using super pom only for testing - java

I have a lot of maven projects, which are dependent on each other.
I already have a super pom for the actual projects and this works pretty well.
Now I want to create a super pom for all my integrationtests projects. I did it the same, but every time I run maven test it failed.
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal on project *: Could not resolve
dependencies for project ::jar:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT: The following
artifacts could not be resolved: ::jar:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT,
::jar:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT, ::jar:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT, ::jar:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT: Could not find artifact *:***:jar:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT -> [Help 1]
The problem is that maven looks for jar files but my project consists of war projects. Here is my pom file:
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
Is there a way to tell maven to use the war files instead of jars?
Edit: Sorry if it is not clear enough. I want a single maven project to run all my integrationtest projects. each one is a maven project. Therefor I want to use a pom with modules (all the integrationtest project) in it. But every integrationtest project contains dependencies to my other projects and the problem I want to fix is that maven does not find my compiled projects because it looks for jar files but my projects are war files.

You can reference WARs as dependencies by using <type>war</type> in the dependency.


Maven multi module project with Quarkus in dev mode

I am new to Quarkus and try to use it in a Maven multi module project. My project is structured as followed:
- quarkustest (pom)
- quarkustest-application (jar)
- quarkustest-backend (pom)
- quarkustest-backend-rest-api (jar)
- quarkustest-dependencies (pom)
- quarkustest-parent (pom)
The application module executes the quarkus-maven-plugin with build-goal. The quarkustest-backend-rest-api contains a simple REST controller and thus also a beans.xml in /src/main/resources/META-INF. The rest-api-module is references by the application module.
If I package the whole project with mvn package, the resulting runner-jar works as expected. However, if I try to start the project in dev mode with mvn compile quarkus:dev, I get following exception:
ERROR] Failed to execute goal io.quarkus:quarkus-maven-plugin:1.0.0.CR2:dev (default-cli) on project quarkustest-application: Failed to run: Failed to resolve Quarkus application model: Failed to resolve dependencies for test.quarkustest:quarkustest-application:jar:1.0.0-SNAPSHOT: Could not find artifact test.quarkustest:quarkustest-backend-rest-api:jar:1.0.0-SNAPSHOT -> [Help 1]
I am not quite sure how to solve this. Is there any kind of best practice on multi module projects for Quarkus? Any obvious mistake I am doing here?
Edit 1 (relevant pom files)
quarkustest (aggregator)
If you've never ran mvn install it might be because when you're in a subproject maven does not look in its sibling projects to resolve the dependencies, it only looks in the local maven repository which does not contain the dependency. If you have ran mvn install it might be something else at play.
Keep the quarkus-maven-plugin in the quarkustest-application and run
mvn clean install
mvn quarkus:dev -pl quarkustest-application
Now it will pick up changes in all submodules.
I was able to successfully run quarkus submodule in dev (with dependency to other module) in the following way:
Install "Quarkus Run Configs" plugin
Define new Run configuration for Quarkus
-> in VM options provide additional maven parameters in:<name-of-you-quarkus-module>
In parent pom define quarkus plugin:

How can I remove maven dependency jar in Eclipse

I'm really new to Maven and just converted my app-engine project to a Maven project.
I've added dependencies in the pom.xml file in order to get rid of the errors.
but now I get in my code
The method getPart(String) is undefined for the type HttpServletRequest
So after doing a bit of research on Stack Overflow it appears I need to have a single and updated package of servlet-api to make that work properly.
Apparently I may have a conflict with an older version that is in my Maven dependencies but I never added it in the pom.xml and now I'm stuck with this jar not knowing why it is imported and how I can delete it.
Here is my pom.xml:
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
and here are images of what I get in Maven dependencies in my build path.
my guess is that the error comes from having a 2.5 version of the servlet-api.
So any help is greatly appreciated, I saw something about the exclusion
tag but don't even know where to put it as it doesn't look like anything in the pom.xml is asking for this jar.
You'd better open in Eclipse your pom.xml file and switch to the "dependency hierarchy" tab. Look for the undesired library (type in "serlvet" in the filter) and add exclusion on it through the context menu. This will modify your pom.xml file.
Delete project from workspace and don't check Delete project content on disk. Delete the jar from .m2 folder as well. Import the project using eclipse. Open the pom file and click on dependency Hierarchy. Select the the jar you want to delete. Right click and click on Exclude Maven Artifact. Next time you run the proejct it will not download the jar.

spring-boot Maven: How to create executable jar with main class?

