Here is my code:
private void save(File file) {
StyledDocument<ParStyle, Either<StyledText<TextStyle>, LinkedImage<TextStyle>>, TextStyle> doc = textarea.getDocument();
// Use the Codec to save the document in a binary format
textarea.getStyleCodecs().ifPresent(codecs -> {
Codec<StyledDocument<ParStyle, Either<StyledText<TextStyle>, LinkedImage<TextStyle>>, TextStyle>> codec
= ReadOnlyStyledDocument.codec(codecs._1, codecs._2, textarea.getSegOps());
try {
FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(file);
DataOutputStream dos = new DataOutputStream(fos);
codec.encode(dos, doc);
} catch (IOException fnfe) {
I am trying to implement the save/loading from the demo from here on the RichTextFX GitHub.
I am getting errors in the following lines:
StyledDocument<ParStyle, Either<StyledText<TextStyle>, LinkedImage<TextStyle>>, TextStyle> doc = textarea.getDocument();
error: incompatible types:
cannot be converted to
= ReadOnlyStyledDocument.codec(codecs._1, codecs._2, textarea.getSegOps());
error: incompatible types: inferred type does not conform to equality
constraint(s) inferred: ParStyle
equality constraints(s): ParStyle,Collection<String>
I have added all the required .java files and imported them into my main code. I thought it would be relatively trivial to implement this demo but it has been nothing but headaches.
If this cannot be resolved, does anyone know an alternative way to save the text with formatting from RichTextFX?
Thank you
This question is quite old, but since i ran into the same problem i figured a solution might be useful to others as well.
In the demo, the code from which you use, ParStyle and TextStyle (Custom Types) are used for defining how information about the style is stored.
The error messages you get pretty much just tell you that your way of storing the information about the style (In your case in a String) is not compatible with the way it is done in the demo.
If you want to store the style in a String, which i did as well, you need to implement some way of serializing and deserializing the information yourself.
You can do that, for example (I used an InlineCssTextArea), in the following way:
public class SerializeManager {
public static final String PAR_REGEX = "#!par!#";
public static final String PAR_CONTENT_REGEX = "#!pcr!#";
public static final String SEG_REGEX = "#!seg!#";
public static final String SEG_CONTENT_REGEX = "#!scr!#";
public static String serialized(InlineCssTextArea textArea) {
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
textArea.getDocument().getParagraphs().forEach(par -> {
par.getStyledSegments().forEach(seg -> builder
.replaceAll(PAR_REGEX, "")
.replaceAll(PAR_CONTENT_REGEX, "")
.replaceAll(SEG_REGEX, "")
.replaceAll(SEG_CONTENT_REGEX, "")
String textAreaSerialized = builder.toString();
return textAreaSerialized;
public static InlineCssTextArea fromSerialized(String string) {
InlineCssTextArea textArea = new InlineCssTextArea();
ReadOnlyStyledDocumentBuilder<String, String, String> builder = new ReadOnlyStyledDocumentBuilder<>(
if (string.contains(PAR_REGEX)) {
String[] parsSerialized = string.split(PAR_REGEX);
for (int i = 0; i < parsSerialized.length; i++) {
String par = parsSerialized[i];
String[] parContent = par.split(PAR_CONTENT_REGEX);
String parStyle = parContent[0];
List<String> segments = new ArrayList<>();
StyleSpansBuilder<String> spansBuilder = new StyleSpansBuilder<>();
String styleSegments = parContent[1]; -> {
String[] segContent = seg.split(SEG_CONTENT_REGEX);
if (segContent.length > 1) {
spansBuilder.add(segContent[1], segContent[0].length());
} else {
spansBuilder.add("", segContent[0].length());
StyleSpans<String> spans = spansBuilder.create();
builder.addParagraph(segments, spans, parStyle);
return textArea;
You can then take the serialized InlineCssTextArea, write the resulting String to a file, and load and deserialize it.
As you can see in the code, i made up some Strings as regexes which will be removed in the serialization process (We don't want our Serializer to be injectable, do we ;)).
