After much trial and error, I was able to create a Jersey application with DI enabled. This is what I have in the pom.xml file:
</dependency -->
<!-- dependency>
</dependency -->
As far as I know, the cdi-api is an API for DI, weld-servlet-shaded is its implementation in the Servlet environment. The jersey-media-json-jackson is for transforming Java classes to JSON. The jersey-container-servlet and the jersey-server set up Jersey.
The jersey-hk2 looks like some Oracle's implementation for DI, an alternative to CDI, and jersey-cdi1x-servlet enables it in Servlet environment.
According to How to integrate JAX-RS with CDI in a Servlet 3.0 container, jersey-gf-cdi-ban-custom-hk2-binding was needed to disable something (?), but I did not need this.
My questions are, why use jersey-hk2 when we have weld-servlet-shaded? Why don't they clash? Is it possible to set it up differently?
I am trying to upgrade Spring boot to the version 2.2 together with jetty starter.
I get these errors due to jetty version conflict
The following method did not exist:
'org.eclipse.jetty.websocket.server.NativeWebSocketConfiguration org.eclipse.jetty.websocket.server.NativeWebSocketServletContainerInitializer.initialize(org.eclipse.jetty.servlet.ServletContextHandler)'
The method's class, org.eclipse.jetty.websocket.server.NativeWebSocketServletContainerInitializer, is available from the following locations:
I have activemq dependency which brings in it's own jetty-all versioned 9.4.19 dependency which is in conflict with spring-boot 2.2 jetty (9.4.20)
And part of my pom.xml is:
Jsp-api isn't standard in spring boot
<!-- artefacts enable JSP running in spring-boot -->
Used to be a single artifact.
Newer versions splits the interface and implementation.
This suggests to use a Glassfish implementation.
The one we used had an Apache implementation, so going with that.
<!-- Unit test dependencies -->
<!-- html compressing is used by hrmanager in the JSP -->
<!-- ApacheMQ HTTP jarfile set -->
Any idea how I can fix this?
ActiveMQ is wrong here.
jetty-all is not meant to be used as a dependency in a project.
It only exists as a command line tool for the documentation to educate folks about basic featureset of Jetty.
It does not, and cannot, contain all of Jetty.
A single artifact with everything that Jetty produces is impossible.
As #Shilan pointed out, excluding jetty-all is the correct solution.
The use of the other appropriate dependencies (by spring-boot-starter-jetty it seems) will already pull in the correct Jetty transitive dependencies that you need.
You can use $ mvn dependency:tree from the command line to see this (before and after excluding jetty-all)
You might want to run one of the duplicate class finder maven plugins to see what other duplicate classes you have going on and correct for those as well.
I am getting the following error when try to get Issues from JIRA using JIRA Rest client.;
Below the pom i am using.
I am trying to fetch issues and return it through a rest api.
SearchResult searchJqlPromise =restClient.getSearchClient().searchJql("issuetype = Bug AND resolution = Unresolved ORDER BY created DESC%2C priority DESC%2C updated DESC").claim();
entity = new GenericEntity<Iterable<Issue>>(searchJqlPromise.getIssues())
Can someone post me the exact versions of JSon and other libraries to be used.
Can you try to use the latest version and check ?
You can use the following dependencies in maven pom.xml.
You can refer below the links in
I'm trying to write a simple Widlfly container test using Arquillian framework. I have followed the guide from Wildfly container testing guide.
The resulting pom.xml looks like follows.
<!-- -->
<!-- -->
<!-- -->
I was following the guide and wrote the JUnit test as follows.
#DefaultDeployment(type = DefaultDeployment.Type.JAR)
public class InContainerTest {
InitialContext context;
public void testDataSourceIsBound() throws Exception {
DataSource ds = (DataSource) context.lookup("java:jboss/datasources/MyDS");
Whenever I try to run mvn clean install on this code, I'm getting the following error:
org.jboss.arquillian.container.spi.client.container.DeploymentException: Unable to collect/resolve dependency tree for a resolution due to: Failed to collect dependencies at, caused by: Server returned HTTP response code: 409 for URL:
Package my-commons comes from the internal repository of my company, but we have Maven's settings.xml configured for it, and it normally works in all other cases.
Any help on this would be highly appreciated.
Please check if the "my-commons" actually contains snapshots or only release artifacts. check if there is some other repo for snapshots and adapt you maven configuration accordingly. See here for reference how to do that:
Upgrading project from spring 2.5 to 3.2 I have replaced the old spring jars with new spring 3.1.1 jars. When I deployed and trying to hit the server. I am getting the following error.
java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.springframework.core.GenericTypeResolver.resolveTypeArguments(Ljava/lang/Class;Ljava/lang/Class;)[Ljava/lan
Truncated. see log file for complete stacktrace
I want to use org.springframework, spring, 2.5.6.SEC03 because old project is using SimpleFormController and AbstractFormController, i dont want to touch existing code and i want it to support annotated controller too.
below is the dependency i am using:
<!-- Spring Test -->
<!-- weblogic 10 plugins start -->
<!-- weblogic 10 plugins end -->
<!-- Junit Test -->
<!-- Mockito Test -->
<!-- Powermock Test -->
<!-- Spring Test -->
<!-- XStream -->
<!-- Apache Commons Upload -->
<!-- Apache Commons Upload -->
<!-- Newly added Jar file from win TTP -->
Sorry for posting it here as I dont have reps to add it in a comment.
Please remove the older version of spring if you want to use a new version.
It is a very bad idea to have multiple versions of spring in one application.
You will spend hours and hours of wasting time for solving magical errors occurs with your application just because of two versions of spring jars.
I came across with the same issue and I used the Maven Dependency BOM. It works perfect. The ---Version---Number is the Spring Framework version you are using in your project.
Visit this link for more information:
<!-- ... other dependency elements ... -->
I'm trying to get all these disparate things working together for some unit testing.
So the basic program structure is simple Servlet 3.0 running on TomCat as a WebApp maven archetype. Using Weld as an implementation of CDI to inject service objects into the Servlets.
Which is all running.
My problem currently is in the unit tests. I don't want to be running Integration Tests so I want to use the dependency injection to add some mock Service objects to the Service and fake some API calls.
So I've tried some approaches like this:
For making a custom runner for JUnit to run the CDI, however this always failed to actually inject anything into the Servlet object I instantiated, it could inject into the Test class itself though.
So I'm trying Arquillian having gone over the documentation:
However I can't get this to run as it either can't find the container or I get Error could not create new instance of class org.jboss.arquillian.test.impl.EventTestRunner
<!-- Testing dependencies -->
<!-- 2.0.0-beta-4 is not working ** we are using old version -->
<!-- Servlet 3.0 APIs -->
Test code:
public class TestSessionServlet {
#OverProtocol("Servlet 3.0")
public static WebArchive createDeployment() {
return ShrinkWrap.create(WebArchive.class)
.addAsManifestResource(EmptyAsset.INSTANCE, "beans.xml")
public void testServlet() throws Exception {"Not yet implemented");
Is this the right approach or do I really need to use Tomcat embedded containers? Which seems like integration testing. My plan was to use Mockito to create faked HttpRequest and Response objects and redirect the Response Writer to a StringWriter. I got all that part running it was just the CDI that I couldn't manage.
Thanks in advance
OK what solved this for me was moving from: