When i set up a grammar with antlr4, and generated it i see the following line throughout the parser
Which in turn, does
and then calls methods on it. By default this returns null, and thus parsing throws NPEs.
I glomed together something that gets around this
myparser.setInterpreter(new ParserATNSimulator(myparser, myparser.getATN(), mylexer.getInterpreter().decisionToDFA,
new PredictionContextCache()));
But I'm certain that is wrong. The odd thing is I don't see any examples address this requirement, so I'm wondering what i have done wrong that this even needs to be done.
Interesting TestRig works fine, w/o the setInterpreter line, here's what i'm doing:
PelLexer pl = new PelLexer(CharStreams.fromString(s));
CommonTokenStream tokens = new CommonTokenStream(pl);
SecureRandom r = new SecureRandom();
String clsName = Parser.class.getPackage().getName() + ".eval.Eval" + Math.abs(r.nextLong());
PelParser pp = new PelParser(tokens, clsName);
// pp.setInterpreter(new ParserATNSimulator(pp, pp.getATN(), pl.getInterpreter().decisionToDFA, new PredictionContextCache()));
pp.addErrorListener(new PELErrorListener());
byte[] clzData = pp.getClassBytes();
PELClassLoader pcl = AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction<PELClassLoader>() {
public PELClassLoader run() {
return new PELClassLoader(Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader());
pcl.addClass(clsName, clzData);
Class<Evaluable> c = (Class<Evaluable>) pcl.loadClass(clsName);
return c.newInstance();
Here's the answer.
When you add a constructor to your parser, you DON'T want to call
You want to call
As the default constructor created in your parser does
public PelParser(TokenStream input) {
_interp = new ParserATNSimulator(this,_ATN,_decisionToDFA,_sharedContextCache);
Here is my code:
private void save(File file) {
StyledDocument<ParStyle, Either<StyledText<TextStyle>, LinkedImage<TextStyle>>, TextStyle> doc = textarea.getDocument();
// Use the Codec to save the document in a binary format
textarea.getStyleCodecs().ifPresent(codecs -> {
Codec<StyledDocument<ParStyle, Either<StyledText<TextStyle>, LinkedImage<TextStyle>>, TextStyle>> codec
= ReadOnlyStyledDocument.codec(codecs._1, codecs._2, textarea.getSegOps());
try {
FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(file);
DataOutputStream dos = new DataOutputStream(fos);
codec.encode(dos, doc);
} catch (IOException fnfe) {
I am trying to implement the save/loading from the demo from here on the RichTextFX GitHub.
I am getting errors in the following lines:
StyledDocument<ParStyle, Either<StyledText<TextStyle>, LinkedImage<TextStyle>>, TextStyle> doc = textarea.getDocument();
error: incompatible types:
cannot be converted to
= ReadOnlyStyledDocument.codec(codecs._1, codecs._2, textarea.getSegOps());
error: incompatible types: inferred type does not conform to equality
constraint(s) inferred: ParStyle
equality constraints(s): ParStyle,Collection<String>
I have added all the required .java files and imported them into my main code. I thought it would be relatively trivial to implement this demo but it has been nothing but headaches.
If this cannot be resolved, does anyone know an alternative way to save the text with formatting from RichTextFX?
Thank you
This question is quite old, but since i ran into the same problem i figured a solution might be useful to others as well.
In the demo, the code from which you use, ParStyle and TextStyle (Custom Types) are used for defining how information about the style is stored.
The error messages you get pretty much just tell you that your way of storing the information about the style (In your case in a String) is not compatible with the way it is done in the demo.
If you want to store the style in a String, which i did as well, you need to implement some way of serializing and deserializing the information yourself.
