Installing a Java service on Windows 7 with NSSM - java

I am trying to use Inno Setup to install a Windows service as a JAR file running under NSSM (Non-Sucking Service Manager)
nssm install JarService java -jar service.jar
nssm start JarService
ends up putting my service in the "Paused" state, and it doesn't ever seem to get started.
Since the location of java.exe can change with updates, I want to be able to run the service without having the explicit path to java.exe, how can I launch the java service without an explicit path in NSSM?

I had to do something quite similar just last week.
When I replace "java" with the full path to java.exe, I can get a service to run, so:
nssm install JarService FullPath/java.exe -jar service.jar
should work. I don't think NSSM searches the path for its application.

On Windows 2012 R2 OS, I used:
nssm install MyServiceName "C:\Program Files\MyServiceName\start.bat"
Then in the batch file, start.bat, I have:
java -cp "C:\Program Files\MyServiceName\MyServiceName.jar" com.package.MyServiceMainClass

I had to create a powershell script to run the java service:
java.exe -jar service.jar
Then, I reference the full path to powershell in Inno Setup's [Run] section:
Filename: "{app}\nssm.exe"; Parameters: "install ""{#MyAppName}"" ""{sys}\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe"" ""-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -File {app}\runservice.ps1"""; Flags: runhidden
As long as powershell doesn't move, this should work.


Failed to run a Java app with Git Bash

I downloaded SymmetricDS, a tool for Database replication and tried to run it on my Windows7 machine. The program can be launched from command line and it works with Windows Terminal. However I always prefer Git Bash for command line stuff. When I run command sym though, I got error:
Error: Could not find or load main class org.jumpmind.symmetric.SymmetricLauncher
This tool is written in Java. I have JDK 1.8 installed. Git Bash inherits all environmental variables including $PATH and $JAVA_HOME from Windows. But why is it complaining about not finding the class?
The sym command is really running the following command:
exec "$SYM_JAVA" $SYM_OPTIONS -cp "$CLASSPATH" org.jumpmind.symmetric.SymmetricLauncher "$#"
All the jars are located in lib under the root directory of the application. The classpath is defined in a sym.service.conf inside conf directory:
# Java Classpath**.jar*.jar
# Application main class and arguments
I added echo $CLASSPATH right before the exec to print out the class path and it did seem to get all of them right:
That could be related to this thread:
On Windows, the path separator is a semicolon (';' instead of ':').
Don't ask why. Traditionally, the semicolon is interpreted by the Bash as
the command separator, so you'll have to escape it:
$ java -cp lib/clojure-1.1.0.jar\;lib/clojure-contrib-1.1.0.jar
If you wonder why it works with PATH: MSys has special handling routines
for that.
Another reason that a java app may run in a Windows CMD shell but not in a Windows git bash shell is that the classpath used to run the app contains one of the following:
relative paths (e.g. ../foo)
network drives (e.g. //servername/bah

Error starting selenium grid hub via powershell - VSTS/TFS

I'm struggling to start selenium grid on an azure VM via a powershell script in my build due to the following error....
System.Management.Automation.RuntimeException: The running command stopped because the preference variable "ErrorActionPreference" or common parameter is set to Stop: Error: Unable to access jarfile selenium-server-standalone-3.4.0.jar
The script simply contains java -jar selenium-server-standalone-3.4.0.jar -role hub and it runs fine locally. Java is installed on the VM.
Does anyone know what the issue is?
According to the script you provide, I suspect that you put the powershell script file in the same folder with "selenium-server-standalone-3.4.0.jar" so you didn't need to specify the path to jar file in the script. However, you need to use absolute path for "selenium-server-standalone-3.4.0.jar" file when you run the script from remote since the working folder is changed. Add the absolute path to the file or add "Set-Location" command in the script file to set the folder to the path where the jar file placed and then try again.
By the way, if you just call the "java -jar selenium-server-standalone-3.4.0.jar -role hub" command from the powershell script, you will keep waiting on the Remote PowerShell script step since the powershell script cannot be finished as the selenium server keeps running. I'd recommend you to start another process to run the selenium server like following:
Set-Location JarFileFolderPath
Start-Job -ScriptBlock {cmd /c start java -jar selenium-server-standalone-3.4.0.jar -role hub}
And make sure that stop the job after all your test is finished.

asadmin command doesn't work in ubuntu

I'm using Java EE with Glassfish.
I can't run asadmin command as well. I did the following, but output from terminal is:
No command 'asadmin' found, did you mean: Command 'amadmin' from package 'amanda-server' (universe) Command 'acsadmin' from package'ion' (universe) asadmin: command not found
I have Ubuntu 14.04 Trusty Tahr. I should be in bin directory of glassfish, so I'm in /opt/glassfish4/bin.
But always nothing happend, just error message above.
In Ubuntu and Linux in generál, you run commands from current directory like this: ./asadmin, ie. you must prepend ./ to make it explicit that you run a command I current directory. This is traditionally for some security reasons.
Try following command export PATH=/installationDirectory/glassfishName/bin:$PATH
In my case it was export PATH=/opt/glassfish4/bin:$PATH
The asadmin command needs to be read from glassfish bin directory when executing commands, hence you need to export the following in your environment variables.
On mac,
export PATH=/Users/macpro15/Downloads/glassfish5/bin:$PATH
I think you are creating the domain inside the default domain. You should make your own domain in the domains folder, and the run the following command in your terminal:
sh asadmin start-domain DOMAIN_NAME

How to launch a jar file on windows startup from the registry?

