Jackson JSONproperty not binding fields to variables - java

I am having issues getting Jackson to bind a JSON object's Properties to a POJO. It is returning the JSON's field names instead of the POJOs.
Here is the JSON object I am trying to bind:
"Data": {
"technical_description": "This is a description.",
"technical_version": "1.0",
"technical_last_modified": "2019-03-11T18:23:34",
"is_available_in_source": true,
"availability_description": null,
"is_oii": false,
"is_pii": false,
"grain_description": null,
"grain_attributes": [
"source_objects": null
Here is the POJO I want it to bind too:
public class Specification {
#JsonProperty(value = "technical_description")
public String description;
#JsonProperty(value = "technical_version")
public String version;
#JsonProperty(value = "technical_last_modified")
public Date lastModified;
#JsonProperty(value = "is_available_in_source")
public Boolean availableInSource;
#JsonProperty(value = "availability_description")
public String availabilityDescription;
#JsonProperty(value = "is_oii")
public Boolean oii;
#JsonProperty(value = "is_pii")
public Boolean pii;
#JsonProperty(value = "grain_description")
public String grainDescription;
#JsonProperty(value = "grain_attributes")
public String[] grainAttributes;
#JsonProperty(value = "source_objects")
public String[] sourceObjects;
public Specification(){};
public Specification(String description, String version, Date lastModified, Boolean isAvailableInSource,
String availabilityDescription, Boolean isOii, Boolean isPii, String grainDescription,
String[] grainAttributes, String[] sourceObjects){
The specification object is surfaced through a Detail object:
public class Detail {
public String id;
#Column(name = "specifications", updatable = false)
#Convert(converter = HashMapConverter.class)
public Map<String,Specification> technicalSpec;
Here is the converter I am using:
public class HashMapConverter implements AttributeConverter<Map<String, Specification>, String> {
private ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper().enable(JsonParser.Feature.ALLOW_SINGLE_QUOTES);
public String convertToDatabaseColumn(Map<String, Specification> techSpecs){
String technicalSpecs = null;
try {
technicalSpecs = objectMapper.writerWithDefaultPrettyPrinter().writeValueAsString(techSpecs);
} catch (final JsonProcessingException e) {
return technicalSpecs;
public Map<String, Specification> convertToEntityAttribute(String techSpecJSON){
Map<String, Specification> techSpecs = null;
try {
techSpecs = objectMapper.readValue(techSpecJSON, objectMapper.getTypeFactory().constructMapType(HashMap.class, String.class, Specification.class));
} catch (final IOException e) {
return techSpecs;
It will bind the object find through a custom converter, but it will return the same field names from the JSON object, i.e. I would like it to return description instead of technical_description.


Creating complex JSON payload from Java Pojo Jackson

I want to create below JSON payload
Coded so far:
public class CustomerModel {
private Integer maxResults;
private Integer counter;
private CustomerParameters customerParameters;
private List<DealerParameter> dealerParameters = null;
public CustomerParameters getCustomerParameters() {
return customerParameters;
public void setCustomerParameters(CustomerParameters customerParameters) {
this.customerParameters = customerParameters;
public List<DealerParameter> getDealerParameters() {
return dealerParameters;
public void setDealerParameters(List<DealerParameter> dealerParameters) {
this.dealerParameters = dealerParameters;
// Getter/Setter for other params
public class CustomerParameters {
private List<Filter> filters = null;
// Setter and Getter for filters parameter
public class DealerParameter {
private String name;
public String getName() {
return name;
public void setName(String name) {
this.name = name;
public class Filter {
private String name;
private String operator;
private List<String> value = null;
public List<String> getValue() {
return value;
public void setValue(List<String> value) {
this.value = value;
// Setter and Getter for other properties
Missing Part:
public class TestContoller {
RestTemplate restTemplate;
Should I instantiate each pojo class with new operator as below and set all required parameters ? or any other approach of creating JSON payload?
CustomerModel customerModel= new CustomerModel();
Filter filter= new Filter();
CustomerParameters customerParameters = new CustomerParameters();
For DealerParameter class, I want to create multiple objects with same key different value(see the json payload I mentioned above). Below code creates only one object "name":"dealerId"
DealerParameter dealerParameter = new DealerParameter();
ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();
restTemplate.exchange(todo); // restful service call
you are already using "ObjectMapper", And ObjectMapper has readValue() method. By using readValue() method you can populate all data at a time like below:--
ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();
//populating data from json string to POJO
CustomerModel customerModel = objectMapper.readValue(<json String>,CustomerModel.class);
System.out.println(objectMapper.writeValueAsString(customerModel); // print all data

