Buffered Reader for a socket is never ready - java

Just to be completely transparent, this is for an assignment.
There is more to do, but at the moment I'm just trying to get the following:
Node A reads in from a text file
Node A sends text file (minus the first line) to Node B using a socket
Node B read in from said socket, and prints it out to the console
However, right now, it seems that either the information isn't being sent, or it's not being read correctly by Node B.
In my main class, I set up the nodes like this:
NodeA nodeA = new NodeA();
NodeB nodeB = new NodeB();
new Thread(nodeA).start();
new Thread(nodeB).start();
In node A, I do this:
//Open a socket for talking with NodeB
Socket mySocket = new Socket(InetAddress.getLocalHost(), portNum);
//Set up the socket's output
PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(mySocket.getOutputStream(), true);
//Loop through the lines of the confA file, writing them to the socket
String line = bufferedReader.readLine();
while (line != null)
//Write the line to the socket, get the next line
out.println(line); //updated to println, this flushes and fixes another problem
line = bufferedReader.readLine();
//Close the socket
Note that Node A's loop works fine. It doesn't loop forever and does go through the intended lines of text when I tested with print statements.
Then, on Node B's end: Updated to show current Node B code
//Open the socket
ServerSocket mySocket = new ServerSocket(portNum);
Socket connectionSocket = mySocket.accept();
//Set up a reader on the socket to get what's coming from it
BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(connectionSocket.getInputStream()));
String line = in.readLine(); //hang occurs here
while(line != null) {
line = in.readLine();;
However, in.ready() is never true. I've tried waiting around for that to happen using a while loop but it never occurs.
I'm really not sure why. I have no idea if I set up the socket correctly, if I set up the server correctly, if I am listening correctly, etc.
I just figured that making B into a server which is listening for A made the most sense. I hope that's right. It looks similar to what I saw some other examples on SO did.
Thank you for any and all help. I'm extremely unfamiliar with sockets, ports, listening and otherwise, so forgive me if I don't understand your suggestions at first. I'll do my best to understand it as I go.
I refrained from adding the whole of the code to hopefully make it more readable and clear where the issue might be, but if you need more information just feel free to ask and I'll do my best to provide it.

The server must first get from the ServerSocket the Socket to the client.
connectionSocket = mySocket.accept();
The server thread will be sleep till a client causes it to accept the connectionSocket.
Then you can read from the connectionSocket. ready not being needed.
As this is an assignment, I leave the rest to you.
By the way a typical server would do:
for (;;) {
Socket socket = serverSocket.accept();
... pass the socket to a thread from a pool of threads

I think the problem is that ready just means that if you call a read, it won't block. You can see the code that gets executed if you look up the function on grepcode:
A ready thread just means it's not going to block, which is useful when you want to ensure that your thread isn't going to get tied up, but doesn't really tell you if you have buffer or not.
What you want to do is perform the readline, as a blocking call, until the data is consumed. If you don't want this blocking your current thread, then spin off a new consumer thread specific for this reading that can block.
Also, make sure that you're ending your send communication with either a closed socket or flush to indicate to the consuming stream when it is complete. And you only need to socket accept once per open/close session.


