Grouping By without using a POJO in java 8 - java

I have a use case where I need to read a file and get the grouping of a sequence and a list of values associated with the sequence. The format of these records in the file are like sequence - val , example
I want the output to be a map (Map<String,List<String>>) with the sequence as the key and list of values associated with it as value, like below
Is there a way I can do this without creating a POJO for these records? I have been trying to explore the usage of Collectors.groupingBy and most of the examples I see are based on creating a POJO.
I have been trying to write something like this
Map<String, List<String>> seqCpcGroupMap = ->{
String[] cpcRec = rec.split("-");
return new Tuple2<>(cpcRec[0],cpcRec[1])
Map<String, List<String>> seqCpcGroupMap = ->{
String[] cpcRec = rec.split("-");
return Arrays.asList(cpcRec[0],cpcRec[1]);
I am unable to provide any key on which the groupingBy can happen for the groupingBy function, is there a way to do this or do I have to create a POJO to use groupingBy?

You may do it like so,
Map<String, List<String>> result =
.map(s -> s.split("-"))
.collect(Collectors.groupingBy(a -> a[0],
Collectors.mapping(a -> a[1], Collectors.toList())));

Alternatively, you can use Map.computeIfAbsent directly as :
List<String> pendingCpcList = List.of("10-A","10-B","11-C","11-A");
Map<String, List<String>> seqCpcGroupMap = new HashMap<>(); -> rec.split("-"))
.forEach(a -> seqCpcGroupMap.computeIfAbsent(a[0], k -> new ArrayList<>()).add(a[1]));


How to group nested maps

My current attempt:
Map<Integer, Map<String, Integer>> collect = shopping.entrySet()
.collect(Collectors.toMap/*groupingBy? */(e -> e.getKey().getAge(),
e -> e.getValue().entrySet().stream().collect(Collectors.groupingBy(b -> b.getKey().getCategory(), Collectors.summingInt(Map.Entry::getValue)))));
shopping is basically a map: Map<Client, Map<Product,Integer>>,
The problem comes from the fact that the provided data contains multiple values by key - there are Clients with same ages, and the code works only for a single value by key.
How could I make this code work also for multiple keys?
I suppose it should be somehow changed to use collect collect(Collectors.groupingBy) ->
in the resulting map Map<Integer, Map<String, Integer>>:
The outer key (Integer) represents the client age.
The inner key (String) - represents product category
The inner maps value (Integer) - represents the number of products
which belong to a specific category.
My attempt using groupingBy:
Map<Integer, Map<String, Integer>> collect = shopping.entrySet()
Simply I want to refactor that code into one using streams:
Map<Integer, Map<String, Integer>> counts = new HashMap<>();
for (Map.Entry<Client, Map<Product, Integer>> iData : shopping.entrySet()) {
int age = iData.getKey().getAge();
for (Map.Entry<Product, Integer> iEntry : iData.getValue().entrySet()) {
String productCategory = iEntry.getKey().getCategory();
counts.computeIfAbsent(age, (agekey) -> new HashMap<>()).compute(productCategory, (productkey, value) -> value == null ? 1 : value + 1);
A non-stream(forEach) way to convert your for loop could be :
Map<Integer, Map<String, Integer>> counts = new HashMap<>();
shopping.forEach((key, value1) -> value1.keySet().forEach(product ->
(ageKey) -> new HashMap<>())
.merge(product.getCategory(), 1, Integer::sum)));
This would be more appropriate via a groupingBy collector instead of toMap.
Map<Integer, Map<String, Integer>> result = shopping.entrySet()
.collect(groupingBy(e -> e.getKey().getAge(),
flatMapping(e -> e.getValue().keySet().stream(),
summingInt(e -> 1)))));
note this uses flatMapping which is only available in the standard library as of jdk9.

How do i group by the contents of a string list using collect() of a Stream?