Spring Boot enum JSON serializer

Below is the object that I want to convert to JSON;
public class TestDto{
private ResponseType responseType;
private Long id;
private String name;
The ResponseType below is an enum;
public enum ResponseType{
TEST1("test message 1"), TEST2("test message 2"), TEST3("test message 3");
private String message;
Below is the JSON which I want to create:
{"code":"TEST1", "message":"test message 1", "id":1, "name":"name"}
and code in the JSON response points the name of the enum and the message in the JSON response points the message field of the enum.
Is there any way to do it?
Easiest way to do this is to add derived getters/setters to TestDto, and suppress JSON serialization of the responseType field.
class TestDto {
private ResponseType responseType;
private Long id;
private String name;
#JsonIgnore // Suppress JSON serialization
public ResponseType getResponseType() {
return this.responseType;
public void setResponseType(ResponseType responseType) {
this.responseType = responseType;
public String getCode() { // Derived getter for "code" property
return this.responseType.name();
public void setCode(String code) { // Derived setter for "code" property
this.responseType = (code == null ? null : ResponseType.valueOf(code));
public String getMessage() { // Derived getter for "message" property
return this.responseType.getMessage();
#Deprecated // Shouldn't be called by Java code, since it's a dummy stub method
public void setMessage(String message) { // Derived setter for "message" property
// Ignore value
public Long getId() {
return this.id;
public void setId(Long id) {
this.id = id;
public String getName() {
return this.name;
public void setName(String name) {
this.name = name;
Two-way test
TestDto testDto = new TestDto();
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
String json = mapper.writeValueAsString(testDto);
TestDto testDto2 = mapper.readValue(json, TestDto.class);
{"id":1,"name":"name","message":"test message 1","code":"TEST1"}
I have updated my previous answer as it wasn't correct. You can use #JsonFormat(shape = JsonFormat.Shape.OBJECT) to indicate that the enum should be serialized like an object (based on the getters).
#JsonFormat(shape = JsonFormat.Shape.OBJECT)
public enum ResponseType{
TEST1("test message 1"), TEST2("test message 2"), TEST3("test message 3");
private String message;
ResponseType(String message) {
this.message = message;
public String getMessage() {
return message;
public String getCode() {
return this.toString();
After that, you must also use #JsonUnwrapped on the Enum field to avoid having it's fields serialized as an object.
public static class TestDto {
#JsonUnwrapped private ResponseType responseType;
private Long id;
private String name;
Running the following code
TestDto testDto = new TestDto(ResponseType.TEST1, 1234356L, "First Response");
result = mapper.writeValueAsString(testDto);
I get the result {"message":"test message 1","code":"TEST1","id":1234356,"name":"First Response"}