Recently, I wrote a Spring-Boot project and I wanted that Maven will be able to create a jar file that I'll be able to run by the command "java -jar ".
This is the pom.xml I wrote:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns=""
In order to build the jar file, I had to run the command: "mvn clean package spring-boot:repackage".
My questions are:
Why must I add spring-boot-maven-plugin? I already have spring-boot-starter-web dependency that adds spring-boot as a dependency and maven-compiler-plugin that builds a jar file from the code?
Can you think about a way to configure pom.xml file that I'll be able to get the jar file using the "native" command "mvn clean package" and not the cumbersome "mvn clean package spring-boot:repackage"?
Why must I add spring-boot-maven-plugin? I already have spring-boot-starter-web dependency that adds spring-boot as a dependency and maven-compiler-plugin that builds a jar file from the code?
Because the plugin is what adds Maven support for Spring Boot
Can you think about a way to configure pom.xml file that I'll be able to get the jar file using the "native" command "mvn clean package" and not the cumbersome "mvn clean package spring-boot:repackage"?
It looks like you are missing the <packaging>jar</packaging> element in between your <project> </project> element.
The reason you had to run that lengthy command, is because you did not include the <executions></executions> element when including the plugin. Please see section 71.1 of the following docs:
71.2 elaborates on the <packaging> element.
In the configuration of the maven plugin you have already in place, you need to add the executable block like :
this will create in the target folder the runnable jar that can be run by using java -jar command.

Classloader with Maven built jar

I am working on a project which contains a number of subprojects. The structure is something like Project 1, Project 2 and ProjectClassLoader.
Using separate configuration files, I pass in the binary names of the classes from Projects 1 and 2 that need to be loaded each time as arguments to the ProjectClassLoader project.
The ProjectClassLoader gets a handle to the system classloader
ClassLoader loader = ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader();
which in theory allows it to load any classes which are contained in the classpath.
I'm using Maven to build the projects and handle their associated dependences. Thus each project has it's own individual pom.xml file. The ProjectClassLoader defines a parent pom.xml over Projects 1 and 2 which inherit from this. The parent pom contains dependency entries for both Project 1 and 2.
My understanding was that any dependencies specified in the pom.xml files of these projects would get added to the classpath at runtime. However when trying to load classes using the system classloader, I'm getting class not found execptions.
I have tried using the mvn:exec plugin which I understand includes the dependencies in the classpath when executing jars on the command line but this has not worked.
I'd grately appreciate any help in furthering my understanding of why I can load the classes even though the dependencies are defined in the pom...Thanks in advance
Can you check if your pom matches this configuration a bit?
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<!-- automatically creates the classpath using all project dependencies, also adding the project build directory -->
<classpath />
<argument>com.example.Main</argument><!-- your mainClass -->
Where you fill them with the correct artifacts.
You should then be able to start it with:
mvn exec:exec
Can you post your configuration for your pom plz if it doesn't match, that way it's easier to understand what exactly you currently have in your pom.

Maven is not automatically building default folder path in eclipse

I am using Eclipse Indigo. I installed the maven package on eclipse. I configured the Pom and nearly everything is fine. Just maven is not building the default folder bath
Here is the pom.
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
I cleaned the project,installed and build it.... also I upgradet the project... the dependencies are all fine... no error at all.. why isn't the folder build ?
Eclipse's integration with maven is (to say at least) appalling. If you want to create a new project: create the pom and the folders, and then run mvn eclipse:eclipse to create the project files for eclipse. The simple solution that I've followed for a couple of years is to use the community edition of Intellij.
Aswering your second question: well... again, the integration is so poor that sometimes you'll need to close and reopen the project for eclipse to read the new changes. Most of the time, a refresh + clean project will force eclipse to read the project configuration.
