I have a problem with the TSP algorithm
. I'm going to insert code and explain:
List listOfPermutations = new ArrayList();
while (cont.compareTo(deleteRutes) < 0) {
The problem I have is the following,
my idea was to insert all possible permutations (arrays) in a list, but the problem is that the list always takes the same values of the array, it is logical since the indexOfCities array is only one. I've been giving it back for a while and I do not know how to solve it. Can someone help me?
indexOfCities holds a reference to an array. This same reference is added as item to listOfPermutations with
in each loop iteration.
Then the array is modified with
in each loop iteration. So the stored references all point to the same modified array.
To solve this, add a copy of the array in indexOfCities to listOfPermutations instead. E.g. like so:
int[] indexOfCitiesAux = indexOfCities.clone();
I'm French so excuse my English not necessarily correct.
I explain the context, I currently have a String array list named "tempCustomerDrugsIdsList" (var1) and another string array list named "tempDrugsTableList"(var2).
When I make a loop "For" on "var1" then another one in "var2","var2" loses its format, i. e. upper case is replaced by lower case and spaces are deleted.
I tested with another loop with the same type of variables (but empty), the result being the same I think the problem comes from my way of using java. Being on vb. net before, I must have taken some bad habits !
I don't know how to solve this problem, I've only been working in java for 2 weeks.
Thank you for helping me.
My problem was:
List<String[]> tempDrugsTableList = otherList;
But this code doesn't duplicate the list.
AxelH gave me the following solution:
List<String[]> tempDrugsTableList = new ArrayList<String[]>(otherList);
Well, you are not doing a "copy" of the list
tempDrugsTableListCopy = tempDrugsTableList; // Get copy of original tempDrugsTableList for comparate
but sharing the reference, every update done in the tempDrugsTableListCopy will be done in the original list (same reference, same adress in memory). Since you are updating that copy in the following loops ... you update the original list too. What you want is to clone the list.
You could do it simply with copyList = new ArrayList(originalList); or for a deep clone, you need to iterate each element to duplicate those. (array need to be duplicated too if you change the value in those)
"String[]" tmpCustomerIds means you are getting a string array from a string array, which you would be using in a 2d array. Try it with just "String" in the for each loops. I am assuming you are using 1d arrays in this case.
I'm having an issue where I'm trying to populate an Array with values from a list, then replace the old values with the new ones upon each call of the method. The code below works once, then the next attempt it gives no errors until the new array variable is used , as the array which should have been populated with list data just is full of null values. If anyone has any suggestions much appreciated.
Integer[] stockFF2 =new Integer[ordersBFList.size()];
Integer[] ordersFF2 =new Integer[stockBFList.size()];
I think you have got the sizes wrong (orderFF2 and stockFF2 are using the sizes of each other's lists). I suspect one of the arrays is populated properly - one with the larger array - while the other allocates and returns a new array with the elements you want keeping the passed in array as it was because it is too short.
The toArray() method makes a fresh array and copies the contents of the list into it.
Integer[] stockFF2 = stockBFList.toArray();
Integer[] ordersFF2 = ordersBFList.toArray();
If you want to reuse these arrays (seldom worthwhile), then replace their values with:
stockFF2 = stockBFList.toArray(stockFF2);
ordersFF2 = ordersBFList.toArray(ordersFF2);
It's unsafe to ignore the return value. If the source Collections get larger, the return value is another fresh array.
I'm trying to write a method that returns one large ArrayList<ArrayList<String>> that contains smaller ArrayLists that each have a different permutation of a starting ArrayList.
This is my method:
public static ArrayList<ArrayList<String>> permute(ArrayList<String> x) {
ArrayList<ArrayList<String>> res = new ArrayList<ArrayList<String>>();
while (res.size() < fac(x.size())) { //fac method works fine
if (!res.containsAll(x)) {
return res;
My approach is to basically keep reshuffling the original ArrayList, x, and check if its already in the resultant ArrayList, if it's not, then I add it. For some reason, when I try this method, the resultant ArrayList contains the same ArrayLists, even though I have an if statement which is there specifically so that wouldn't happen.
What am I missing?