You can change these to whatever you like, just note they will be removed if used in the text of the TextArea, so they should be something users wont miss in their TextArea.
Also note that this solution serializes the Style of the Text, the Text itself and the Paragraph style, BUT not inserted images or parameters of the TextArea (such as width and height), just the text content of the TextArea with its Style.
This issue on github really helped me btw.
I am using the grammar file for PlSql from this Github repository. I want to underline the line in plsql file that I parse if it has a syntax error. I have the following snippet to do so:
public static class UnderlineListener extends BaseErrorListener {
public void syntaxError(Recognizer<?, ?> recognizer,
Object offendingSymbol,
int line, int charPositionInLine,
String msg,
RecognitionException e)
System.err.println("line "+line+":"+charPositionInLine+" "+msg);
line, charPositionInLine);
protected void underlineError(Recognizer recognizer,
Token offendingToken, int line,
int charPositionInLine) {
CommonTokenStream tokens =
String input = tokens.getTokenSource().getInputStream().toString();
String[] lines = input.split("\n");
String errorLine = lines[line - 1];
for (int i=0; i<charPositionInLine; i++) System.err.print(" ");
int start = offendingToken.getStartIndex();
int stop = offendingToken.getStopIndex();
if ( start>=0 && stop>=0 ) {
for (int i=start; i<=stop; i++) System.err.print("^");
While this works fine in most cases, some scripting languages, like PlSql, need special handling for case-sensitivity. This means I had to use CaseChangingCharStream as follows:
CharStream s = CharStreams.fromPath(Paths.get('test.sql'));
CaseChangingCharStream upper = new CaseChangingCharStream(s, true);
Lexer lexer = new SomeSQLLexer(upper);
Now when I try to get the input text inside my UnderlineListener using String input = tokens.getTokenSource().getInputStream().toString();, I do not get the actual text of my test.sql. This is because getInputStream() is returning CaseChangingCharStream object which does not give the desired actual text of my test.sql.
How do I get the actual file text in my case? One way could be to pass the file content to the the constructor of UnderlineListener, but I would prefer to stick to the above method of getting actual file text since it can be used for cases where CaseChangingCharStream is not used.
I have found a workaround. The current implementation of does not have a getter method, like getCharStream(), to access final CharStream stream; attribute. Simply adding a getter method for it allows us to access the underlying CharStream object as follows:
CaseChangingCharStream modifiedCharStream = (CaseChangingCharStream) tokens.getTokenSource().getInputStream();
String input = modifiedCharStream.getCharStream().toString();
I have built a program, which takes in a provided ".class" file and parses it using the BCEL, I've learnt how to calculate the LCOM4 value now. Now I would like to know how to calculate the CBO(Coupling between object) value of the class file. I've scoured the whole web, trying to find a proper tutorial about it, but I've been unable so far (I've read the whole javadoc regarding the BCEL as well and there was a similar question on stackoverflow but it has been removed). So I would like some help with this issue, as in some detailed tutorials or code snippets that would help me understand on how to do it.
OK, here you must compute the CBO of the classes within a whole set of classes. The set can be the content of a directory, of a jar file, or all the classes in a classpath.
I would fill a Map<String,Set<String>> with the class name as the key, and the classes it refers to:
private void addClassReferees(File file, Map<String, Set<String>> refMap)
throws IOException {
try (InputStream in = new FileInputStream(file)) {
ClassParser parser = new ClassParser(in, file.getName());
JavaClass clazz = parser.parse();
String className = clazz.getClassName();
Set<String> referees = new HashSet<>();
ConstantPoolGen cp = new ConstantPoolGen(clazz.getConstantPool());
for (Method method: clazz.getMethods()) {
Code code = method.getCode();
InstructionList instrs = new InstructionList(code.getCode());
for (InstructionHandle ih: instrs) {
Instruction instr = ih.getInstruction();
if (instr instanceof FieldOrMethod) {
FieldOrMethod ref = (FieldInstruction)instr;
String cn = ref.getClassName(cp);
if (!cn.equals(className)) {
refMap.put(className, referees);
When you've added all the classes in the map, you need to filter the referees of each class to limit them to the set of classes considered, and add the backward links:
Set<String> classes = new TreeSet<>(refMap.keySet());
for (String className: classes) {
Set<String> others = refMap.get(className);
for (String other: others) {
I use XHTMLConverter to convert .docx to html, to make preview of the document. Is there any way to convert only few pages from original document? I'll be grateful for any help.
