Compile java code at runtime - java

I have a java class that is used to perform login action using selenium. There are currently 10+ different login types and as such there is a lot of if else involved which looks bad and is not efficient.
if (logintype == 1 )
else if (logintype ==2 )
Other than code not being efficient the new code needs to be written, pushed and the server needs to be restarted every time a new login module is added.
I wanted to see if i can get the logic for login can be stored in db and if it can be compiled at runtime. I found groovy shell but i dont know how to get the results back to my class file. Also running groovy shell would require a lot of code changes. Is it possible in java
public class ExecuteAuth implements Runnable{
private WebDriver driver;
driver = new FirefoxDriver(firefoxBinary, profile, cap);
driver.manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait(20, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
//MongoDB code
DBCursor dbObjects = loginCollection.find();
while (dbObjects.hasNext()) {
DBObject dbObject =;
loginModule.add(new LoginModule((BasicDBObject) dbObject));
String loginType = (String) dbObject.get("loginType")
String script;
if (loginType.equals("1")) {
script = (String) dbObject.get("script")
GroovyShell shell = new GroovyShell ();

I strongly advise against that approach. You are opening a door to bad code be injected in your application. Another way could be upload to your server your new jars and take advantage of class loader to load classes at runtime:
How should I load Jars dynamically at runtime?
Also, you have alternatives to avoid if-else's: usage of interfaces and factory methods are the way to go, imho. And put your login's implementations on different classes implementing a Login interface, for example.
Factory method design pattern:


How to Prevent Selenium 3.0 (Geckodriver) from Creating Temporary Firefox Profiles?

I'm running the latest version of Selenium WebDriver with Geckodriver. I want to prevent Selenium from creating temporary Firefox Profiles in the temporary files directory when launching a new instance of WebDriver. Instead I want to use the original Firefox Profile directly. This has double benefit. First, it saves time (it takes significant amount of time for the profile to be copied to the temporary directory). Second, it ensures that cookies created during session are saved to the original profile. Before Selenium started relying on Geckodriver I was able to solve this problem by editing the class FirefoxProfile.class in SeleniumHQ as seen below:
public File layoutOnDisk() {
File profileDir;
if (this.disableTempProfileCreation) {
profileDir = this.model;
return profileDir;
} else {
try {
profileDir = TemporaryFilesystem.getDefaultTmpFS().createTempDir("ABC", "XYZ");
File userPrefs = new File(profileDir, "user.js");
this.copyModel(this.model, profileDir);
return profileDir;
} catch (IOException var3) {
throw new UnableToCreateProfileException(var3);
This would stop Selenium from creating a temporary Firefox Profile when the parameter disableTempProfileCreation was set to true.
However, now that Selenium is being controlled by Geckodriver this solution no longer works as the creation (and launch) of Firefox Profile is controlled by Geckodriver.exe (which is written in Rust language). How can I achieve the same objective with Geckodriver? I don't mind editing the source code. I'm using Java.
Important Update:
I would like to thank everyone for taking the time to respond to this question. However, as stated in some of the comments, the first 3 answers do not address the question at all - for two reasons. First of all, using an existing Firefox Profile will not prevent Geckodriver from copying the original profile to a temporary directory (as indicated in the OP and clearly stated by one or more of the commentators below). Second, even if it did it is not compatible with Selenium 3.0.
I'm really not sure why 3 out of 4 answer repeat the exact same answer with the exact same mistake. Did they read the question? The only answer the even attempts to address the question at hand is the answer by #Life is complex however it is incomplete. Thanks.
UPDATED POST 05-30-2021
This is the hardest question that I have every tried to answer on Stack Overflow. Because it involved the interactions of several code bases written in multiple languages (Java, Rust and C++). This complexity made the question potentially unsolvable.
My last crack at this likely unsolvable question:
Within the code in your question you are modifying the file user.js This file is still used by Selenium.
public FirefoxProfile() {
* Constructs a firefox profile from an existing profile directory.
* <p>
* Users who need this functionality should consider using a named profile.
