Redirect with anchor in play 2 - java

I'm looking for possibility to add anchor to url returned in controller:
public static Result open(String id) {
// here I want to add acnhor like #foo to the produced url
return redirect(;
I found that it was possible in play 1 using addRef method, but I couldn't find any replacement of the method in play 2.
Of course I can use concatenation like:
public static Result open(String id) {
// here I want to add acnhor like #foo to the produced url
return redirect( + "#foo");
But it seems ugly.
Thank you for any help! Have a good day!

Before trying to answer that question.
I should recommend you change whatever behavior you're currently setting.
Because, an URL fragment's purpose is client side only. Such fragment is never sent to the server, so that it's cumbersome to do the opposite.
However, here is the embryo of a (quite?) elegant solution that you could follow.
What I'll try to do is to leave the browser deal with the fragment, in order to keep potential behaviors (f.i. go to ID or even deal with history...).
To do so, you could add an implicit parameter to your main template which will define the fragment that the URL should have:
#(title: String)(content: Html)(urlFragment:Option[UrlFragment] = None)
As you can see I wrapped the parameter in an Option and default'ed it to None (in order to avoid AMAP pollution).
Also, it simply wraps a String but you could use String alone -- using a dedicated type will enforce the semantic. Here is the definition:
case class UrlFragment(hash:String)
Very simple.
Now here is how to tell the browser to deal with it. Right before the end of the head element, and the start of body, just add the following: { f =>
$(function() {
//after everything is ready, so that other mechanism will be able to use the change hash event...
document.location.hash = "#Html(#f.hash)";
As you can see, using map (that is when the urlFragment is not None) we add a script block that will set the hash available in urlFragment.
This might be a start, however... Think about another solution for the whole scenario.

As of Play 2.4, it's possible to use Call.withFragment().
This was added by PR #4152.


Scala with Spray Routing - accessing GET parameters?

I'm currently working on an application built in Scala with Spray routing.
So for dealing with a JSON document sent over POST, it's pretty easy to access the variables within the body, as follows;
respondWithMediaType(`application/json`) {
entity(as[String]) { body =>
val msg = (parse(body) \ "msg").extract[String]
val url = (parse(body) \ "url").extractOpt[String]
However, I'm now trying to write an additional query with GET, and am having some issues accessing the parameters sent through with the query.
So, I'm opening with;
get {
respondWithMediaType(`application/json`) {
parameterSeq { params =>
var paramsList = params.toList
So, this works well enough in that I can access the GET params in a sequential order (just by accessing the index) - the problem is, unfortunately I don't think we can expect GET params to always be sent in the correct order.
The list itself prints out in the following format;
List((msg,this is a link to google), (url,, (userid,13))
Is there any simple way to access these params? For example, something along the lines of;
var message = paramsList['msg']
println(message) //returns "this is a link to google"
Or am I going about this completely wrong?
Apologies if this is a stupid question - I've only switched over to Scala very recently, and am still getting both acquainted with that, and re-acquainted with Java.
What I usually do is use the parameters directive to parse the data out to a case class which contains all the relevant data:
case class MyParams(msg: String, url: String, userId: Int)
).as[MyParams] {
myParams =>
// Here you have the case class containing all the data, already parsed.
To build your routes you could use the parameters directives. I'm not sure if this is what you're looking for, anyway you could use them as:
get {
parameters('msg) { (msg) =>
complete(s"The message is '$msg'")
Spray directives can be easily composed so you can use combine them in any way you want.
I hope that helps you.

