This example uses a file which most likely resides not in RAM:
but I already got a buffered file from a certain client request and in the code below, this file gets written to disk, but why ? it makes the whole process slow by writing to disk, can't I avoid it?
EDIT (Below is explanation of what I am trying to achieve):
A user's image is uploaded then scaled by the server and then saved on the server's disk and only then this scaled image is sent to AWS, afterwards the user gets an aws link where the image resides on the amazon server.
public void transferToS3(String region, String bucket, String entity, String resolution, String filename, BufferedImage bufferedImage) {
if (bufferedImage != null) {
String objectpath = "/" + "images" + "/" + entity + "/" + resolution + "/" + filename + "." + "png";
Path tmpFile = null;
try {
tmpFile = Files.createTempFile(imagesPath, "tmp_", ".png");
} catch (IOException e) {
try {
ImageIO.write(bufferedImage, "png", tmpFile.toFile());
S3AsyncClient client = S3AsyncClient.builder().region(Region.of(region)).build();
CompletableFuture<PutObjectResponse> future =
Path finalTmpFile = tmpFile;
future.whenComplete((resp, err) -> {
try {
if (resp != null) {
} else {
} catch (IOException e) {
} finally {
} catch (IOException e) {
Scaling routine returns a scaled BufferedImage which is then used in the transferToS3 method.
public BufferedImage scale(int width, int height, BufferedImage bufferedImage) {
BufferedImage scaledBufferedImage = null;
if (bufferedImage != null) {
Image image = bufferedImage.getScaledInstance(width, height, Image.SCALE_SMOOTH);
scaledBufferedImage = new BufferedImage(image.getWidth(null), image.getHeight(null), BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB);
scaledBufferedImage.getGraphics().drawImage(image, 0, 0, null);
return scaledBufferedImage;
The 2 above together:
BufferedImage scaledBufferedImage = imageService.scale(width, height finalBufferedImage);
imageService.transferToS3(region, bucket, name, k, file, scaledBufferedImage);
You can do whatever you wish with the data stream from the request. Feel free to scale the image in memory and send it back in the response. The example you linked writes the file to disk because this is by far the most common scenario. It also allows the author to focus on the details of uploading a file without polluting the example with unrelated code.
Note that bufferedImage is not a file. It is a stream. I suspect the author saved the image to disk in order to avoid assuming anything about the size of the image. If the image is too large to fit in RAM, then you will have difficulties doing the scaling in memory.
We want to know how we can share multiple files (image and txt file) with the Gluon ShareService. Especially how to share an image which was previously taken and stored (in gallery) with the PictureService.
But we need to create a file first with the path and image name. Unfortunately, the PictureService saves the image with the image title consisting of date and time at the moment the picture was taken.
We tried to get the image name with the loadImageFromGallery method but this returns void and opens the recent-screen.
Here what we've tried to share an image:
public void sharePicture() {
Services.get(PicturesService.class).ifPresent(picturesService -> {
Image image = picturesService.loadImageFromGallery().get();
File file= new File("Pictures", image.toString());
Services.get(ShareService.class).ifPresent(service -> {
service.share("image/jpg", file);
How can we store the image where we want with a title we want?
How can we share a file and an image together?
You are on the right track, combining different services from Charm Down, in order to select an image from the gallery and share it.
There is a major problem in this approach, though: You can't convert easily a JavaFX Image into a File.
So far the PicturesService returns only a JavaFX Image, and not a File, so we need a way to save that image into a file that we can read and share.
And the process is not easy since on mobile we don't have SwingUtilities.
The initial approach of using a PixelReader to read the image and get a byte array doesn't really work, as it will give you a big raw file that can't be read or share.
I've used this solution that makes use of a PNG encoder to get the byte array of a png from a JavaFX image:
PngEncoderFX encoder = new PngEncoderFX(image, true);
byte[] bytes = encoder.pngEncode();
Then I'll save that byte array into a file in the public storage folder (so it can be shared), that I can retrieve using the `StorageService:
private File getImageFile(Image image) {
if (image == null) {
return null;
// 1. Encode image to png
PngEncoderFX encoder = new PngEncoderFX(image, true);
byte[] bytes = encoder.pngEncode();
// 2.Write byte array to a file in public storage
File root = Services.get(StorageService.class)
.flatMap(storage -> storage.getPublicStorage("Pictures"))
if (root != null) {
File file = new File(root, "Image-" +"uuuuMMdd-HHmmss")) + ".png");
try (FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(file)) {
return file;
} catch (IOException ex) {
System.out.println("Error: " + ex);
return null;
Now, you can call the PicturesService, retrieve the image, save it to the file and finally share it:
Services.get(PicturesService.class).ifPresent(pictures -> {
// 1. Retrieve picture from gallery
pictures.loadImageFromGallery().ifPresent(image -> {
// 2. Convert image to file
File imageFile = getImageFile(image);
// 3. Share file
if (imageFile != null) {
Services.get(ShareService.class).ifPresent(share -> {
share.share("image/png", imageFile);
Note that you may run into memory issues if you try to encode big images.
