Get unique words from Spark Dataset in Java - java

I'm using Apache Spark 2 to tokenize some text.
Dataset<Row> regexTokenized = regexTokenizer.transform(data);
It returns Array of String.
Dataset<Row> words ="words");
sample data looks like this.
| words|
|[very, caring, st...|
|[the, grand, cafe...|
|[i, booked, a, no...|
|[wow, the, places...|
|[if, you, are, ju...|
Now, I want to get it all unique words. I tried out a couple of filters, flatMap, map functions and reduce. I couldn't figure it out because I'm new to the Spark.

based on the #Haroun Mohammedi answer, I was able to figure it out in Java.
Dataset<Row> uniqueWords ="words"))).distinct();;

I'm coming from scala but I do believe that there's a similar way in Java.
I think in this case you have to use the explode method in order to transform your data into a Dataset of words.
This code should give you the desired results :
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.explode
val dsWords ="words"))
val dsUniqueWords = dsWords.distinct()
For information about the explode methode please refer to the official documentation
Hope it helps.


How to access the entries in every row and apply custom functions?

My input was a kafka-stream with only one value which is comma-separated. It looks like this.
I already splitted the dataset so that i have something like the following structured stream
Dataset<Row> words = df
.selectExpr("CAST (value AS STRING)")
.withColumn("id", split(col("value"), ",").getItem(0))
.withColumn("country", split(col("value"), ",").getItem(1))
.withColumn("timestamp", split(col("value"), ",").getItem(2));
|id |country |timestamp |
|2922|de |1231231232|
|4195|de |1231232424|
|6796|fr |1232412323|
Now I have a dataset with 3 columns. Now i want to use the entries in each row in a custom function e.g.
Dataset<String> -> {
//do something with every entry of each row e.g.
Person person = new Person(id, country, timestamp);
String name = person.getName();
return name;
In the end i want to sink out again a comma-separated String.
Data frame has a schema so you cant just call a map function on it without defining a new schema.
You can either cast to RDD and use a map , or use a DF map with encoder.
Another option is I think you can use spark SQL with user defined functions, you can read about it.
If your use case is really simple as you are showing, doing something like :
var nameRdd = => {f(x)})
which seems like is all you need
if you still want a dataframe you can use something like:
val schema = StructType(Seq[StructField](StructField(dataType = StringType, name = s"name")))
val rddToDf = => Row.apply(name))
val df = sparkSession.createDataFrame(rddToDf, schema)
P.S dataframe === dataset
If you have a custom function that is not available by composing functions in the existing spark API[1], then you can either drop down to the RDD level (as #Ilya suggested), or use a UDF[2].
Typically I'll try to use the spark API functions on a dataframe whenever possible, as they generally will be the best optimized.
If thats not possible I will construct a UDF:
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.{col, udf}
val squared = udf((s: Long) => s * s)
display(spark.range(1, 20).select(squared(col("id")) as "id_squared"))
In your case you need to pass multiple columns to your UDF, you can pass them in comma separated squared(col("col_a"), col("col_b")).
Since you are writing your UDF in Scala it should be pretty efficient, but keep in mind if you use Python, in general there will be extra latency due to data movements between JVM and Python.

How to add string to string array column in spark dataset

I have a "Dataset(Row)" as below
|val | history |
|500 |[a=456, a=500]|
|800 |[a=456, a=500]|
|784 |[a=456, a=500]|
Here val is "String" and history is an "string array". I'm trying to add the content in val column to the history column, so that my dataset looks like :
|val | history |
|500 |[a=456, b=500, c=500]|
|800 |[a=456, b=500, c=800]|
|784 |[a=456, b=500, c=784]|
A similar question is discussed here , but I don't know scala and couldn't create a similar java solution.
Please help me to achieve this in java
In Spark 2.4 (not before), you can use the concat function to concat two arrays. In your case, you could do something like:
df.withColumn("val2", concat(lit("c="), col("val")))
.select(concat(col("history"), array(col("val2")));
NB: the first time I use concat is to concat strings, the second time, to concat arrays. array(col("val2")) creates an array of one element.
I coded a solution but I'm not sure if it can be further optimized -> {
Seq<String> seq = row.getAs("history");
ArrayList<String> list = new ArrayList<>(JavaConversions.seqAsJavaList(seq));
return RowFactory.create(row.getAs("val"),list.toArray(new String[0]));},schema);

Dataflow GCS to BigQuery - How to output multiple rows per input?