adding function to jsonjava object and calling it from xpages control

I am trying to add a function to a JSONJavaObject and calling it from a control on an xpage.
so far I have:
json = (JsonJavaObject) JsonParser.fromJson(factory, colJson);
String func = "function () { alert('you clicked?'); }";
json.put("onClick", new JsonReference(func) );
In the first line I add key-value pairs from a column in a Notes view.
In the second line I define the function as a string.
In the last line I place the converted string as function in the jsonjava object.
I read about this in the following blog post:
In the next step I bind the function to e.g. a button control as followed:
<xp:button value="Label" id="button1">
<xp:eventHandler event="onclick" submit="false">
obj is the respresentation of the JSONJava object in SSJS.
But without success. Anyone know how I can call the function in the object?
I hope I will make sense here, let me know if anything to clarify.
If you are simply trying to dynamically output the client side script of a button event, then you don't need to use JsonReference at all. You can just use a String.
In my blog article I might not have make it clear why I needed to use JsonReference. I was using it in the process of rendering a custom UIComponent, part of this process required generating a Json object client side. To do this I created the JsonJavaObject as you did and then asked it to be turned into a string with the 'toJson' method. My problem was that when I asked the whole object to become a string, every property of that object that was a String, would begin and end with a double quote. I needed to ensure that the properties which were intended to be functions did not begin and end with "". By using the JsonReference the JsonGenerator became aware of my intention not to include these double quotes.
In your case, it looks as though you are just trying to dynamically determine what happens with onClick. To do this you could simply use a String instead of the JsonReference. The inclusion of the 'function() {}' is unnecessary as this will be generated when the event handler is rendered at the end of the page.
For Example here would be the Json Java Object
JsonJavaObject obj = new JsonJavaObject();
String func = " alert('you clicked?'); ";
obj.put("onClick", func);
return obj;
And here would be the button:
<xp:button id="button1" value="Alert Me">
<xp:eventHandler event="onclick" submit="false"
script="#{javascript: myBean.myObject.get('onClick')}">
This should give you the end result of seeing 'you clicked?' alert.
You can also inspect how this has all been generated in the script block near the end of the page using 'view Source' or your favourite web browser developer tools:
function view__id1__id2_clientSide_onclick(thisEvent) {
alert('you clicked?');
XSP.addOnLoad(function() {
XSP.attachEvent("view:_id1:_id2", "view:_id1:button1", "onclick",
view__id1__id2_clientSide_onclick, false, 2);
Let me know if anything isn't clear, hope it helps!
Does obj.onClick already give you a handle to the function returned by the Java class? If it does then you should be able to call it using the call or apply methods that are available in JavaScript:;
More details about those two methods can be found here: What is the difference between call and apply?

Play Framework Multi-Tenant Filter

I'm attempting to build a multi-tenant application using Play Framework 2.2 and have run into a problem. I want to set a session key in the global onRouteRequest (or onRequest in Java) that identifies the site ID for the domain the user is requesting. In literally dozens of other frameworks this type of thing is painless (e.g. Django), but I'm learning that the session object in Play is apparently immutable, however.
So, right now, I have something like this:
override def onRouteRequest(request: RequestHeader): Option[Handler] = {
if (request.session.get("site").isEmpty){
val id = models.Site.getSiteUIDFromURL(
if (!id.isEmpty){
//what goes here to set the session?
//not found - redirect to a general notFound page
And, although it's not the most efficient way using a database lookup, it works for testing right now. I need to be able to set a session key in the global but am completely lost on how to do that. If there are any better methods I am all ears (perhaps wrapping my controllers?).
I'm open to solution examples in either Java or Scala.
Think of actions in Play as being function calls, the input is the request, the output is the result. If you want to change the result of a wrapped function call, then you must first invoke the function, and then apply your change. Adding a key to a session is changing the result, since the session is sent to the client in the session cookie. In the code above, you're trying to do the change before you have a result to change, ie, before you call super.onRouteRequest.
If you don't need to modify routing at all, then don't do this in onRouteRequest, do it in a filter, much easier there. But assuming you do need to modify routing, then you need to apply a filter to handler returned. This is what it might look like:
override def onRouteRequest(request: RequestHeader): Option[Handler] = {
val maybeSite: Option[String] = request.session.get("site").orElse {
// Let's just assume that getSiteUIDFromUrl returns Option[String], always use Option if you're returning values that might not exist.
maybeSite.flatMap { site =>
super.onRouteRequest(request).map {
case e: EssentialAction => EssentialAction { req =>
e(req).map(_.withSession("site" -> site))
case other => other
Check the source code for the CSRFFilter to see examples of how to add things to the session in a filter.

