I have the following :
String contain 5* ;
char opr ;
int data ;
I would like to store the 5 in the data and * in the opr
any idea how to do it ?
as i know if the string contain only Integer then I will split and the parse it but in this case the String contain int and char
Input :
String input = 5* ;
I want the Output will be like this :
this.opr = *
this.data = 5
A simple way to achieve that (if you don't want to use Regex) is to do something like this:
String temp ="";
// read every char in the input String
for(char c: input.toCharArray()){
// if it's a digit
temp +=c; // append it
else{ // at the end parse the temp String
data = Integer.parseInt(temp);
opr = c;
System.out.println("Input: " + input
+ "\t Data: " + data
+ "\t Opr: " + opr);
Input: 5* Data: 5 Opr: *
Input: 123* Data: 123 Opr: *
Under the dubious assumption that the issue is parsing a String in the form of number followed by op, this code will achieve the desired result.
public static void main(String[] args)
final String input = "5*";
int data = -1;
String op = "";
Pattern pat = Pattern.compile("([\\d]+)[\\s]*(.*)");
Matcher m = pat.matcher(input);
if (m.matches() && m.groupCount() == 2) {
data = Integer.parseInt(m.group(1));
op = m.group(2).trim();
System.out.printf("%2d with op %s%n", data, op);
5 with op *
String input = 5*;
char[] splitted = input.toCharArray();
char opr = splitted[1];
int data = Character.getNumericValue(splitted[0]);
you may also try this with 3 different inputs as below. It will print 0 for incorrect DATA and blank for incorrect OPERAND.
String input = "5*";
//String input = "109/";
//String input = "109b3*";
int data = 0;
char opr = ' ';
int len = input.length();
if ( len > 1 ) {
String data_s = input.substring(0, len - 1);
try {
data = Integer.valueOf(data_s).intValue();
} catch(Exception e) {
opr = input.substring(len - 1). charAt(0);
if ( opr != '+' && opr != '-' && opr != '*' && opr != '/' ) {
opr = ' ';
System.out.println("Input:" + input + " Data:" + data + " Opr:" + opr);
I try to remove a space into a string which contains a int type value.
I read a .csv file with the scanner methode.
I use a Class to set/get the data.
I format data into the setter of the class.
Input data example:
String Pu_ht = "1 635,90";
Basic Example:
* #param Pu_ht the Pu_ht to set
public void setPu_ht(String Pu_ht) {
this.Pu_ht = Pu_ht.replace(",", ".").replace(".00", "");
Tried example:
* #param Pu_ht the Pu_ht to set
public void setPu_ht(String Pu_ht) {
this.Pu_ht = Pu_ht.replace(",", ".").replace(".00", "").replaceAll("\\s+", "");
Other example:
* #param Pu_ht the Pu_ht to set
public void setPu_ht(String Pu_ht) {
this.Pu_ht = Pu_ht.replace(",", ".").replace(".00", "").replaceAll(" ", "");
Output data example: 1 635.90
I tried a lots of things but nothing work for my case.
Best regards
My code:
public void requete_pommes() throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException, SQLException {
// open file input stream
BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(filename));
// read file line by line
String line = null;
Scanner scanner = null;
int index = 0;
List<Pommes> pomList = new ArrayList<>();
boolean firstLine = false;
while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) {
if (!(line.equals(";;;;TOTAL HT"))) {
if (!(line.equals(";;;;"))) {
Pommes pom = new Pommes();
scanner = new Scanner(line);
while (scanner.hasNext()) {
String data = scanner.next();
if ((index == 0)) {
} else if ((index == 1)) {
} else if ((index == 2)) {
} else if ((index == 3)) {
if(data.equals("1 635,90")){
data = data.replaceAll("\\s","");
System.err.println("data: " + data);
} else if ((index == 4)) {
} else {
System.out.println("invalid data::" + data);
index = 0;
requeteCorps = "(( SELECT codea FROM article WHERE tarif7 != 'O' AND tarif8 = 'O' AND pvente > 0 AND COALESCE(trim( reffou), '') != '' AND reffou = '" + pom.getReference() + "' ), " + pom.getQte() + " , " + pom.getPu_ht() + ", '" + kapiece + "', 'stomag','vendu', getnum('LCK')),";
The value "1 635,90" probably stems from a locale specific format, and the "space" actually is a non-breaking space, \u00A0. This is done often to prevent in flexible width text representation a line break to happen inside a number.
s = s.replace("\u00A0", "");
String Pu_ht = "1 635,90";
System.out.println(Pu_ht.replace(",", ".").replace(".00", "").replaceAll("\\s+", ""));
just put the above codes in main method and execute. the output will be 1635.90,then examine your codes.
