I try to remove a space into a string which contains a int type value.
I read a .csv file with the scanner methode.
I use a Class to set/get the data.
I format data into the setter of the class.
Input data example:
String Pu_ht = "1 635,90";
Basic Example:
* #param Pu_ht the Pu_ht to set
public void setPu_ht(String Pu_ht) {
this.Pu_ht = Pu_ht.replace(",", ".").replace(".00", "");
Tried example:
* #param Pu_ht the Pu_ht to set
public void setPu_ht(String Pu_ht) {
this.Pu_ht = Pu_ht.replace(",", ".").replace(".00", "").replaceAll("\\s+", "");
Other example:
* #param Pu_ht the Pu_ht to set
public void setPu_ht(String Pu_ht) {
this.Pu_ht = Pu_ht.replace(",", ".").replace(".00", "").replaceAll(" ", "");
Output data example: 1 635.90
I tried a lots of things but nothing work for my case.
Best regards
My code:
public void requete_pommes() throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException, SQLException {
// open file input stream
BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(filename));
// read file line by line
String line = null;
Scanner scanner = null;
int index = 0;
List<Pommes> pomList = new ArrayList<>();
boolean firstLine = false;
while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) {
if (!(line.equals(";;;;TOTAL HT"))) {
if (!(line.equals(";;;;"))) {
Pommes pom = new Pommes();
scanner = new Scanner(line);
while (scanner.hasNext()) {
String data = scanner.next();
if ((index == 0)) {
} else if ((index == 1)) {
} else if ((index == 2)) {
} else if ((index == 3)) {
if(data.equals("1 635,90")){
data = data.replaceAll("\\s","");
System.err.println("data: " + data);
} else if ((index == 4)) {
} else {
System.out.println("invalid data::" + data);
index = 0;
requeteCorps = "(( SELECT codea FROM article WHERE tarif7 != 'O' AND tarif8 = 'O' AND pvente > 0 AND COALESCE(trim( reffou), '') != '' AND reffou = '" + pom.getReference() + "' ), " + pom.getQte() + " , " + pom.getPu_ht() + ", '" + kapiece + "', 'stomag','vendu', getnum('LCK')),";
The value "1 635,90" probably stems from a locale specific format, and the "space" actually is a non-breaking space, \u00A0. This is done often to prevent in flexible width text representation a line break to happen inside a number.
s = s.replace("\u00A0", "");
String Pu_ht = "1 635,90";
System.out.println(Pu_ht.replace(",", ".").replace(".00", "").replaceAll("\\s+", ""));
just put the above codes in main method and execute. the output will be 1635.90,then examine your codes.
FileReader fr = new FileReader(inp);
CSVReader reader = new CSVReader(fr, ',', '"');
// writer
File writtenFromWhile = new File(dliRootPath + writtenFromWhilePath);
CSVWriter writeFromWhile = new CSVWriter(new FileWriter(writtenFromWhile), ',', '"');
int insideWhile = 0;
String[] currRow = null;
while ((currRow = reader.readNext()) != null) {
System.out.println("inside While: " + insideWhile);
System.out.println("lines read (acc.to CSV reader): " + reader.getLinesRead());
The output is:
inside While: 162199
lines read (acc.to CSV reader): 256865
Even though all lines are written to the output CSV (when viewed in a text editor, Excel shows much lesser number of rows), the while loop does not iterate the same number of times as the rows in input CSV. My main objective is to implement some other logic inside while loop on each line.
I have been trying to debug since two whole days ( a bigger code) without any results.
Please explain how I can loop through while 256865 times
Reference data, complete picture:
Here is the CSV I am reading in the above snippet.
