I have the following structure:
List<Map<String, List<String>>> filters
Consider the following example:
filters=[{product=[A1, A2, A3]}]
I want to display just the map key and not the values.
Expected output :
I tried the following:
String op = filters.get(i).keySet().toString();
This gives me the following output:
I tried using .stream() as well but that didn't work. I just want to display the keys(one or many) i.e. in this case : product
Any help would be appreciated.
You can use :
filters.stream().flatMap(c -> c.keySet().stream())
I want to pass the output received example: (product) to another
function. Would that be done in the .forEach part? I don't want to
print it there
No instead in this case you can collect the result in a List then return it for example :
public List<String> myFunction(List<Map<String, List<String>>> filters){
return filters.stream()
.flatMap(c -> c.keySet().stream())
Then you can consume it like this :
List<String> result = myFunction(filters);
This should do the trick
List<String> collect = filters.stream()
.flatMap(entry ->
collect will have all the keys of the map.
I have a use case where I need to read a file and get the grouping of a sequence and a list of values associated with the sequence. The format of these records in the file are like sequence - val , example
I want the output to be a map (Map<String,List<String>>) with the sequence as the key and list of values associated with it as value, like below
Is there a way I can do this without creating a POJO for these records? I have been trying to explore the usage of Collectors.groupingBy and most of the examples I see are based on creating a POJO.
I have been trying to write something like this
Map<String, List<String>> seqCpcGroupMap = pendingCpcList.stream().map(rec ->{
String[] cpcRec = rec.split("-");
return new Tuple2<>(cpcRec[0],cpcRec[1])
Map<String, List<String>> seqCpcGroupMap = pendingCpcList.stream().map(rec ->{
String[] cpcRec = rec.split("-");
return Arrays.asList(cpcRec[0],cpcRec[1]);
I am unable to provide any key on which the groupingBy can happen for the groupingBy function, is there a way to do this or do I have to create a POJO to use groupingBy?
You may do it like so,
Map<String, List<String>> result = source.stream()
.map(s -> s.split("-"))
.collect(Collectors.groupingBy(a -> a[0],
Collectors.mapping(a -> a[1], Collectors.toList())));
Alternatively, you can use Map.computeIfAbsent directly as :
List<String> pendingCpcList = List.of("10-A","10-B","11-C","11-A");
Map<String, List<String>> seqCpcGroupMap = new HashMap<>();
pendingCpcList.stream().map(rec -> rec.split("-"))
.forEach(a -> seqCpcGroupMap.computeIfAbsent(a[0], k -> new ArrayList<>()).add(a[1]));
So there might be one abc for several payments, now I have:
//find abc id for each payment id
Map<Long, Integer> abcIdToPmtId = paymentController.findPaymentsByIds(pmtIds)
.collect(Collectors.toMap(Payment::getAbcId, Payment::getPaymentId));
But then I reallize this could have duplicate keys, so I want it to return a
Map<Long, List<Integer>> abcIdToPmtIds
which an entry will contain one abc and his several payments.
I know I might can use groupingBy but then I think I can only get Map<Long, List<Payments>> .
Use the other groupingBy overload.
groupingBy(Payment::getAbcId, mapping(Payment::getPaymentId, toList());
Problem statement: Converting SimpleImmutableEntry<String, List<String>> -> Map<String, List<String>>.
For Instance you have a SimpleImmutableEntry of this form [A,[1]], [B,[2]], [A, [3]] and you want your map to looks like this: A -> [1,3] , B -> [2].
This can be done with Collectors.toMap but Collectors.toMap works only with unique keys unless you provide a merge function to resolve the collision as said in java docs.
So the example code looks like this:
(oldList, newList) -> { oldList.addAll(newList); return oldList; } ));
returnSimpleImmutableEntries method returns you entries of the form [A,[1]], [B,[2]], [A, [3]] on which you can use your collectors.
With Collectors.toMap:
Map<Long, Integer> abcIdToPmtId = paymentController.findPaymentsByIds(pmtIds)
p -> new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(p.getPaymentId())),
(o, n) -> { o.addAll(n); return o; }));
Though it's more clear and readable to use Collectors.groupingBy along with Collectors.mapping.
You don't need streams to do it though:
Map<Long, Integer> abcIdToPmtId = new HashMap<>();
paymentController.findPaymentsByIds(pmtIds).forEach(p ->
k -> new ArrayList<>())
I have a Map<String, List<String>>. I want to transform this map to a List after filtering on the map's key.
Map<String, List<String>> words = new HashMap<>();
List<String> aList = new ArrayList<>();
List<String> bList = new ArrayList<>();
words.put("A", aList);
words.put("B", bList);
Given a key, say, "B"
Expected Output: ["Bus", "Blue"]
This is what I am trying:
List<String> wordsForGivenAlphabet = words.entrySet().stream()
.filter(x-> x.getKey().equalsIgnoreCase(inputAlphabet))
I am getting an error. Can someone provide me with a way to do it in Java8?