I am new to Java Strings.
Actually I have the code to reverse words:
import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;
public class Test2 {
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException
System.out.println("enter a sentence");
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in));
String rev =br.readLine();
String [] bread = rev.split(" ");
for(int z =bread.length-1;z>=0;z--)
For the above code I get:
Input :Bangalore is a city
Output: City is a Bangalore
But I want the output to be like below:
Input: Bangalore is a city
Output:cityaisba ng a lore
Another Example:
Input: Hello Iam New To Java.Java is object Oriented language.
Output: langu age Ori en tedo bjec ti sjava. javaToNe wIamolleH
Please help me out
Here is one way you could do it:
String rev = br.readLine();
String [] bread = rev.split(" ");
int revCounter = 0;
for(int z = bread.length - 1; z >= 0; z--)
String word = bread[z];
for(int i = 0; i < word.length(); i++)
// If char at current position in 'rev' was a space then
// just print space. Otherwise, print char from current word.
if(rev.charAt(revCounter) == ' ')
System.out.print(' ');
When I run your code I get following result:
So to have it in a single line, why don't you add a space and print a single line?
System.out.println("enter a sentence");
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in));
String rev = br.readLine();
String[] bread = rev.split(" ");
for (int z = bread.length - 1; z >= 0; z--) {
System.out.print(bread[z] + " ");
I didn't check the validity of your code like GHajba did. But if you want spaces to remain on specific places it might be an option to remove all spaces and put them back according to their index in the original String.
Remove all
newBread = newBread.replace(" ", "");
Put them back
StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder(newBread);
for (int index = oldBread.indexOf(" ") ;
index >= 0 ;
index = oldBread.indexOf(" ", index + 1))
str.insert(index, ' ');
newBread = str.toString();
I came up with this quick and there might be better ways to do this, maybe without StringBuilder, but this might help you until you find a better way.
Try with this (i've used a string as input):
String original = "Bangalore is a city";
System.out.println("Original : "+original);
StringBuilder inverted = new StringBuilder();
StringBuilder output = new StringBuilder();
String temp = "";
String[] split = original.split("\\s+");
for (int i = split.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
temp = inverted.toString();
for (String string : split) {
int currLenght = string.length();
String substring = temp.substring(0,currLenght);
temp = temp.replaceAll(substring, "");
output.append(substring).append(" ");
System.out.println("Converted : "+output.toString());
Append the reversed words without the spaces into a StringBuffer.
StringBuffer b = new StringBuffer();
for (int i = bread.length-1; i >= 0 ; i--) {
Then insert the spaces of the original String into the StringBuffer.
int spaceIndex, prevIndex = 0;
while ((spaceIndex = rev.indexOf(" ", prevIndex + 1)) != -1) {
b.insert(spaceIndex, ' ');
prevIndex = spaceIndex;
I am trying to decode a string from base64 to UTF-8 for an assignment.
Not having programmed Java for a while I am probably not using the most efficient method, however I managed to implement a function working 99% correctly.
Decoding the example string in Base64: VGhpcyBpcyBhbiBBcnhhbiBzYW1wbGUgc3RyaW5nIHRoYXQgc2hvdWxkIGJlIGVhc2lseSBkZWNvZGVkIGZyb20gYmFzZTY0LiAgSXQgaW5jbHVkZXMgYSBudW1iZXIgb2YgVVRGOCBjaGFyYWN0ZXJzIHN1Y2ggYXMgdGhlIPEsIOksIOgsIOcgYW5kICYjOTYwOyBjaGFyYWN0ZXJzLg==
Results in:
This is an Arxan sample string that should be easily decoded from base64. It includes a number of UTF8 characters such as the ñ, é, è, ç and π characters.