* #param profileDir The profile directory to use as a model.
public FirefoxProfile(File profileDir) {
this(null, profileDir);
protected FirefoxProfile(Reader defaultsReader, File profileDir) {
if (defaultsReader == null) {
defaultsReader = onlyOverrideThisIfYouKnowWhatYouAreDoing();
additionalPrefs = new Preferences(defaultsReader);
model = profileDir;
File prefsInModel = new File(model, "user.js");
if (prefsInModel.exists()) {
StringReader reader = new StringReader("{\"frozen\": {}, \"mutable\": {}}");
Preferences existingPrefs = new Preferences(reader, prefsInModel);
acceptUntrustedCerts = getBooleanPreference(existingPrefs, ACCEPT_UNTRUSTED_CERTS_PREF, true);
untrustedCertIssuer = getBooleanPreference(existingPrefs, ASSUME_UNTRUSTED_ISSUER_PREF, true);
} else {
acceptUntrustedCerts = true;
untrustedCertIssuer = true;
// This is not entirely correct but this is not stored in the profile
// so for now will always be set to false.
loadNoFocusLib = false;
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new WebDriverException(e);
So in theory you should be able to modify in the geckodriver source code. That file contains the temp_dir.
As I stated this in only a theory, because when I looked at the Firefox source, which has temp_dir spread throughout the code base.
ORIGINAL POST 05-26-2021
I'm not sure that you can prevent Selenium from creating a temporary Firefox Profile.
From the gecko documents:
"Profiles are created in the systems temporary folder. This is also where the encoded profile is extracted when profile is provided. By default geckodriver will create a new profile in this location."
The only solution that I see at the moment would require you modify the Geckodriver source files to prevent the creation of temporary folders/profiles.
I'm currently looking at the source. These files might be the correct ones, but I need to look at the source more:
Here are some other files that need to be combed through:
This looks promising:
"geckodriver uses [profiles] to instrument Firefox’ behaviour. The
user will usually rely on geckodriver to generate a temporary,
throwaway profile. These profiles are deleted when the WebDriver
session expires.
In cases where the user needs to use custom, prepared profiles,
geckodriver will make modifications to the profile that ensures
correct behaviour. See [Automation preferences] below on the
precedence of user-defined preferences in this case.
Custom profiles can be provided two different ways:
1. by appending --profile /some/location to the [args capability],
which will instruct geckodriver to use the profile in-place;
I found this question on trying to do this: how do I use an existing profile in-place with Selenium Webdriver?
Also here is an issue that was raised in selenium on Github concerning the temp directory.
Looking through the source of geckodriver v0.29.1 I found a file where the profile is loaded.
fn load_profile(options: &Capabilities) -> WebDriverResult<Option<Profile>> {
if let Some(profile_json) = options.get("profile") {
let profile_base64 = profile_json.as_str().ok_or_else(|| {
WebDriverError::new(ErrorStatus::InvalidArgument, "Profile is not a string")
let profile_zip = &*base64::decode(profile_base64)?;
// Create an emtpy profile directory
let profile = Profile::new()?;
.expect("Profile doesn't have a path")
} else {
fn start_browser(&mut self, port: u16, options: FirefoxOptions) -> WebDriverResult<()> {
let binary = options.binary.ok_or_else(|| {
"Expected browser binary location, but unable to find \
binary in default location, no \
'moz:firefoxOptions.binary' capability provided, and \
no binary flag set on the command line",
let is_custom_profile = options.profile.is_some();
let mut profile = match options.profile {
Some(x) => x,
None => Profile::new()?,
self.set_prefs(port, &mut profile, is_custom_profile, options.prefs)
.map_err(|e| {
format!("Failed to set preferences: {}", e),
let mut runner = FirefoxRunner::new(&binary, profile);
if self.settings.jsdebugger {
if let Some(args) = options.args.as_ref() {
let browser_proc = runner.start().map_err(|e| {
format!("Failed to start browser {}: {}", binary.display(), e),
self.browser = Some(Browser::Host(browser_proc));
pub fn set_prefs(
port: u16,
profile: &mut Profile,