You have to parse the complete .docx file. It is not possible to read just parts of it. Otherwise if you want to know how to select a specific page number, im afraid to tell you(at least I believe) that word does not store page numbers therefore there is no function in the libary to accsess a specified page..
(I've read this at another forum, it actually might be false information).
PS: the Excel POI contains a .getSheetAt()method (this might helps you for your research)
But there are also other ways to accsess your pages. For instance you could read the lines of your docx document and search for the pagenumbers(might crash if your text contains those numbers though). Another way would be to search for the header of the site which would be more accurate:
HeaderStories headerStore = new HeaderStories( doc);
String header = headerStore.getHeader(pageNumber);
this should give you the header of the specified page. Same with footer:
HeaderStories headerStore = new HeaderStories( doc);
String footer = headerStore.getFooter(pageNumber);
If this dosen't work. I am not really into that API....
here a little Example for a very sloppy solution:
import org.apache.poi.hwpf.HWPFDocument;
import org.apache.poi.hwpf.extractor.WordExtractor;
public class ReadDocFile
public static void main(String[] args)
File file = null;
WordExtractor extractor = null;
file = new File("c:\\New.doc");
FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(file.getAbsolutePath());
HWPFDocument document = new HWPFDocument(fis);
extractor = new WordExtractor(document);
String[] fileData = extractor.getParagraphText();
for (int i = 0; i < fileData.length; i++)
if (fileData[i].equals("headerPageOne")){
int firstLineOfPageOne = i;
if (fileData[i]).equals("headerPageTwo"){
int lastLineOfPageOne = i
catch (Exception exep)
If you go with this i would recommend you to create a String[] with your headers and refractor the for-loop to a seperate getPages() Method. Therefore your loop would look like:
List<String> = new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList("header1","header2","header3","header4"));
for (int i = 0; i < fileData.length; i++)
//well there should be a loop for "x" too
if (fileData[i].equals(headerArray[x])){
int firstLineOfPageOne = i;
if (fileData[i]).equals(headerArray[x+1]){
int lastLineOfPageOne = i
You could create an Object(int pageStart, int PageStop), wich would be the product of your method.
I hope it helped you :)
I need to extract all the texts from some swf files. I'm using Java since I have a lot of modules developed with this language.
Thus, I did a search through the Web for all the free Java library devoted to handle SWF files.
Finally, I found the library developed by StuartMacKay. The library, named transform-swf, may be found on GitHub by clicking here.
The question is: Once I extract the GlyphIndexes from a TextSpan, how can I convert the glyps in characters?
Please, provide a complete working and tested example. No theoretical answer will be accepted nor answers like "it cannot be done", "it ain't possible", etc.
What I know and what I did
I know that the GlyphIndexes are built by using a TextTable, which is constructed by recurring to an integer that represente the font size and a font description provided by a DefineFont2 object, but when I decode all the DefineFont2, all have a zero length advance.
Here follows what I did.
//Creating a Movie object from an swf file.
Movie movie = new Movie();
movie.decodeFromFile(new File(out));
//Saving all the decoded DefineFont2 objects.