Currently I am using the gcs-text-to-bigquery google provided template and feeding in a transform function to transform my jsonl file. The jsonl is pretty nested and i wanted to be able to output multiple rows per one row of the newline delimited json by doing some transforms.
For example:
{'state': 'FL', 'metropolitan_counties':[{'name': 'miami dade', 'population':100000}, {'name': 'county2', 'population':100000}…], 'rural_counties':{'name': 'county1', 'population':100000}, {'name': 'county2', 'population':100000}….{}], 'total_state_pop':10000000,….}
There will obviously be more counties than 2 and each state will have one of these lines. The output my boss wants is:
When i do the gcs-to-bq text transform, i end up only getting one line per state (so I'll get miami dade county from FL, and then whatever the first county is in my transform for the next state). I read a little bit and i think this is because of the mapping in the template that expects one output per jsonline. It seems I can do a pardo(DoFn ?) not sure what that is, or there is a similar option with beam.Map in python. There is some business logic in the transforms (right now it's about 25 lines of code as the json has more columns than i showed but those are pretty simple).
Any suggestions on this? data is coming in tonight/tomorrow, and there will be hundreds of thousands of rows in a BQ table.
the template i am using is currently in java, but i can translate it to python pretty easily as there are a lot of examples online in python. i know python better and i think its easier given the different types (sometimes a field can be null) and it seems less daunting given the examples i saw look simpler, however, open to either
Solving that in Python is somewhat straightforward. Here's one possibility (not fully tested):
from __future__ import absolute_import
import ast
import apache_beam as beam
from import ReadFromText
from import WriteToText
from apache_beam.options.pipeline_options import PipelineOptions
import os
os.environ['GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS'] = '/path/to/service_account.json'
pipeline_args = [
pipeline_options = PipelineOptions(pipeline_args)
def jsonify(element):
return ast.literal_eval(element)
def unnest(element):
state = element.get('state')
state_pop = element.get('total_state_pop')
if state is None or state_pop is None:
for type_ in ['metropolitan_counties', 'rural_counties']:
for e in element.get(type_, []):
name = e.get('name')
pop = e.get('population')
county_type = (
'Metropolitan' if type_ == 'metropolitan_counties' else 'Rural'
if name is None or pop is None:
yield {
'State': state,
'County_Type': county_type,
'County_Name': name,
'County_Pop': pop,
'State_Pop': state_pop
with beam.Pipeline(options=pipeline_options) as p:
lines = p | ReadFromText('gs://url to file')
schema = 'State:STRING,County_Type:STRING,County_Name:STRING,County_Pop:INTEGER,State_Pop:INTEGER'
data = (
| 'Jsonify' >> beam.Map(jsonify)
| 'Unnest' >> beam.FlatMap(unnest)
| 'Write to BQ' >>
'project_id:dataset_id.table_name', schema=schema,,
This will only succeed if you are working with batch data. If you have streaming data then just change to

how to use mongodb java-driver Projections.slice

I am trying to use Aggregates.project to slice the array in my documents.
My documents is like
in the mongochef looks like
and my code in java is :
Projections.slice("stype_0", pst-1, pen-pst),Projections.slice("stype_1", pst-1, pen-pst),
Projections.slice("stype_2", pst-1, pen-pst),Projections.slice("stype_3", pst-1, pen-pst))))
finally i get error
First argument to $slice must be an array, but is of type: int
I guess that is because the first element in stype_0 is int , but I really do not know why? Thanks a lot!
Slice has two versions. $slice(aggregation) & $slice(projection). You are using the wrong one.
Aggregate slice function doesn't have any built-in support. Below is an example for one such projection. Do the same for all the other projection fields.
List stype_0 = Arrays.asList("$stype_0", 1, 1);
Bson project = Aggregates.project(Projections.fields(new Document("stype_0", new Document("$slice", stype_0))));
AggregateIterable<Document> iterable = dbCollection.aggregate(Arrays.asList(project));

How to retrieve the Field that "hit" in Lucene

Maybe I'm really missing something.
I have indexed a bunch of key/value pairs in Lucene (v4.1 if it matters). Say I have
key1=value1 and key2=value2, e.g. as read from a properties file.
They get indexed both as specific fields and into a catchall "ALL" field, e.g.
new Field("key1", "value1", aFieldTypeMimickingKeywords);
new Field("key2", "value2", aFieldTypeMimickingKeywords);
new Field("ALL", "key1=value1", aFieldTypeMimickingKeywords);
new Field("ALL", "key2=value2", aFieldTypeMimickingKeywords);
// then get added to the Document of course...
I can then do a wildcard search, using
new WildcardQuery(new Term("ALL", "*alue1"));
and it will find the hit.
But, it would be nice to get more info, like "what was complete value (e.g. "key1=value1") that goes with that hit?".
The best I can figure out it to get the Document, then get the list of IndexableFields, then loop over all of them and see if the field.stringValue().contains("alue1"). (I can look at the data structures in the debugger and all the info is there)
This seems completely insane cause isn't that what Lucene just did? Shouldn't the Hit information return some of the Fields?
Is Lucene missing what seems like "obvious" functionality? Google and starting at the APIs hasn't revealed anything straightforward, but I feel like I must be searching on the wrong stuff.
You might want to try with IndexSearcher.explain() method. Once you get the ID of the matching document, prepare a query for each field (using the same search keywords) and invoke Explanation.isMatch() for each query: the ones that yield true will give you the matched field. Example:
for (String field: fields){
Query query = new WildcardQuery(new Term(field, "*alue1"));
Explanation ex = searcher.explain(query, docID);
if (ex.isMatch()){
//Your query matched field