custom_profile: bool,
extra_prefs: Vec<(String, Pref)>,
) -> WebDriverResult<()> {
let prefs = profile.user_prefs().map_err(|_| {
"Unable to read profile preferences file",
for &(ref name, ref value) in prefs::DEFAULT.iter() {
if !custom_profile || !prefs.contains_key(name) {
prefs.insert((*name).to_string(), (*value).clone());
if self.settings.jsdebugger {
prefs.insert("devtools.browsertoolbox.panel", Pref::new("jsdebugger"));
prefs.insert("devtools.debugger.remote-enabled", Pref::new(true));
prefs.insert("", Pref::new(true));
prefs.insert("devtools.debugger.prompt-connection", Pref::new(false));
prefs.insert("marionette.log.level", logging::max_level().into());
prefs.insert("marionette.port", Pref::new(port));
prefs.write().map_err(|e| {
format!("Unable to write Firefox profile: {}", e),
After looking through the gecko source it looks like mozprofile::profile::Profile is coming from FireFox and not geckodriver
It seems that you might have issues with profiles when you migrate to Selenium 4.
For Selenium 4 we have deprecated the use of profiles as there are other mechanisms that we can do to make the start up faster.
Please use the Options class to set preferences that you need and if you need to use an addon use the driver.install_addon("path/to/addon")
you can install selenium 4, which is in beta, via pip install selenium --pre
I noted in your code you were writing to user.js, which is a custom file for FireFox. Have you considered creating on these files manually outside of Gecko?
Also have you looked at mozprofile?
Thanks to source code provided in answer of Life is complex in link!. I have the chance to look through geckodriver source.
I believe that the reason you could not find out any rust_tmp in source because it is generated randomly by Profile::new() function.
When I look deeper in code structure, I saw that is the place where the browser is actually loaded which is called through If you noticing carefully, LocalBrowser::new method will be called whenever a new session is initialized and the profile will be loaded in that state also. Then by checking file, there will be a block code line 60 - 70 used to actually generate profile for new session instance. Now, what need to do is modifying this path to load your custom profile.
Downloading zip file of geckodriver-0.30.0, extracting it by your prefer zip program :P
Looking on src/ of geckodriver source, in line 60 - 70, hoping you will see something like this:
let is_custom_profile = options.profile.is_some();
let mut profile = match options.profile {
Some(x) => x,
None => Profile::new()?,
Change it to your prefer folder ( hoping you know some rust code ), example:
let mut profile = match options.profile {
Some(x) => x,
None => Profile::new()?,
let path = std::path::Path::new("path-to-profile");
let mut profile = Profile::new_from_path(path)?;
Re-compile with prefer rust compiler, example:
Cargo build
Hoping this info will help you someway. This is not comprehensive but hoping it is good enough hint for you like it is possible to write some extra code to load profile from env or pass from argument, it is possible but I'm not rust developer so too lazy for providing one in here.
The above solution is work fine for me and I could load and use directly my profile from that. Btw, I work on Archlinux with rust info: cargo 1.57.0.
TBH, this is first time I push comment on stackoverflow, so feel free to correct me if I'm wrong or produce unclear answer :P
I worked in geckodriver 0.30.0 which will not be the same as geckodriver 0.29.1 mentioned by Life is complex. But the change between 2 versions just be split action, so the similar modify path in version 0.29.1 will be included in method MarionetteHandler::start_browser in file src/
Since my starting point is Life is complex answer, please looking through it for more information.
I've come up with a solution that 1) works with Selenium 4.7.0--however, I don't see why it wouldn't work with 3.x as well, 2) allows the user to pass in an existing Firefox profile dynamically via an environment variable--and if this environment variable doesn't exist, simply acts "normally", and 3) if you do not want a temporary copy of the profile directory, simply do not pass the source profile directory to Selenium.