However, in the place of the π should be the π symbol being outputted.
Note that I removed the ; after π in here as it seems Stackoverflow automatically corrected it to π
I have tried many things such as creating a byte array and printing that, but still not working.
I am using Eclipse, can it be that just the output there displays incorrectly?
Does somebody have a suggestion to get this to work?
Here is my code:
package base64;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
public class Base64 {
public static void main(String[] args) {
//Input strings
String base64 = "VGhpcyBpcyBhbiBBcnhhbiBzYW1wbGUgc3RyaW5nIHRoYXQgc2hvdWxkIGJlIGVhc2lseSBkZWNvZGVkIGZyb20gYmFzZTY0LiAgSXQgaW5jbHVkZXMgYSBudW1iZXIgb2YgVVRGOCBjaGFyYWN0ZXJzIHN1Y2ggYXMgdGhlIPEsIOksIOgsIOcgYW5kICYjOTYwOyBjaGFyYWN0ZXJzLg==";
//String base64 = "YW55IGNhcm5hbCBwbGVhc3U=";
String utf8 = "any carnal pleas";
//Base64 to UTF8
System.out.println("Base64 conversion to UTF8");
System.out.println("Input base64-string: " + base64);
System.out.println("Output UTF8-string: " + stringFromBase64(base64));
//UTF8 to Base64
System.out.println("UTF8 conversion to base64");
System.out.println("Input UTF8-string: " + utf8);
System.out.println("Output base64-string: " + stringToBase64(utf8));
System.out.println("Pi is π");
public static String stringFromBase64(String base64) {
StringBuilder binary = new StringBuilder();
int countPadding = countPadding(base64); //count number of padding symbols in source string
//System.out.println("No of *=* in the input is : " + countPadding);
for(int i=0; i<(base64.length()-countPadding); i++)
int base64Value = fromBase64(String.valueOf(base64.charAt(i))); //convert Base64 character to Int
String base64Binary = Integer.toBinaryString(base64Value); //convert Int to Binary string
StringBuilder base64BinaryCopy = new StringBuilder(); //debugging
if (base64Binary.length()<6) //adds required zeros to make 6 bit string
for (int j=base64Binary.length();j<6;j++){
base64BinaryCopy.append("0"); //debugging
base64BinaryCopy.append(base64Binary); // debugging
} else // debugging
base64BinaryCopy.append(base64Binary); //debugging
} // debugging
//System.out.println(base64.charAt(i) + " = " + base64Value + " = " + base64BinaryCopy); //debugging
StringBuilder utf8String = new StringBuilder();
for (int bytenum=0;bytenum<(binary.length()/8);bytenum++) //parse string Byte-by-Byte
StringBuilder utf8Bit = new StringBuilder();
for (int bitnum=0;bitnum<8;bitnum++){
char utf8Char = (char) Integer.parseInt(utf8Bit.toString(), 2); //Byte to utf8 char
utf8String.append(String.valueOf(utf8Char)); //utf8 char to string and append to final utf8-string
//System.out.println(utf8Bit + " = " + Integer.parseInt(utf8Bit.toString(), 2) + " = " + utf8Char + " = " + utf8String); //debugging
return utf8String.toString();
public static String stringToBase64(String utf8) {
StringBuilder binary = new StringBuilder();
String paddingString = "";
String paddingSymbols = "";
for(int i=0; i<(utf8.length()); i++)
int utf8Value = utf8.charAt(i); //convert utf8 character to Int
String utf8Binary = Integer.toBinaryString(utf8Value); //convert Int to Binary string
StringBuilder utf8BinaryCopy = new StringBuilder(); //debugging
if (utf8Binary.length()<8) //adds required zeros to make 8 bit string
for (int j=utf8Binary.length();j<8;j++){
utf8BinaryCopy.append("0"); //debugging
utf8BinaryCopy.append(utf8Binary); // debugging
} else // debugging
utf8BinaryCopy.append(utf8Binary); //debugging
} // debugging
//System.out.println(utf8.charAt(i) + " = " + utf8Value + " = " + utf8BinaryCopy);
if ((binary.length() % 6) == 2) {
paddingString = "0000"; //add 4 padding zeroes
paddingSymbols = "==";
} else if ((binary.length() % 6) == 4) {