Polymorphic deserialization in jackson sets value null for specific fields

Problem statement
Is that the JSON which is to be deserialize into the below given POJO's
is setting value of credentialType as null when i send the below JSON through postman
"credential": [
"#type": "mobile",
"credentialName": "cred-2",
"email": "s#s.com"
"#type": "card",
"credentialNumber": "1"
Expected outcome
What i want to achieve is that with the above JSON the credential type should be set as either MOBILE for MobileCredentialDto or CARD for CardCredentialDto
public class SecureDto {
private List<CredentialDto> credential;
public HandoutDto(#JsonProperty("credential") final List<CredentialDto> credential) {
this.credential = Collections.unmodifiableList(credential);
public class SecureDto {
private List<CredentialDto> credential;
public HandoutDto(#JsonProperty("credential") final List<CredentialDto> credential) {
this.credential = Collections.unmodifiableList(credential);
#JsonIgnoreProperties(ignoreUnknown = true)
#JsonTypeInfo(use = JsonTypeInfo.Id.NAME)
#JsonSubTypes.Type(value = CardCredentialDto.class, name = "card"),
#JsonSubTypes.Type(value = MobileCredentialDto.class, name = "mobile"),
public class CredentialDto {
private CredentialType credentialType;
public CredentialDto(#JsonProperty("credentialType") final String credentialType) {
this.credentialType = CredentialType.valueOf(credentialType);
public CredentialDto() {
public void setCredentialType(final CredentialType credentialType) {
this.credentialType = CredentialType.MOBILE;
public class MobileCredentialDto extends CredentialDto {
private String credentialName;
private String email;
public MobileCredentialDto(final String credentialId,
final String state,
final String credentialNumber,
final String credentialName,
final String email) {
super(credentialId, state, credentialNumber, CredentialType.MOBILE.name());
this.credentialName = credentialName;
this.email = email;
public MobileCredentialDto() {
public String getCredentialName() {
return credentialName;
public String getEmail() {
return email;
public class CardCredentialDto extends CredentialDto {
public CardCredentialDto(final String credentialId,
final String state,
final String credentialNumber) {
super(credentialId, state, credentialNumber,CredentialType.CARD.name());
public CardCredentialDto() {
public enum CredentialType {
private final String name;
CredentialType(final String name) {
this.name = name;
I Found the answer.
what i did was set the visible = true in JsonTypeInfo.
In short by setting the visible = true allowed the jackson to do the following
Note on visibility of type identifier: by default, deserialization (use during reading of JSON) of type identifier is completely handled by Jackson, and is not passed to deserializers. However, if so desired, it is possible to define property visible = true in which case property will be passed as-is to deserializers (and set via setter or field) on deserialization.
Refer the doc here for more understanding.
Below is the code
#JsonTypeInfo(use = JsonTypeInfo.Id.NAME ,
visible = true,
property = "credentialType")
#JsonSubTypes.Type(value = CardCredentialDto.class, name = "card"),
#JsonSubTypes.Type(value = MobileCredentialDto.class, name = "mobile"),
public class CredentialDto {
#JsonProperty(value = "credentialType")
private CredentialType credentialType;
public CredentialDto(#JsonProperty("credentialType") final String credentialType) {
this.credentialType = CredentialType.valueOf(credentialType);
public CredentialDto() {
public void setCredentialType(final CredentialType credentialType) {
this.credentialType = CredentialType.MOBILE;
and the json will look like this
"credential": [
"credentialType": "mobile",
"credentialName": "cred-2",
"email": "s#s.com"
"credentialType": "card",
"credentialNumber": "1"