You can do that, for example (I used an InlineCssTextArea), in the following way:
public class SerializeManager {
public static final String PAR_REGEX = "#!par!#";
public static final String PAR_CONTENT_REGEX = "#!pcr!#";
public static final String SEG_REGEX = "#!seg!#";
public static final String SEG_CONTENT_REGEX = "#!scr!#";
public static String serialized(InlineCssTextArea textArea) {
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
textArea.getDocument().getParagraphs().forEach(par -> {
par.getStyledSegments().forEach(seg -> builder
.replaceAll(PAR_REGEX, "")
.replaceAll(PAR_CONTENT_REGEX, "")
.replaceAll(SEG_REGEX, "")
.replaceAll(SEG_CONTENT_REGEX, "")
String textAreaSerialized = builder.toString();
return textAreaSerialized;
public static InlineCssTextArea fromSerialized(String string) {
InlineCssTextArea textArea = new InlineCssTextArea();
ReadOnlyStyledDocumentBuilder<String, String, String> builder = new ReadOnlyStyledDocumentBuilder<>(
if (string.contains(PAR_REGEX)) {
String[] parsSerialized = string.split(PAR_REGEX);
for (int i = 0; i < parsSerialized.length; i++) {
String par = parsSerialized[i];
String[] parContent = par.split(PAR_CONTENT_REGEX);
String parStyle = parContent[0];
List<String> segments = new ArrayList<>();
StyleSpansBuilder<String> spansBuilder = new StyleSpansBuilder<>();
String styleSegments = parContent[1];
Arrays.stream(styleSegments.split(SEG_REGEX)).forEach(seg -> {
String[] segContent = seg.split(SEG_CONTENT_REGEX);
if (segContent.length > 1) {
spansBuilder.add(segContent[1], segContent[0].length());
} else {
spansBuilder.add("", segContent[0].length());
StyleSpans<String> spans = spansBuilder.create();
builder.addParagraph(segments, spans, parStyle);
return textArea;
You can then take the serialized InlineCssTextArea, write the resulting String to a file, and load and deserialize it.
As you can see in the code, i made up some Strings as regexes which will be removed in the serialization process (We don't want our Serializer to be injectable, do we ;)).
You can change these to whatever you like, just note they will be removed if used in the text of the TextArea, so they should be something users wont miss in their TextArea.
Also note that this solution serializes the Style of the Text, the Text itself and the Paragraph style, BUT not inserted images or parameters of the TextArea (such as width and height), just the text content of the TextArea with its Style.
This issue on github really helped me btw.
I have built a program, which takes in a provided ".class" file and parses it using the BCEL, I've learnt how to calculate the LCOM4 value now. Now I would like to know how to calculate the CBO(Coupling between object) value of the class file. I've scoured the whole web, trying to find a proper tutorial about it, but I've been unable so far (I've read the whole javadoc regarding the BCEL as well and there was a similar question on stackoverflow but it has been removed). So I would like some help with this issue, as in some detailed tutorials or code snippets that would help me understand on how to do it.
OK, here you must compute the CBO of the classes within a whole set of classes. The set can be the content of a directory, of a jar file, or all the classes in a classpath.
I would fill a Map<String,Set<String>> with the class name as the key, and the classes it refers to:
private void addClassReferees(File file, Map<String, Set<String>> refMap)
throws IOException {
try (InputStream in = new FileInputStream(file)) {
ClassParser parser = new ClassParser(in, file.getName());
JavaClass clazz = parser.parse();
String className = clazz.getClassName();
Set<String> referees = new HashSet<>();
ConstantPoolGen cp = new ConstantPoolGen(clazz.getConstantPool());
for (Method method: clazz.getMethods()) {
Code code = method.getCode();
InstructionList instrs = new InstructionList(code.getCode());
for (InstructionHandle ih: instrs) {
Instruction instr = ih.getInstruction();
if (instr instanceof FieldOrMethod) {
FieldOrMethod ref = (FieldInstruction)instr;
String cn = ref.getClassName(cp);
if (!cn.equals(className)) {
refMap.put(className, referees);
When you've added all the classes in the map, you need to filter the referees of each class to limit them to the set of classes considered, and add the backward links:
Set<String> classes = new TreeSet<>(refMap.keySet());
for (String className: classes) {
Set<String> others = refMap.get(className);
for (String other: others) {
My question is an extension on another question already answered, https://superuser.com/questions/257467/windows-7-how-to-pin-a-jar-to-the-taskbar
Is there a way to pin a jar to the taskbar, and have the window generated by the jar register as a different process, thus creating a different icon in the task bar? because as it stands, using any of the methods listed in the answer to the above question, you end up with a shortcut that can be pinned. but it is just a shortcut and only that, not the program itself. Im willing to try anything at this point as it is beginning to be very bothersome. not only does it look unprofessional, it uses up unnecessary screen real estate. As I know someone is going to ask what else I've tried, here's a bit of code i tried to run in c# to launch the jar, but of course, it does the same thing, registering the new process as a new process. (should have thought that one through.)