paddingString = "00"; //add 2 padding zeroes
paddingSymbols = "=";
binary.append(paddingString); //add padding zeroes
StringBuilder base64String = new StringBuilder();
for (int bytenum=0;bytenum<(binary.length()/6);bytenum++) //parse string Byte-by-Byte per 6 bits
StringBuilder base64Bit = new StringBuilder();
for (int bitnum=0;bitnum<6;bitnum++){
int base64Int = Integer.parseInt(base64Bit.toString(), 2); //Byte to Int
char base64Char = toBase64(base64Int); //Int to Base64 char
base64String.append(String.valueOf(base64Char)); //base64 char to string and append to final Base64-string
//System.out.println(base64Bit + " = " + base64Int + " = " + base64Char + " = " + base64String); //debugging
base64String.append(paddingSymbols); //add padding ==
return base64String.toString();
public static char toBase64(int a) { //converts integer to corresponding base64 char
String charBase64 = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/";
//charBase64 = new char[]{'A','B','C','D','E','F','G','H','I','J','K','L','M','N'};
return charBase64.charAt(a);
public static int fromBase64(String x) { //converts base64 string to corresponding integer
String charBase64 = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/";
return charBase64.indexOf(x);
public static int countPadding(String countPadding) { //counts the number of padding symbols in base64 input string
int index = countPadding.indexOf("=");
int count = 0;
while (index != -1) {
countPadding = countPadding.substring(index + 1);
index = countPadding.indexOf("=");
return count;
UTF8 is a character encoding that transforms a given char to 1, 2 or more bytes. Your code assumes that each byte should be transformed to a character. That works fine for ASCII characters such as a, b, c that are indeed transformed to a single byte by UTF8, but it doesn't work for characters like PI, which are transformed to a multi-byte sequence.
Your algorithm is awfully inefficient, and I would just ditch it and use a ready-to-use ecnoder/decoder. The JDK 8 comes with one. Guava and commons-codec also do. Your code should be as simple as
String base64EncodedByteArray = "....";
byte[] decodedByteArray = decoder.decode(base64EncodedByteArray);
String asString = new String(decodedByteArray, StandardCharSets.UTF_8);
or, for the other direction:
String someString = "VGhpcyBpcyBhb...";
byte[] asByteArray = someString.getBytes(StandardCharSets.UTF_8);
String base64EncodedByteArray = encoder.encode(asBytArray);
I'm trying to add a count number for matching words, like this:
Match word: "Text"
Input: Text Text Text TextText ExampleText
Output: Text1 Text2 Text3 Text4Text5 ExampleText6
I have tried this:
String text = "Text Text Text TextText ExampleText";
String match = "Text";
int i = 0;
while(text.indexOf(match)!=-1) {
text = text.replaceFirst(match, match + i++);
Doesn't work because it would loop forever, the match stays in the string and IndexOf will never stop.
What would you suggest me to do?
Is there a better way doing this?
Here is one with a StringBuilder but no need to split:
public static String replaceWithNumbers( String text, String match ) {
int matchLength = match.length();
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder( text );
int index = 0;
int i = 1;
while ( ( index = sb.indexOf( match, index )) != -1 ) {
String iStr = String.valueOf(i++);
sb.insert( index + matchLength, iStr );
// Continue searching from the end of the inserted text
index += matchLength + iStr.length();
return sb.toString();
first take one stringbuffer i.e. result,Then spilt the source with the match(destination).
It results in an array of blanks and remaining words except "Text".
then check condition for isempty and depending on that replace the array position.