Map<Integer,DefineFont2> fonts = new HashMap<>();
for (MovieTag object : list) {
if (object instanceof DefineFont2) {
DefineFont2 df2 = (DefineFont2) object;
fonts.put(df2.getIdentifier(), df2);
//Now I retrieve all the texts
for (MovieTag object : list) {
if (object instanceof DefineText2) {
DefineText2 dt2 = (DefineText2) object;
for (TextSpan ts : dt2.getSpans()) {
Integer fontIdentifier = ts.getIdentifier();
if (fontIdentifier != null) {
int fontSize = ts.getHeight();
// Here I try to create an object that should
// reverse the process done by a TextTable
ReverseTextTable rtt =
new ReverseTextTable(fonts.get(fontIdentifier), fontSize);
The class ReverseTextTable follows here:
public final class ReverseTextTable {
private final transient Map<Character, GlyphIndex> characters;
private final transient Map<GlyphIndex, Character> glyphs;
public ReverseTextTable(final DefineFont2 font, final int fontSize) {
characters = new LinkedHashMap<>();
glyphs = new LinkedHashMap<>();
final List<Integer> codes = font.getCodes();
final List<Integer> advances = font.getAdvances();
final float scale = fontSize / EMSQUARE;
final int count = codes.size();
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
characters.put((char) codes.get(i).intValue(), new GlyphIndex(i,
(int) (advances.get(i) * scale)));
glyphs.put(new GlyphIndex(i,
(int) (advances.get(i) * scale)), (char) codes.get(i).intValue());
//This method should reverse from a list of GlyphIndexes to a String
public String charactersForText(final List<GlyphIndex> list) {
String text="";
for(GlyphIndex gi: list){
return text;
Unfortunately, the list of advances from DefineFont2 is empty, then the constructor of ReverseTableText get an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundException.
Honestly, I don't know how to do that in Java. I'm not claiming that it is not possible, I also believe that there is a way to do that. However, you said that there are a lot of libraries that do that. You also suggested a library, i.e. swftools. So, I suggest to recurr to that library to extract the text from a flash file. To do that you can use Runtime.exec() just to execute a command line to run that library.
Personally, I prefer Apache Commons exec rather than the standard library released with JDK. Well, just let me show you how you should do. The executable file that you should use is "swfstrings.exe". Suppose that it is put in "C:\". Suppose that in the same folder you can find a flash file, e.g. page.swf. Then, I tried the following code (it works fine):
Path pathToSwfFile = Paths.get("C:\" + File.separator + "page.swf");
CommandLine commandLine = CommandLine.parse("C:\" + File.separator + "swfstrings.exe");
commandLine.addArgument("\"" + swfFile.toString() + "\"");
DefaultExecutor executor = new DefaultExecutor();
executor.setExitValues(new int[]{0, 1}); //Notice that swfstrings.exe returns 1 for success,
//0 for file not found, -1 for error
ByteArrayOutputStream stdout = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
PumpStreamHandler psh = new PumpStreamHandler(stdout);
int exitValue;
exitValue = executor.execute(commandLine);
}catch(org.apache.commons.exec.ExecuteException ex){
String out = stdout.toString("UTF-8"); // here you have the extracted text
I know, this is not exactly the answer that you requested, but works fine.
I happened to be working on decompiling an SWF in Java now and I came across this question while figuring out how to reverse engineer the original text back.
After looking at the source code, I realise its really straightforward. Each font has an assigned sequence of characters that can be retrieved by calling DefineFont2.getCodes(), and the glyphIndex is the index to the matching character in DefineFont2.getCodes().
However, in cases where there are multiple fonts in use in a single SWF file, it is difficult to match each DefineText to the corresponding DefineFont2 because there's no attributes that identifies the DefineFont2 used for each DefineText.
To work around this issue, I came up with a self-learning algorithm which will attempt to guess the right DefineFont2 for each DefineText and hence derive the original text correctly.
To reverse engineer the original text back, I created a class called FontLearner:
public class FontLearner {
private final ArrayList<DefineFont2> fonts = new ArrayList<DefineFont2>();
private final HashMap<Integer, HashMap<Character, Integer>> advancesMap = new HashMap<Integer, HashMap<Character, Integer>>();
* The same characters from the same font will have similar advance values.
* This constant defines the allowed difference between two advance values
* before they are treated as the same character
private static final int ADVANCE_THRESHOLD = 10;
* Some characters have outlier advance values despite being compared
* to the same character
* This constant defines the minimum accuracy level for each String
* before it is associated with the given font
private static final double ACCURACY_THRESHOLD = 0.9;
* This method adds a DefineFont2 to the learner, and a DefineText
* associated with the font to teach the learner about the given font.
