Recently, I wrote a Spring-Boot project and I wanted that Maven will be able to create a jar file that I'll be able to run by the command "java -jar ".
This is the pom.xml I wrote:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns=""
In order to build the jar file, I had to run the command: "mvn clean package spring-boot:repackage".
My questions are:
Why must I add spring-boot-maven-plugin? I already have spring-boot-starter-web dependency that adds spring-boot as a dependency and maven-compiler-plugin that builds a jar file from the code?
Can you think about a way to configure pom.xml file that I'll be able to get the jar file using the "native" command "mvn clean package" and not the cumbersome "mvn clean package spring-boot:repackage"?
Why must I add spring-boot-maven-plugin? I already have spring-boot-starter-web dependency that adds spring-boot as a dependency and maven-compiler-plugin that builds a jar file from the code?
Because the plugin is what adds Maven support for Spring Boot
Can you think about a way to configure pom.xml file that I'll be able to get the jar file using the "native" command "mvn clean package" and not the cumbersome "mvn clean package spring-boot:repackage"?
It looks like you are missing the <packaging>jar</packaging> element in between your <project> </project> element.
The reason you had to run that lengthy command, is because you did not include the <executions></executions> element when including the plugin. Please see section 71.1 of the following docs:
71.2 elaborates on the <packaging> element.
In the configuration of the maven plugin you have already in place, you need to add the executable block like :
this will create in the target folder the runnable jar that can be run by using java -jar command.
I have a simple Java Spring MVC web app. I build the WAR file using a Maven pom.xml file.
When I do a "maven install", it produces a WAR file with my compiled Java classes in the /WEB-INFO/classes folder.
My maven pom.xml looks like this (dependencies commented out) ...
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<name>My Application</name>
<!-- .... -->
Next I want to obfuscate my Java classes (I'll be using Allatori obfuscater), so I'm thinking the easiest thing would be if my Java classes were all put into their own JAR file and stored in the /WEB-INF/lib folder with the rest of the JARs.
Is there a way to modify my Maven pom.xml file so it will package of my classes up in a JAR and put the JAR in the /WEB-INF/lib folder?
Adding this to the 'build' section (as suggested by "JF Meier" worked) ...
You can use the <archiveClasses> configuration (set it to true) to generate an additional jar with the classes.
Also see:
Move your Java classes in a separate Maven module and add that as a dependency to your WAR project. Then you can do whatever is necessary creating the jar in that module.
I have a lot of maven projects, which are dependent on each other.
I already have a super pom for the actual projects and this works pretty well.
Now I want to create a super pom for all my integrationtests projects. I did it the same, but every time I run maven test it failed.
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal on project *: Could not resolve
dependencies for project ::jar:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT: The following
artifacts could not be resolved: ::jar:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT,
::jar:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT, ::jar:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT, ::jar:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT: Could not find artifact *:***:jar:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT -> [Help 1]
The problem is that maven looks for jar files but my project consists of war projects. Here is my pom file:
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
Is there a way to tell maven to use the war files instead of jars?
Edit: Sorry if it is not clear enough. I want a single maven project to run all my integrationtest projects. each one is a maven project. Therefor I want to use a pom with modules (all the integrationtest project) in it. But every integrationtest project contains dependencies to my other projects and the problem I want to fix is that maven does not find my compiled projects because it looks for jar files but my projects are war files.
You can reference WARs as dependencies by using <type>war</type> in the dependency.
The problem is when I run .jar file(Spring Boot MVC app) from Intellij IDEA, application works fine, but when I try to run same file from the command line, template resolver cannot find template(.html) files. And this seems to be reasonable since when I opened .jar with file archiver I did not find any traces of that files.
How Intellij make it work proper? And how can I do the same?
My project structure:
here they are, in '/templates' folder
.jar file opened in archiver:
As I said, there is no .html files, so how Intellij add them when running .jar?
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
A normal Spring Boot application built from would show the templates folder within the src/main/resources. This is because by default the contents of that folder are made available to the classpath and packaged at the root of the jar file. I am guessing you modified the project in IntelliJ to also pick up the src/main/webapp directory. Unfortunately that doesn't work when it comes to packaging the jar. You would need to work with the maven resources plugin to specify the additional directory to be included in the jar file.
My recommendation is to go to Select Web and Thymeleaf as dependencies and then download the zip file. When you look in that file you will see the default structure along with settings for any plugins to make it work. Mirror that structure within you application.
If you don't have the ability to change the project structure then check out the maven-resources-plugin for specifics on how to add those directories.
You can see what exactly IntelliJ is doing, by looking at first line in its console after running app. There should be full command called by IntelliJ.
And how .jar is build? Maven/Gradle? maybe there's some problem with pom/build script
It should be comment, but my reputation is too low
Try to use the plugin to generate an executable jar:
After building the jar (e.g. mvn clean install), you can run the jar as java -jar ./target/project.jar
I'm using Eclipse Luna with Websphere Application Sever 8.5.
When I run a dynamic web project using the Websphere Application Sever 8.5 it runs fine.
However, when I convert a dynamic web project to a maven project, i'm getting around 53 errors starting with Missing artifact e.g Missing artifact' all located in my pom.xml.
I am also getting this error:
The container 'Maven Dependencies' references non existing library
Not sure if that's part of the problem.
I've looked everywhere for a solution but haven't found anything. So I have decided to ask for some help. Does anyone know how to solve the above problem/s?
Thank you,
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
you created M2_REPO environment variable?
right click on the project root
Build Path-> Configure Puild Path ...
Click button 'Add Variable'
Click 'Set Variable ...'
Click 'New ...'
name: M2_REPO
Path: / path_to_repository_the_maven /
Click Ok
If you are using eclipse make sure you add suport for eclipse web tools using:
mvn eclipse:eclipse -Dwtpversion=2.0
(2.0 or your required version) And afterwards recompile maven project:
mvn compile
I've just started standard Maven -> Java Application in Netbeans 7.4.
It created "App" class (which has main method) by default. I also went to project's Properties->Run and set that class as a Main Class. I then built the project.
In the project's directory, I got the "target" folder with a couple of jars inside. None of them is the executable one. How do I simply fix the problem and get the executable jar at the end of each build?
This may be a little lack of integration between Netbeans and Maven.
Doing "Properties->Run and set that Main Class" in the IDE doesn't make Maven to set the main class in the MANIFEST.MF of the generated jar: you have to explicitly say to Maven which is the main class by adding the <mainClass> tag to the configuration of the maven-jar-plugin.
For example if your pom.xml were:
than in the target directory you would find the AppTest-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar, and you should be able to run:
AppTest/target$java -jar AppTest-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
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