I downloaded Geckodriver 0.32.0 and made it so that you simply need to provide the Firefox profile directory via the environment variable FIREFOX_PROFILE_DIR. For example, in C#, before you create the FirefoxDriver, call:
Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("FIREFOX_PROFILE_DIR", myProfileDir);
The change to Rust is in, line 88, replacing:
let mut profile = match options.profile {
ProfileType::Named => None,
ProfileType::Path(x) => Some(x),
ProfileType::Temporary => Some(Profile::new(profile_root)?),
let mut profile = if let Ok(profile_dir) = std::env::var("FIREFOX_PROFILE_DIR") {
} else {
match options.profile {
ProfileType::Named => None,
ProfileType::Path(x) => Some(x),
ProfileType::Temporary => Some(Profile::new(profile_root)?),
You may refer to my Git commit to see the diff against the original Geckodriver code.
The new driver by default creates a new profile if no options are set. To use a existing profile, one way to do this is to set the system property webdriver.firefox.profile before creating the firefox driver. A small code snippet that can create a firefox driver (given you have locations for geckodriver, and the firefox profile):
System.setProperty("webdriver.firefox.profile", "path_to_firefox_profile");
WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver();
You could even set these system properties using the env. variables and skip defining them everywhere.
Another way to do this is to use the FirefoxOptions class which allows you to configure a lot of options. To start with, take a look at org.openqa.selenium.firefox.FirefoxDriver and org.openqa.selenium.firefox.FirefoxOptions. A small example:
FirefoxOptions options = new FirefoxOptions();
options.setProfile(new FirefoxProfile(new File("path_to_your_profile")));
WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver(options);
Hope this is helpful.
You can create firefox profile which will be clean and name it as SELENIUM
So When initializing the Webdriver get the profile which you have already created through the code, so that it wont create any new temp profiles all the time.
ProfilesIni allProfiles = new ProfilesIni();
FirefoxProfile desiredProfile = allProfiles.getProfile("SELENIUM");
WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver(desiredProfile);
That way, you assure that this profile will be used anytime you do the tests.
You can handle this by using --
FirefoxProfile profile = new FirefoxProfile(new File("D:\\Selenium Profile..."));
WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver(profile);
There is one more option but it inherits all the cookies, cache contents, etc. of the previous uses of the profile let’s see how it will be --
System.setProperty("webdriver.firefox.profile", "MySeleniumProfile");
WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver(...);
Hope this answers your question in short.

Webdriver test pause unexpectedly

I have a Selenium WebDriver based testcase, which pauses during execution. It should upload thousands of files to a website. When it chooses the file to upload it sometimes doesn't click ok, but waits for manual interaction. In most cases it is working perfectly.
I use StringSelection to copy and paste file source to input field.
StringSelection cp = new StringSelection(fileSource);
Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getSystemClipboard().setContents(cp, null);
I think your test could be running to quickly? If this is the case, then you could potentially use WebDriverWait?? WebDriverWait could be used to wait for the 'OK' element to be visible prior to clicking and therefore proceeding.
I might be wrong, but I can't really tell what the issue is without the rest of the code.
Personally, I use the following method which I can then call
public void waitForElementToBeVisible(String cssSelector) throws Throwable {
try {
WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, 30);
} catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("Timeout exceeded");
For behavior "When it chooses the file to upload it sometimes doesn't click ok, but waits for manual interaction. In most cases it is working perfectly." I prefer use failed retry count. Every step with click should be wrapped up on the test and if test result=failed - retry test some times(3 or 5). JUnit have good mechanizm for that:
public abstract class AbstractTest extends LibTest {
public JUnitRetry retry = new JUnitRetry(3);
public class Test extends AbstractTest
public void testCp(String fileSource){
StringSelection cp = new StringSelection(fileSource);
Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getSystemClipboard().setContents(cp, null);
Below code working fine for the similar scenario in our environment.
StringSelection cp = new StringSelection(fileSource);
Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getSystemClipboard().setContents(cp, null);
Robot robot=new Robot();
We can also use AutoIT to perform this type actions.
