How to access the entries in every row and apply custom functions? - java

My input was a kafka-stream with only one value which is comma-separated. It looks like this.
I already splitted the dataset so that i have something like the following structured stream
Dataset<Row> words = df
.selectExpr("CAST (value AS STRING)")
.withColumn("id", split(col("value"), ",").getItem(0))
.withColumn("country", split(col("value"), ",").getItem(1))
.withColumn("timestamp", split(col("value"), ",").getItem(2));
|id |country |timestamp |
|2922|de |1231231232|
|4195|de |1231232424|
|6796|fr |1232412323|
Now I have a dataset with 3 columns. Now i want to use the entries in each row in a custom function e.g.
Dataset<String> -> {
//do something with every entry of each row e.g.
Person person = new Person(id, country, timestamp);
String name = person.getName();
return name;
In the end i want to sink out again a comma-separated String.

Data frame has a schema so you cant just call a map function on it without defining a new schema.
You can either cast to RDD and use a map , or use a DF map with encoder.
Another option is I think you can use spark SQL with user defined functions, you can read about it.
If your use case is really simple as you are showing, doing something like :
var nameRdd = => {f(x)})
which seems like is all you need
if you still want a dataframe you can use something like:
val schema = StructType(Seq[StructField](StructField(dataType = StringType, name = s"name")))
val rddToDf = => Row.apply(name))
val df = sparkSession.createDataFrame(rddToDf, schema)
P.S dataframe === dataset

If you have a custom function that is not available by composing functions in the existing spark API[1], then you can either drop down to the RDD level (as #Ilya suggested), or use a UDF[2].
Typically I'll try to use the spark API functions on a dataframe whenever possible, as they generally will be the best optimized.
If thats not possible I will construct a UDF:
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.{col, udf}
val squared = udf((s: Long) => s * s)
display(spark.range(1, 20).select(squared(col("id")) as "id_squared"))
In your case you need to pass multiple columns to your UDF, you can pass them in comma separated squared(col("col_a"), col("col_b")).
Since you are writing your UDF in Scala it should be pretty efficient, but keep in mind if you use Python, in general there will be extra latency due to data movements between JVM and Python.


How to create a new column in spark Dataset<Row> with a custom type

I have an input Dataset that are records coming from kafka-connect that I convert to a strongly typed Dataset and then perform some transformations. This has been done because there is a complex structure that must be created as part of the transformation.
The current approach chains a number of Map operations, but details in the source Dataset are lost:
Dataset<Row> inputDs = spark.readStream().format("kafka").load();
Dataset<MyClass> transformDf = inputDs
.map(new JsonDeserializationMapper(MyClass.class), Encoders.bean(MyClass.class))
.map(new TransformMapper(), Encoders.bean(MyClass.class))
.map(new DataAugmentationMapper(), Encoders.bean(MyClass.class));
Is there a way to create a strongly typed column in a dataset instead of creating a new Dataset and lose all other data from the source Dataset? Something like a Dataset with a schema of:
key:String | value:String | obj:MyClass

JavaPairRDD to Dataset<Row> in SPARK

I have data in JavaPairRDD in format
JavaPairdRDD<Tuple2<String, Tuple2<String,String>>>
I tried using below code
Encoder<Tuple2<String, Tuple2<String,String>>> encoder2 =
Encoders.tuple(Encoders.STRING(), Encoders.tuple(Encoders.STRING(),Encoders.STRING()));
Dataset<Row> userViolationsDetails = spark.createDataset(JavaPairRDD.toRDD(MY_RDD),encoder2).toDF("value1","value2");
But how to generate Dataset with 3 columns ??? As output of above code gives me data in 2 columns. Any pointers / suggestion ???
Try to run printSchema - you will see, that value2 is a complex type.
Having such information, you can write:
Dataset<Row> uvd = userViolationsDetails.selectExpr("value1", "value2._1 as value2", "value2._2 as value3")
value2._1 means first element of a tuple inside current "value2" field. We overwrite value2 field to have one value only
Note that this will work after is merged to master branch. Currently there is a bug in Spark and tuple is converted to struct with two fields named value

Get unique words from Spark Dataset in Java

I'm using Apache Spark 2 to tokenize some text.
Dataset<Row> regexTokenized = regexTokenizer.transform(data);
It returns Array of String.
Dataset<Row> words ="words");
sample data looks like this.
| words|
|[very, caring, st...|
|[the, grand, cafe...|
|[i, booked, a, no...|
|[wow, the, places...|
|[if, you, are, ju...|
Now, I want to get it all unique words. I tried out a couple of filters, flatMap, map functions and reduce. I couldn't figure it out because I'm new to the Spark.
based on the #Haroun Mohammedi answer, I was able to figure it out in Java.
Dataset<Row> uniqueWords ="words"))).distinct();;
I'm coming from scala but I do believe that there's a similar way in Java.
I think in this case you have to use the explode method in order to transform your data into a Dataset of words.
This code should give you the desired results :
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.explode
val dsWords ="words"))
val dsUniqueWords = dsWords.distinct()
For information about the explode methode please refer to the official documentation
Hope it helps.

How to Convert DataSet<Row> to DataSet of JSON messages to write to Kafka?

