I'm struggling to get this to work using nssm (Non-sucking Service Manager).
I'm trying to get a jar file (Spring-Boot application) to run. With out arguments, I got the service to install and run fine, but I need to pass in VM arguments and I'm banging my head trying to get it to work using nssm.
So the command I need to feed into nssm to make a windows service is:
$> java "-Dspring.profiles.active=dev" -jar .\neo-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
Any help would be greatly appreicated.
I was able to get it running; instead of passing in a system property (VM property) I pass in the value via application argument.
nssm install JarServiceWithArgs FullJavaPath\java.exe -jar app.jar --spring.profiles.active=dev
I have built an executable jar file which is also a standalone SpringBoot Application. The requirement is that I have to run this jar file from command line which also provides command line arguments which are meant to override application.properties properties and will be used further.
I have tried and this works perfectly when ran from Windows Command Prompt.
Now I further want to deploy this on jenkins and run the same jar file usign jenkins using the command:Note that the command is important since it overrides application.properties.
Will it work in jenkins? Should i go with "Execute Shell" or "Execute Windows batch command" for it in jenkins? I would be trying it but need o know .
Command: java -jar myJArName.jar --server.port=10 --another.argument=1 --another.argument=2
Yes, you can use execute shell as you mentioned above if:
Java is installed on the host that Jenkins runs on
java is part of $PATH (you can check this by running which java on your jenkins host)
myJarName.jar is actually on the host jenkins runs on
Btw. I assume Jenkins runs on a Linux host. Otherwise you might have to use Execute Windows batch command which will work in a similar way to execute shell, but I never used it.
I developed a Java server (using Spring) and uploaded the final executable JAR to an EC2 instance using FileZilla. Now I want it to run.
I've connected via SSH and used java -jar server.jar to run my server, and it worked (I've tried accessing it). However once the SSH connection is closed the server obviously stops running as well.
How can I start my application in such a way so it keeps running?
Edit: Using the command screen explained here I was able to run it in background and so it keeps running.
The issue is not cloud dependent its the configuration you have to do to run your jar as a service in your system.
If you are using Elastic Bean Stalk change systemctl to initctl in below example.
Put the script commands you wish to run in /usr/bin/demoscript.sh
Remember to make the script executable with chmod +x.
Create the following file:
Description=Demo Script
Reload the systemd service files: systemctl daemon-reload
Check that it is working with systemctl start demo
You need to make it run as daemon process in linux.
There are many tutorial / templates available to create a daemon shell script. Quick google search shows github has many templates, so check them out.
You could try using systemd which is a Linux service manager. You can use it to run your service in the background.
To do that you need to first create a unit file that describes how systemd should manage your service (more info here).
sudo vim /etc/systemd/system/your-application.service
Your file might look something like this
Description=Java Application as a Service
#change this directory into your workspace
#mkdir workspace
#path to the executable bash script which executes the jar file
ExecStart=/bin/bash /home/ec2-user/workspace/your-script.sh
Then in your home directory /home/ec2-user/workspace you can create the bash script that will run your java application.
sudo nano your-script.sh
Your script might look like this
java -jar your-application.jar
All you need to do then is start the service with the command
sudo systemctl enable your-application.service
sudo systemctl start your-application.service
I am trying to use Inno Setup to install a Windows service as a JAR file running under NSSM (Non-Sucking Service Manager)
nssm install JarService java -jar service.jar
nssm start JarService
ends up putting my service in the "Paused" state, and it doesn't ever seem to get started.
Since the location of java.exe can change with updates, I want to be able to run the service without having the explicit path to java.exe, how can I launch the java service without an explicit path in NSSM?
I had to do something quite similar just last week.
When I replace "java" with the full path to java.exe, I can get a service to run, so:
nssm install JarService FullPath/java.exe -jar service.jar
should work. I don't think NSSM searches the path for its application.
On Windows 2012 R2 OS, I used:
nssm install MyServiceName "C:\Program Files\MyServiceName\start.bat"
Then in the batch file, start.bat, I have:
java -cp "C:\Program Files\MyServiceName\MyServiceName.jar" com.package.MyServiceMainClass
I had to create a powershell script to run the java service:
java.exe -jar service.jar
Then, I reference the full path to powershell in Inno Setup's [Run] section:
Filename: "{app}\nssm.exe"; Parameters: "install ""{#MyAppName}"" ""{sys}\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe"" ""-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -File {app}\runservice.ps1"""; Flags: runhidden
As long as powershell doesn't move, this should work.