* #param font The font to add to the learner
* #param text The text associated with the font
private void addFont(DefineFont2 font, DefineText text) {
HashMap<Character, Integer> advances = new HashMap<Character, Integer>();
advancesMap.put(font.getIdentifier(), advances);
List<Integer> codes = font.getCodes();
List<TextSpan> spans = text.getSpans();
for (TextSpan span : spans) {
List<GlyphIndex> characters = span.getCharacters();
for (GlyphIndex character : characters) {
int glyphIndex = character.getGlyphIndex();
char c = (char) (int) codes.get(glyphIndex);
int advance = character.getAdvance();
advances.put(c, advance);
* #param text The DefineText to retrieve the original String from
* #return The String retrieved from the given DefineText
public String getString(DefineText text) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
List<TextSpan> spans = text.getSpans();
DefineFont2 font = null;
for (DefineFont2 getFont : fonts) {
List<Integer> codes = getFont.getCodes();
HashMap<Character, Integer> advances = advancesMap.get(getFont.getIdentifier());
if (advances == null) {
advances = new HashMap<Character, Integer>();
advancesMap.put(getFont.getIdentifier(), advances);
boolean notFound = true;
int totalMisses = 0;
int totalCount = 0;
for (TextSpan span : spans) {
List<GlyphIndex> characters = span.getCharacters();
totalCount += characters.size();
int misses = 0;
for (GlyphIndex character : characters) {
int glyphIndex = character.getGlyphIndex();
if (codes.size() > glyphIndex) {
char c = (char) (int) codes.get(glyphIndex);
Integer getAdvance = advances.get(c);
if (getAdvance != null) {
notFound = false;
if (Math.abs(character.getAdvance() - getAdvance) > ADVANCE_THRESHOLD) {
misses += 1;
} else {
notFound = false;
misses = characters.size();
totalMisses += misses;
double accuracy = (totalCount - totalMisses) * 1.0 / totalCount;
if (accuracy > ACCURACY_THRESHOLD && !notFound) {
font = getFont;
// teach this DefineText to the FontLearner if there are
// any new characters
for (TextSpan span : spans) {
List<GlyphIndex> characters = span.getCharacters();
for (GlyphIndex character : characters) {
int glyphIndex = character.getGlyphIndex();
char c = (char) (int) codes.get(glyphIndex);
int advance = character.getAdvance();
if (advances.get(c) == null) {
advances.put(c, advance);
if (font != null) {
List<Integer> codes = font.getCodes();
for (TextSpan span : spans) {
List<GlyphIndex> characters = span.getCharacters();
for (GlyphIndex character : characters) {
int glyphIndex = character.getGlyphIndex();
char c = (char) (int) codes.get(glyphIndex);
sb = new StringBuilder(sb.toString().trim());
sb.append(" ");
return sb.toString().trim();
Movie movie = new Movie();
FontLearner learner = new FontLearner();
DefineFont2 font = null;
List<MovieTag> objects = movie.getObjects();
for (MovieTag object : objects) {
if (object instanceof DefineFont2) {
font = (DefineFont2) object;
} else if (object instanceof DefineText) {
DefineText text = (DefineText) object;
if (font != null) {
learner.addFont(font, text);
font = null;
String line = learner.getString(text); // reverse engineers the line
I am happy to say that this method has given me a 100% accuracy in reverse engineering the original String using StuartMacKay's transform-swf library.
Its seems to be difficult on what your trying to achieve, Your trying to secompile the file bur i am sorry to say that its not possible , What I would suggest you to do is to convert it into some bitmap (if possible) or by any other method try to read the characters using OCR
There are some software's which do that, you can also check some forums regarding that. Because once compiled version of swf is very difficult (and not possible as far as i know). You can check this decompiler if you want or try using some other languages like the project here
I had a similar problem with long strings using transform-swf library.
Got the source code and debugged it.
I believe there was a small bug in class com.flagstone.transform.coder.SWFDecoder.