Java pattern for subsequent Input & OutputStream

Hello stack overflow world, I've been struggling with the most straight forward and common problem within Java IO, for some time, and now need your help to tackle it.
Check out this piece of code I have in a try block, within a thread.run():
// connect to client socket, and setup own server socket
clientSocket = new Socket(serverHostname, CLIENT_PORT);
//send a test command to download a file
String downloadFileName = "sample.txt";
DataOutputStream dataOutputStream = new DataOutputStream(clientSocket.getOutputStream());
System.out.println("Sending a request to download file : " + downloadFileName + " from user: Arsa node"); //todo: replace with node user later
//close socket if host isn't detected anymore, and if socket doesn't become null suddenly
System.out.println("****File has been sent****");
in = new DataInputStream(clientSocket.getInputStream());
byte[] retrievedFileData = new byte[8036];
if (in.readInt() > 0) {
System.out.println("Starting file download!");
System.out.println("File data has been read, converting to file now");
//closing input stream will close socket also
2 Main questions that have been confusing me to death:
Why does dataOutputStream.close() need to be run for writeUTF to actually send my string to the server socket, I find that when I don't have dos.close(), data isn't retrieved on the other side, further because I close it, I no longer can read from the socket - as it seems the socket connection becomes closed when the Output Stream is previously closed...
What's a better way, following some sort of pattern to do this? For context, all I'm trying to do is write the filename I'm looking to download to my client, then read the response right away, which I expect to be bytes with the file, any error handling I will consider as a part of my development.
Overall, it shouldn't be complicated to write something to a socket, then read and ingest it's response...which doesn't seem to be the case here,
any help would be greatly appreciated! If the ServerSocket code snippet is needed I'm happy to share.
The observed behavior is just a side-effect of close(), as it calls flush() before closing to make sure any buffered data is sent. To solve your problem, you need to call the flush() method instead of closing.
This behavior is not unique to DataOutputStream: a lot of other OutputStream (or Writer) implementations apply buffering, and you will need to flush when you want to ensure the data is sent to the client, written to disk or otherwise processed.
BTW: The DataOutputStream and DataInputStream is for a very specific type of data serialization protocol that is particular to Java. You may want to consider carefully if this is the right protocol to use.

How do I check if a client's socket InputStream contains data?

I want to check if the InputStream buffer contains any data which it can read and output without having to initially call readLine() and waiting for data.
I have looked into available() but this didn't seem to work as it always output 0.
while (true)
fromServer = in.readLine(); //Causing a hang waiting for reply
if ((fromUser = stdIn.readLine()) != null)
fromServer = in.readLine();
available() might tell you the number of bytes available, if implemented, but nothing can tell you whether there is a complete line other than trying to read it.
You need to read in a separate thread.
The issue is readLine() causes the client to get stuck hanging for a server reply if access isn't permitted for the client.
So the issue is really that the server should send something 'if access isn't permitted for the client', i.e. a message that says so, rather than doing nothing. You can't use absence of a message as a message in a blocking I/O system.
You also need to check every readLine() result for null, and if you get it when reading a socket you need to close it.
Create a new Instance of BufferedInputStream and call available on that object:
InputStream is = ...;
BufferedInputStream bis = new BufferedInputStream(inputStream);
if (bis.available() == 0) {
// do sth if input is available
I tried it with a little server-client application, it worked for me.
EDIT: Type mismatch gone.
As the Java Documentation says, the InputStream.available() always returns zero. In comparison to that, the BufferedInputStream returns „the number of bytes remaining that can be read in the buffer“

java.net.Socket > outputStream > BufferedOutputStream flush() confirmation

is there a way of knowing when or whether the flush() method of a BufferedOutputStream thread has finished successfully? In my case I'm using it for sending a simple string through a java.net.Socket. In the following code, the flush() method is run in parallel with the BufferedReader.read() method and the socket output is immediately blocked by the input read resulting in something that resembles a deadlock. What I would like to do is wait for the output to end, and then start reading the input.
Socket sk = new Socket("", 3000);
BufferedOutputStream bo = new BufferedOutputStream(sk.getOutputStream());
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(sk.getInputStream()));
String line = br.readLine();
if (line.equals("ack")) {
ServerSocket ss = new ServerSocket(3000);
System.out.println("server socket open");
while (true) {
Socket sk = ss.accept();
System.out.println("new connection");
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(sk.getInputStream()));
String line = br.readLine();
System.out.println("received line: " + line);
BufferedOutputStream bo = new BufferedOutputStream(sk.getOutputStream());
bo.write("ack".getBytes()); bo.flush();
#Global Variable - the reason that read was blocking the socket is that it was waiting for the \n, indeed. Using
instead of
made it work.
Regarding the initial question, is there a way of knowing if flush() method has finished successfully, #Stephen C provided the answer:
there is no way to know that based on the Socket or OutputStream APIs.
The normal way to get that sort of assurance is to have the remote
application send an "reply" in response, and read it in the local
This "reply" is implemented in the code sample and it works.
Is there a way of knowing when or whether the flush() method of a BufferedOutputStream thread has finished successfully?
It depends on what you mean by "finished successfully".
The flush() method ensures that all unsent data in the pipeline has been pushed as far as the operating system network stack. When that is done, then you could say that flush() has finished successfully. The way that you know that that has happened is that the flush() call returns.
On the other hand, if you want some assurance that the data has (all) been delivered to the remote machine, or that the remote application has read it (all) ... there is no way to know that based on the Socket or OutputStream APIs. The normal way to get that sort of assurance is to have the remote application send an "reply" in response, and read it in the local side.
In the following code, the flush() method is run in parallel with the BufferedReader.read() method and the socket output is immediately blocked by the input read resulting in something that resembles a deadlock.
The code that you are talking about is basically the correct approach. The way to wait for the response is to read it like that.
If it is not working, then you need to compare what the client and server side are doing:
Is the server waiting for the client to send something more? Maybe an end of line sequence?
Did the server sends the response?
Did it flush() the response?
A mismatch between what the client and server are doing can lead to a form or deadlock, but the solution is to fix the mismatch. Waiting for some kind of hypothetical confirmation of the flush() is not the answer.
The problem is indeed a mismatch. For example, the server writes "ack" but the client expects "ack\n". The same happens in the client -> server case ... unless message always ends with a newline.
Your code is reading reader.readLine() . Are your writing \n when writing? You may want to append \n to the string your are writing.
I tried to reproduce your problem. First, I ran in to some kind of blocking state too, until I realized, I was using readLine at Server-side, too. But the message I was sending did not have a concluding \n. Therefore, the serversocket was still waiting at its InputStream without sending the client the ACK through its OutputStream. I think, #Global Variable is right.