Anyway, all the process could be simplified if the PicturesService will return a file in the first place. If you want to file an issue, you can do it here.
A possible solution to avoid memory issues, and to reduce the size of the shared file, and based on this solution, is scaling down the original image, if it exceeds certain size, like it is already done in the iOS implementation of the PicturesService:
private Image scaleImage(Image source) {
// Possible limit based on memory limitations
double maxResolution = 1280;
double width = source.getWidth();
double height = source.getHeight();
double targetWidth = width;
double targetHeight = height;
if (width > maxResolution || height > maxResolution) {
double ratio = width/height;
if (ratio > 1) {
targetWidth = maxResolution;
targetHeight = targetWidth/ ratio;
else {
targetHeight = maxResolution;
targetWidth = targetHeight * ratio;
ImageView imageView = new ImageView(source);
return imageView.snapshot(null, null);
This method can be used now in getImageFile():
// 1 Scale image to avoid memory issues
Image scaledImage = scaleImage(image);
// 2. Encode image to png
PngEncoderFX encoder = new PngEncoderFX(scaledImage, true);
byte[] bytes = encoder.pngEncode();
// 3. Write byte array to a file in public storage
I have built a software using Java and MySQL.
Its functionality is to receive Images and store them into a database (MySQL).
I did this for ease of backup. But now I realized that the stress on the database is increasing. So, I have decided to convert all the Images currently in the database with about 306 rows to stored them locally with their path on the system. How do I go about this, to avoid reentering the data?
Retrieve all images and save them locally use following code :
by Using SELECT image FROM TABLE
then use this code in LOOP
private static void save(BufferedImage image, String fileName,String ext) {
File file = new File(fileName + "." + ext);
try {
ImageIO.write(image, ext, file); // ignore returned boolean
} catch(IOException e) {
System.out.println("Write error for " + file.getPath() +
": " + e.getMessage());
private static BufferedImage toBufferedImage(Image src) {
int w = src.getWidth(null);
int h = src.getHeight(null);
int type = BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB; // other options
BufferedImage dest = new BufferedImage(w, h, type);
Graphics2D g2 = dest.createGraphics();
g2.drawImage(src, 0, 0, null);
return dest;
I'm trying to crop an image received from a form upload. Before I crop it I save it, then I retrieve it again as a BufferedImage (because I don't know how to turn a part into a buffered Image). I then crop this image, but when I try to save it again I get a (access denied)
The first image gets saved correctly, I get the exception when I try to pull it back.
Is it possible to turn my part into a buffered image and then save it? Instead of doing double work. or else is there some fix to my below code.
String savePath = "path";
File fileSaveDir = new File(savePath);
if (!fileSaveDir.exists()) {
for (Part part : request.getParts()) {
//functionality to ormit non images
String fileName = extractFileName(part);
part.write(savePath + "/" + fileName);
String imagePath = savePath + "/" + fileName;
BufferedImage img = null;
try {
img = File(imagePath));
img = img.getSubimage(0, 0, 55, 55);
ImageIO.write(img, "jpg", fileSaveDir);
} catch (IOException e) {
ImageIO.write((RenderedImage im, String formatName, File output));
im a RenderedImage to be written.
formatName a String containg the informal name of the format.
output a File to be written to.
As per documentation output file parameter is the file object where it would be image written where you have passed the parent directory file object.
It seems to me there are two ways to store an attachment in a NotesDocument.
Either as a RichTextField or as a "MIME Part".
If they are stored as RichText you can do stuff like:
That does not seem to work for an attachment stored as a MIME Part. See screenshot
I have thousands of documents like this in the backend. This is NOT a UI issue where I need to use the file Download control of XPages.
Each document as only 1 attachment. An Image. A JPG file. I have 3 databases for different sizes. Original, Large, and Small. Originally I created everything from documents that had the attachment stored as RichText. But my code saved them as MIME Part. that's just what it did. Not really my intent.
What happened is I lost some of my "Small" pictures so I need to rebuild them from the Original pictures that are now stored as MIME Part. So my ultimate goal is to get it from the NotesDocument into a Java Buffered Image.
I think I have the code to do what I want but I just "simply" can't figure out how to get the attachment off the document and then into a Java Buffered Image.
Below is some rough code I'm working with. My goal is to pass in the document with the original picture. I already have the fileName because I stored that out in metaData. But I don't know how to get that from the document itself. And I'm passing in "Small" to create the Small image.
I think I just don't know how to work with attachments stored in this manner.
Any ideas/advice would be appreciated! Thanks!!!
public Document processImage(Document inputDoc, String fileName, String size) throws IOException {
// fileName is the name of the attachment on the document
// The goal is to return a NEW BLANK document with the image on it
// The Calling code can then deal with keys and meta data.