Please find AutoIT code to handle this case.
Download AutoIT ,write this code in AutoIT name it as 'Loadfromdisk' and compile. .exe will be generated, please place exe somwhere in your local drive(ex: E:\Loadfromdisk.exe)
AutoItSetOption("WinTitleMatchMode","2") ;
$title=WinGetTitle("[CLASS:DirectUIHWND; INSTANCE:2]")
If WinExists($title) Then
WinFlash($title,"", 4, 500) ;Just to Flash the window
ControlSetText($title, "", "Edit1", fileSource)
Load from disk Selenium Java code, this will load the file placed at 'filesource' path mentioned in AutoIT code into web application
String strAutoIT = "E:\\Loadfromdisk.exe";
String[] astrArg = null;
astrArg=new String[]{strAutoIT};
Please see whether this helps to run your testcase.

How to test a web page using selenium through a desktop application?

I need to test a webpage via desktop application, I'm trying to use
the selenium IDE, I had sucess to create the test cases, but I'm not
able to execute them on java.
I've been looking for something helpful, but I can't find any help at all.
Thank you
A framework that has been created for just this cause, (it's in Java) can be downloaded here or you can check the project out from github here.
This project was designed to be very simple, yet very effective. This type of framework is a "free version" of my interpretation of a framework that I use every day in production-type environments.
There is a sample test that is enclosed in the project named Assuming you follow the ReadMe to the T, you should have no problem getting started.
Here is what a test would look like in this framework.
#Config(url = "", browser = Browser.FIREFOX) // You are able to specify a "base url" for your test, from which you will test. You may leave `browser` blank.
public class SampleFunctionalTest extends AutomationTest {
* You are able to fire this test right up and see it in action. Right click the test() method, and click "Run As... jUnit test".
* The purpose of this is to show you how you can continue testing, just by taking the semi colon out, and continuing with your test.
public void test() {
// click / validateAttribute
.validateAttribute(props.get("click"), "class", "success") // validate that the class indeed added.
// setText / validateText
.setText("setTextField"), "woot!")
.validateText("setTextField"), "woot!") // validates that it indeed set.
// check / uncheck
.validateChecked("checkbox")) // validate that it checked
.check(props.get("radio.2")) // remember that props come from <class name>.properties, and are always CSS selectors. (why use anything else, honestly.)
.validateUnchecked(props.get("radio.1")) // since radio 1 was selected by default, check the second one, then validate that the first radio is no longer checked.
// select from dropdowns.
.selectOptionByText(By.xpath("//select[#id='select']"), "Second") // just as a proof of concept that you can select on anything. But don't use xpath!!
.validateText("select"), "2") // validateText() will actually return the value="" attr of a dropdown, so that's why 2 works but "Second" will not.
.selectOptionByValue(By.cssSelector("select#select"), "3")
.validateText(props.get("select"), "3")
// frames
.switchToFrame("frame") // the id="frame"
// windows
.switchToWindow("Getting Started with Selenium") // switch back to the test window.
.click(By.linkText("Open a new tab / window"))
.waitForWindow("Google") // waits for the url. Can also be the you are expecting. :) (regex enabled too)
.setText("q"), "google!")
.closeWindow(); // we've closed google, and back on the getting started with selenium page.
You should create an instance of a WebDriver and call methods on the instance of that object.
An easy example is shown here:
I hope you have created the script in webdriver.
Now in the script recorded by the selenium ide you have three methods called
setup, testSomeName and tearDown.
From the very basic: to run this script all you need to do is create a main method in the same class and in that you need to call these methods in the same order as specified above.
After that you just need to run that program.
Here is an example to make it more clear:
public class p_adjcb {
public void setUp() throws Exception {
public void testP_adjcb() throws Exception {
public void tearDown() throws Exception {
public static void main(String[] args) {
p_adjcb obj = new p_adjcb();
try {
} catch (Exception ex) {
If you get any compiler error make sure you have downloaded the selenium-standalone-server.jar file and added it to your class path.
This is a very basic start. Later on you may need to use som framework like junit.
Hope it helps.

Mock database driver

Is there some kind of JDBC driver which simply ignores database calls?
For the development I am migrating an application to a virtual machine. Here I want to work on the GUI part only. But the application makes several requests to a database which doesn't let the application even start. I don't want to change the application code at this time since the database is pretty much coupled.
So I was thinking there could be a JDBC driver which just returns empty results for queries.
I decided to write an own simple mock driver. This was pretty much straight forward and did what I want. I can switch the database driver of the application by a configuration file so I could let the application use my driver on a simple way.
Then I extended the driver to return data which it parses from CSV files. I published the code on google code maybe someone else can get use of it: dummyjdbc
There are some "void" JDBC drivers as part of Mocking framewroks, for example MockDriver from Mockrunner.
But using it requires some coding.
That's because when Java application connects to a database it provides a JDBC URL in form jdbc:mysql://localhost. The system is searching which driver is registered in it to handle this kind of URL and chooses the right driver. The info about which URL type driver supports is contained in the driver itself, and it's impossible for a mock driver to hold all known URL types in it - there's no such thing as wildcarding there and any list would not be full.
So, if you're able to call JDBCMockObjectFactory.registerMockDriver() in the application before it connects to the database - it will do the job. If not - I don't think it's possible. However, slight modification of the driver code would do it... but again - coding is required.
jOOQ ships with a MockConnection that can be provided with a MockDataProvider, which is much easier to implement than the complete JDBC API. This blog post shows how to use the MockConnection:
An example:
MockDataProvider provider = new MockDataProvider() {
// Your contract is to return execution results, given a context
// object, which contains SQL statement(s), bind values, and some
// other context values
public MockResult[] execute(MockExecuteContext context)
throws SQLException {
// Use ordinary jOOQ API to create an org.jooq.Result object.
// You can also use ordinary jOOQ API to load CSV files or
// other formats, here!
DSLContext create = DSL.using(...);
Result<MyTableRecord> result = create.newResult(MY_TABLE);
// Now, return 1-many results, depending on whether this is
// a batch/multi-result context
return new MockResult[] {
new MockResult(1, result)
// Put your provider into a MockConnection and use that connection
// in your application. In this case, with a jOOQ DSLContext:
Connection connection = new MockConnection(provider);
DSLContext create = DSL.using(connection, dialect);
// Done! just use regular jOOQ API. It will return the values
// that you've specified in your MockDataProvider
assertEquals(1, create.selectOne().fetch().size());
There is also the MockFileDatabase, which helps you matching dummy results with SQL strings by writing a text file like this:
# This is a sample test database for MockFileDatabase
# Its syntax is inspired from H2's test script files
# When this query is executed...
select 'A' from dual;
# ... then, return the following result
> A
> -
> A
# rows: 1
# Just list all possible query / result combinations
select 'A', 'B' from dual;
> A B
> - -
> A B
# rows: 1
select "TABLE1"."ID1", "TABLE1"."NAME1" from "TABLE1";
> --- -----
> 1 X
> 2 Y
# rows: 2
My framework Acolyte is a tested JDBC driver designed for such purposes (mock up, testing, ...):
It already used in several open source projects, either in vanilla Java, or using its Scala DSL:
// Register prepared handler with expected ID 'my-unique-id'
acolyte.Driver.register("my-unique-id", handler);
// then ...
Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection(jdbcUrl);
// ... Connection |con| is managed through |handler|
Never heard of such a driver myself. If you don't find one, you could instead use a DB like HSQLDB. You can configure it to use in-memory tables, so nothing else gets written to disk. You would have to use a different connection string, though.
