My Eclipse with papyrus (2018-12) crashes on Linux (16.04) with the following error:
cairo-surface.c:953:cairo_surface_destroy:Assertion`CAIRO_REFERENCE_COUNT_HAS_REFERENCE `(_cairo_atomic_int_get (&(&surface->ref_count)->ref_count) > 0)' failed.
I am using eclipse-papyrus to create uml for spring state machine. It is very annoying when the eclipse crashes. The bug is usually happen when I try to zoom in or zoom out the diagram. I have found that similar bug is reported:
I have tried to work around the problem adding the following vm arguments to eclipse.ini:
It is not working for me. I wonder if it is some another way to work around this problem?
While I've considered this issue for a long time as an SWT/GTK problem, it seems to be rather a GMF runtime issue, see
I'm having an issue with Oracle 11g R2 Design Center feature. When I click it, it gives me the error below:
C:\app[username]\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\owb\bin\win32>call setowbenv.bat
WARNING: Unknown directive: SetSkipJ2SDKCheck
WARNING: Could not find jvm.cfg! in 'C:\app[username]\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\jdk\jre\lib\jvm.cfg'
WARNING: Cannot find default VM "client" at C:\app[username]\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\jdk
ERROR: Cannot find VM at: C:\app[username]\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\jdk
I've tried many things to resolve this, as listed below:
Download 32b version of JDK (actually, I've downloaded multiple to rule out the version issue, both 32 and 64)
Point environment variable and path to JDK installation
Change sqldeveloper.cfg file to include SetJavaHome {path to JDK}
Move the jvm.cfg file to the directory it's expected to be at
Checked the paths to ensure the expected files were there
With step 4, after doing so I receive a different error message:
"Client VM is unsupported"
With step 5, after doing so I realized the path to the executable was not in:
But instead in:
So, from all of this I feel that if I can change the path the Oracle Design Center is using to the correct path, then this should resolve. Problem is, I'm unsure where to find this. Also, if it helps I believe the Design Center uses JDeveloper, since the error suggests to view the Oracle 9i JDeveloper Install Guide at jdev\install.html. I tried going to this link but I'm not sure if it exists anymore because it took me to Google. I chose the most relevant link but still, I did not find any information regarding this issue. If anyone can help I'd be very thankful, this has been running me in circles for 3 days now.
I have seen this:
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class XXX
And this: Different methodologies for solving bugs that only occur in production
But my question is, given what the first answer says about this problem, how could it be that I could be getting that error on only one of the two places? isn't this a pretty serious error that should prevent the program from compiling in any location? (I properly import the class in the file this error occurs.)
What differences between the two environments should I be looking for?
Other questions about the error I'm getting in QA indicate it could be some nested problem with the class itself, but like I said if that was the case why would it only happen in the QA environment? I can run jmeter load/endurance tests against my program all day long locally and not see this error.
Note, I don't handle the deployments to QA, but is there something I should ask the guy who does? Would run config differences be a potential cause?
The logs in splunk aren't super helpful, here's part of the exception of one instance of the error:
[https-jsse-nio-11402-exec-9] 28 Jun 2021 13:29:45,415+0000 ERROR GenericThrowableMapper [{applicationSystemCode=[removed]-app, clientIP=[removed], clusterId=[removed], containerId=[removed], correlationId=[removed], domainName=[removed], hostName=[removed], messageId=[removed], userId=[removed], webAnalyticsCorrelationId=|}]: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class [removed].CDDConfig
at [removed].execute([removed]
at [removed]AggregationResource$$FastClassBySpringCGLIB$$7a8c5a8e.invoke(<generated>)
It then goes on into package classes and all that for a bunch of lines. I add this to ask - maybe there's something else I should try to have it log?
This isn't much more than a spontaneous guess, but judging from experience, I suspect a JDK / JRE version error.
Classic case I witnessed: you compile something on your dev machine with, say, OpenJDK version 8.x.x. You commit / push, the Jenkins CICD pipe starts running, but someone configured its JAVA_HOME to some 11.x version JDK.
-> ClassNotFoundError, NoClassDef, etc.
If you do not do the deployment to QA yourself, can you check what JDK the code has been compiled with? Or ask the guy doing it for that info.
I recently upgraded my MacOSX system to Catalina and several files were placed automatically into "Relocated items" folder on my Desktop. I recently tried to run the following code which had previously worked:
qualimap bamqc -bam Sample1_sorted.bam -c -outdir QualiMap/Sample1_sorted
and received the following error:
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: Ignoring option MaxPermSize; support was removed in 8.0
Error: Unable to initialize main class org.bioinfo.ngs.qc.qualimap.main.NgsSmartMain
Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/commons/cli/ParseException
I have seen many other posts related to this error but am unsure how to even go about trying some of the suggested solutions. I do not work directly with some of the applications/files mentioned in these forums, such as JAVA, Maven, AppAssembler, and the pom.xml file (I could not even find that file). As a result, I wished to ask about this error from the perspective of a biologist using qualimap.
How can I fix this error (with little knowledge of the above applications/files)? I can certainly work with these applications/files, but I would probably need more detailed/basic/low-level advice on how to access and modify them. Thank you!
It seems what qualimap is a java application someone else wrote. I would raise a ticket with whomever wrote this app.
