installing Freemarker plugin from old plugin portal of NetBeans
FreeMarker support for NetBeans
but getting same error.
I'm using:
Debain 10.4 Buster LXQt AMD 64-bits
openjdk 11.0.7 2020-04-14 LTS
Apache NetBeans 12.0 LTS
I've also created issue there at Apache's JIRA issue tracker
No dependent plugins are available at Apache NetBeans plugin portal for Hibernate
But I think they will not pay attention.
This causes because there is a conflict for the version of freemarker, netbeans is looking for freemarker.jar with OpenIDE-Module-Implementation-Version: 238, but in my case the OpenIDE-Module-Implementation-Version: was 239 and that was causing the issue.
You can fix this by
Close your running netbeans application
Download freemarker.jar with OpenIDE-Module-Implementation-Version: 238 org-netbeans-libs-freemarker-RELEASE81.jar and rename the downloaded library to org-netbeans-libs-freemarker.jar
Navigate to ide/modules subfolder in apache netbeans installation directory
You will find the freemarker library org-netbeans-libs-freemarker.jar, replace this with your downloaded library.
Restart the netbeans(or perhaps restarting the computer should work) and you should be able to download the hibernate plugin
ps- you can check the OpenIDE-Module-Implementation-Version by opening the jar library as an archive and inside the META-INF/MANIFEST.MF file
Also refer this for more information
This is the way.
unistall netbeans.
install netbeans (but not started it yet)
Open: "netbeans-12.0/netbeans/ide/modules/org-netbeans-libs-
freemarker.jar" with an arquive manager and go to META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
change the value 239 for 238 in lines. To be like this:
OpenIDE-Module-Implementation-Version: 238
close and update you change.
start the netbeans for the fist time and all will go well.
The hibernate plugin was not anything important. I was trying to install that one, but because of the above error, Netbeans did not load, and on top of it, the CentOS-8-Stream came to logged-out.
So, I remove the hibernate instances.
cd ~/.netbeans/13/
grep -r "hibernate"
Resolution: Removal of the faulty plugins
Removed the JAR s from /home/jacobd/netbeans-13/netbeans/java/modules/locale/
Removed the XML s from /home/jacobd/netbeans-13/netbeans/java/config/Modules name matching hibernate, two xml will be here.
I had the same issue with NetBeans version 16 and solved it by installing freemaker.jar module which replaced the default module that comes with NetBeans.
Please try the following
step 1: Download freemaker modules from the following link:
step 2:
Close all NetBeans running applications and
copy the downloaded module and go to the NetBeans installation directory as follows:
C:\Program Files\NetBeans-16\netbeans\ide\modules
first delete the org-netbeans-libs-freemar.jar and paste the downloaded module to replace org-netbeans-libs-freemar.jar that comes with NetBeans ( I mean the one you deleted)
Start NetBeans and go to Tools > Plugins >Available Plugins then scroll until you see Hibernate
This is my screenshot of my installation on windows 10
I have the following version of Eclipse:
Eclipse IDE for Java Developers
Version: Kepler Service Release 1
Build id: 20130919-0819
I am trying to use the Plug-In wizard, but when I try to open a new project, this wizard is not one of the options. I downloaded this standard version of eclipse from http://www.eclipse.org/downloads/
Is there something else I have to download or was I supposed to download a different version?
Thanks in advance!
In order to work with Eclipse Plugin development, you need to use SDK version of Eclipse. You can download Eclipse SDK 4.x from this link
SDK version contains all the necessary tools to build Eclipse plugins. From the website,
Developers who use the Eclipse Rich Client Platform (RCP) will find that the Eclipse SDK 4.2 makes it easier to build great looking rich client applications
You should have the everything. File > New > Project... should open a wizard with Plug-in Development > Plug-in Project as one of the wizard selections:
Objective is to set up developer environment for:
JBoss 7.1, Maven 3.04, Drools 5.3.0 , eclipse platform 3.72 (IDE for Java EE 1.4.2...)
Goal is to be able to follow tutorials and learn Drools using latest available versions of software - without running into version incompatibilities between different components.
Seem to be getting a lot of "missing reference" type errors in eclipse package explorer after compiling code examples in maven. I am a newbie so apologies in advance if this is an obvious question.
Examples appear to compile in maven fine, but when trying to integrate with Eclipse ide am having a lot of reference errors. The version of Java SDK on my PC is 1.7.0_04.
There is no official maven archetype for Drools, and I doubt that any of the community ones are up to date.
Take a look at these resources:
Drools and jBPM version compatibility matrix
On the download page, section "Eclipse update site". IIRC, in 5.3 the plugin was part of JBoss Tools, but for 5.4 it's a separate update site as linked there.
Alternatively to using the 5.4 update site, you can download the droolsjbpm tools zip (5.4 or 5.3), unzip it and configure the plugin in eclipse as a local update site.
PS: I recommend upgrading everything to 5.4.0.Final, that's the latest and greatest community release.
How do I install Eclipse Web Developer Tools using the dropin folder?
What do I need to download?
This is for Eclipse 3.6 Helios.
If you really do not want to use the Eclipse IDE for Java EE developers 'edition' which comes with web developer tools bundled you will find instructions on this page. You can download the necessary packages and the prerequisites from here.
Ok, I have Netbeans 6.7.1 installed with the default Java SDK. I'm using Linux Mint.
Now I'm told that I have to download Java Platform Micro Edition Software Development Kit 3.0
So, should I download this? And once I download and install this in Linux, what do I have to install for Netbeans so I can create a Mobile Application? I'm fairly new to this environment so please any advice is welcome! :)
Make sure you have Java installed (version >= 6 ) and then simply go to: http://netbeans.org/downloads/ and download the version that comes with JAVA ME support. Then install it, and you are ready to go :)
And no, you shouldn't download JAVA ME SDK 3.0 since it is not supported in linux. sigh
While at it I'd recommend you to read also the links below:
Also if you're just getting started here are some nicely written tutorials with examples:
I think this only applies if you download a version without JavaME modules. If you download the version with JavaME modules, you don't have to do this. The provision is to allow you to install multiple versions of the emulator (including Nokia's) and work with them.
If you have downloaded a version of NetBeans without ME, then do this
1. Download the JavaME SDK and install that eg. /opt/java/javame
2. Install ME modules in NetBeans. Tools -> Plugins -> Installed and activate JavaME
3. Add the SDK in NetBeans Tools -> Java Platforms -> Add Platform -> Java ME Platform Emulator and follow the instructions
I'm using NB 6.8 BTW.
In NetBeans, go to the "Tools/Plugins" menu, then in the "Available plugins" tab, select the plugins which are part of the "Java ME" category. now click "instal"... NetBeans will take care of downloading, installing and configuring everything for you.