I have a database object that has a field that contains a list of strings. I retrieve all these objects and then use the flatMap and distinct stream methods on the resulting list to get a new list that holds all possible unique values that a database object string list can contain.
Next i want to make a map where the keys are the unique values list of the stringlist that i made earlier, and the values of the map are a list of database objects whose stringlist contains the value of the respective string mapkey.
So what I want is groupingBy the following:
if(object.stringList().contains(respectiveMapKeyFromUniqeStringCollection) put object in object values list of that respective keymap.
Is something like this possible using the groupingBy method?
Edit: I will explain further
class VegetableMaker{
private List<String> vegetableList;
Lets assume the possible values that a vegetableList can contain are: "Lettuce, Tomato, spinache, rubarbe, onion"
Set<String> produceNames = -> vegetableMaker.getVegetableList().stream())
Now we have the list that contains all the possible values mentioned before.
We want to use the values in this list as the keys in the map.
So the Map will look like:
Map<uniqueStringsAsKeys, List<VegetableMaker>> map
The list value contains all the VegetableMaker instances of which the vegetableList contains the key of the map. So the list of key Onion will contain all the VegetableMaker instances whose list includes "Onion".
Is it possible to achieve such a map using the groupingBy method of a java stream?
This is the solution i have now, that doesn't use groupingBy but clarifies even more what I want.
EDIT: changed variable in code to match variables used in previous examples.
Set<VegetableMaker> vegetableMakers = vegetableMakerDao.findAll();
Set<String> uniqueVegetableList = -> affiliateLink.getKeywords().stream()).distinct().collect(Collectors.toSet());
Map<String,Set<VegetableMaker>> vegetableMakersContainingKeywordInTheirList = new HashMap<>();
uniqueVegetableList.forEach(produceName ->{
Set<VegetableMaker> vegetableMakerSet = new HashSet<>();
vegetableMakers.forEach( vegetableMaker -> {
vegetableMakersContainingKeywordInTheirList.put(produceName, vegetableMakerSet);
If I understood you correctly:
List<VegetableMaker> dbObjects = List.of(
new VegetableMaker("Salad", List.of("Onion", "Cucumber")),
new VegetableMaker("Italian Salad", List.of("Cheese")),
new VegetableMaker("Greek Salad", List.of("Onion")));
Map<String, List<VegetableMaker>> map =
.flatMap(x -> x.getVegetableList().stream().map(y -> new SimpleEntry<>(x, y)))
Collectors.mapping(Entry::getKey, Collectors.toList())));
Resulting being something like:
{Onion=[Salad, Greek Salad], Cheese=[Italian Salad], Cucumber=[Salad]}
This is not much different than what I posted above:
Map<String, Set<VegetableMaker>> result =
.flatMap(x -> x.getKeywords().stream().distinct().map(y -> new SimpleEntry<>(x, y)))
Collectors.mapping(Entry::getKey, Collectors.toSet())));
final Set<VegetableMaker> vegetableMakers = vegetableMakerDao.findAll();
final Map<String, Set<VegetableMaker>> vegetableMakersContainingKeywordInTheirList =
vegetable ->
.filter(vegetableMaker -> vegetableMaker.getKeywords().contains(vegetable))

Java-Stream, toMap with duplicate keys

So there might be one abc for several payments, now I have:
//find abc id for each payment id
Map<Long, Integer> abcIdToPmtId = paymentController.findPaymentsByIds(pmtIds)
.collect(Collectors.toMap(Payment::getAbcId, Payment::getPaymentId));
But then I reallize this could have duplicate keys, so I want it to return a
Map<Long, List<Integer>> abcIdToPmtIds
which an entry will contain one abc and his several payments.
I know I might can use groupingBy but then I think I can only get Map<Long, List<Payments>> .
Use the other groupingBy overload.
groupingBy(Payment::getAbcId, mapping(Payment::getPaymentId, toList());
Problem statement: Converting SimpleImmutableEntry<String, List<String>> -> Map<String, List<String>>.
For Instance you have a SimpleImmutableEntry of this form [A,[1]], [B,[2]], [A, [3]] and you want your map to looks like this: A -> [1,3] , B -> [2].
This can be done with Collectors.toMap but Collectors.toMap works only with unique keys unless you provide a merge function to resolve the collision as said in java docs.
So the example code looks like this:
(oldList, newList) -> { oldList.addAll(newList); return oldList; } ));
returnSimpleImmutableEntries method returns you entries of the form [A,[1]], [B,[2]], [A, [3]] on which you can use your collectors.
With Collectors.toMap:
Map<Long, Integer> abcIdToPmtId = paymentController.findPaymentsByIds(pmtIds)
p -> new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(p.getPaymentId())),
(o, n) -> { o.addAll(n); return o; }));
Though it's more clear and readable to use Collectors.groupingBy along with Collectors.mapping.
You don't need streams to do it though:
Map<Long, Integer> abcIdToPmtId = new HashMap<>();
paymentController.findPaymentsByIds(pmtIds).forEach(p ->
k -> new ArrayList<>())