Your sniplet wil produce a List<List<String>> not List<String>.
You are missing flatMap , that will convert stream of lists into a single stream, so basically flattens your stream:
List<String> wordsForGivenAlphabet = words.entrySet().stream()
.filter(x-> x.getKey().equalsIgnoreCase(inputAlphabet))
You can also add distinct(), if you don't want values to repeat.
Federico is right in his comment, if all you want is to get the values of a certain key (inside a List) why don't you simply do a get (assuming all your keys are uppercase letters already) ?
List<String> values = words.get(inputAlphabet.toUpperCase());
If on the other hand this is just to understand how stream operations work, there is one more way to do it (via java-9 Collectors.flatMapping)
List<String> words2 = words.entrySet().stream()
.collect(Collectors.filtering(x -> x.getKey().equalsIgnoreCase(inputAlphabet),
Collectors.flatMapping(x -> x.getValue().stream(),
As was previously told after collect you will get List<List<String>> with only one or zero value in it. You can use findFirst instead of collect it will return you Optional<List<String>>.
I am trying to get list of Long from list of maps using Stream API.
This is how class looks like:
class Report Bean{
private MarshallableMap data;
Object data contains records like this: ("ID", 1), ("Name", "TestName").
I need to get list of IDs from list of ReportBeans.
This is what I've tried:
List<Long> ids = reportBeans.stream().flatMap(
m -> m.getData().entrySet().stream()
.filter(e -> e.getKey().equals("ID"))
I am getting empty list. Please, I need advice. Thank you
There is a lot of unnecessary streaming going on. I think this is more suited for your needs:
.map(r -> r.getData().get("ID"))
You have not shown how your class 'MarshallableMap' looks like. It is necessary for us to provide an exact answer. But if your 'data' field is of type Map<String, String>, you can get the list of IDs the following way:
List<Long> ids = reportBeans.stream()
m -> (m.getData().entrySet().stream()
.filter(e -> "ID".equals(e.getKey()))
.map(e -> Long.valueOf(e.getValue())))
I have map with key as String and value as List. List can have 10 unique values. I need to convert this map with key as Integer and value as List. Example as below :
Input :
"Key-1" : 1,2,3,4
"Key-2" : 2,3,4,5
"Key-3" : 3,4,5,1
Expected output :
1 : "Key-1","Key-3"
2 : "Key-1","Key-2"
3 : "Key-1", "Key-2", "Key-3"
4 : "Key-1", "Key-2", "Key-3"
5 : "Key-2", "Key-3"
I am aware that using for loops i can achieve this but i needed to know can this be done via streams/lamda in java8.
An idea could be to generate all value-key pairs from the original map and then group the keys by these values:
import java.util.AbstractMap.SimpleEntry;
import static java.util.stream.Collectors.groupingBy;
import static java.util.stream.Collectors.mapping;
import static java.util.stream.Collectors.toList;
Map<Integer, List<String>> transposeMap =
.flatMap(e -> e.getValue().stream().map(i -> new SimpleEntry<>(i, e.getKey())))
.collect(groupingBy(Map.Entry::getKey, mapping(Map.Entry::getValue, toList())));
Alexis’ answer contains the general solution for this kind of task, using flatMap and a temporary holder for the combination of key and flattened value. The only alternative avoiding the creation of the temporary holder objects, is to re-implement the logic of the groupingBy collector and inserting the loop over the value list logic into the accumulator function:
Map<Integer, List<String>> mapT = map.entrySet().stream().collect(
(m,e) -> e.getValue().forEach(
i -> m.computeIfAbsent(i,x -> new ArrayList<>()).add(e.getKey())),
(m1,m2) -> m2.forEach((k,v) -> m1.merge(k, v, (l1,l2)->{l1.addAll(l2); return l1;})));
It's a bit scary (I generally try to break it down to make it more readable) but you could do it this way:
Map<Integer, List<String>> transposeMap = new HashMap<>();
map.forEach((key, list) -> list.stream().forEach(
elm -> transposeMap.put(elm,
transposeMap.get(elm) == null ? Arrays.asList(key) : (Stream.concat(transposeMap.get(elm).stream(),
Assuming Map<String, List<Integer>> map is your original Map that you want to transpose. transposeMap will have transposed map that you need.
You can Achieve in this way
Let suppose I have Person class with Gender and Age . I want to get it in this form
I would write simply
Map<SEX,List<Person>> map = personList.stream()
it will get me something like below (one key against multiple values )
with teeing You can work on keys and values in 2 streams separately
since Java 12
Map<Integer, List<String>> to = from.entrySet().stream()
.collect(teeing(flatMapping(e -> e.getValue().stream(), toList()),
flatMapping(e -> (Stream<String>)e.getValue().stream().map(i -> e.getKey()), toList()),
(k, v) -> {
return IntStream.range(0, k.size()).boxed().collect(
groupingBy(i -> k.get(i), mapping(i -> v.get(i), toList())));