My complete program tries to separate out those records from this CSV which are not present in this CSV, based on the fields title and author (i.e if author and title is the same in 2 records, even if other fields are different, they are counted as duplicate and should not be written to the output file). Here is my complete code (the difference should be around 300000, but i get only ~210000 in the output file with my code):
//TODO ask id
* id also there in fields getting matched (thisRow[0] is id)
* u can replace it by thisRow[fielAnd Column.get(0)] to eliminate id
package mainOne;
import java.io.BufferedWriter;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileReader;
import java.io.FileWriter;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import com.opencsv.CSVReader;
import com.opencsv.CSVWriter;
public class Diff_V3 {
static String dliRootPath = "/home/gurnoor/Incoming/Untitled Folder 2/";
static String dli = "new-dli-IITG.csv";
static String oldDli = "dli-iisc.csv";
static String newFile = "newSampleFile.csv";// not used
static String unqFile = "UniqueFileFinal.csv";
static String log = "Diff_V3_log.txt";
static String splittedNewDliDir = "/home/gurnoor/Incoming/Untitled Folder 2/splitted new file";
static String splittedOldDliDir = "/home/gurnoor/Incoming/Untitled Folder 2/splitted old file";
// debug
static String testFilePath = "testFile.csv";
static int insidepopulateMapFromSplittedCSV = 0;
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, CustomException {
// _readSample(dliRootPath+dli, dliRootPath+newFile);
// System.out.println(areIDsunique(dliRootPath + dli, 550841) );// open
// in geany to get total no
// of lines
// TODO implement sparate function to check equals
// File filteredFile = new File(dliRootPath + "filteredFile.csv");
// filteredFile.createNewFile();
File logFile = new File(dliRootPath + log);
new File(dliRootPath + testFilePath).createNewFile();
List<String> fieldsToBeMatched = new ArrayList<>();
filterUniqueFileds(new File(splittedNewDliDir), new File(splittedOldDliDir), fieldsToBeMatched);
* NOTE: might remove the row where fieldToBeMatched is null
* #param inpfile
* #param file
* #param filteredFile
* #param fieldsToBeMatched
* #throws IOException
* #throws CustomException
private static void filterUniqueFileds(File newDir, File oldDir, List<String> fieldsToBeMatched)
throws IOException, CustomException {
CSVReader reader = new CSVReader(new FileReader(new File(dliRootPath + dli)), '|');
// writer
File unqFileOp = new File(dliRootPath + unqFile);
CSVWriter writer = new CSVWriter(new FileWriter(unqFileOp), '|');
// logWriter
BufferedWriter logWriter = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(new File(dliRootPath + log)));
String[] headingRow = // allRows.get(0);
int headingLen = headingRow.length;
// old List
System.out.println("[INFO] reading old list...");
// CSVReader oldReader = new CSVReader(new FileReader(new
// File(dliRootPath + oldDli)));
Map<String, List<String>> oldMap = new HashMap<>();
oldMap = populateMapFromSplittedCSV(oldMap, oldDir);// populateMapFromCSV(oldMap,
// oldReader);
// oldReader.close();
System.out.println("[INFO] Read old List. Size = " + oldMap.size());
printMapToCSV(oldMap, dliRootPath + testFilePath);
// map of fieldName, ColumnNo
Map<String, Integer> fieldAndColumnNoInNew = new HashMap<>(getColumnNo(fieldsToBeMatched, headingRow));
Map<String, Integer> fieldAndColumnNoInOld = new HashMap<>(
getColumnNo(fieldsToBeMatched, (String[]) oldMap.get("id").toArray()));
// error check: did columnNo get populated?
if (fieldAndColumnNoInNew.isEmpty()) {
throw new CustomException("field to be matched not present in input CSV");
// TODO implement own array compare using areEqual()
// error check
// if( !Arrays.equals(headingRow, (String[]) oldMap.get("id").toArray())
// ){
// System.out.println("heading in new file, old file: \n"+
// Arrays.toString(headingRow));
// System.out.println(Arrays.toString((String[])
// oldMap.get("id").toArray()));
// reader.close();
// writer.close();
// oldReader.close();
// throw new CustomException("Heading rows are not same in old and new
// file");
// }
int noOfRecordsInOldList = 0, noOfRecordsWritten = 0, checkManually = 0;
String[] thisRow;
while ((thisRow = reader.readNext()) != null) {
// for(int l=allRows.size()-1; l>=0; l--){
// thisRow=allRows.get(l);
// error check
if (thisRow.length != headingLen) {
String error = "Line no: " + reader.getLinesRead() + " in file: " + dliRootPath + dli
+ " not read. Check manually";
logWriter.append(error + "\n");
// write if not present in oldMap
if (!oldMap.containsKey(thisRow[0])) {
} else {
// check if all reqd fields match
List<String> twinRow = oldMap.get(thisRow[0]);
boolean writtenToOp = false;
// for (int k = 0; k < fieldsToBeMatched.size(); k++) {
List<String> newFields = new ArrayList<>(fieldAndColumnNoInNew.keySet());
List<String> oldFields = new ArrayList<>(fieldAndColumnNoInOld.keySet());
// faaltu error check
if (newFields.size() != oldFields.size()) {
CustomException up = new CustomException("something is really wrong");
throw up;
// for(String fieldName : fieldAndColumnNoInNew.keySet()){
for (int m = 0; m < newFields.size(); m++) {
int columnInNew = fieldAndColumnNoInNew.get(newFields.get(m)).intValue();
int columnInOld = fieldAndColumnNoInOld.get(oldFields.get(m)).intValue();
String currFieldTwin = twinRow.get(columnInOld);
String currField = thisRow[columnInNew];
if (!areEqual(currField, currFieldTwin)) {
writtenToOp = true;
if (!writtenToOp) {
// System.out.println("[INFO] present in old List: \n" +
// Arrays.toString(thisRow) + " AND\n"
// + twinRow.toString());
System.out.println("--------------------------------------------------------\nDebug info");
System.out.println("old File: " + oldMap.size());
System.out.println("new File:" + reader.getLinesRead());
System.out.println("no of records in old list (present in both old and new) = " + noOfRecordsInOldList);
System.out.println("checkManually: " + checkManually);
System.out.println("noOfRecordsInOldList+checkManually = " + (noOfRecordsInOldList + checkManually));
System.out.println("no of records written = " + noOfRecordsWritten);
System.out.println("inside populateMapFromSplittedCSV() " + insidepopulateMapFromSplittedCSV + "times");
private static void printMapToCSV(Map<String, List<String>> oldMap, String testFilePath2) throws IOException {
// writer
int i = 0;
CSVWriter writer = new CSVWriter(new FileWriter(new File(testFilePath2)), '|');
for (String key : oldMap.keySet()) {
List<String> row = oldMap.get(key);
String[] tempRow = new String[row.size()];
tempRow = row.toArray(tempRow);
System.out.println("[hello from line 210 ( inside printMapToCSV() ) of ur code] wrote " + i + " lines");
private static Map<String, List<String>> populateMapFromSplittedCSV(Map<String, List<String>> oldMap, File oldDir)
throws IOException {
File defective = new File(dliRootPath + "defectiveOldFiles.csv");
CSVWriter defectWriter = new CSVWriter(new FileWriter(defective));
CSVReader reader = null;
for (File oldFile : oldDir.listFiles()) {
reader = new CSVReader(new FileReader(oldFile), ',', '"');
oldMap = populateMapFromCSV(oldMap, reader, defectWriter);
// printMapToCSV(oldMap, dliRootPath+testFilePath);
System.out.println("inside populateMapFromSplittedCSV() " + insidepopulateMapFromSplittedCSV + "times");
return new HashMap<String, List<String>>(oldMap);
private static Map<String, Integer> getColumnNo(List<String> fieldsToBeMatched, String[] headingRow) {
Map<String, Integer> fieldAndColumnNo = new HashMap<>();
for (String field : fieldsToBeMatched) {
for (int i = 0; i < headingRow.length; i++) {
String heading = headingRow[i];
if (areEqual(field, heading)) {
fieldAndColumnNo.put(field, Integer.valueOf(i));
return fieldAndColumnNo;
private static Map<String, List<String>> populateMapFromCSV(Map<String, List<String>> oldMap, CSVReader oldReader,
CSVWriter defectWriter) throws IOException {
int headingLen = 0;
List<String> headingRow = null;
if (oldReader.getLinesRead() > 1) {
headingRow = oldMap.get("id");
headingLen = headingRow.size();
String[] thisRow;
int insideWhile = 0, addedInMap = 0, doesNotContainKey = 0, containsKey = 0;
while ((thisRow = oldReader.readNext()) != null) {
// error check
// if (oldReader.getLinesRead() > 1) {
// if (thisRow.length != headingLen) {
// System.err.println("Line no: " + oldReader.getLinesRead() + " in
// file: " + dliRootPath + oldDli
// + " not read. Check manually");
// defectWriter.writeNext(thisRow);
// defectWriter.flush();
// continue;
// }
// }
if (!oldMap.containsKey(thisRow[0])) {
List<String> fullRow = Arrays.asList(thisRow);
fullRow = oldMap.put(thisRow[0], fullRow);
if (fullRow == null) {
} else {
List<String> twinRow = oldMap.get(thisRow[0]);
boolean writtenToOp = false;
// for(String fieldName : fieldAndColumnNoInNew.keySet()){
for (int m = 0; m < headingRow.size(); m++) {
String currFieldTwin = twinRow.get(m);
String currField = thisRow[m];
if (!areEqual(currField, currFieldTwin)) {
System.err.println("do something!!!!!! DUPLICATE ID in old file");
FileWriter logWriter = new FileWriter(new File((dliRootPath + log)));