Simple xml returns null value for attribute field

I want to use Simple XML to deserialize the following XML into a POJO:
<shippingServiceCost currencyId="USD">9.8</shippingServiceCost>
I have created the following class to do so. However, I'm having trouble in that the currencyId attribute isn't being properly deserialized.
#Root(name = "shippingInfo")
public class ShippingInfo {
#Element(name = "shippingServiceCost", required = false)
private BigDecimal shippingServiceCost;
#Attribute(name = "currencyId", required = false)
private String currencyId;
#Element(name = "shippingType", required = false)
private String shippingType;
#Element(name = "shipToLocations" ,required = false)
private String shipToLocations;
#Element(name = "expeditedShipping", required = false)
private Boolean expeditedShipping;
#Element(name = "oneDayShippingAvailable", required = false)
private Boolean oneDayShippingAvailable;
#Element(name = "handlingTime", required = false)
private Integer handlingTime;
// Getters & Setters
public BigDecimal getShippingServiceCost() {
return shippingServiceCost;
public void setShippingServiceCost(BigDecimal shippingServiceCost) {
this.shippingServiceCost = shippingServiceCost;
public String getCurrencyId() {
return currencyId;
public void setCurrencyId(String currencyId) {
this.currencyId = currencyId;
public String getShippingType() {
return shippingType;
public void setShippingType(String shippingType) {
this.shippingType = shippingType;
public String getShipToLocations() {
return shipToLocations;
public void setShipToLocations(String shipToLocations) {
this.shipToLocations = shipToLocations;
public Boolean isExpeditedShipping() {
return expeditedShipping;
public void setExpeditedShipping(Boolean bool) {
this.expeditedShipping = bool;
public Boolean isOneDayShippingAvailable() {
return oneDayShippingAvailable;
public void setOneDayShippingAvailable(Boolean bool) {
this.oneDayShippingAvailable = bool;
public Integer getHandlingTime() {
return handlingTime;
public void setHandlingTime(Integer days) {
this.handlingTime = days;
I would expect the value of currencyId to be "USD" after deserializing, but I'm getting null. All the element values appear to deserialize properly. Does anyone have a suggestion on how to fix this?
Moreover, in a case such as the following instance:
<currentPrice currencyId="USD">125.0</currentPrice>
<convertedCurrentPrice currencyId="USD">125.0</convertedCurrentPrice>
Where there are two attributes named currencyId on two distinct elements, how can I go about deserializing these into separate fields? I have created a similar SellingStatus class but am unsure how to distinguish between the currencyId attributes.
Thank you!
Edit: Per suggestions I tried adding a custom ShippingServiceCost class to ShippingInfo as follows:
#Element(name = "shippingServiceCost", required = false)
private ShippingServiceCost shippingServiceCost;
Which in turn looks like this:
public class ShippingServiceCost {
#Element(name = "shippingServiceCost", required = false)
private BigDecimal shippingServiceCost;
#Attribute(name = "currencyId", required = false)
private String currencyId;
// getters and setters
But when I try to access both the shippingServiceCost field and the currencyId field, I get null in every instance (even though I know there is data). Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.
For the above code, SimpleXML expects the currencyId to be present as <shippingInfo currencyId="USD">.
So to solve it, you need to create another class called ShippingServiceCost which will contain the currencyId attribute and the BigDecimal
This will also solve your second query. You can do it by creating two classes CurrentPrice and ConvertedCurrentPrice which will contain the currencyId attribute.
The only working solution is creating a Converter class, see code below:
public class ShippingInfoConverter implements Converter<ShippingInfo> {
public ShippingInfo read(InputNode inputNode) throws Exception {
ShippingInfo shippingInfo = new ShippingInfo();
InputNode shippingServiceCostNode = inputNode.getNext("shippingServiceCost");
shippingInfo.setShippingServiceCost(new BigDecimal(shippingServiceCostNode.getValue()));
return shippingInfo;
public void write(OutputNode outputNode, ShippingInfo shippingInfo) throws Exception {
OutputNode shippingServiceCostNode = outputNode.getChild("shippingServiceCost");
shippingServiceCostNode.setAttribute("currencyId", shippingInfo.getCurrencyId());
Note how 'currencyId' is set, using the node's getAttribute method.
Also note how the element 'shippingServiceCost' gets the attribute
shippingServiceCostNode.setAttribute("currencyId", shippingInfo.getCurrencyId());
A few other things are need to get this working, starting with your POJO
#Root(name = "shippingInfo")
public class ShippingInfo {
#Element(name = "shippingServiceCost", required = false)
private BigDecimal shippingServiceCost;
private String currencyId;
#Element(name = "shippingType", required = false)
private String shippingType;
#Element(name = "shipToLocations" ,required = false)
private String shipToLocations;
#Element(name = "expeditedShipping", required = false)
private Boolean expeditedShipping;
#Element(name = "oneDayShippingAvailable", required = false)
private Boolean oneDayShippingAvailable;
#Element(name = "handlingTime", required = false)
private Integer handlingTime;
// Getters & Setters
public BigDecimal getShippingServiceCost() {
return shippingServiceCost;
public void setShippingServiceCost(BigDecimal shippingServiceCost) {
this.shippingServiceCost = shippingServiceCost;
public String getCurrencyId() {
return currencyId;
public void setCurrencyId(String currencyId) {
this.currencyId = currencyId;
public String getShippingType() {
return shippingType;
public void setShippingType(String shippingType) {
this.shippingType = shippingType;
public String getShipToLocations() {
return shipToLocations;
public void setShipToLocations(String shipToLocations) {
this.shipToLocations = shipToLocations;
public Boolean isExpeditedShipping() {
return expeditedShipping;
public void setExpeditedShipping(Boolean bool) {
this.expeditedShipping = bool;
public Boolean isOneDayShippingAvailable() {
return oneDayShippingAvailable;
public void setOneDayShippingAvailable(Boolean bool) {
this.oneDayShippingAvailable = bool;
public Integer getHandlingTime() {
return handlingTime;
public void setHandlingTime(Integer days) {
this.handlingTime = days;
Adding the line below points SimpleXML to the converter class
The other change is removing the #Attribute annotation.
One last thing required is that your driver class needs to have AnnotationStrategy enabled
when serialising and deserialing your objects.
Serializer serializer = new Persister(new AnnotationStrategy());