string strCmdText;
strCmdText = "-jar ImgurDownloader.jar";
Process process = new Process();
process.StartInfo.Arguments = strCmdText;
process.StartInfo.FileName = "javaw";
process.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false;
so then I tried this:
string strCmdText;
strCmdText = "-jar ImgurDownloader.jar";
Process process = Process.GetCurrentProcess();
process.StartInfo.Arguments = strCmdText;
process.StartInfo.FileName = "javaw";
process.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false;
and yet still, even if i try and replace the current process, it comes across as a new process, and thus a second icon in the taskbar. Please excuse my possibly short tone, the frustration is starting to kick in after a couple weeks.
Edit: have also tried setting the UAMID (User Application Model ID) using the JNA library to access shel32.dll's functions. The following is the code in the jar
public static void setCurrentProcessExplicitAppUserModelID(final String appID) {
if (SetCurrentProcessExplicitAppUserModelID(new WString(appID)).longValue() != 0)
throw new RuntimeException("unable to set current process explicit AppUserModelID to: " + appID);
public static String getCurrentProcessExplicitAppUserModelID() {
final PointerByReference r = new PointerByReference();
if (GetCurrentProcessExplicitAppUserModelID(r).longValue() == 0) {
final Pointer p = r.getValue();
return p.getString(0, true); // here we leak native memory by
// lazyness
return "N/A";
private static native NativeLong GetCurrentProcessExplicitAppUserModelID(PointerByReference appID);
private static native NativeLong SetCurrentProcessExplicitAppUserModelID(WString appID);
static {
then just call the set method. Tested with the get method, however,
NOTE: getCurrentProcessExplicitAppUserModelID is a lazy method and breaks things later on if used.
then in the C# Wrapper,
public static extern int SetCurrentProcessExplicitAppUserModelID([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] string AppID);
static void Main()
int der = SetCurrentProcessExplicitAppUserModelID("MAndWorks.ImgurDownloader.ImgurDownloader.");
string strCmdText;
strCmdText = "-jar ImgurDownloader.jar";
Process process = new Process();
process.StartInfo.Arguments = strCmdText;
process.StartInfo.FileName = "javaw";
process.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false;
I've been trying to save an object, a level in my case, into a file, so that i can later load it again. Basically just a save/load function. I can't get it to work.. I keep getting a file of 5 byte, which seems way to small for what should be in it. I know that it might have something to do with Serializable, but i dont know what. Here is my current code:
(btw, i hard coded the level into the program, because i dont know how to save it properly to a file yet. although that is the goal...)