System.err.println("[Skipped record] in old file. Row no: " + oldReader.getLinesRead()
+ "\nRecord: " + Arrays.toString(thisRow));
logWriter.append("[Skipped record] in old file. Row no: " + oldReader.getLinesRead()
+ "\nRecord: " + Arrays.toString(thisRow));
System.out.println("inside while: " + insideWhile);
System.out.println("oldMap size = " + oldMap.size());
System.out.println("addedInMap: " + addedInMap);
System.out.println("doesNotContainKey: " + doesNotContainKey);
System.out.println("containsKey: " + containsKey);
return new HashMap<String, List<String>>(oldMap);
private static boolean areEqual(String field, String heading) {
// TODO implement, askSubhayan
return field.trim().equals(heading.trim());
* Returns the first duplicate ID OR the string "unique" OR (rarely)
* totalLinesInCSV != totaluniqueIDs
* #param inpCSV
* #param totalLinesInCSV
* #return
* #throws IOException
private static String areIDsunique(String inpCSV, int totalLinesInCSV) throws IOException {
CSVReader reader = new CSVReader(new FileReader(new File(dliRootPath + dli)), '|');
List<String[]> allRows = new ArrayList<>(reader.readAll());
Set<String> id = new HashSet<>();
for (String[] thisRow : allRows) {
if (thisRow[0] != null || !thisRow[0].isEmpty() || id.add(thisRow[0])) {
return thisRow[0];
if (id.size() == totalLinesInCSV) {
return "unique";
} else {
return "totalLinesInCSV != totaluniqueIDs";
* writes 20 rowsof input csv into the output file
* #param input
* #param output
* #throws IOException
public static void _readSample(String input, String output) throws IOException {
File opFile = new File(dliRootPath + newFile);
CSVWriter writer = new CSVWriter(new FileWriter(opFile));
CSVReader reader = new CSVReader(new FileReader(new File(dliRootPath + dli)), '|');
for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
// String[] op;
// for(String temp: reader.readNext()){
// }
// System.out.println();
RC's comment nailed it!
If you check the java docs you will see that there are two methods in the CSVReader: getLinesRead and getRecordsRead. And they both do exactly what they say. getLinesRead returns the number of lines that was read using the FileReader. getRecordsRead returns the number of records that the CSVReader read. Keep in mind that if you have embedded new lines in the records of your file then it will take multiple line reads to get one record. So it is very conceivable to have a csv file with 100 records but taking 200 line reads to read them all.
Unescaped quotes inside a CSV cell can mess up your whole data. This might happen in a CSV if the data you are working with has been created manually. Below is a function I wrote a while back for this situation. Let me know if this is not the right place to share it.
* removes quotes inside a cell/column puts curated data in
* "../CuratedFiles"
* #param curateDir
* #param del Csv column delimiter
* #throws IOException
public static void curateCsvRowQuotes(File curateDir, String del) throws IOException {
File parent = curateDir.getParentFile();
File curatedDir = new File(parent.getAbsolutePath() + "/CuratedFiles");
for (File file : curateDir.listFiles()) {
BufferedReader bufRead = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file));
// output
File fOp = new File(curatedDir.getAbsolutePath() + "/" + file.getName());
BufferedWriter bufW = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(fOp));
bufW.append(bufRead.readLine() + "\n");// heading
// logs
File logFile = new File(curatedDir.getAbsolutePath() + "/CurationLogs.txt");
BufferedWriter logWriter = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(logFile));
String thisLine = null;
int lineCount = 0;
while ((thisLine = bufRead.readLine()) != null) {
String opLine = "";
int endIndex = thisLine.indexOf("\"" + del);
String str = thisLine.substring(0, endIndex);
opLine += str + "\"" + del;
while (endIndex != (-1)) {
// leave out first " in a cell
int tempIndex = thisLine.indexOf("\"" + del, endIndex + 2);
if (tempIndex == (-1)) {
str = thisLine.substring(endIndex + 2, tempIndex);
int indexOfQuote = str.indexOf("\"");
opLine += str.substring(0, indexOfQuote + 1);
// remove all "
str = str.substring(indexOfQuote + 1);
str = str.replace("\"", "");
opLine += str + "\"" + del;
endIndex = thisLine.indexOf("\"" + del, endIndex + 2);
str = thisLine.substring(thisLine.lastIndexOf("\"" + del) + 2);
if ((str != null) && str.matches("[" + del + "]+")) {
opLine += str;
bufW.append(opLine + "\n");
System.out.println(lineCount + " no of lines in " + file.getName());
In my case, I've used csvReader.readAll() before the readNext().