Spring Boot - JSON Object Array to Java Array

I have an endpoint in spring boot that consumes this JSON as an example:
"userId": 3,
"postBody": "This is the body of a post",
"postTitle": "This is the title of a post",
"created": null,
"tagList": ["tag1", "tag2", "tag3"]
The endpoint:
#RequestMapping(value="/newPost", method = RequestMethod.POST, produces="application/json", consumes = "application/json")
public ResponseEntity newPost(#RequestBody Map<String, Object> body) throws Exception {
I know the issue here is the Request body is being saved as a Map of objects which is fine for all the other attributes except the tagList. How can I get tagList to be an array of Strings in Java?
A mixutre of Ankur and Jose's answers solved this, thanks for the fast responses guys!
You should probably create a Java class which represents the input JSON and use it in the method newPost(.....). For example:-
public class UserPostInfo {
private int userId;
private String postBody;
private String postTitle;
private Date created;
private List<String> tagList;
Also, include the getter/setter methods in this class.
If you want to modify the behavior of JSON parsing, you can use Annotations to change field names, include only non-null values, and stuff like this.
If you don't want to use a custom POJO you could also just handle the deserialization into a Map yourself. Just have your controller accept a String and then use Jackson's ObjectMapper along with TypeReference to get a map.
#RequestMapping(value="/newPost", method = RequestMethod.POST, produces="application/json", consumes = "application/json")
public ResponseEntity newPost(#RequestBody String body) throws Exception {
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
TypeReference<HashMap<String,Object>> typeRef = new TypeReference<HashMap<String,Object>>() {};
HashMap<String,Object> map = mapper.readValue(body, typeRef);
The resulting HashMap will use an ArrayList for the tag list:
You can create a custom Java POJO for the request that uses String[] versus List<String>. Here I did it for you using the site jsonschema2pojo.
package com.stackoverflow.question;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.*;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
public class MyRequest {
private int userId;
private String postBody;
private String postTitle;
private Object created;
private String[] tagList = null;
private Map<String, Object> additionalProperties = new HashMap<String, Object>();
public int getUserId() {
return userId;
public void setUserId(int userId) {
this.userId = userId;
public String getPostBody() {
return postBody;
public void setPostBody(String postBody) {
this.postBody = postBody;
public String getPostTitle() {
return postTitle;
public void setPostTitle(String postTitle) {
this.postTitle = postTitle;
public Object getCreated() {
return created;
public void setCreated(Object created) {
this.created = created;
public String[] getTagList() {
return tagList;
public void setTagList(String[] tagList) {
this.tagList = tagList;
public Map<String, Object> getAdditionalProperties() {
return this.additionalProperties;
public void setAdditionalProperty(String name, Object value) {
this.additionalProperties.put(name, value);