I've tried setting the Custom User Interface GPO option to
java -jar GyroUI.jar
as well as using the full path
C:\Program Files\jre7\bin\java.exe -jar GyroUI.jar
But neither seem to result in anything except the desktop background.
I know this works normally as I can run the jar file just fine using the command prompt, and I get the UI as expected.
C:\Program Files\jre7\bin\java.exe -jar "C:\Program Files\Sahara\GyroUI.jar"
Ended up being the solution, the problem was being caused by the application crashing, not by the shell failing to launch.
How do I run a Java .jar file as a Windows service on a Windows 2008 server? I have a jar file called SomeJavaFile.jar located under the C:\SomeDirectory directory on a Windows Server 2008 box. I usually just run this jar manually in the command line with: java –cp SomeJavaFile.jar com.ctg.SomeJavaFile and I let it run 24/7.
The problem with our Windows Server is if it restarts I need to run it as a service so it will automatically start as a service upon startup, because our processing for Vistakon runs 24/7. I have Googled around and tried to use a service wrapper and the sc.exe command to create the service.
I put the wrapper service.exe in the C:\SomeDirectory\. I use the following command to create it: sc.exe SomeJavaService binPath= “C:\SomeDirectory\service.exe \”java –jar C:\SomeDirectory\SomeJavaFile.jar\”” type= own start= auto error= ignore. This creates the SomeJavaService service correctly but when I try to start it I get an error that says the service on Local Computer started then stopped.
Some services stop automatically if they are not in use by other services or programs. Do I need to alter my sc.exe command to have the exact previous working command line maybe, by adding in the com.ctg.SomeJavaFile? So should I change This jar should just run in the background and constantly poll/ping the C:/poll directory then if there is data present it processes the data and sends an export file to another directory.
I have used this same .jar file for years successfully and it hasn't changed, but I cannot get it to run as a Windows service. This is the site I use to get the service wrapper http://code.google.com/p/simple-service-wrapper/. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
"winsw" is the standalone version of the Windows Service installer shipping with the Glassfish Java EE reference implementation.
Works well, but is not a fully polished product - I have used it for exactly this purpose for a couple of years. Requires .NET in some recent version on the Windows machine.
I think that the best bet would be wrap your java app with Procrun of Apache Commons Daemon .
Procrun is a set of applications that allow Windows users to wrap
(mostly) Java applications (e.g. Tomcat) as a Windows service.
The service can be set to automatically start when the machine boots
and will continue to run with no user logged onto the machine.
As per my analysis,
The Idle Solution will be writing a VC++ (.net) Windows Service creation program to launch the .bat (that triggers the jar file)/.exe as a System service with all the required call back methods to SCM.
Note : 1. Wrapping the process with sc.exe / srvany.exe would not work as it does not have any call back process to the SCM (Service Control Manager). 2. And java service Wrapper is a third party API (many are LGPL licensed).
If you start your Java code from commandline by using java -j some.jar does it run until you terminate the program, or does it stop by itself?
There needs to be a NON-Deamon Thread, that is running all the time. A JVM will terminate, if there is no thread running, that is not flagged as daemon.
If you have a little budget, buy an installer tool. I use instll4j. With that tool, you can create service launcher and install them during instllation.
The following solution is working fine for me having OpenFire Connection Manager (which is a jar file) running as service on Windows Server.
Download and install the Non-Sucking Service Manager
I didn't use the batch made by OpenFire team, because it didn't work for me (dependencies not found error...) So, make a batch file with the following code :
cd /D "E:\connection_manager\lib"
java -jar startup.jar
and save it as cm_startup.bat in the bin folder of connection manager.
After that you can create the service with NSSM.
So, open a cmd.exe and run the following command :
nssm install ConnManager "E:\connection_manager\lib\cm_startup.bat"
Doc & examples
More documentation and examples for the Non-Sucking Service Manager here : https://nssm.cc/usage Actually NSSM as a lot of options available.
Here is a more complexe example :
nssm install solr "%JavaExe%" -Dsolr.solr.home="\"%CD%\solr"\"
-Djetty.home="\"%CD%"\" -Djetty.logs="\"%CD%\logs"\" -cp
"\"%CD%\lib\*.jar"\";"\"%CD%\start.jar"\" -jar "\"%CD%\start.jar"\"