public class BufferSaveGames {
public void saveGameOutputStream(Level level) throws FileNotFoundException {
ObjectOutputStream output;
try {
output = new ObjectOutputStream((new FileOutputStream("SaveGame.dat")));
} catch (IOException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
and the second class Level, which it is loading: (removed code not needed for example)
public class Level implements MouseListener, Serializable {
private Level currentLevel;
private int aantalPoppetjesOpLevel;
private String oplossing;
private int timer;
JPanel[][] levelGrid;
Poppetje[] lijstPoppetjes;
public Level() throws IOException{
levelGrid = new JPanel[5][5];
lijstPoppetjes = new Poppetje[5];
for (int a=0;a<5;a++) {
for (int b=0;b<5;b++) {
levelGrid[a][b] = new JPanel();
//bovenste rij
Poppetje roodPoppetje = new Poppetje("Rood", 4, 4);
Poppetje oranjePoppetje = new Poppetje("Oranje", 0, 4);
Poppetje groenPoppetje = new Poppetje("Groen", 1, 2);
Poppetje paarsPoppetje = new Poppetje("Paars", 2, 1);
Poppetje geelPoppetje = new Poppetje("Geel", 3, 3);
//Poppetje blauwPoppetje = new Poppetje("Blauw");
int tempA = roodPoppetje.getLocatieX(roodPoppetje);
int tempB = roodPoppetje.getLocatieY(roodPoppetje);
lijstPoppetjes[0] = roodPoppetje;
tempA = oranjePoppetje.getLocatieX(oranjePoppetje);
tempB = oranjePoppetje.getLocatieY(oranjePoppetje);
lijstPoppetjes[1] = oranjePoppetje;
That could be done with "Serialization/Deserialization". Check out this as a first approach:
Also try searching with "serialziation" keyword on your favorite search engine (highly probably google hehe). There are a lot of libraries that do this process in such a high level api. Also there are a lot of libraries that do this with powerful uses; like serialization through databases. Sometimes serialization is done using JSON (as it could be a more universal way to do it). Enjoy with serialization! :-)
edit: also search for JSON, beautiful tool
forgot to put the following line in the OutPutStream code:
Level levelX = new Level();
this solved the problem for the very small save game that it created.
I'm currently working on a project which that require me to generate an ANTLR grammar on the fly because the generated language depends on user input. Hence I generate the ANTLR grammar in code, and generate a lexer and parser from it.
My goal is to have an input program that is written in the language of the generated grammar (it is actually created through genetic algorithms, but that's not relevant here), and to ultimately have an AST representing the program. However, currently I'm only able to generate a ParseTree object, and this is not sufficient for my program.
Does anybody know how to use the ANTLR API to generate an object representing the AST? (For example an antlr.collections.AST object). I'll append a piece of code here, but the best way to test it is to run the Eclipse project that resides in https://snowdrop.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/src/ANTLRTest/
public class GEQuorra extends GEModel {
Grammar grammar;
private org.antlr.tool.Grammar lexer;
private org.antlr.tool.Grammar parser;
private String startRule;
private String ignoreTokens;
public GEQuorra(IntegrationTest.Grammar g) {
grammar = new Grammar(g.getBnfGrammar());
try {
ignoreTokens = "WS";
startRule = "agentProgram";
parser = new org.antlr.tool.Grammar(g.getAntlrGrammar());
List leftRecursiveRules = parser.checkAllRulesForLeftRecursion();
if (leftRecursiveRules.size() > 0) {
throw new Exception("Grammar is left recursive");
String lexerGrammarText = parser.getLexerGrammar();
lexer = new org.antlr.tool.Grammar();
} catch (Exception e) {
public double getFitness(CandidateProgram program) {
try {
GECandidateProgram gecp = (GECandidateProgram) program;
System.out.println("Parsing:" + gecp.getSourceCode());
CharStream input = new ANTLRStringStream(gecp.getSourceCode());
Interpreter lexEngine = new Interpreter(lexer, input);
FilteringTokenStream tokens = new FilteringTokenStream(lexEngine);
StringTokenizer tk = new StringTokenizer(ignoreTokens, " ");
while (tk.hasMoreTokens()) {
String tokenName = tk.nextToken();
tokens.setTokenTypeChannel(lexer.getTokenType(tokenName), 99);
Interpreter parseEngine = new Interpreter(parser, tokens);
ParseTree t;
t = parseEngine.parse(startRule);
return 1.0 / t.toStringTree().length();
} catch (Exception e) {
// Something failed, return very big fitness, making it unfavorable
return Double.MAX_VALUE;
Where t.toStringTree() contains the ParseTree.