List<String[]> myData =csvReader.readAll();
while ((nextRecord = csvReader.readNext()) != null) {
So my csvReader.readNext() returns always null. Since all the values were already read by myData.
Please be caution for using readNext() and readAll() functions.
I am practicing to write a program that gets a text file from user and provides data such as characters, words, and lines in the text.
I have searched and looked over the same topic but cannot find a way to make my code run.
public class Document{
private Scanner sc;
// Sets users input to a file name
public Document(String documentName) throws FileNotFoundException {
File inputFile = new File(documentName);
try {
sc = new Scanner(inputFile);
} catch (IOException exception) {
System.out.println("File does not exists");
public int getChar() {
int Char= 0;
while (sc.hasNextLine()) {
String line = sc.nextLine();
Char += line.length() + 1;
return Char;
// Gets the number of words in a text
public int getWords() {
int Words = 0;
while (sc.hasNext()) {
String line = sc.next();
Words += new StringTokenizer(line, " ,").countTokens();
return Words;
public int getLines() {
int Lines= 0;
while (sc.hasNextLine()) {
return Lines;
Main method:
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException {
DocStats doc = new DocStats("someText.txt");
// outputs 1451, should be 1450
System.out.println("Number of characters: "
+ doc.getChar());
// outputs 0, should be 257
System.out.println("Number of words: " + doc.getWords());
// outputs 0, should be 49
System.out.println("Number of lines: " + doc.getLines());
I know exactly why I get 1451 instead of 1451. The reason is because I do not have '\n' at the end of the last sentence but my method adds
numChars += line.length() + 1;
However, I cannot find a solution to why I get 0 for words and lines.
*My texts includes elements as: ? , - '
After all, could anyone help me to make this work?
**So far, I the problem that concerns me is how I can get a number of characters, if the last sentence does not have '\n' element. Is there a chance I could fix that with an if statement?
-Thank you!
After doc.getChar() you have reached the end of file. So there's nothing more to read in this file!
You should reset your scanner in your getChar/Words/Lines methods, such as:
public int getChar() {
sc = new Scanner(inputFile);
// solving your problem with the last '\n'
while (sc.hasNextLine()) {
String line = sc.nextLine();
if (sc.hasNextLine())
Char += line.length() + 1;
Char += line.length();
return char;
Please note that a line ending is not always \n! It might also be \r\n (especially under windows)!
public int getWords() {
sc = new Scanner(inputFile);
public int getLines() {
sc = new Scanner(inputFile);
I would use one sweep to calculate all 3, with different counters. just a loop over each char, check if its a new word etc, increase counts , use Charater.isWhiteSpace *
import java.io.*;
/**Cound lines, characters and words Assumes all non white space are words so even () is a word*/
public class ChrCounts{
String data;
int chrCnt;
int lineCnt;
int wordCnt;
public static void main(String args[]){
ChrCounts c = new ChrCounts();
InputStream data = null;
if(args == null || args.length < 1){
data = new ByteArrayInputStream("quick brown foxes\n\r new toy\'s a fun game.\nblah blah.la la ga-ma".getBytes("utf-8"));
data = new BufferedInputStream( new FileInputStream(args[0]));
}catch(Exception e){
System.out.println("ee " + e);
public void print(){
System.out.println("line cnt " + lineCnt + "\nword cnt " + wordCnt + "\n chrs " + chrCnt);
public void process(InputStream data) throws Exception{
int chrCnt = 0;
int lineCnt = 0;
int wordCnt = 0;
boolean inWord = false;
boolean inNewline = false;
//char prev = ' ';
while(data.available() > 0){
int j = data.read();
if(j < 0)break;
final char c = (char)j;
//prev = c;
if(c == '\n' || c == '\r'){
chrCnt--;//some editors do not count line seperators as new lines
inWord = false;
inNewline = true;
//chrCnt--;//some editors dont count adjaccent line seps as characters
inNewline = false;
inWord = false;
inWord = true;
//we had some data and last char was not in new line, count last line
if(chrCnt > 0 && !inNewline){
this.chrCnt = chrCnt;
this.lineCnt = lineCnt;
this.wordCnt = wordCnt;
I currently have 2 loops, one which gets a timestamp, and another while loop to find the mapped information based off that time stamp and output in a certain way.