I use Spark 2.1.1.
I have the following DataSet<Row> ds1;
name | ratio | count // column names
"hello" | 1.56 | 34
(ds1.isStreaming gives true)
and I am trying to generate DataSet<String> ds2. other words when I write to a kafka sink I want to write something like this
{"name": "hello", "ratio": 1.56, "count": 34}
I have tried something like this df2.toJSON().writeStream().foreach(new KafkaSink()).start() but then it gives the following error
Queries with streaming sources must be executed with writeStream.start()
There are to_json and json_tuple however I am not sure how to leverage them here ?
I tried the following using json_tuple() function
Dataset<String> df4 = Column("result"), " name", "ratio", "count")).as(Encoders.STRING());
and I get the following error:
cannot resolve 'result' given input columns: [name, ratio, count];;
tl;dr Use struct function followed by to_json (as toJSON was broken for streaming datasets due to SPARK-17029 that got fixed just 20 days ago).
Quoting the scaladoc of struct:
struct(colName: String, colNames: String*): Column Creates a new struct column that composes multiple input columns.
Given you use Java API you have 4 different variants of struct function, too:
public static Column struct(Column... cols) Creates a new struct column.
With to_json function your case is covered:
public static Column to_json(Column e) Converts a column containing a StructType into a JSON string with the specified schema.
The following is a Scala code (translating it to Java is your home exercise):
val ds1 = Seq(("hello", 1.56, 34)).toDF("name", "ratio", "count")
val recordCol = to_json(struct("name", "ratio", "count")) as "record"
scala> = false)
|record |
I've also given your solution a try (with Spark 2.3.0-SNAPSHOT built today) and it seems it works perfectly.
val fromKafka = spark.
option("subscribe", "topic1").
option("kafka.bootstrap.servers", "localhost:9092").
select('value cast "string")
toJSON. // <-- JSON conversion
format("console"). // using console sink
format("kafka") was added in SPARK-19719 and is not available in 2.1.0.

spark schema rdd to RDD

I would like to do word count in spark , I created a rdd using spark sql to extract distinct tweets from data set.
I would like to use split function on top of RDD but its not allowing me to do so.
valuse split is not a member of org.apache.spark.sql.SchemaRdd
Spark Code that doesn't work to do word count:-
val disitnct_tweets=hiveCtx.sql("select distinct(text) from tweets_table where text <> ''")
val distinct_tweets_List=sc.parallelize(List(distinct_tweets))
//tried split on both the rdd disnt worked
distinct_tweets.flatmap(line => line.split(" ")).map(word => (word,1)).reduceByKey(_+_)
distinct_tweets_List.flatmap(line => line.split(" ")).map(word => (word,1)).reduceByKey(_+_)
But when I output the data from sparksql to a file and load it again and run split it works.
Example Code that works:-
val distinct_tweets=hiveCtx.sql("select dsitinct(text) from tweets_table where text <> ''")
val distinct_tweets_op=distinct_tweets.collect()
val rdd=sc.parallelize(distinct_tweets_op)
val textFile=sc.textFile("/home/cloudera/bdp/op/part-00000")
val counts=textFile.flatMap(line => line.split(" ")).map(word => (word,1)).reduceByKey(_+_)
I need a answer instead of writing to file and loading again to do my split function is there a work around to make split function work
First, we should not do collect() and then parallelize to create RDD; that will make driver busy/down.
val distinct_tweets=hiveCtx.sql("select dsitinct(text) from tweets_table where text <> ''")
val => x.mkstring)
[considering that, you select only single column in the query - distinct(text)]
now distinct_tweets_op is simply a RDD.
So, loop over this RDD; and you are good to apply split("") function on each string in that RDD.
Found the answer , its three step process to convert data frame or spark.sql.row.RDD to plain RDD.
map to string
val distinct_tweets=hiveCtx.sql(" select distinct(text) from tweets_table where text <> ''")
val distinct_tweets_op=distinct_tweets.collect()
val distinct_tweets_list=sc.parallelize(List(distinct_tweets_op))
val test_kali=distinct_tweets_string.flatMap(line =>line.split(" ")).map(word => (word,1)).reduceByKey(_+_).sortBy {case (key,value) => -value}.map { case (key,value) => Array(key,value).mkString(",") }
case class kali_test(text: String)
val" ")).map(p => kali_test(p(0)))
hiveCtx.sql(" select * from kali_test limit 10 ").collect().foreach(println)
This way I don't need to load in a file , I can do my operations on fly.
The main reason your first one failed was this line:
val distinct_tweets_List=sc.parallelize(List(distinct_tweets))
That's a completely useless line in Spark, and worse than useless -- as you saw it tanks your system.
You want to avoid doing collect(), which creates an Array and returns it to the Driver application. Instead, you want to leave the objects as RDDs as long as possible, and return as little as possible data to the Driver (like the keys and the counts after being reduced).
But to answer your basic question, the following will take a DataFrame consisting of a single StringType column and convert it to an RDD[String]:
val myRdd =
And though SchemaRDDs aren't around anymore, I believe the following will convert SchemaRDD with a single String column to a plain RDD[String]:
val myRdd =