java 8 stream API filter out empty value from map

i have a map, need to operate on each entry's value, and return the modified map. I managed to get it working, but the resulted map contains entries with empty value, and I want to remove those entries but cannot with Java 8 stream API.
here is my original code:
Map<String, List<Test>> filtered = Maps.newHashMap();
for (String userId : userTests.keySet()) {
List<Test> tests = userTests.get(userId);
List<Test> filteredTests = filterByType(tests, supportedTypes);
if (!CollectionUtils.isEmpty(filteredTests)) {
filtered.put(userId, filteredTests);
return filtered;
and here is my Java 8 stream API version:
.forEach(entry -> entry.setValue(filterByType(entry.getValue(), supportedTypes)));
userTests.entrySet().stream().filter(entry -> !entry.getValue().isEmpty());
return userTests;
how can i remove entries with empty/null value from the map?
is there better way to write the code in stream API, so far I don't see it's better than my original code
userTests.entrySet().stream().filter(entry -> !entry.getValue().isEmpty());
this has no effect. filter is not a terminal operation.
You need to collect the stream result into a new map:
HashMap<String, String> map = new HashMap<>();
map.put("not empty", "not empty");
Map<String, String> notEmtpy = map.entrySet().stream()
.filter(e -> !e.getValue().isEmpty())
.collect(Collectors.toMap(Map.Entry::getKey, Map.Entry::getValue));
You need to collect into a new Map (say)
new HashMap<String, List<String>>().
filter(entry -> !entry.getValue().isEmpty()).
collect(Collectors.toMap(Map.Entry::getKey, Map.Entry::getValue));
As it currently stands you're simply returning a stream with the intermediate (filtering) operations. The terminal operation will execute this and give you the desired collection.
Try inserting the filter in-line:
userTests.entrySet().stream().filter(entry -> !entry.getValue().isEmpty())
.forEach(entry -> entry.setValue(filterByType(entry.getValue(), supportedTypes)));

Flatten a Map<Integer, List<String>> to Map<String, Integer> with stream and lambda

I would like to flatten a Map which associates an Integer key to a list of String, without losing the key mapping.
I am curious as though it is possible and useful to do so with stream and lambda.
We start with something like this:
Map<Integer, List<String>> mapFrom = new HashMap<>();
Let's assume that mapFrom is populated somewhere, and looks like:
1: a,b,c
2: d,e,f
Let's also assume that the values in the lists are unique.
Now, I want to "unfold" it to get a second map like:
a: 1
b: 1
c: 1
d: 2
e: 2
f: 2
I could do it like this (or very similarly, using foreach):
Map<String, Integer> mapTo = new HashMap<>();
for (Map.Entry<Integer, List<String>> entry: mapFrom.entrySet()) {
for (String s: entry.getValue()) {
mapTo.put(s, entry.getKey());
Now let's assume that I want to use lambda instead of nested for loops. I would probably do something like this:
Map<String, Integer> mapTo = mapFrom.entrySet().stream().map(e -> {
// Here I can iterate on each List,
// but my best try would only give me a flat map for each key,
// that I wouldn't know how to flatten.
}).collect(Collectors.toMap(/*A String value*/,/*An Integer key*/))
I also gave a try to flatMap, but I don't think that it is the right way to go, because although it helps me get rid of the dimensionality issue, I lose the key in the process.
In a nutshell, my two questions are :
Is it possible to use streams and lambda to achieve this?
Is is useful (performance, readability) to do so?
You need to use flatMap to flatten the values into a new stream, but since you still need the original keys for collecting into a Map, you have to map to a temporary object holding key and value, e.g.
Map<String, Integer> mapTo = mapFrom.entrySet().stream()
.map(v->new AbstractMap.SimpleImmutableEntry<>(e.getKey(), v)))
.collect(Collectors.toMap(Map.Entry::getValue, Map.Entry::getKey));
The Map.Entry is a stand-in for the nonexistent tuple type, any other type capable of holding two objects of different type is sufficient.
An alternative not requiring these temporary objects, is a custom collector:
Map<String, Integer> mapTo = mapFrom.entrySet().stream().collect(
HashMap::new, (m,e)->e.getValue().forEach(v->m.put(v, e.getKey())), Map::putAll);
This differs from toMap in overwriting duplicate keys silently, whereas toMap without a merger function will throw an exception, if there is a duplicate key. Basically, this custom collector is a parallel capable variant of
Map<String, Integer> mapTo = new HashMap<>();
mapFrom.forEach((k, l) -> l.forEach(v -> mapTo.put(v, k)));
But note that this task wouldn’t benefit from parallel processing, even with a very large input map. Only if there were additional computational intense task within the stream pipeline that could benefit from SMP, there was a chance of getting a benefit from parallel streams. So perhaps, the concise, sequential Collection API solution is preferable.
You should use flatMap as follows:
.flatMap(e -> e.getValue().stream()
.map(s -> new SimpleImmutableEntry(e.getKey(), s)));
SimpleImmutableEntry is a nested class in AbstractMap.
Hope this would do it in simplest way. :))
mapFrom.forEach((key, values) -> values.forEach(value -> mapTo.put(value, key)));
This should work. Please notice that you lost some keys from List.
Map<Integer, List<String>> mapFrom = new HashMap<>();
Map<String, Integer> mapTo = mapFrom.entrySet().stream()
.flatMap(integerListEntry -> integerListEntry.getValue()
.map(listItem -> new AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<>(listItem, integerListEntry.getKey())))
.collect(Collectors.toMap(AbstractMap.SimpleEntry::getKey, AbstractMap.SimpleEntry::getValue));
Same as the previous answers with Java 9:
Map<String, Integer> mapTo = mapFrom.entrySet()
.flatMap(entry -> entry.getValue()
.map(s -> Map.entry(s, entry.getKey())))
.collect(toMap(Entry::getKey, Entry::getValue));