Using deployJava.runApplet to target specific element

After many years of successfully maintaining an applet that uses the good old:
<script src="foo.js"></script>
method of embedding a Java applet, we're unable to cover our ears and sing "La la la!" anymore.
It's time to be using:
When I fire this method using a click handler (here using an event listener on a button via jQuery, but it doesn't matter):
$('#button').click(function() {
deployJava.runApplet(attributes, parameters, version);
}); wipes out the entire existing document and replaces it with the applet. All I need to know is how to target a specific DOM element to be the container for the applet, so that my page doesn't get wiped.
It seems like it would be an attribute I could pass in the form of target: someElement where "someElement" is either a DOM object or the element's ID as a string. But alas, I can't find documentation for such an attribute.
For the sake of being complete, here's what's being passed:
/*here is where I imagine there might be an applicable attribute */
var attributes = {
name: "SomeName",
code: "some.class",
archive: "some.jar",
width: 640,
height: 400
var parameters = {
someParameter: someValue
var version = "1.5";
I can document.write everything I need to rebuild a document, but I'm sure you can all well imagine how hideous that prospect seems to me.
Any pointers would be greatly appreciated.
As alternative to Christophe Roussy solution you may override document.write while running deployJava.runApplet.
Like so:
function docWriteWrapper(func) {
var writeTo = document.createElement('del'),
oldwrite = document.write,
content = ''; = "me";
document.write = function(text) {
content += text;
writeTo.innerHTML += content;
document.write = oldwrite;
An then:
docWriteWrapper(function () {
deployJava.runApplet(attributes, parameters, "1.6");
A little bit hackish but works like a charm;)
So the core of the problem is this: deployJava.js uses document.write. If you use this method AFTER page render (vs. as a part of the initial page render) it will first clear the document. Which has obvious negative repurcussions.
Although intended for JavaFX, people have reported success with dtjava.js, and I have every reason to believe it's a viable alternative.
However, other stakeholders on my team have already done work surrounding deployJava.js and are unwilling to throw away that work, which meant I needed to stick to deployJava.js. There's only one way to do this: make sure that deployJava is called during page render, not via Ajax, event, or other delayed trigger.
In the end, we are collecting our information, and passing it to a second page which will render the applet as expected. It works, and in most scenarios our clients will be doing this anyhow (collecting information, passing it server-side, and getting a redirect response), so it didn't make sense to force the issue. We are passing information via query string but you could probably use cookies and/or localstorage API instead, if you wanted the window.location to stay cleaner-looking.
Thanks for the replies, even though they were in the comment area. Other replies are still being taken on board if someone has a better way of doing it!
If you are using jQuery and want to target a specific dom element, rather than just appending:
function docWriteWrapper(jq, func) {
var oldwrite = document.write, content = '';
document.write = function(text) {
content += text;
document.write = oldwrite;
docWriteWrapper($('#mydiv'), function () {
deployJava.runApplet(attributes, parameters, version);
To solve this annoying issue I downloaded and hacked deployJava.js at line 316, replaced the line by my own:
// document.write(n + "\n" + p + "\n" + r);
myDiv.append(n + "\n" + p + "\n" + r);
Where myDiv is a js global variable set to the desired div before calling runApplet:
myDiv = jQuery('#someDiv');
If you find a less intrusive solution let me know...

Include page javascripts conflicting with outer page javascripts

My problem is a little difficult to explain, but I will try.
I have 2 jsp pages Outer.jsp and Inner.jsp
Script: src="tabs.js"
var PageTabs = "Tab1"
#include "Inner.jsp"
Script: src="tabs.js"
var PageTabs = "Tab2~Tab3~Tab4"
Both the jsp pages use the same tabs.js to render some tab elements on the page. The "PageTabs" variable is one of the many common variables that are used by tabs.js. So what happpens is while rendering, the tabs.js takes the latest "PageTabs" variable i'e var PageTabs = "Tab2~Tab3~Tab4" even while rendeing tabs of Outer.jsp.
Note: The page variables and tabs.js are part of standard elements recieved from client. So they have to be used to give the same look and feel for application.
What I need is a way to isolate the "Inner.jsp" from accessing scripts of "Outer.jsp". This will prevent the tabs element from being confused over which variables to use.
I hope I am somewhat clear. Please let me know if I need to provide any more clarifications. Thanks.
JavaScript is interpreted top-to-bottom inside a page, so your second PageTabs value overrides the first one. One option is to use a different name for the variable (and parameterize tabs.js functions rather than rely on global vars.)
When using jsp include, one of a very useful skill is to make your .js code modular . This is also an important method to encapsulate code and avoid conflict.
var tabModule = (function(my){
var model;
return {
setModel: function(model){/*....*/}
//other api functions
tabModule.setModel({PageTabs : "Tab1"});
tabModule.setModel({PageTabs : "Tab2~Tab3~Tab4"});