String text = "Text Text Text TextText ExampleText";
String match = "Text";
StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer();
String[] split = text.split(match);
for(int i=0;i<split.length;){
result.append(match+ ++i);
result.append(split[i]+match+ ++i);
System.out.println("Result is =>"+result);
Result is => Text1 Text2 Text3 Text4Text5 ExampleText6
Try this solution is tested
String text = "Text Text Text TextText Example";
String match = "Text";
String lastWord=text.substring(text.length() -match.length());
boolean lastChar=(lastWord.equals(match));
String[] splitter=text.split(match);
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for(int i=0;i<splitter.length;i++)
if (i != splitter.length - 1) {
String joined = sb.toString();
One possible solution could be
String text = "Text Text Text TextText ExampleText";
String match = "Text";
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(text);
int occurence = 1;
int offset = 0;
while ((offset = sb.indexOf(match, offset)) != -1) {
// fixed this after comment from #RealSkeptic
String insertOccurence = Integer.toString(occurence);
sb.insert(offset + match.length(), insertOccurence);
offset += match.length() + insertOccurence.length();
System.out.println("result: " + sb.toString());
This will work for you :
public static void main(String[] args) {
String s = "Text Text Text TextText ExampleText";
int count=0;
s=s.replaceFirst("Text", "*"+ ++count); // replace each occurrence of "Text" with some place holder which is not in your main String.
Text1 Text2 Text3 Text4Text5 ExampleText6
I refactored #DeveloperH 's code to this:
public class Snippet {
public static void main(String[] args) {
String matchWord = "Text";
String input = "Text Text Text TextText ExampleText";
String output = addNumbersToMatchingWords(matchWord, input);
private static String addNumbersToMatchingWords(String matchWord, String input) {
String[] inputsParts = input.split(matchWord);
StringBuilder outputBuilder = new StringBuilder();
int i = 0;
for (String inputPart : inputsParts) {
if (i != inputsParts.length - 1)
outputBuilder.append(" ");
return outputBuilder.toString();
We can solve this by using stringbuilder, it provides simplest construct to insert character in a string. Following is the code
String text = "Text Text Text TextText ExampleText";
String match = "Text";
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(text);
int beginIndex = 0, i =0;
int matchLength = match.length();
while((beginIndex = sb.indexOf(match, beginIndex))!=-1) {
sb.insert(beginIndex+matchLength, i);
I have something like
a = "बिक्रम मेरो नाम हो"
I want to achieve something like in Java
a[0] = बि
a[1] = क्र
a[3] = म
Java internally stores each character of any language in UTF-16(2 bytes) so you can safely access the characters individually.
Try This:
String a = "बिक्रम मेरो नाम हो";
int strLen = a.length();
char array[] = new char[strLen];
String strArray1[] = new String[strLen];
for (int i=0 ; i< strLen ; i++)
array[i] = a.charAt(i);
strArray1[i] = Character.toString(a.charAt(i));
System.out.println ("Index = " + i + "* Char = " +array[i] + "** String =" +strArray1[i] );
Index = 0* Char = ब** String =ब
Index = 1* Char = ि** String =ि
Index = 2* Char = क** String =क
Index = 3* Char = ्** String =्
Index = 4* Char = र** String =र
Index = 5* Char = म** String =म
Index = 6* Char = ** String =
Index = 7* Char = म** String =म
Index = 8* Char = े** String =े
Index = 9* Char = र** String =र
Index = 10* Char = ो** String =ो
Index = 11* Char = ** String =
Index = 12* Char = न** String =न
Index = 13* Char = ा** String =ा
Index = 14* Char = म** String =म
Index = 15* Char = ** String =
Index = 16* Char = ह** String =ह
Index = 17* Char = ो** String =ो
In order to allow eclipse to allow you to save your java program with foreign characters(Hindi alphabets), do the following:
Go to:
"Windows > Preferences > General > Content Types > Text > {Choose file type}
{Selected file type} > Default encoding > UTF-8" and click Update.
Did you try icu4j?
BreakIterator character instance has a possibility to split String to characters
My code is not at all optimized, sorry about that but it works!
Just change the path of the file in which you are going to enter the devnagri sentence and it should work.