Issue I have is I am currently looping through a text, and want it to start reading the file from the beginning again when the isdone="N" for the second loop, however, this does not seem to be the case.
Code so far:
public static void organiseFile() throws FileNotFoundException {
String directory = "C:\\Users\\xxx\\Desktop\\Files\\ex1";
Scanner fileIn = new Scanner(new File(directory + "_temp.txt"));
Scanner readIn = new Scanner(new File(directory + ".txt"));
PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(directory + "_ordered.txt");
ArrayList<String> lines = new ArrayList<String>();
String readTimeStamp = "";
String timeStampMapping = "";
String outputFirst = "";
String outputSecond = "";
String outputThird = "";
String previousTimeStamp = "";
String doneList = "";
String isdone = "";
int counter = 1;
// Loop to get time stamps
while(fileIn.hasNextLine()) {
readTimeStamp = fileIn.nextLine();
if(readTimeStamp != null && readTimeStamp.trim().length() > 0) {
readTimeStamp = readTimeStamp.substring(12, 25);
// Previous time stamp found, no need to loop through it again
isdone = "Y";
// Counter in place to stop outputting the first record, otherwise output file and clear variables down
else if(!previousTimeStamp.equals(readTimeStamp) && counter > 1) {
out.println(outputFirst + outputSecond + outputThird);
outputFirst = "";
outputSecond = "";
outputThird = "";
counter = 1;
// New time stamp found, start finding values in second loop
isdone = "N";
// Secondary loop to find match of record
while(readIn.hasNextLine() && isdone.equals("N")) {
timeStampMapping = readIn.nextLine();
// When a record has been found with matching time stamps, start ordering
if(timeStampMapping.contains(readTimeStamp)) {
previousTimeStamp = readTimeStamp;
if(timeStampMapping.contains("[EVENT=agentStateEvent]")) {
outputFirst += timeStampMapping + "\r\n";
} else if(timeStampMapping.contains("[EVENT=TerminalConnectionCreated]")) {
outputSecond += timeStampMapping + "\r\n";
} else {
outputThird += timeStampMapping + "\r\n";
doneList += readTimeStamp + ",";
System.out.println("Outputting final record");
out.println(outputFirst + outputSecond + outputThird);
You can use Scanner.reset() to reset it to the beginning of the file. For example, after your second while-loop include:
if (isdone.equals("Y")) {
Btw: why are you using String for isdone instead of boolean??
I'm trying to write a part of an String array into a String but I just stuck at a problem.
The disposal of the value of line is always like this: "status.test.status.close.name = Closed".
The only static of this value is "status." and ".name". I just want to get the part between "status." and ".name". With the code below I get this result: "status.test.status.close". My question now is, is it possible to delete parts of an array, for example: technicalNames.delete["status."];? Or does anyone has another hint how to realize it?
public void setTechnicalName(File javaFile) throws IOException {
if(javaFile.exists()) {
BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(javaFile));
String line = null;
while((line = reader.readLine()) != null)
if (line.contains("In approval") || line.contains("In Approval") || line.contains("In review") || line.contains("In Review") || line.contains("Closed")){
String[] technicalNames = line.split(".name");
String technicalName = technicalNames[0];
That is the .xml file i read out:
status.test.status.close.name = Closed
status.test.status.in.approval.name = In approval
status.test.status.in.review.name = In review
test.field.approver1 = Approver
test.field.lookupworkflow =
test.field.temp = temp
Thanks in advance!