Line 540 (applicable to version 3.0.2), change
dest += length;
dest += count;
That should do it for you (it's about extracting strings).
I notified Stuart as well. The problem appears only if your strings are very large.
I know this isn't what you asked but I needed to pull text from SWF recently using Java and found the ffdec library much better than transform-swf
Comment if anyone needs sample code
I need to be able to serialize a string and then have it save in a .txt or .xml file. I've never used the implementation to read/write files, just remember I am a relative beginner. Also, I need to know how to deserialize the string to be printed out in terminal as a normal string.
XStream has facilities to read from and write to files, see the simple examples ( and in this article.
If you can serialize it to a txt file, just open an ObjectOutputStream and have it use String's own serialization capability for you.
String str = "serialize me";
String file = "file.txt";
ObjectOutputStream out = new ObjectOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(file));
ObjectInputStream in = new ObjectInputStream(new FileInputStream(file));
String newString = (String) in.readObject();
assert str.equals(newString);
System.out.println("Strings are equal");
}catch(IOException ex){
}catch(ClassNotFoundException ex){
You could also just open a PrintStream and syphon it out that way, then use a BufferedReader and readLine(). If you really want to get fancy (since this is a HW assignment after all), you could use a for loop and print each character individually. Using XML is more complicated than you need to serialize a String and using an external library is just overkill.
If you are beginning Java, then take some time to look through the Apache Commons project. There are lots of basic extensions to java that you will make use of many times.
I'm assuming you just want to persist a string so you can read it back later - in which case it doesn't necessarily need to be XML.
To write a string to a file, see
FileUtils.writeStringToFile(File file,String data)
To read it back:
FileUtils.readFileToString(File file)
Make sure you also look at commons-lang for lots of good basic stuff.
If you need to create a text file containing XML that represents the contents of an object (and make it bidirectional), just use JSON-lib:
class MyBean{
private String name = "json";
private int pojoId = 1;
private char[] options = new char[]{'a','f'};
private String func1 = "function(i){ return this.options[i]; }";
private JSONFunction func2 = new JSONFunction(new String[]{"i"},"return this.options[i];");
// getters & setters
JSONObject jsonObject = JSONObject.fromObject( new MyBean() );
String xmlText = XMLSerializer.write( jsonObject );
From there just wrote the String to your file. Much simpler than all those XML API's. Now, however, if you need to conform to a DTD or XSD, this is a bad way to go as it's much more free-format and conforms only to the object layout.
Is there any particular reason to use XStream? This would be extremely easy to do with something like JDOM if all you are doing is trying to serialize a string or two.
Ie, something like:
Document doc = new Document();
Element rootEl = new Element("root");
rootEl.setText("my string");
XMLOutputter outputter = new XMLOutputter();
Some of the details above are probably wrong, but thats the basic flow. Perhaps you should ask a more specific question so that we can understand exactly what problem it is that you are having?
import com.thoughtworks.xstream.XStream;
class Date {
int year;
int month;
int day;
public class Serialize {
public static void main(String[] args) {
XStream xstream = new XStream();
Date date = new Date();
date.year = 2004;
date.month = 8; = 15;
xstream.alias("date", Date.class);
String decl = "\n";
String xml = xstream.toXML(date);
System.out.print(decl + xml);
public class Deserialize {
public static void main(String[] args) {
XStream xstream = new XStream();
Date date = new Date();
xstream.alias("date", Date.class);
String xml = xstream.toXML(date);
Date newdate = (Date)xstream.fromXML(xml);
newdate.month = 12; = 2;
String newxml = xstream.toXML(newdate);
System.out.print("\n\n" + newxml);
You can then take the xml string and write it to a file.
try something like this:
FileOutputStream fos = null;
try {
File fileLocation = new File(FILE_LOCATION_DIRECTORY + "/" + fileName);
fos = new FileOutputStream(fileLocation);
stream.toXML(userAlertSubscription, fos);
} catch (IOException e) {
Log.error(this, "Error %s in file %s", e.getMessage(), fileName);
} finally {