There are three problems with your algorithm:
You are re-shuffling and adding the same list again and again. Try adding a x = new ArrayList(x) somewhere in the loop.
As pointed out by Manos, you have to use contains, not containsAll; otherwise you are checking whether all the elements inside the newly shuffled array list are contained, which is never the case, thus you are adding the same list again.
Your algorithms is horribly, horribly slow. Once you've got the above two problems worked out, so that the algorithm would in priciple work, the probability to get just the last permutation will be 1/n! (for n elements), so this will take really, really long.
This will be true if all elements of type String in x exist in res. But the elements of res are ArrayList<String>. You probably want :
This will be true if x which is a ArrayList<String> exists inside res.
Am working on some programming homework and am a bit lost. The project is to select the even/odd elements of a listarray and store in another array. It is not the even numbers in each element, but the elements themselves so if an array had values "1,2,5,7,9" and returned the even elements it would give "1, 5, 9". Also have to use recursion. Would anyone be able to give me a starting point or some advice. Though about starting with 2 elements and taking 2nd element and then building up from that, but don't know how it would add on the 2nd pass
public static ArrayList<Integer> even(ArrayList<Integer> list)
ArrayList<Integer> evenlist = ListMethods.deepClone(tList);//make copy of list
if (evenlist.size()<=1) // The list is empty or has one element
// return null;// Return the list as is
//return right element
//call method again
//add to list
int[] evens,odds;
function categorize(List<Integer> in,int idx)
int cur = in[idx]
if(even), add to evens
else add to odds
This sounds similar to the homework I just completed, so if it is (And you're in my class!), I'll not tell you to use any terminology we haven't covered as I know it can be daunting trying to discover something new for practicals (beyond what we have to do).
First, set your exit condition. As you've already said, you have to create a new ArrayList out of the existing one. You are going to remove items from the existing ArrayList, storing the integers that are at even (or odd) indices, until the list is empty.
So your exit condition is:
if (evenList is Empty)
return evenList;
Then, work your way through the steps. I would advise determining if the Array you start with has an even of odd number of steps, something like this:
if (evenList has Even Elements)
int holderForIntsAtEvenElements = last evenList EVEN element
Note we start at the last element, so when you are coming OUT of the recursive method, this will be the last one added to your new ArrayList, and thus it'll be in numerical order. You might find this post interesting to do this: What does this boolean return mean?
We then want to remove the last element from the list and recursively call the method again.
Finally, when we hit our exit condition and start to come out, we want to add the ints we've been storing to them, e.g.:
return evenList;
That doesn't solve one problem, which is what to do with the very first element if the list does NOT have an even number of elements - however, I'll let you try and solve that!
That's a good mix of code and pseudo code and will hopefully help to get you on the right track.
You could use a simple for loop like this:
for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i += 2) {
If you have to use recursion, here's an outline of the steps you might take. (I won't tell you exactly what to do because you haven't tried anything and it is like homework.)
Take first element and store it
Remove (new) first element from list
Call self
I have few files which I put in array.
I shuffle the files so that it can be displayed in random order.
How to know that array index 0 is actually image1.txt or image2.txt or image3.txt?
Thanks in advance.
String[] a = {"image1.txt","image2.txt","image3.txt"};
List<String> files = Arrays.asList(a);
I'm not sure what you are trying to do.
To access the first element of the shuffled list, use files.get(0).
If you want to know where each element is gone, I suggest you take another approach to it. Create a list of integers from 0 to a.length() - 1, inclusive and shuffle that list. Then manually permute the array a to a new collection.
INCORRECT - see explanation
Note: Arrays.asList() will create a NEW list with the contents of the passed array. The original array will not be modified at all when you use Collections.shuffle().
Peter has correctly pointed our that Arrays.asList() does NOT make a copy. The returned list is "write-through" back to the original array. Shuffling the list will shuffle the contents of the original array. Also worth noting that the list is immutable (new elements cannot be added) but typically I find that the use of Arrays.asList() involves immutable lists anyway.
files.get(0); // get the first elements in shuffled list, random
// as greg said
int index = files.indexOf(a[0]); // find out where "image1.txt" is in the list
files.get(index); // get "image1.txt" back from the list