I am assuming that you are interested in parts between status and .name. You can try this way of doing it.
public static void setTechnicalName(File javaFile) throws IOException {
if(javaFile.exists()) {
BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(javaFile));
String line = null;
int statusOffet = "status.".length();
while((line = reader.readLine()) != null){
int indexOfStatus = line.indexOf("status");
int indexOfName = line.lastIndexOf(".name");
boolean isReqLine = line.contains("In approval")
|| line.contains("In Approval")
|| line.contains("In review")
|| line.contains("In Review")
|| line.contains("Closed");
if(isReqLine && indexOfStatus != -1 && indexOfName != -1){
String stage = line.substring(indexOfStatus + statusOffet, indexOfName);
EDIT : as per comment to match format, I have included "." when calculating offset and used indexOf
When you want to split your given line into parts, you can do it similar to
final String string = "status.test.status.close.name = Closed";
final String[] split = string.substring(0, string.indexOf("=")).split("\\.");
System.out.println("split = [" + split[0] + ", " + split[1] + ", " + split[2] + ", " + split[3] + ", " + split[4] + "]"); // split = [status, test, status, close, name ]
and pick the appropriate values out of split afterwards.
Well, you have status defined twice. So assuming you are referring to the first status, and the desired result is to print out test.status.close you could do this if you knew that indexes 0 and n-1 would be not of interest:
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
String[] parts = line.split(".name")[0].split("\\.");
for(int i = 1; i < parts.length - 1; i++){
if(i < parts.length - 1){
I have a class Called File
Location which stores the size, name, drive and directory of a file.
The class is supposed to separate the extension from the file name ("java" from "test.java") then compare it to another file using an equals method. Though for some reason it is returning false everytime. Any idea what's wrong?
Class file
import java.util.*;
public class FileLocation
private String name;
private char drive;
private String directory;
private int size;
public FileLocation()
drive = 'X';
directory = "OOProgramming\\Practicals\\";
name = "test";
size = 2;
public FileLocation(char driveIn, String dirIn, String nameIn, int sizeIn)
drive = driveIn;
directory = dirIn;
name = nameIn;
size = sizeIn;
public String getFullPath()
return drive + ":\\" + directory + name;
public String getFileType()
StringTokenizer st1 = new StringTokenizer(name, ".");
return "File type is " + st1.nextToken();
public String getSizeAsString()
StringBuilder data = new StringBuilder();
if(size > 1048575)
else if(size > 1024)
return size + " " + data;
public boolean isTextFile()
StringTokenizer st2 = new StringTokenizer(name, ".");
if(st2.nextToken() == ".txt" || st2.nextToken() == ".doc")
return true;
return false;
public void appendDrive()
StringBuilder st1 = new StringBuilder(drive);
StringBuilder st2 = new StringBuilder(directory);
StringBuilder combineSb = st1.append(st2);
public int countDirectories()
StringTokenizer stDir =new StringTokenizer(directory, "//");
return stDir.countTokens();
public String toString()
return "Drive: " + drive + " Directory: " + directory + " Name: " + name + " Size: " + size;
public boolean equals(FileLocation f)
return drive == f.drive && directory == f.directory && name == f.name && size == f.size;
Tester program
import java.util.*;
public class FileLocationTest
public static void main(String [] args)
Scanner keyboardIn = new Scanner(System.in);
FileLocation javaAssign = new FileLocation('X', "Programming\\Assignment\\", "Loan.txt", 1);
int selector = 0;
this code will give true only if the file is doc.
StringTokenizer st2 = new StringTokenizer(name, ".");
if(st2.nextToken() == ".txt" || st2.nextToken() == ".doc")
if file name file.txt then what happend
(st2.nextToken() == ".txt") means ("file" == "txt") false
(st2.nextToken() == ".doc") means ("txt" == "txt") false
first token will gave file name second token will gave ext.
right code is
StringTokenizer st2 = new StringTokenizer(name, ".");
String filename = st2.nextToken();
String ext = st2.nextToken();
if(ext.equalsIgnoreCase(".txt") || ext.equalsIgnoreCase(".txt"))
use always equals to compare strings not ==
Take a look at my own question I posted a while back. I ended up using Apache Lucene's tokenizer.
Here is how you use it (copied from here):
TokenStream tokenStream = analyzer.tokenStream(fieldName, reader);
OffsetAttribute offsetAttribute = tokenStream.addAttribute(OffsetAttribute.class);
CharTermAttribute charTermAttribute = tokenStream.addAttribute(CharTermAttribute.class);
while (tokenStream.incrementToken()) {
int startOffset = offsetAttribute.startOffset();
int endOffset = offsetAttribute.endOffset();
String term = charTermAttribute.toString();