The object, below, while debugging is being displayed as {} instead of {"types" : ["Ice Cream"] } as one would expect. Why is this happening.
PactDslJsonObject resquest = new PactDslJsonObject()
.array("type").stringMatcher("\w+","Ice Cream");
Sorry to answer my own question. Looks like we must close the children of PactDslJsonObject or whatever (could be an array as well in that case you will have to close the object withing the array.) is it that we would like to request or respond from aor to a service.
So, in this case it should be,
DslPart response = new PactDslJsonObject()
.array("type").stringMatcher("\w+","Ice Cream").closeArray();
I am trying to add a function to a JSONJavaObject and calling it from a control on an xpage.
so far I have:
json = (JsonJavaObject) JsonParser.fromJson(factory, colJson);
String func = "function () { alert('you clicked?'); }";
json.put("onClick", new JsonReference(func) );
In the first line I add key-value pairs from a column in a Notes view.
In the second line I define the function as a string.
In the last line I place the converted string as function in the jsonjava object.
I read about this in the following blog post:
In the next step I bind the function to e.g. a button control as followed:
<xp:button value="Label" id="button1">
<xp:eventHandler event="onclick" submit="false">
obj is the respresentation of the JSONJava object in SSJS.
But without success. Anyone know how I can call the function in the object?
I hope I will make sense here, let me know if anything to clarify.
If you are simply trying to dynamically output the client side script of a button event, then you don't need to use JsonReference at all. You can just use a String.
In my blog article I might not have make it clear why I needed to use JsonReference. I was using it in the process of rendering a custom UIComponent, part of this process required generating a Json object client side. To do this I created the JsonJavaObject as you did and then asked it to be turned into a string with the 'toJson' method. My problem was that when I asked the whole object to become a string, every property of that object that was a String, would begin and end with a double quote. I needed to ensure that the properties which were intended to be functions did not begin and end with "". By using the JsonReference the JsonGenerator became aware of my intention not to include these double quotes.
In your case, it looks as though you are just trying to dynamically determine what happens with onClick. To do this you could simply use a String instead of the JsonReference. The inclusion of the 'function() {}' is unnecessary as this will be generated when the event handler is rendered at the end of the page.
For Example here would be the Json Java Object
JsonJavaObject obj = new JsonJavaObject();
String func = " alert('you clicked?'); ";
obj.put("onClick", func);
return obj;
And here would be the button:
<xp:button id="button1" value="Alert Me">
<xp:eventHandler event="onclick" submit="false"
script="#{javascript: myBean.myObject.get('onClick')}">
This should give you the end result of seeing 'you clicked?' alert.
You can also inspect how this has all been generated in the script block near the end of the page using 'view Source' or your favourite web browser developer tools:
function view__id1__id2_clientSide_onclick(thisEvent) {
alert('you clicked?');
XSP.addOnLoad(function() {
XSP.attachEvent("view:_id1:_id2", "view:_id1:button1", "onclick",
view__id1__id2_clientSide_onclick, false, 2);
Let me know if anything isn't clear, hope it helps!
Does obj.onClick already give you a handle to the function returned by the Java class? If it does then you should be able to call it using the call or apply methods that are available in JavaScript:;
More details about those two methods can be found here: What is the difference between call and apply?
The code starts like this:
return pcol.apply(ParDo.named("FindTheBug")
.of(new DoFn<T, U>() {
F myFoo = c.sideInput(foo);
B myBar = c.sideInput(bar);
These side inputs are declared, why doesn't Dataflow see them?
It turns out that calling withSideInputs more than once is not allowed. The code should instead look like this:
return pcol.apply(ParDo.named("FindTheBug")
.withSideInputs(foo, bar)
.of(new DoFn<T, U>() {
// now you can access both side inputs
The hint is that the function's called "withSideInputs", not "withSideInput". This tripped me more than once and isn't googleable, so I thought I'd write it down in case someone else runs into this!
Also, this error happen when one forgot to call withSideInputs.
I have a problem.