// size is "Original", "Large" or "Small"
System.out.println("Processing Image, Size = " + size);
//System.out.println("Filename = " + fileName);
boolean result = false;
Session session = Factory.getSession();
Database db = session.getCurrentDatabase();
BufferedImage img;
BufferedImage convertedImage = null; // the output image
EmbeddedObject image = null;
InputStream imageStream = null;
int currentSize = 0;
int newWidth = 0;
String currentName = "";
try {
// Get the Embedded Object
image = inputDoc.getAttachment(fileName);
System.out.println("Input Form : " + inputDoc.getItemValueString("form"));
if (null == image) {
System.out.println("ALERT - IMAGE IS NULL");
currentSize = image.getFileSize();
currentName = image.getName();
// Get a Stream of the Imahe
imageStream = image.getInputStream();
img =; // this is the buffered image we'll work with
Document newDoc = db.createDocument();
// Remember this is a BLANK document. The calling code needs to set the form
if ("original".equalsIgnoreCase(size)) {
this.attachImage(newDoc, img, fileName, "JPG");
return newDoc;
if ("Large".equalsIgnoreCase(size)) {
// Now we need to convert the LARGE image
// We're assuming FIXED HEIGHT of 600px
newWidth = this.getNewWidth(img.getHeight(), img.getWidth(), 600);
convertedImage = this.getScaledInstance(img, newWidth, 600, false);
this.attachImage(newDoc, img, fileName, "JPG");
return newDoc;
if ("Small".equalsIgnoreCase(size)) {
System.out.println("converting Small");
newWidth = this.getNewWidth(img.getHeight(), img.getWidth(), 240);
convertedImage = this.getScaledInstance(img, newWidth, 240, false);
this.attachImage(newDoc, img, fileName, "JPG");
System.out.println("End Converting Small");
return newDoc;
return newDoc;
} catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("EXCEPTION IN processImage()");
System.out.println("picName: " + fileName);
return null;
} finally {
if (null != imageStream) {
if (null != image) {
I believe it will be some variation of the following code snippet. You might have to change which mimeentity has the content so it might be in the parent or another child depending.
Stream stream = session.createStream();
ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(;
Stream stream = session.createStream();
Item itm = doc.getFirstItem("ParentEntity");
MIMEEntity me = itm.getMIMEEntity();
MIMEEntity childEntity = me.getFirstChildEntity();
ByteArrayOutputStream bo = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
byte[] mybytearray = bo.toByteArray();
ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(mybytearray);
David have a look at DominoDocument,
There you can wrap every Notes document
In the DominoDocument, there such as DominoDocument.AttachmentValueHolder where you can access the attachments.
I have explained it at Engage. It very powerful
I am using below code to convert PDF to PNG image.
Document document = new Document();
try {
System.out.println("Parsed successfully...");
} catch (PDFException ex) {
System.out.println("Error parsing PDF document " + ex);
} catch (PDFSecurityException ex) {
System.out.println("Error encryption not supported " + ex);
} catch (FileNotFoundException ex) {
System.out.println("Error file not found " + ex);
} catch (IOException ex) {
System.out.println("Error handling PDF document " + ex);
// save page caputres to file.
float scale = 1.0f;
float rotation = 0f;
// Paint each pages content to an image and write the image to file
InputStream fis2 = null;
File file = null;
for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) {
BufferedImage image = (BufferedImage) document.getPageImage(i,
Page.BOUNDARY_CROPBOX, rotation, scale);
RenderedImage rendImage = image;
// capture the page image to file
try {
System.out.println("\t capturing page " + i);
file = new File(myProjectActualPath + "myImage.png");
ImageIO.write(rendImage, "png", file);
fis2 = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(myProjectActualPath + "myImage.png"));
} catch (IOException ioe) {
System.out.println("IOException :: " + ioe);
} catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("Exception :: " + e);
myProjectPath is the path of the pdf file.
The problem is that I have pdf image of size 305 KB. When I use above code to convert image, the image size is 5.5 MB which is unexpected. Any reason why this is happening? Is there way to compress this? If I get solution to compress the size (by making down the pixel size), it is also OK.
Note : For other pdf files, images are coming to 305 KB. This is happening with one PDF file and not sure why this is happening.
Edit 1
I am using jar files as
The import that I have are
import org.icepdf.core.exceptions.PDFException;
import org.icepdf.core.exceptions.PDFSecurityException;
import org.icepdf.core.pobjects.Document;
import org.icepdf.core.pobjects.Page;
import org.icepdf.core.util.GraphicsRenderingHints;
You could extract the images from the pdf (example using PDFBox):
List<PDPage> pages = document.getDocumentCatalog().getAllPages();
for(PDPage page : pages) {
Map<String, PDXObjectImage> images = page.getResources().getImages();
for(PDXObjectImage image : images.values()){
//TODO: write image to disk
OR/AND you may want to save them as jpg to disk, as jpg overs compression as opposed to png.
You could even identify the format of the orignal image and use that when writing to disk by calling:
You should be able to change the size of the file by changing scale. PDFs are often much smaller then rendered images. They can represent text and vector graphics which the rendered image will use a lot of bytes to represent. I'm actually somewhat surprised that any of your pngs are about the same size as the pdfs (unless the pdfs are just pictures).