I am trying to launch a jar file on Windows Server 2008 R2 startup.
I tried to add a key\value to
I tried as a value several alternatives:
java -jar c:\jcm\jcm.jar
"java -jar c:\jcm\jcm.jar"
c:\program files(x86)\java\jre1.8.31\bin\java.exe -jar c:\jcm\jcm.jar
"c:\program files(x86)\java\jre1.8.31\bin\java.exe -jar c:\jcm\jcm.jar"
"c:\program files(x86)\java\jre1.8.31\bin\java.exe" -jar c:\jcm\jcm.jar
But none of them launched the program.
Can you advise please?
EDIT: Fixed exe to jar of course
You probably have a problem in the command line. I think it should be something like that last row that you have used but with jar and not exe.
"c:\program files(x86)\java\jre1.8.31\bin\java.exe" -jar c:\jcm\jcm.jar
You just need to test it in command line first and if it works it will work in the registry. You can also make a .bat file to start the java program and copy that to windows Startup Folder instead of using the registry.
The startup folder you can find here:
If it is Windows 10 then you may try this way-
Create a batch file e.g. (my-batch.bat with below statements.)
#echo off
title my-app batch script!
echo my-app welcomes you!
:: If your JAR contains GUI then use-
start javaw -Xmx200m -jar D:\Softwares\JAR\my-app-v1.0.jar
:: Otherwise use-
start java -jar D:\Softwares\JAR\my-app-v1.0.jar
Copy this my-batch.bat file at
C:\Users\pc\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup
Restart your PC to execute your JAR on startup.
Now, You may check your running JAR using Command Prompt with below commands-
1. jps -l
Output will look like-
13276 D:\Softwares\JAR\my-app-v1.0.jar
2. tasklist /V

Error launching sqoop client on windows

Per the installation directions I run:
./bin/ client
and it returns error:
could not find or load main class
I'm setting up Sqoop for the first time. I have the server up and running on Redhat Linux. Now I am stuck running the client on Windows Server 2012. I am running hadoop v2 and sqoop-1.99.3-bin-hadoop200. At the command line I verified java is installed by running "java -version" at the command line and seeing "1.8.0". Scoop is written in Java 1.6. Does that matter? I'm having difficulty locating an active download link to 1.6 for windows for troubleshooting.
I tried installing Cygwin and running the command. Same error.
Locate the directory traversal for the case of client in
# Build class path with full path to each library
for f in $SQOOP_CLIENT_LIB/*.jar; do
Just add the following search and replace params (note changes of colon to semicolon in classpath)
# Build class path with full path to each library
for f in $SQOOP_CLIENT_LIB/*.jar; do
I had the same issue running on Windows 8.1. Turns out it's caused because uses POSIX style directory paths. So / instead of . This results in the script being unable to set the correct CLASSPATH. This could have been remedied by using a cmd file for Windows. I don't know why they didn't do it. There are cmd files for catalina and such but not for launching sqoop!
Anyway I got around this issue by adding all the jar files in the shell\lib folder to CLASSPATH. You do have to add each & every jar file there and not just the folder path. A restart was required after this which was annoying. However the shell script will still not launch the client even after this change. The little trick I used is to just launch the client at the command prompt from the shell\lib folder with the following command
Now I get the groovy prompt from where I can run all the commands provided here
I used the following steps to configure sqoop in a windows machine and now able to work with sqoop 1.99.3 successfully.
*Cygwin must be installed before continuing further steps. Also its just for using the native libraries, we can interact with sqoop directly from windows command prompt.
Save the sqoop package folder in “C:” drive name as sqoop
Copy the hadoop lib folder “hadoop” from C:\hadoop\share into C:\usr\lib\hadoop [If this directory doesn't exists, then create one]
Change the hadoop configuration properties in the file “” from the location “C:\sqoop\server\conf” as below
at line:132\hadoop\etc\hadoop
Copy the and from “C:\sqoop\server\conf” into “C:\sqoop\server\bin”.
Set the environment variables for sqoop home as well as path:
SQOOP_HOME = C:\sqoop
Starting the server:
Open Command prompt (run as Administrator) and enter into the $SQOOP_HOME location and type command as follows
C:\sqoop> cd server\bin
C:\sqoop\server\bin> catalina start
The catalina server will be start and check it in the below location
Client Shell Command
Open the command prompt and enter the following command
java -classpath C:\sqoop\shell\lib\sqoop-shell-2.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar;C:\sqoop\shell\lib\sqoop-common-2.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar;C:\sqoop\shell\lib\sqoop-client-2.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar;C:\sqoop\shell\lib\log4j-1.2.16.jar;C:\sqoop\shell\lib\json-simple-1.1.jar;C:\sqoop\shell\lib\jline-0.9.94.jar;C:\sqoop\shell\lib\jersey-core-1.11.jar;C:\sqoop\shell\lib\jersey-client-1.11.jar;C:\sqoop\shell\lib\jansi-1.7.jar;C:\sqoop\shell\lib\hamcrest-core-1.3.jar;C:\sqoop\shell\lib\groovy-all-1.8.5.jar;C:\sqoop\shell\lib\commons-lang-2.6.jar;C:\sqoop\shell\lib\commons-cli-1.2.jar
The client shell command will be displayed as :
Sqoop Shell: Type 'help' or '\h' for help.
Hope this helps