java - continuous data sending through Socket

I'm writing a Java client/server application. It should allow clients to send text data to the server. This kind of communication should be repeatable many times using the same connection.
I write it like this:
// On a server:
ServerSocket serverSocket = new ServerSocket(port);
Socket socket = serverSocket.accept();
BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(socket.getInputStream()));
if (reader.ready()) {
for (String line = reader.readLine(); line != null; line = reader.readLine()) {
// do something with line
// On a client:
Socket socket = new Socket(host, port);
BufferedWriter writer = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(socket.getOutputStream()));
writer.write("Some data from client to server");
The problem is: I can't read on a server before I close OutputStream on a client. Or I can't open OutputStream on a client again, if it was already closed. How can I do continuous sending and reading of data?
You need two threads at both ends, one for reading data and other one for writing data.
The problem is: I can't read on a server before I close OutputStream on a client.
Yes you can. You just can't get to the case where readLine() returns null. It isn't the same thing.
Or I can't open OutputStream on a client again, if it was already closed.
Of course not. You have to create a new Socket.
How can I do continuous sending and receiving of data?
I don't understand the question. The code you posted doesn't attempt that.
If your goal is to send many mesages over the same socket connection, these messages will have to be delimited by an application-level protocol. In other words, you won't be able to rely on any system calls like reader.ready() or reader.readLine() == null to detect the end of the message on te server.
One way to achieve this is to begin each message with its length in characters. The server will then read exactly that number of charecters, and then stop and wait for a new message. Another is to define a special character sequence which concludes each message. The server will react to reading that particular sequence by ending the reading of the current message and returning to the "wait for new message" state. You must ensure that this sequence never appears in the message itself.

Basic multisocket program

I am trying to implement a multisocket program (both client and server). After a little googling, I found that a good idea to do it is to implement Runnable. Now I suppose that each thread I create and use .start() is a different client (correct me if I'm wrong).
What I find difficult is to understand 2 things:
-Which is the exact line that accepts data? I guess it's not the Server.accept() method since this method is used to initiate a connection with the specific client (by making a new thread as mentioned before).
-How can I accept more than 1 packet (let's say it's a string)?
A little correction, every new thread you create and start with start() will be a new server thread handling a new client.
Which is the exact line that accepts data?
To accept data from client, you'll have to wrap the client's input stream into some input stream and then call the input stream's respective read function.
void readx(Socket con)
String line=new String();
BufferedReader bin= new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(con.getInputStream());
while((line = bin.readLine()) != null) //Read new lines coming from the server
This is just an example, you can have other InputStream wrappers like DataInputStream and their respective read functions.
How can I accept more than 1 packet (let's say it's a string)?
The above snippet will continuously accept data from client(can be any number of lines) till the client sends an End of Stream character.