I have form in play framework and when I want open new, I use this link: link/projeto/novo
There are some fields that I need to save and I do one validation and If there some field blank, I send one "badrequest", like this:
public static Result grava() throws IOException{
Long id;
Http.Request request = request();
Form<Projeto> projetoFormRequest = projetoForm.bindFromRequest();
listaDeErros = new ArrayList<String>();
Projeto projeto = projetoFormRequest.get();
return badRequest(cadastro.render(projetoForm, listaDeErros));
My routes:
GET /projeto/novo controllers.ProjetoController.cadastroProjeto()
POST /projeto/grava controllers.ProjetoController.grava()
but my link in browser change to link/projeto/grava
I'd like to maintain the same link link/projeto/novo
How could I do this ?
As you are returning badRequest() in the grava action it stays there... badRequest is a Result NOT a redirect.
You can try to redirect to the cadastroProjeto in case of error, anyway you'll need to pass projetoForm somehow, maybe using cache?
TIP: It's good habit to use English names for actions, models, views, etc - even if routes are Portuguese ;)
When I create a new ARB subscription the response comes back and I save the id it gives us. I tried it out and it gives us back "33".
Then when the silent post callback hits our method, the response has a different id, 15631016.
15631016 is correct in matching up with the one we see in the online portal.
So, what is 33 and why doesn't it return the real ARB ID?
Here is the code that creates the new ARB and then gets the arbId:
net.authorize.arb.Transaction arbTransaction = createARBTransaction(startDate.getTime(), creditCard, member, splitOccurrences.intValue() - 1, splitUnit, useBillingAddress, billingAddress, recurringOrder.getTotalAmount().doubleValue(), recurringOrder);
net.authorize.arb.Result<?> arbResult = (net.authorize.arb.Result<?>) merchant.postTransaction(arbTransaction);
String arbId;
if (arbResult.isOk()) {
arbId = arbResult.getResultSubscriptionId();
If getResultSubscriptionId() is not the correct way to get the new ARB subscription ID, what is the correct method to use?
I went through the sample code and also their community and there isn't much to go on. The only thing I can think of trying is changing:
I know that doesn't sound logical but it's the best I can some up with.
According to the source code, you are using the correct method.
If you trace the calls back into the code you'll see that the subscription id gets set by the following call in importResponseMessages() of net.authorize.arb.Result
so if you call this on your arbResult variable, you might get closer. Note that txn should be replaced by your variable arbTransaction.
Alternatively, you can dig into the response itself to see why the APK isn't returning the correct subscription id.
xml = arbTransaction.getCurrentResponse().dump(true);
The true determines whether the XML tree is collapsed. xml should be a string containing your XML response from
I'm looking for possibility to add anchor to url returned in controller:
public static Result open(String id) {
// here I want to add acnhor like #foo to the produced url
return redirect(;
I found that it was possible in play 1 using addRef method, but I couldn't find any replacement of the method in play 2.
Of course I can use concatenation like:
public static Result open(String id) {
// here I want to add acnhor like #foo to the produced url
return redirect( + "#foo");
But it seems ugly.
Thank you for any help! Have a good day!
Before trying to answer that question.
I should recommend you change whatever behavior you're currently setting.
Because, an URL fragment's purpose is client side only. Such fragment is never sent to the server, so that it's cumbersome to do the opposite.
However, here is the embryo of a (quite?) elegant solution that you could follow.
What I'll try to do is to leave the browser deal with the fragment, in order to keep potential behaviors (f.i. go to ID or even deal with history...).
To do so, you could add an implicit parameter to your main template which will define the fragment that the URL should have:
#(title: String)(content: Html)(urlFragment:Option[UrlFragment] = None)
As you can see I wrapped the parameter in an Option and default'ed it to None (in order to avoid AMAP pollution).
Also, it simply wraps a String but you could use String alone -- using a dedicated type will enforce the semantic. Here is the definition:
case class UrlFragment(hash:String)
Very simple.
Now here is how to tell the browser to deal with it. Right before the end of the head element, and the start of body, just add the following: { f =>
$(function() {
//after everything is ready, so that other mechanism will be able to use the change hash event...
document.location.hash = "#Html(#f.hash)";
As you can see, using map (that is when the urlFragment is not None) we add a script block that will set the hash available in urlFragment.
This might be a start, however... Think about another solution for the whole scenario.
As of Play 2.4, it's possible to use Call.withFragment().
This was added by PR #4152.