If you want to do unit tests, not an integration tests, than
you can use a very basic and simple approach, using Mockito only, like this:
public class JDBCLowLevelTest {
private TestedClass tested;
private Connection connection;
private static Driver driver;
public static void setUpClass() throws Exception {
// (Optional) Print DriverManager logs to system out
DriverManager.setLogWriter(new PrintWriter((System.out)));
// (Optional) Sometimes you need to get rid of a driver (e.g JDBC-ODBC Bridge)
Driver configuredDriver = DriverManager.getDriver("jdbc:odbc:url");
System.out.println("De-registering the configured driver: " + configuredDriver);
// Register the mocked driver
driver = mock(Driver.class);
System.out.println("Registering the mock driver: " + driver);
public static void tearDown() throws Exception {
// Let's cleanup the global state
System.out.println("De-registering the mock driver: " + driver);
public void setUp() throws Exception {
// given
tested = new TestedClass();
connection = mock(Connection.class);
given(driver.connect(anyString(), Matchers.<Properties>any()))
Than you can test various scenarios, like in any other Mockito test e.g.
public void shouldHandleDoubleException() throws Exception {
// given
SomeData someData = new SomeData();
.willThrow(new SQLException("Prepare call"));
willThrow(new SQLException("Close exception")).given(connection).close();
// when
SomeResponse response = testClass.someMethod(someData);
// then
assertThat(response, is(SOME_ERROR));
If you're using Spring, make your own class that implements Datasource and have the methods do nothing.

How can I fill out an online form with Java?

My cell phone provider offers a limited number of free text messages on their website. I frequently use the service although I hate constantly having a tab open in my browser.
Does anyone know/point me in the right direction of how I could create a jar file/command line utility so I can fill out the appropriate forms on the site. I've always wanted to code up a project like this in Java, just in case anyone asks why I'm not using something else.
Kind Regards,
Try with Webdriver from Google or Selenium.
Sounds like you need a framework designed for doing functional testing. These act as browsers and can navigate web sites for testing and automation. You don't need the testing functionality, but it would still serve your needs.
Try HtmlUnit, or LiFT, which is a higher-level abstraction built on HtmlUnit.
Use Watij with the Eclipse IDE. When your done, compile as an .exe or run with a batch file.
Here is some sample code I wrote for filling in fields for a Google search, which can be adjusted for the web form you want to control :
package goog;
import junit.framework.TestCase;
import static watij.finders.SymbolFactory.*;
public class GTestCases extends TestCase {
private static activeIE_m;
public static IE attachToIE(String url) throws Exception {
if (activeIE_m==null)
activeIE_m = new IE();
} else {
return (activeIE_m);
public static String getActiveUrl () throws Exception {
String currUrl = activeIE_m.url().toString();
return currUrl;
public void testGoogleLogin() throws Exception {
IE ie = attachToIE("");
if ( ie.containsText("/Sign in/") ) {
if ( ie.containsText("Sign in with your") ||
ie.containsText("Sign in to iGoogle with your")) {
if ( ie.checkbox(name,"PersistentCookie").checked() ){
System.out.println("Login finished.");
public void testGoogleSearch() throws Exception {
//IE ie = attachToIE( getActiveUrl() );
IE ie = attachToIE( "" );
ie.button(value,"Advanced Search").click();
System.out.println("Search finished.");
public void testGoogleResult() throws Exception {
IE ie = attachToIE( getActiveUrl() );,"").click();
System.out.println("Followed link.");
It depends on how they are sending the form information.
If they are using a simple GET request, all you need to do is fill in the appropriate url parameters.
Otherwise you will need to post the form information to the target page.
You could use Watij, which provides a Java/COM interface onto Internet Explorer. Then write a small amount of Java code to navigate the form, insert values and submit.
Alternatively, if it's simple, then check out HttpClient, which is a simple Java HTTP client API.
Whatever you do, watch out that you don't contravene your terms of service (easy during testing - perhaps you should work against a mock interface initially?)
WebTest is yet another webapp testing framework that may be easier to use than the alternatives cited by others.
Check out the Apache Commons Net Package. There you can send a POSt request to a page. This is quite low level but may do what you want (if not you might check out the functional testing suites but it is probably not as easy to dig into).
As jjnguy says, you'll need to dissect the form to find out all the parameters.
With them you can form your own request using Apache's HTTP Client and fire it off.