I try to save some R-dataframes into .xlsx-files using the write.xlsx function of the xlsx package like this
whereas the object tab is a data frame, as prooved here
> class(tab)
[1] "data.frame"
When I run the code I get the following error message
> write.xlsx(tab,file="test.xlsx",sheetName="testsheet",col.names=TRUE,row.names=FALSE,append=FALSE)
Fehler in .jcall("RJavaTools", "Z", "hasField", .jcast(x, "java/lang/Object"), :
RcallMethod: cannot determine object class
and I have no particular idea what the problem could be.
PS: I'm running R 2.14.1 in the StatET 2.0 plugin in Eclipse 3.7 on a 64bit machine.
When you work in Eclipse, you can start R using either rj - a Java terminal, or RTerm - the native R terminal.
If you are using the rj terminal and something doesn't work, try the same thing with RTerm.
I have never tried to figure out why, but a few things don't work properly in rj. This includes all use of RCOM as well as printing of the return value of system().
I use rj by default because I like the way it deals with help (amongst other benefits).
But if things don't work, I try it in RTerm. One day I'll have some spare time and I'll take it up with the author.
PS. I want to stress that I absolutely love StatET in Eclipse. These oddities or rj are very minor inconveniences in the grand scheme of things.
From my experience these kind of errors are produced when the standard rj package is installed instead of the one supplied bij the StatET developer.
Check the installation guide here:
If you would happen to be using Debian or Ubuntu, you can also use the repository from OpenAnalytics to install StatET and the correct rj packages in one go.
I had same problem. Two codes work with my problem:
FIRST) Convert vector to dataframe:
data <- data.frame(c(1,2,3))
write.xlsx(data, file = "C:/Users/Name/Downloads/data.xlsx")
SECOND) Use another library:
`# Using openxlsx package
dataD1 <- data.frame(c(1,2,3))
write.xlsx(dataD1, "C:/Users/Name/Downloads/dataD1.xlsx")
I hope you have solved your problem.
When I try to debug any project in Java EE INDIGO (64 bit) in win 7 and place a breakpoint somewhere the program acts as expected but when I hit f6 or f5 to go further eclipse throws an error which reads (I have Spring installed):
An internal error occurred during: "JDI Event Dispatch".
(No typo, "Z" does appear)
Now I can't debug any program because it always gives this error. Can anyone help?
From the eclipse error log:
!MESSAGE com.springsource.sts.groovy.debug.core.GroovyDebugProvider.isAlwaysInteretingLaunch()Z
java.lang.AbstractMethodError: com.springsource.sts.groovy.debug.core.GroovyDebugProvider.isAlwaysInteretingLaunch()Z
at org.eclipse.contribution.jdt.debug.DebugHooksAspect.isInterestingLaunch(DebugHooksAspect.aj:253)
at org.eclipse.contribution.jdt.debug.DebugHooksAspect.ajc$inlineAccessMethod$org_eclipse_contribution_jdt_debug_DebugHooksAspect$org_eclipse_contribution_jdt_debug_DebugHooksAspect$isInterestingLaunch(DebugHooksAspect.aj:1)
at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.debug.core.model.JDIDebugTarget.getStepFilters_aroundBody1$advice(
at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.debug.core.model.JDIDebugTarget.getStepFilters(
at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.debug.core.model.JDIThread$StepHandler.attachFiltersToStepRequest(
at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.debug.core.model.JDIThread$StepHandler.createStepRequest(
at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.debug.core.model.JDIThread$StepHandler.createStepRequest(
at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.debug.core.model.JDIThread$StepHandler.step(
at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.debug.core.model.JDIThread.stepOver(
at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.debug.core.model.JDIStackFrame.stepOver(
at org.eclipse.debug.internal.core.commands.StepOverCommand.step(
at org.eclipse.debug.internal.core.commands.StepCommand.doExecute(
at org.eclipse.debug.core.commands.AbstractDebugCommand$
This seems to be a similar bug to this bug in codehaus jira (see comments section). I was able to switch back to an older eclipse installation (from two weeks ago) to get rid of the current problem and will upgrade to Eclipse 3.7 as soon as time permits.
As crazy as this sounds, I too was getting this error when debugging an Android App and trying to step into a specific method, and resolved it by renaming the method I was trying to step into.
I had tried:
completely reinstalling the app
cleaning in Eclipse
reboot of device (phone), OS, and restart of Eclipse
increasing debug timeouts in Preferences | Java | Debug
My method was called "getMessageInfoFromDb"... and was in a class that didn't extend anything, but implemented Serializable ;-)
Try disabling simple step filtering, especially filtering of simple getters.
delete the Temp folder from yourlocalpath\domainfolder\server\AdminServer
Have you done any DB import twice or more time on the same DB that you use for the application in which you are running in debug mode. Because I am also getting similar error with the caption JDI while starting Application Server with deployed .ear in Eclipse based IDE as a popup.
When db is imported twice user created tables gets imported if it's been tried in the same kind of databases. But Oracle App & System Specific tables throws error in process of importing. And some crash in that....
I hope this is what scenario yours as well....
In my scenario I had imported Oracle db from UNIX environment to Oracle XE in Windows environment.