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader("/home/ubuntu/Documents/trainforjava.txt")); //PLEASE ENTER PATH HERE
String[] devFull = new String[]{
"अ","आ", "इ", "ई", "उ", "ऊ", "ऋ"
, "ऌ" ,"ऍ", "ए", "ऐ", "ऑ", "ओ", "औ",
"क", "ख", "ग", "घ" ,"ङ",
"च" ,"छ" ,"ज"," झ"," ञ",
"ट","ठ", "ड"," ढ"," ण",
"त", "थ", "द", "ध", "न",
"प", "फ", "ब"," भ","म",
"य", "र", "ल", "ळ",
"व", "श" ,"ष","स" ,"ह"
String[] uniDev = new String[]
String[] devHalf = new String[]
"$़","ऽ","$ा","$ि" ,
"$ी", "$ ु","$ू","$ृ","$ॄ","$ॅ",
String[] gujHalf = new String[]
"$઼","ઽ","$ા","$િ" ,
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
String line = br.readLine();
while( (line = br.readLine() ) != null)
line=line.replaceAll(" ", ""); //remove white spaces if any
int strLength = line.length();
// String a = "बिक्रम मेरो नाम हो";
int strLen = line.length();
char array[] = new char[strLen];
String strArray1[] = new String[strLen];
int mark[] = new int[strLen+1];
String unis[]=new String[strLen];
int cnt=0;
String newCharD[]=new String [strLen];
String newCharG[]=new String [strLen];
String tempD=null;
String tempG=null;
String arr = null;
String next =null;
String temp=null;
String uniNext=null;
int hold=0;
int j=0;
for (int i=0 ; i< strLen ; i++)
array[i] = line.charAt(i);
strArray1[i] = Character.toString(line.charAt(i));
char nbit = line.charAt(j);
if((Arrays.asList(devFull).contains(Character.toString(array[i]))) && (!uniNext.equalsIgnoreCase("94d")) )
//System.out.println ("Index = " + i + "* Char = " +array[i] + "** String =" +strArray1[i]+ "Unicode="+unis[i]+"Mark="+mark[i]);
int start=0;
for(int l1=0;l1<=strLen;l1++)
System.out.print(" "+temp);
/* for(int s=0;s<start;s++)
System.out.print(" "+newCharD[s]);
for(int s=0;s<start;s++)
finally {
//PrintStream out = new PrintStream(new //FileOutputStream("/home/ubuntu/Documents/trainforjavaoutput.txt"));
Try this for Hindi :-
import java.io.*;
import java.text.BreakIterator;
import java.util.Locale;
public class Test {
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException
String text = "बिक्रम मेरो नाम हो";
Locale hindi = new Locale("hi", "IN");
BreakIterator breaker = BreakIterator.getCharacterInstance(hindi);
int start = breaker.first();
for (int end = breaker.next();
end != BreakIterator.DONE;
start = end, end = breaker.next()) {
BreakIterator Java Documentation: https://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/i18n/text/about.html
In order to split the string by letters rather than characters, going by dvasanth's suggestion, you can try below:
String x = "बिक्रम मेरो नाम हो";
x=x.replaceAll(" ", ""); // Remove all spaces
int strLength = x.length();
String [] letterArray = new String (strLength /2);
String combined = "";
for (int i=0, j=0; i < strLength ; i=i+2,j++)
strArray1[i] = Character.toString(x.charAt(i));
if (i+1 < strLength)
strArray1[i+1] = Character.toString(x.charAt(i+1));
combined = strArray1[i]+strArray1[i+1]; // This line provides the letters.
// Assumption is that each letter is 2 unicode characters long.
combined = strArray1[i];
letterArray [j] = combined;
System.out.println("Split string by letters is : "+combined);
System.out.println("Split string by letters in array is : "+letterArray [j]);
Output is:
Split string by letters is : बि
Split string by letters is : क्
Split string by letters is : रम
Split string by letters is : मे
Split string by letters is : रो
Split string by letters is : ना
Split string by letters is : मह
Split string by letters is : ो
In order to allow eclipse to allow you to save your java program with foreign characters(Hindi alphabets), do the following:
Go to:
"Windows > Preferences > General > Content Types > Text > {Choose file type}
{Selected file type} > Default encoding > UTF-8" and click Update.